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Well, if you need females... Tessa, from District 4. She's not looking forward to the Games, but on the bright side, she hasn't been forced to eat seafood since she was chosen. Nasty thing, having a seafood allergy in District 4.


(I haven't read/watched The Hunger Games... I'm guessing they tend to consume things from their own districts?)

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Day 1:
Dale, the male tribute from district 6 sat quietly in the bus as it shot down the road. The Capitol had advertised that next year they would have hovercrafts to deliver the tributes, but this year they still had to resort to more "old fashioned" methods of transportation. They had hopped on a plane and flew for a couple hours. One of the girl tributes, no more than 13 and clearly terrified of flying, cried the entire time. they landed in an old abandoned airport. Dale saw signs that read "eppley airfield" from there, they got on a bus and rode for two more hours. Most of the tributes were asleep, their anxiety giving away to pure exhaustion. Many of them had only managed a few hours of sleep of the past week. Dale had gotten a good rest so far, but now found sleep difficult. He was curious as to where they were going. The bus they were on didn't have any windows, and the airports name hadn't been familiar. Finally the bus pulled to a stop. The tributes were ushered out. The bus was in some form of large, man made cavern. From there they were ushered into a large room. "Games launch in an hour" The man from the Capitol said tersely. "Make your final preparations" then left.


Dale sat in his tube watching the nearby clock count down from two minutes. He, like all the tributes, had been given a light green utilitarian jumpsuit. He rocked impatiently from foot to foot, nervous. He looked over at the girl tribute from his district and smiled. He'd always liked her. Deep down, he knew if it came to her and him, he wouldn't be able to do it. They probably wouldn't make it that far. 10... 9.... 8...7...6...5....4...3...2...1.... The motors in his tube activated and was lifted into the arena. The first thing that stood out was the cornucopia. In the past, he'd seen hunger games with 20 foot tall cornecopias overflowing with supplies. This one was barely 5 feet tall and had less then a dozen items. The second thing he noticed was the arena. It was a large field, extending for miles in all direction. A large river extended north to south just east of the starting point. On the far side of the river was a Forrest. The last thing that drew his attention was the cows. Large bovines chewed grass idly all around. The observation time had begun and it was time for all the tributes to decide whether or not to try for the cornecopia.

I need your cornecopia decisions by personal message in the next 24 hours! Just to be clear: there's no attacking this cycle. Also, dale won't affect gameplay, I'm just using him to tell the story.


Player list:
1 male mckeedee/ Mato
2 male The only Joe/Joe
2 female Winter cloud/Ignis
3 male Aonar Faileas/aaron
3 female Macen/ ceni
4 male Alvron /al
4 female thwelthrootoftwo/ tessa
5 male Gamma Fiend /dam
5 female Metacognition /melinda
6 female Icy Ninja penguin/ ice
7 male Mailliw73 /Mil
7 Female Ookla the alko/ Isana
8 male Salamander/ Salamander
9 male Newan /Newan
9 female Eolhondras/ Eolloe
10 male Tusoud16 /Tekon
10 female a smart guy/ Marge
11 male dominic1994/ Dom
11 female Seonid /Niobe
12 male Dowanx /Ament
12 female Ashiok /Ashette

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Joe carefully scanned the Cornucopia. looking through it's trove of items, hoping for a ranged weapon of any sort. There! a Bow. That would make this much easier. Then where? Forest to hide, or River to slow pursuit. He looked around, making eye contacts with a few of his friends, mouthing Words, asking questions. He could see other teams doing it as well.


EDIT: And the player list says that Isana is from District 6. She's from 7.

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As she was led to the tubes, Melinda's breath came faster and faster as her fear grew and grew. Eventually, she and Dam were separated and led to their own tubes. Dam gave her one last hug and a reassuring smile before they were parted. 


Melinda didn't know if she was lucky or unlucky that Wilson was not only here, but decided to accompany her to her tube. On one hand, Wilson and Melinda didn't seem to get along. On the other, it beat being alone. 


As the countdown began, Wilson surprised Melinda with an unaccustomed display of emotion by giving her a hug!


"Remember what I told you and you'll be fine," Wilson whispered in her ear as she sneakily handed Melinda something. "Heck, you might even be able to save your brother, as I know you're thinking."


With that, Wilson pulled back and winked at Melinda, but Melinda couldn't find anything to say; she was in shock. 


The tube closed around her before she recovered and by then, it was too late to question Wilson on how she knew what Melinda was planning or time to figure out what Wilson had given her. 

The games had begun. 



