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This is just Meta's trolling.  I can't really offer any proof, because if we still have a seeker, I doubt you would waste your time seeking somebody who is pretty much inactive, who has claimed to be a smoker.  


Here's the best I can do:  If I were a spiked smoker, I would be keeping my coppercloud on at all times.  However, I turned my coppercloud off last night, before I knew I would be the subject of any speculation.  I've been doing that every night (except when I've forgotten) on the off-chance I was seeked, or just in case I voted and somebody wanted to use emotional manipulation.  I'd rather get the information that I have been manipulated than have my vote go through.  My meager actions have been for the sake of more information.  And the spiked don't want people to have more information.  



Having your coppercloud off isn't any proof that you're a villager and not a spiked, it just means that your coppercloud is off.


As for why I'm voting for you, I'm playing the odds. Out of 3 smokers, odds are one of them is spiked. Yes it's possible that all are clean and that there are 0 or 1 spiked smokers, but not likely. So far, as best as we can tell there have been 1-2 of each role. Assuming you are a Smoker, this would be the first confirmation that we have of a role had by at least 3 players.


Again, with Meta involved it's certainly possible that there are 3 clean smokers (see QF2, when Meta made everybody and their dog a gunner/thug), but it's still likely that the Spiked have a smoker, and you're the only (proclaimed) smoker who isn't dead and innocent. Sorry.


I know it's not proof.  I specifically said that it wasn't proof, but that it was the best I could do.  

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Has Sarcomere done stuff like this before?  Because it's blatant bandwagoning, and from my perspective (which is, admittedly, a little bit skewed by the bias of self-preservation) it seems pretty suspicious.  

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Has Sarcomere done stuff like this before?  Because it's blatant bandwagoning, and from my perspective (which is, admittedly, a little bit skewed by the bias of self-preservation) it seems pretty suspicious.  



Newan, you're getting pretty defensive there. 

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Melend Venture, former Lord of Tremredare, stood on Aralis' porch, staring at Wilson's body.


The skaa had forced Melend to come along as they followed the trail of notes, eventually reaching Aralis' house. The corpse had been found crumpled next to the old man's rocking chair, a steel stake jutting from its neck. It reminded Melend of ministry executions back home.


The skaa muttered behind him.


"Why kill someone this way?"


"Wouldn't a knife to the back have been easier?"


"Who would want Wilson dead?"


Melend reached down for Wilson's messenger bag. Rifling through its contents, he found a small vial of metal shavings in an alcohol solution. Melend dipped a finger in and tasted it.


He turned around. "Alright. First off, Wilson was, indeed, a lurcher. This vial proves it."


The crowd nodded, though several skaa scowled at him. He had a rather bad reputation among them, apparently.


"Second, she was innocent. She doesn't seem to have any metal piercing her body, other than the, er... metal stake through her throat, of course."


Melend noted a handful of skaa shuffling away at the news. The ones who had been accusing Wilson.


Admittedly, Melend wasn't really certain what to think about the murder. On one hand, it would further destabilize the village, making it more likely that Melend would be run through by a Koloss within the next few weeks. On the other, one more dead skaa! Just because Wlison was competent didn't mean she got to make decisions, after all. That was a Nobleman's job.


On the other side of the village, from the direction of the metallurgist's shop, Melend heard shouting. More dead people? Melend headed over, instructing Mazed to remain behind and keep the crowd under control.


Halfway to the shop, he saw Joe running past him. "Cleo's dead." He clipped, and continued on his way to Aralis' house.


So that's what that was about. Melend arrived and peeked in, expecting to see something like Lord Ostrich's glass shop. This murder hadn't disturbed the setting nearly as much, however. Just a light coating of metal dust and a pool of blood seeping out of the body in the corner. Melend grimaced. Cleo had been respectful, at least. That was saying something.


He closed the door and walked back. Let's see who these savages blame the murder on this time.



I don't have a whole lot to say about this last night cycle except "dang it". I guess we all sort of knew that Wilson's death was coming eventually, though. I kind of wonder why she wasn't lurching herself.


