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Favorite Book

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Ok so I may seem like a new guy here but I have been around since TWG. I'm not saying that for any other reason than to establish a little credibility.

So I'm now asking for what your favorite book is. I have never really been able to nail this one down myself but I realized recently that I have one that stands alone. I know most people don't and will have a hard time explaining their favorite so lets try putting the top three for us. Its really hard but worth it.

So here is my top book.

Faith of the Fallen

Now I read this series (Sword of Truth)as one of my first real epic fantasy series. Before I read WOT and even knew who Brandon was. That's not justification though. I found that by the end of the series Gookind lost his way and tended to fix his complex plots with last minute fix all magic that really had no basis in the plot until the final plot arc. They seem to come out of nowhere and your left dumbfounded. It tends to rub you the wrong way because it seems like the easy way out. Not only that but the Chainfire trilogy was infuriating to say the least.

Back to Faith of the Fallen. I cant say enough about this book. I have noticed in the past that Goodkind has been criticized for being too preachy. I can see where that comes from but this book is so strong in its message that I feel a connection to it. I have recently finished a re-read of it and I am still awe-struck with its message and its ability to captivate me even though I've read it four times in the past. I can not get past how it makes me feel and that fact alone is enough to put it number one on my list.

I love Brandon's books and I have others who I love as well and to be honest, Goodkind isn't in my top three authors but this book kills me down to my last fiber.

What is your favorite/top three?

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Oh no... You broke the cardinal rule of sci-fi/fantasy readers! If you ask one what their favorite book is, one of three things will happen: brain aneurysm, coma, or trolls will descend from the hills to snatch him/her just when they are about to decide!

Well, you only live once, and a troll raid could definitely liven things up, so here goes.

Firstly, I loved Faith of the Fallen. It was kind of like Atlas Shrugged, but actually really good. As for a favorite book of all time, that one was decided for me actually. The Way of Kings is by far my favorite book. Yeah I know, but if you don't want BS fanboys/girls you are at the wrong site.

The world was so far removed from anything else I've read in fantasy that I was awestruck! Plus, it's like reading a version of the Wheel of Time where you look forward to reading every perspective! (Don't get me started; loved WoT but...).

Yes, I have read A Song of Ice and Fire, which by the way was quite epic (so far, we'll see if he ever finishes it), but there are so few characters that I care to read about!(Tyrion, Arya, & Jon Snow)

I have read The Malazan Book of the Fallen, which definitely wins most "epic", but it still falls short for me as it felt that Erikson wasn't sure what story he wanted to tell at some points. (Although given the scale of the story that is totally understandable.)

I would say the Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss comes close (It was amazing how interesting/fun he can make "nothing happening" seem.) but we will have to see how the Doors of Stone turns out...

Anywho, I have ranted long enough I suppose. I could go on but I will spare you. The Way of Kings FTW!!!

Uh oh... I smell troll breath...

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Well, favorite book is a tough question. If you asked me to look at each book as an individual (as supposed to looking at a series as one long story), I'd have to say that my favorite book is Songmaster by Orson Scott Card. I can't really explain what made me love this book so much, I just did.

But if I were to look at a series as a whole, WoT definitely wins the day!

As to Faith of the Fallen, everyone says its the best SoT book, but my favorite was Soul of the Fire.

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I've not at all found myself contemplating the answer to this question. Ultimately, I've never read a novel in which I've become so engrossed as Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Dart.

Despite having read and loved Frank Herbert's Dune series many years prior, once I encountered Carey's Dart, I was smitten ... and remain so. Nonetheless, through my connection with readers of her novels I came to know readers of Robert Jordan (who's works I've still have yet to read). Further, I came to know Brandon Sanderson and a great deal more about the author's works (i.e.: Elantris and Mistborn).

So, I came to Brandon kind of sideways ... with no regrets.

Why am I editing now? Because I forgot. I forgot about The Count of Monte Cristo. I'll never forget about the story of this classic!

Edited by Tamzin Ashevai
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I think my Favorite book is The Pillars of the Earth. If you saw the TV mini-series, it pales in comparison to the book. This is a historical fiction and not a sci-fi/fantasy. That being said it is epic and is the kind of book that fantasy readers may like. My favorite author is still Robert Jordan, but that is for the series as a whole.

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  • 2 weeks later...

0. Stormlight Archive (Won't chose between kkc and sa before both series are finished)

1. Kingkiller Chronicle

2. Mistborn

3. First Law

4. Demon Cycle

5. Night Angel

Malazan book of Fallen is going to be somewhere in top 5 too though I can't tell where before I read all ten books.

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I think my Favorite book is The Pillars of the Earth. If you saw the TV mini-series, it pales in comparison to the book. This is a historical fiction and not a sci-fi/fantasy. That being said it is epic and is the kind of book that fantasy readers may like. My favorite author is still Robert Jordan, but that is for the series as a whole.

Might I ask by which author? The reason I do so is because I couldn't stand Anne Bishop's, The Pillars of the Earth. Is this the same novel? Please correct me If I've erred in this assessment!
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Might I ask by which author? The reason I do so is because I couldn't stand Anne Bishop's, The Pillars of the Earth. Is this the same novel? Please correct me If I've erred in this assessment!

Probably Ken Follett's

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I have two in a way.

First off. War of the Flowers by Tad Williams.

I love it. The first Hundred pages are depressing and a little boring but Theo is still a great character, the story is brilliant, and it has as much story as most trilogys in one book. Besides which its possibly the most original Urban fantasy Work to this day, definitley the most original I've read.