It's been almost 8 hours and almost no one has said a word! Since almost 100% of the game can be done without saying anything in thread, I was afraid something like this might happen. As such, I have two ideas on how to proceed. 


First, let's kill anyone who decides to not contribute to the thread. The Hunger Games were designed to entertain the spectators and if you're not contributing to the entertainment, they can kill you. Let's go ahead and deal with that for them. Plus, this means that those that do contribute will be alive for longer, which means they can contribute more! :) Sure, this is self-serving as well, but at the same time, you have to admit, it's more fun than everyone just sitting behind the scenes and sending in their orders to Peng. 


Second, anyone who's going for the Cornucopia are going to be targets, as they're the ones that will then have items. Remember, this is basically a free for all, so you having an item just means that almost everyone else will be wanting to try to take it from you. I believe this is why most people haven't said what they're doing one way or the other. At the same time, I'd rather we didn't have everyone go for the Cornucopia and thus only have 10 players left after the first day. As such, at this point in time, I'll say that I'm not intending to go for the Cornucopia. If we can get a few more people to say that, and stick with it, then we'll stand a better chance of not everyone dying, but not only a few people being armed to the teeth. 


Those are my suggestions. 

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Oh the shark has, pretty teeth dear. And he shows them, pearly white. Just a jack knife, has Macheath dear. And he keeps it out of sight.


Sound echoed around Eolloe’s tube as she sung quietly under her breath. Anything to distract herself from the countdown. The metronome sounding to the beat of 23 inevitable deaths. With her eyes closed, all that remained was a mosaic of 23 faces, 23 pairs of eyes that seemed to glimmer through the darkness. At first she had fought against the faces, trying to prove to herself that she would be able to fight for survival. Through sheer force of will, she would smother the light being projected by her mind’s eye, and immediately felt sick. Now her eyes stayed open.


When the shark bites, with his teeth dear. Scarlett billows, start to spread. Fancy gloves though, has Macheath dear, so there’s not a trace of red.


She hoped nobody could hear her. Just the tension pulsing in her voice would betray exactly how nervous she was standing in the tube. She’d never considered herself a claustrophobe, though perhaps that might need some rethinking. Newan, the boy from her district was looking at her and she thought, not for the first time, what a strange image she must be portraying. Eyes peeled back as far as they would go, lips constantly muttering a tune that no one else could hear. She returned Newan’s gaze and found it lifted some of her tension. His offer of a book not so long ago had opened up common ground between them and while it may not have readied her soul for killing, she had found a friend, or a close as possible considering the circumstances.


Louie Miller, disappeared dear. After drawing out, all his cash. And Macheath spends, like a sailor. Did our boy do, something rash.


Any sense of calm Newan’s presence had afforded her quickly evaporated as the platform beneath her feet began to rise. A lid of sorts opened above her head, bathing her in light, and she was almost blinded after being underground for so long. Although, bright the outside may be, she dared not close her eyes and risk the torment of face after face overwhelming her with guilt and self-condemnation. As her eyes readjusted, awareness seemed to flood her. A circle of tributes and the cornucopia lay ahead, which Eolloe quickly decided, was not a desirable path. Turning on her heels to face away from the others, and saying a quick prayer in a kind of premature penance, she held her breath, and waited for the games to start.


Sukey Tawdry, Jenny Diver, Lottie Lenya, Sweet Lucy Brown. Oh the ling starts, on the right dear. Now that Mack, he’s back in town.





I will not be risking the cornucopia, or conch as I prefer to call it (I see too many similarities between this and lord of the flies). 


24hr cycles themselves don't lend themselves to large chunks of forum discussion. Though it is a quick fix game and I'll refrain from the obvious cliche' there. 


Really at this point I can't see a logical starting point for discussion, the threat of killing people for lack of contribution is really negligible for the next 39 hrs, and I can see how it might fit peoples game plans to keep their conch activities secret. So. Maybe a little bit of RP for today to keep everyone happy, and we can dig in to the juicy stuff tomorrow.

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Will people who went to the Cornucopia be revealed in the write-up? If so, then we should be able to tell who has weapons and who doesn't. Unfortunately, I doubt that's going to happen. What that means is that people who said they didn't go could be bluffing. It adds another layer of complexity to this game, and I'm not sure what to do about it. I know I'm going to get busy with family matters, so I might as well play risky.


"Time to take a gamble." thought Marge, as she started to run to the mother load. She hoped there was some alcohol in there. She apparently wasn't allowed to go into the games drunk. She hoped her death would be painless. Who knows, maybe she might even win this thing?