Who are the "experienced players" who are left? I thought I heard Wilson say a few cycles that she's pretty sure they have an experienced player on their team.

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I'm technically one of the Experienced players. The other experienced players are Claincy, Mailliw, Wyrm, Newan and Peng. Most of us have been around since the first games. ( I joined the Third one myself.)


And Wilson said earlier she would be lurching either herself or the last Tineye. She was playing "I know you know with the spiked, and they choose to target her when she targeted the Tineye. 

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Newan, you're getting pretty defensive there. 


Yes.  Yes I am.  I promise to play more offensively later in the game though.  Right now, I'm talking about posts that have addressed me, because those are the ones I am familiar with.  


If you are concerned that this is indicative of me being spiked, you can put that thought to rest.  I always get defensive like this and kind of freak out when people start to vote for me, whether I'm spiked or not.  It always makes me sound suspicious, and I don't know how to avoid it.  But I can address it.  Yes, my viewpoint is skewed because I am being targeted, but I do believe that Sarcomere's vote for me was not a good idea.  It was a bandwagon.  I am not spiked.  It's a waste of a lynch cycle.  Simple as that.  


Also, of all the wagons to band upon... Wyrm's vote for me was a poke vote, and Hero's was based on the idea that he thinks there probably aren't three village smokers, and he doesn't really have any better ideas so what the heck!



If Sarcomere explains his reasoning, then I'll be satisfied.  I'll still be freaking out, because I take these games way to seriously and I don't want to die, but at least it won't be a blatant bandwagon, which helps no one.  

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 I'll still be freaking out, because I take these games way to seriously and I don't want to die, but at least it won't be a blatant bandwagon, which helps no one.  


See, that's what I don't get. Why are you taking this game seriously when you've not been here at all? Or, to put it another way, if you've not been here at all, why are you taking it so seriously? I get that you're looking for work, but if you did indeed think so much of it, then I would have expected you to set aside some time to keep up to date and do things with it. You're not exactly invested in it either, and its seems your entire point is basically 'I don't want to die'. You have no alternatives to offer, aside from suggesting that it's a waste. But lynch Cycles are never wasted, as they all give information. We're not quite in lynch-or-lose just yet, after all.


As for saying that you didn't use your power last night... That could also mean that you were the one who did the kill last night. This would suggest that you as a group are not afraid of being Sought, which could also imply (and confirm suspicions) that you have a Seeker on your team.


So in conclusion, I'm not removing my vote, as I still find you suspicious.

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Hey, Joe, why is Newan's vote counted twice? I think it's currently a tie between Peng and Newan. While emotional manipulation gives us info, so does the discussion and we've had hardly any at all today.

Joe, why haven't you voted yet? Reeco, Unodus, and others, we need your votes too.

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I'm going to fall back into my stance of "we shouldn't be lynching anybody". I just don't believe all this pressure voting and threatening is actually getting us anywhere. We're killing ourselves faster than the spiked are. Surely we'll get more information from living longer, than suspecting each other without proper grounds for suspicion (this isn't helped by the fact that lots of people have been keeping secrets). If we don't vote- the spiky emotimancy would be useless because it doesn't affect anyone who hasn't voted. The people we should regard with suspicion are the people voting, as a proportion of them are the spiked teaming together to form a lynch. If we lynch no one this round, the spiked will be pressured into having to lynch people themselves. Once we see someone breaking the "no-vote pact", we'll know straight away that they are a spiked- then we can overwhelm them with our collective votes. At the very least, we should try not to lynch anyone because we still haven't got any clues. The Seekers need time to find spiked- but lynching only shortens the amount of time we have. We can't afford to lose any more active players, or we'll be overwhelmed by the spiked. We can't target people randomly anymore, we need something more solid than just "suspicion" before we lynch players. Surely I can't be the only one thinking this?

Edited by Unodus
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Clancy, just out of curiosity, how many people have said I'm being suspicious in PMs?

I just checked back through my PMs and there was quite a bit of suspicion on you, but turns out only Wyrm was talking about being suspicious of your PM activity.