The second is my current book to find. I read it years ago-In the mid to late 90's. I don't know its name. I've never met anybody that has read it. It was full of potential and very unique. What I remember is this. There were three lands split by mountain ranges. One was Medieval europy. One was Hellish. And one was Faerie. The main character was a mountain climber. Early in the book he falls, spearing his heart on a chunk of ice made from water from all 3 lands. It ressurects him, but leaves a piece of that ice in him. It saves his life later. Anybody know the name?

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Tough choice, I'd have to go Kingkiller chronicles but there was a series that I read ages ago that I've never found again called the Andrakis Series that I've always wanted to re-read.

Also, Aminar you appear to have double posted :P

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I've yet to find a better book than Winter's Heart or Lord of Chaos from the Wheel of Time series. I haven't read many classics but when I have I often find myself gravitating back to the fantasy genre. Orwell's 1984 was a great read, as was Arthur C. Clarke's Rendevous With Rama, but Wheel of Time has been the only series I've been willing to re-read at a moment's notice.

Eventually I might throw the Stormlight Archives into the mix, since The Way of Kings has had a great impression on me, both for Sanderson's wonderful ability to worldbuild and his writing skill.

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My favorite book of all time, simply (for me) the best book ever written is "Le petit Prince" (The little Prince). What an heartbreaking, inspiring, humorous, and good book.

"Please, draw me a mutton"

On the fantasy level, it's a trick question :P. Let's say "A Game of Thrones"/Discworld Pratchett books series (all of them, I can't decide which one is better ;) ). Then Malazan series.

In third place (last but not the least) The wheel of time series and Sanderson cosmere books :P.

Yep, I cheated, but hey, I'm a Mat Cauthon fan so, it goes with it :P

Edited by Geoffray
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Wow now that I actually try to pick some suddenly my mind goes blank of the books that I've read. So I'll pick a few favorites, but there's really more than this. I guess most of my picks will be more recent books because I suddenly can't think of any of the older books I've read.

Changes, Jim Butcher (probably the best book of the Dresden Files yet, I love most of the series but this is my favorite, could change though)

Hard Magic, Larry Correia (love all his stuff, huge fan of Monster Hunter, but this is probably the best book he's written yet, blew me away)

The Way of Kings (yeah Brandon's stuff is awesome and this is the best one he's done, hopefully he'll keep it going with Stormlight 2)

The Night Angel Trilogy (I've always loved books about assassins, this is probably the best of this new influx of these stories, it's engrossing)

The Great Hunt, Robert Jordan (I really enjoyed The Eye of the World, but I fell in love with the WOT with this book, there's some other really good entires in the series Lord of Chaos, Shadow Rising, but this is the one)

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  • 1 month later...

For me it's a Heroic Fantasy book by David Gemmell (may he rest in peace) called :

Sword in the Storm (Rigante Series)

In regards to Heroic fantasy (and Character development) I think he had his writing perfected for him.

It's very based on principals and human error, he let's you feel for the character.

It's very difficult for me to tell how much I like Gemmell, just because all of his books mean so much to me personally.

On the other hand if you like intricate worlds and a lot of well explained fighting tactics (be it swords, axes or whole armies) Gemmell has a very good way of putting it down to paper that let's you imagine it exactly in your head.

On a Fantasy level.

Anything from the Wheel of Time and Mistborn.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The second is my current book to find. I read it years ago-In the mid to late 90's. I don't know its name. I've never met anybody that has read it. It was full of potential and very unique. What I remember is this. There were three lands split by mountain ranges. One was Medieval europy. One was Hellish. And one was Faerie. The main character was a mountain climber. Early in the book he falls, spearing his heart on a chunk of ice made from water from all 3 lands. It ressurects him, but leaves a piece of that ice in him. It saves his life later. Anybody know the name?

It sounds quite similar to the Bronze Canticles trilogy, but that was printed in 2004 so it is out. The book that you are describing sounds interesting, and f you remember the name I would like to know. And because I am already here and mentioned it, I though the Bronze Canticles was an amazing series. It has to be one of the best series I have ever read, up there with many of the other series already mentioned.

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Sci-fi: Hyperion Cantos (although the loose ends really bugged me)

Fantasy: Black Company (god-tier low/dark fantasy)

And to contradict my second choice and honestly not fanboyism here, the entire Cosmere is my favorite series because a meta-series is everything I've been looking for in a book series. When I found out the books were all connected my first thought was, "I didn't even know I HAD this fetish!"

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  • 2 months later...

My favourite book so far would have to be The Harsh Cry of the Heron by Lian Hearn. Beautiful book, haunting, tragic, powerful and just exhausting. I admire Hearn's command of language making every sentence a soft breeze even if that soft breeze does sometimes punch you in the gut. There may be moments where she cheats with too much telling and the like but these are small things. This book is the last ,in chronology, of the Tales of the Otori series which are all good but this one is the one I will never stop going back to. Just beautiful story from start to finish. But a warning Hearn basically goes all Martin on her characters so deaths are frequent and the ending though not entirely bad is much more in kin with a Shakespearean tragedy than "they lived happily ever after,".

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  • 6 months later...

A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. If I have to choose one of the books, I'll go with the first, A Game of Thrones, since it was the one that hooked me on the series.


Honorable mention to The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien, which I'm surprised hasn't been mentioned yet at all.

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Lord of the Rings is, and likely always will be, my favourite book.

I first read it when I was in elementary school and I've read it at least once a year every year since. The themes of perseverance, friendship, and morality are timeless. It's a beautifully written book and certainly deserves it's place in literature history.

Fun fact: it's actually the second best selling book of all time, after Dickens' A Tale Of Two Cities and it is the most read book of the twentieth century.

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