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Couple rules issues: firstly: who does and doesn't go for the cornecopia will not be revealed in the write up. Secondly, regarding PM alliances: if you try to open a PM with someone and they don't respond within 36 hours, assume the response to be a 'no'. PM that person that you're moving on. This won't count towards one of your three. Secondly, once a PM is open, you can't leave it in order to gain a new one. You can only have three PM conversations total through the whole game. If you have any questions about the rules, please ask so we can get it all sorted out. :)


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I disagree with you Meta.  Going after those that don't post for the first few cycles isn't a good idea.  Those Muttations are the bigger threat and I for one will be hunting them for the first couple of rounds.  Not to mention that it is possible that there are some who are unaware that the game has started.  I didn't get a PM informing me that it had, I only found out by my constant lurking and checking.  I sent a PM to Peng asking if he did and if not then if he would let everyone know esp the newer players who might not be aware of how these games fully work.



Al flexed his rough calloused fingers as he waited for the tube to open.  He still hadn't decided if he was going to go for one of the items sitting so temptingly out in the open.  He had managed to smuggle some wire past the officials but he felt it wouldn't be enough to win.  Looking around at the other contestants he spotted a few faces staring hungrily at the cornucopia while others were scouting out the surrounding area probably working out were the good hiding places might be


Remembering the words of his advisor Wurum.  Your skills are water based.  Find a river or lake and you will feel more at home.  Let the others come to you on your terms and on your ground and you will do fine.


Taking a deep breath Al steadied his rapidly beating heart and prepared to begin the fight for his life.

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Niobe smiled as she was led into her tube. A fake smile, to be sure, but it would hopefully convince the cameras. One last parting shot. One of her fellow contestants had asked if she was going to the cornucopia in the final hours before the Games started. She'd almost frozen with panic to remember that that was the first challenge she'd face. A mad dash, scrambling over supplies and weapons. Many of the contestants wouldn't make it back alive. No, she'd thought. Better to trust her ability to find food in the forest. Her answer had been far more flighty, but was the same response.


But nobody would believe that the pampered, mincing, shallow girl they'd seen on the screens and in the photos would be willing to risk going without the food and luxuries in the cornucopia. Sometimes, honesty was the best deception.

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GM, I'll be playing as Ashette this game.


As Ashette got into her tube, she looked at her fellow tribute from twelve for the last time, and began to cry.

'Useless stormleavings, deadweight, he is. I'd be better off leaving him. He didn't say a word when our mentor died. Ugh! I'm going to die, because our idiot mentor was a suicidal drunk, and my fellow district member is a mute!'

As she was transported to the arena, she wiped her tears away and began to think about survival. 'Ok, what do I have to do to survive? Let me make a list.'


1. Everybody confirm weather or not they are going for Corn. Set up a PM with one other person. We can assign them arbitrarily through dice rolls as soon as we get a good player list...

GM, can we get a player list with Game names, Districts and Screen names please?

TMckeedee, male from 1.

Ignis, female from 2.
Joe, male from 2.
Aaron, Male from 3.
Ceni, female from 3
Al, Male from 4.
Tessa, female from 4.
Dam, male from 5.
Melinda, female from 5.
Ice, female from 6.
Isana, female from 7.
Mil, Male from 7.
Salamander, Male from 8.
Newan, Male from 9.
Eolloe, female from 9
Tekon, Male from 10.
Marge, female from 10.
Dom, male from 11.
Niobe, Female from 11.
Ament, male from 12
Ashette, Female from 12.

I don't have time to go through this for forum names right now.

There is one thing that MUST not happen. Experienced people can NOT form blocks at the top. If they do that, the rest of us lose. Therefore, I propose that we force everybody that's played three or more games to PM somebody whose played less than three. I want this exchange to be reported by both sides in thread.


2. Corn. This is important. Our primary goal in the early game has to be killing the mutts. To that effect, I have a question.


GM, where do Mutt kills go in the order of actions?

If they are early in actions, we can have body armor and medkit attack, everybody else defend, therefore losing nobody to chance.

Otherwise, everybody should attack. 


TL;DR  I'm Ashette, female from 12, probably going after Corn. Two questions for GM, everything else depends on those answers.

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GM, I'll be playing as Ashette this game.


As Ashette got into her tube, she looked at her fellow tribute from twelve for the last time, and began to cry.

'Useless stormleavings, deadweight, he is. I'd be better off leaving him. He didn't say a word when our mentor died. Ugh! I'm going to die, because our idiot mentor was a suicidal drunk, and my fellow district member is a mute!'