I'm going to fall back into my stance of "we shouldn't be lynching anybody". I just don't believe all this pressure voting and threatening is actually getting us anywhere. We're killing ourselves faster than the spiked are. Surely we'll get more information from living longer, than suspecting each other without proper grounds for suspicion (this isn't helped by the fact that lots of people have been keeping secrets). If we don't vote- the spiky emotimancy would be useless because it doesn't affect anyone who hasn't voted. The people we should regard with suspicion are the people voting, as a proportion of them are the spiked teaming together to form a lynch. If we lynch no one this round, the spiked will be pressured into having to lynch people themselves. Once we see someone breaking the "no-vote pact", we'll know straight away that they are a spiked- then we can overwhelm them with our collective votes. At the very least, we should try not to lynch anyone because we still haven't got any clues. The Seekers need time to find spiked- but lynching only shortens the amount of time we have. We can't afford to lose any more active players, or we'll be overwhelmed by the spiked. We can't target people randomly anymore, we need something more solid than just "suspicion" before we lynch players. Surely I can't be the only one realizing this?

No. I'll try to break this down. We have lost most of our high powered roles already. I'm guessing we don't have any lurchers remaining to slow the spiked kills, we still have a coinshot but unless we can give them evidence by which to use targets they could be worse than useless (hence even more need for discussion), I really really doubt we have another seeker. It's day 5, they would have had 5 nights of seeking and as far as I know nobody has heard anything from them. If we do have another seeker, they're inactive. This means that we will never have the proof you want for lynch votes. If we don't lynch anyone today and don't throw around accusations and discussions, night will come, the spiked will kill another of us and we'll be in the same spot in terms of information tomorrow and have 1 less villager. (If the coinshot attacks with little information they may hit a spiked, but without the lynch vote discussion they are more likely to hit an innocent than a spiked by straight probability, leaving us further behind.)


If we avoid lynching anyone we might extend the game by a cycle, maybe two. But we will throw away any chance of taking out the spiked. The only way we can possibly win at this point is to take them out fast before they can kill any more of us, so we need to gamble on our suspicions to have any chance. Waiting on seekers is a semi-viable option in the early game, though I've spoken against it before and will do so again, but in the late game it's certain death, especially when there probably aren't any seekers left to rely on.


We screwed up, I'll be the first to admit it. The spiked have done a good job of playing us against eachother and we've consistently hit villagers :( So I can see why, as a newer player, you might see this strategy as a failed one. But at this point we have no choice but to try to lynch the spiked, or to give up entirely. And I have no intention of giving up until the fat lady Meta sings. (Or posts a final writeup, not sure how good Meta is at singing.)


I have little doubt that there are spiked who are voting and spiked who aren't voting.


My vote stays where it is (for now at least) but Newan you are sorely tempting me to vote for you. Your increased burst of activity when you were accused isn't too suspicious in that it's fairly normal for anyone to do so. But what it does suggest is that if you had really wanted too you could have been considerably more active during the rest of the game, and you weren't, not in the thread or in PMs anyway, and yet you claim to take the game very seriously. It just doesn't add up, unless you are a spiked who has been feigning inactivity and then it fits perfectly. Do you see the contradiction?

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We're not really at that point yet, Unodus. Plus, we probably only have one seeker (maybe two), so the probability of them finding someone is pretty low. We just need to lynch again until we get someone, which gives us something to work with. With a coinshot and a lynch, we can still outkill the eliminators.


EDIT: oh, hey, Claincy beat me to the punch.

Edited by mckeedee123
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Sorry everyone for not posting yet in the cycle, I've been focused on other things... I'm going to go ahead and vote for Peng.  I'd rather there not be a tie and I'm slightly more suspicious of Peng than Newan.  Both have been relatively inactive, I think, Newan more so than Peng (who has been around but not necessarily contributed much) but are now much more active...

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I'm still not going to place a vote because I am unconvinced of anyone's guilt. Until decisive evidence is provided, I'd prefer to not get involved in the overanalysisng. At least that way my vote can't be manipulated. (even if does put me in the same category as the suspicious)

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See, that's what I don't get. Why are you taking this game seriously when you've not been here at all? Or, to put it another way, if you've not been here at all, why are you taking it so seriously? I get that you're looking for work, but if you did indeed think so much of it, then I would have expected you to set aside some time to keep up to date and do things with it. You're not exactly invested in it either, and its seems your entire point is basically 'I don't want to die'. You have no alternatives to offer, aside from suggesting that it's a waste. But lynch Cycles are never wasted, as they all give information. We're not quite in lynch-or-lose just yet, after all.


As for saying that you didn't use your power last night... That could also mean that you were the one who did the kill last night. This would suggest that you as a group are not afraid of being Sought, which could also imply (and confirm suspicions) that you have a Seeker on your team.


So in conclusion, I'm not removing my vote, as I still find you suspicious.


I have been keeping up with it.  I've checked in every cycle.  I just haven't been able to add to the discussion, and I don't really know who to trust or who to suspect because I haven't been able to read everything in detail.  

What I meant when I said that I take the game too seriously is that I really don't want to die even though it's just a game.  That's how I have been every game.

I've already told you why I have no alternatives to offer.  I don't know the game well enough to know who I want to kill.  If I was just in it for self-preservation, I would have thrown my vote on Peng back when we were tied for votes.  But if we ended up with a tie, it would just make you want to kill me more, and it would waste the next lynch cycle as well.  

Yes, we gain information from every lynch.  You would know that I was a village smoker.  Yipee.  This is information, but it doesn't really help.


It's clear that we have at least three smokers, maybe four.  Even if the spiked had a seeker, why would they take the risk to turn off the coppercloud based on the assumption that there were only two seekers total?  



Claincy:  I have been paying attention to the thread the best I could.  I didn't really know what to add.  Now that people are accusing me, I have things to say.  I explained my statement that I take these games too seriously earlier in this post.  

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Well this bites...


Two people up for lynching, pretty much, and neither of them extra suspicious.


This late in the game, having no real suspicions is a very bad sign.


If I had to choose between the two, however, I think that I'd pick Peng as having been slightly more suspicious than Newan. Just my gut feeling here. Newan could be a Spiked trying to feign inactivity, I suppose, but it seems to me like a largely inactive team of Spiked (or even a team with the experienced player/players inactive) wouldn't have been able to avoid our scrutiny/lynches for so long.

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Newan, Weiry, dowanx. We put people we suspect are Spiked in bold, right?
Yes, Newan, I bandwagoned. I was looking for a person with more votes on them to suspect, because I did not want to deal with voting manipulation. But other suspicions cropped up as a result of my unexplained vote, so I'm calling it justified in a "the end justifies the means" kind of way.
I believe that Weiry and dowanx are Spiked as well. Weiry posted a vote for Peng at 4:28, and dowanx did the same just two minutes later, at 4:30. Coincidence, perhaps. But if they were Spiked, it would make sense. They could be talking to each other in their Spiked group, and taking action based on what they said, as soon as they decided on a course of action. And Newan being Spiked makes even more sense. Weiry's and dowanx's votes would not only implicate Peng, whom I believe to be innocent, but they would also spare one of their own Spiked (Newan) from being lynched.
From what I've gathered, this is the first Sanderson Elimination game both Weiry and dowanx have been involved in. This mistake of theirs makes sense, especially since they're new players.
Of course, you might think that there's just no way that the Spiked would even accidentally implicate themselves in this way. However, my judgement is that the Spiked have a HUGE lead right now. If you need proof that the Spiked are in the lead, take a look at the player list. I believe the Spiked are more likely to make slip-ups based on overconfidence.
I'm reiterating my vote. Newan.

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Moving my vote from joe to newan as an act of self preservation. Clancy, the reason I asked is because I only had opened one PM all game. If you had said two or more, and were willing to make stuff up to get me lynched, that would have made you spiked.

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Peng. Newan. I've been mulling it over, and Newan's protestations seem remarkably similar to the last time he was Spiked. I've been reading some of the earlier Elimination games. I think it was the Conversion/Worldhopper game. I think that this outweighs my earlier reasoning. I know it's late to change my vote, but I don't want to make a mistake and lynch an innocent.

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