As she was transported to the arena, she wiped her tears away and began to think about survival. 'Ok, what do I have to do to survive? Let me make a list.'


1. Everybody confirm weather or not they are going for Corn. Set up a PM with one other person. We can assign them arbitrarily through dice rolls as soon as we get a good player list...

GM, can we get a player list with Game names, Districts and Screen names please?

TMckeedee, male from 1.

Ignis, female from 2.

Joe, male from 2.

Aaron, Male from 3.

Ceni, female from 3

Al, Male from 4.

Tessa, female from 4.

Dam, male from 5.

Melinda, female from 5.

Ice, female from 6.

Isana, female from 7.

Mil, Male from 7.

Salamander, Male from 8.

Newan, Male from 9.

Eolloe, female from 9

Tekon, Male from 10.

Marge, female from 10.

Dom, male from 11.

Niobe, Female from 11.

Ament, male from 12

Ashette, Female from 12.

I don't have time to go through this for forum names right now.

There is one thing that MUST not happen. Experienced people can NOT form blocks at the top. If they do that, the rest of us lose. Therefore, I propose that we force everybody that's played three or more games to PM somebody whose played less than three. I want this exchange to be reported by both sides in thread.


2. Corn. This is important. Our primary goal in the early game has to be killing the mutts. To that effect, I have a question.


GM, where do Mutt kills go in the order of actions?

If they are early in actions, we can have body armor and medkit attack, everybody else defend, therefore losing nobody to chance.

Otherwise, everybody should attack. 


TL;DR  I'm Ashette, female from 12, probably going after Corn. Two questions for GM, everything else depends on those answers.

Your name has been updated on the official records.


 1 male mckeedee/ Mato

2 male The only Joe/Joe

2 female Winter cloud/Ignis

3 male Aonar Faileas/aaron

3 female Macen/ ceni

4 male Alvron /al

4 female thwelthrootoftwo/ tessa

5 male Gamma Fiend /dam

5 female Metacognition /melinda

6 female Icy Ninja penguin/ ice

7 male Mailliw73 /Mil

7 Female Ookla the alko/ Isana

8 male Salamander/ Salamander

9 male Newan /Newan

9 female Eolhondras/ Eolloe

10 male Tusoud16 /Tekon

10 female a smart guy/ Marge

11 male dominic1994/ Dom

11 female Seonid /Niobe

12 male Dowanx /Ament

12 female Ashiok /Ashette


Is a player list.


Mutt attacks happen at the same time as normal attacks. The mutt attacks function almost identically to normal attacking.


EDIT: formatting. Also this is my 500th post  B)

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As Mill prepared for the platform to rise, he fingered Willa's wing pendant. He had brought it as his token. The green jumpsuit all the Tributes had been given matched perfectly with his forest-themed clothes he had worn all week. As the platform rose, he whispered. "Willa. Guide me."


The platform arrived at the top of the tube and Mill looked around, quickly surveying his surroundings. A large field, cows grazing lazily, a river, and, a forest! Perfect. Forests were his home. He knew exactly where he'd be heading. The cows would also be an easy source of food. Unless they were some kind of muttation. Mill wouldn't put it past the Gamemakers to do that. Mill looked at the cornucopia next. It was small and only had supplies for less than half of the Tributes. If he went for it, he could get some valuable supplies, but he could be slaughtered quickly. Willa would've run away. She'd go straight for the forest as soon as the timer finished. Willa's wisdom and Mill's strong will were battling inside of him. The timer was running out. Mill needed to make a decision and he needed to make one quick. 3...2...1.



Ash, I believe people have already set up PMs since Peng said that the rules applied before the game began. I, for one, already used up all of my PMs. Sorry, but I can't fix that, and I bet others have already done the same. 


​I also agree about the mutations. That's where I'll be spending my time for the first couple cycles. They just have too much unpredictability to be helpful to ignore.

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Ugh, and I had a whole plan, too! It was awesome! Storming upper groups!


EDIT: Legible player list



OLD means three games more

NEW means less than three games


1 male mckeedee ---------- Mato #1 NEW


male The only Joe ------- Joe #2 OLD

2 female Winter cloud ----- Ignis #3 NEW


3 male Aonar Faileas ----- Aaron #4 OLD

3 female Macen ------------ Ceni #5 OLD


4 male Alvron --------------- Al #6 OLD

4 female thwelthrootoftwo Tessa #7 OLD


5 male Gamma Fiend ----- Dam #8 OLD

5 female Metacognition --- Melinda #9 OLD


6 female Icy Ninja penguin ice #10 NEW


7 male Mailliw73 ------------ Mil #11 OLD

7 Female Ookla the alko -- Isana #12 OLD, I was wrong


8 male Salamander -------- Salamander #13 NEW


9 male Newan --------------- Newan #14 OLD

9 female Eolhondras ------ Eolloe #15 NEW


10 male Tusoud16 --------- Tekon #16 NEW

10 female a smart guy ---- Marge #17 OLD


11 male dominic1994 ----- Dom #18 NEW

11 female Seonid ---------- Niobe #19 NEW


12 male Dowanx ----------- Ament #20 NEW

12 female Ashiok --------- Ashette #21 OLD

Sorry WC, have to put you as new so we have better ratio. Right now that's 9 new:11 old. That makes twenty. I could've set up a perfect apprenticeship program with this!


EDIT: Fixed Ookla

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Dam tried to keep his breath and his nerves steady as the tube slowly raised him up into the arena -- the battlegrounds for this year's Hunger Games.


The final words of luck and encouragement echoes throughout the field as Dam wildly looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of Melinda. He had to find her. To see her and hold her one last time. To let her know her big brother was there, and everything would be alright. Knowing it would eventually cost him his own life, he would make sure she won.

He just wanted to be able to tell her how proud of her he was one last time. He knew he would no longer see her smile. The Capitol had already seen to that by crushing her childhood and killing her innocence by putting her her in this bloodbath. He felt his anger grow within him, and fed off of that reserve, giving him the strength to do what he must.

He turned away from the cornucopia, showing his intentions of heading towards the river, and then the forest beyond it. He knew Ohms had always found trees fascinating -- due to the lack of them in District 5 -- and he would most likely find her there. With all of the power plants, energy lines, and the giant dam, there just wasn't much room for beautiful things like trees and nature.


Perhaps that was why she always was drawn to them, he wondered. Because she understood the loneliness of being something beautiful and bright in an otherwise bleak, stark world.


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I understand why you all want to go after the Muttations, I really do, but to do so will cost us far worse:

Dehydration: If no one dies during a cycle, the Game Makers get bored and cut off the water supply, making two random tributes die from thirst.



What we should be doing is trying to convince whomever winds up getting the Knives and the Bow to off the Muttations, cause if we don't wind up killing someone, we're going to lose two people anyways and it's just as random. As such, we're going to need at least one person to die next cycle anyways, as (And Peng, I'd like clarification on this) I'll bet you that someone dying to a Muttation doesn't count...

Edited by Metacognition
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OLD means three games more

NEW means less than three games


2 female Winter cloud ----- Ignis #3 NEW

I'm actually OLD, accoarding to that list. This is my second QF game. My first game was Mid-Range 3. My last game was MR-4. By the way, jp why did we skip to a QF when it was time for a LG?

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A muttation death does count as a death for purposes of dehydration. Also, as far as defending goes: if you spend the cycle defending you will be informed of whether or not you fought off an attack, but not of who tried to attack.

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Breathe. You are ready. You will kill. You will win.


Mato surveyed the other tributes one last time. They were weak and useless. Not like Mato. He was a victor at heart. 6 feet, 5 inches and weighing in at 220 pounds.


Honor. Strength. Superiority.


Why did they even bother send in tributes from the weaker districts? They were not ready. Not like Mato. He had trained for the games since his eleventh birthday, when his father had drugged a vagrant and brought him into the house for Mato to kill.


Take away Society's laws, and everyone is a murderer. You must learn to be comfortable with killing, son, if you want to win.


Training in the sword and spear. Lessons in speaking and posture. Hours upon hours of weight training. Above it all were the murders. Mato had started small, with his father and mother working together to gather the victims. Mato would slit their throats as they lay on the floor, mumbling incoherently. Eventually, he learned to do it on his own time. Finding beggars and vagrants, gagging them, then going to remote locations to torture them. Cutting fingers off, gouging out eyes, laying their viscera out on the ground as they died. Just enough to keep his bloodlust fresh.


Come home in a coffin, and you will be forgotten, even by me. Come home with victory, and you will be remembered and loved for all eternity. Win.


Mato eyed the spears poking out of the Cornucopia. No way he'd pass up a chance to win one of those. With the scrawny kids that he was up against, he could afford to risk getting caught in the bloodbath.




I'm going for the cornucopia.


I was going to avoid RP-ing, out of principle of this not being Sanderson, but it seems I'm doing it anyway.

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