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Era 7 Episode 3


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13 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:



That seems to be the general state of things at the moment. So far everyone seems to be a bit busy, but so long as we all are still interested in the Alleyverse once our time frees up, things should be just fine!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Perses, The Mistwarrens, Edgedancer Shelter.

Perses had returned to the Mistwarrens, with his new coat carefully tucked away. Someday, he would don it. However today, blending in would prove useful. He wore a standard overcoat instead. If he remembered correctly, it was brown. Along with it, a matching cap, which he hoped was complimentary with his blinder’s glasses.

Upon his return, he had made sure the Tin Street Mafia was well and truly gone. Luckily for him, his efforts seemed to have broken them sufficiently. However, during his investigation, he discovered that radiants were encroaching on his territory. He didn’t know much of them, but he knew that they had to go.

Perses approached the nearest figure that seemed to be relatively in charge.

”Hello there. I see you have quite the shelter here. What brings radiants out into the Mistwarrens? Folks around here aren’t typically fond of non-Scadrians.”


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9 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Perses, The Mistwarrens, Edgedancer Shelter.

Perses had returned to the Mistwarrens, with his new coat carefully tucked away. Someday, he would don it. However today, blending in would prove useful. He wore a standard overcoat instead. If he remembered correctly, it was brown. Along with it, a matching cap, which he hoped was complimentary with his blinder’s glasses.

Upon his return, he had made sure the Tin Street Mafia was well and truly gone. Luckily for him, his efforts seemed to have broken them sufficiently. However, during his investigation, he discovered that radiants were encroaching on his territory. He didn’t know much of them, but he knew that they had to go.

Perses approached the nearest figure that seemed to be relatively in charge.

”Hello there. I see you have quite the shelter here. What brings radiants out into the Mistwarrens? Folks around here aren’t typically fond of non-Scadrians.”


Eleos, The Mistwarrens, Edgedancer Shelter.
Greetings," Eleos said, his voice calm and steady. "We come with the intention of aiding those in need. The Mistwarrens have long been overlooked, and we believe that with the right guidance, it can thrive. We mean no harm to the people here, nor do we seek to claim what is not ours."

He looked directly into Perses' eyes, trying to gauge his reaction. "I understand the mistrust of outsiders, especially in a place with such a history. But our purpose is to bring stability and hope. If you have concerns, I am more than willing to address them."

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On 6/11/2024 at 6:22 PM, RoyalBeeMage said:

Eleos, The Mistwarrens, Edgedancer Shelter.
Greetings," Eleos said, his voice calm and steady. "We come with the intention of aiding those in need. The Mistwarrens have long been overlooked, and we believe that with the right guidance, it can thrive. We mean no harm to the people here, nor do we seek to claim what is not ours."

He looked directly into Perses' eyes, trying to gauge his reaction. "I understand the mistrust of outsiders, especially in a place with such a history. But our purpose is to bring stability and hope. If you have concerns, I am more than willing to address them."

Perses frowned. He had no quarrel with the refugees, just with the radiants who ran them. Helping people below him was not an issue; it was when some of them decide to confront those that were causing what they perceived as problems for the people that becomes a problem. And knowing radiants, that was bound to happen at one point or another.

”Are you the one in charge of this operation?” Perses asked calmly. He wouldn’t cause a scene here. It was…unnecessary. Though it would certainly make things easier…

”I have concerns regarding the placement of this operation and the potential effect it will have on the economic reliance of the area on the Sphere.” Perses put on a smile. “Given the rocky history many of us Scadrisns have with Rosharans, that could cause some troubling developments between the districts if not carefully regulated”

Perse hoped that sounded somewhat convincing. In truth, he could care less about involvement with the Sphere. However, he was being truthful about one thing. He wanted these radiants off his turf.


It is worth noting that Perses’ reference to the Mistwarrens as a district is distinctly odd. The Mistwarrens “belong” to a variety of districts, mostly the outer edges of smokestack. They are a broad area of impoverished Scadrians that span the outskirts of a few of the Scadrian districts. To call them a district is both unorthodox and generally counter to the reality of the situation.

However, it is genuinely what Perses wants to believe and make into a reality.


Plutus, The Cauldron, Constellation.

Constellation was a peculiar shop. With a dome-like interior and only a few sources of light, the shop seemed abandoned at first glance. Upon closer inspection, one could see that the store was far from empty. Across all of the walls, the spotty lighting revealed countless different items of seemingly endless shapes and sizes. Malwish masks, Idrian fabrics, gemhearts of varying colors. Food, weapons, clothing, tools, all along the curved edges of the room, in what appeared to be completely random arrangements. 

The source of the most light, though it was not much, was a gigantic contraption in the center of the room. A gyroscopic device, with varying concentric circles slowly rotating in all directions. It seemed to defy gravity, which was likely to be the case. An intricate fabricator, one that turned the store from an odd pawn shop into one of the most popular stores in the district. 

However today, business was strangely slow. Plutus stood at their desk, rapping their knuckles impatiently. Only fifteen customers thus far, 40% of what they usually get. Was there a holiday today? A special event? He had heard of troubles in other districts, but nothing was amiss in this part of the city.

Plutus dug through their robes with two of her hands, keeping her rightmost hand still rapping the countertop. No, there was nothing unusual about today, not that they could recall. Briefly probing their metalminds, Plutus found nothing either.

He reached over with his upper right hand, grabbing the store's ledger from the shelf above them. Sales were down by 60% yesterday as well. Something to keep an eye on.

Well, they needed to look presentable if anyone did show up. Today's hair dye was coming off already. The fact that there was no good hair products for Plutus' hair was endlessly irritating. Sho-Del require hair products that are distinct from other species, but even the highest quality dyes hardly lasted a few days in Plutus' hair. Curse her parents' genetics!

With a brief bit of lightweaving, Plutus fixed up the patches of hair where his pearly white hair was showing. It wasn't that they were ashamed by it. Every Sho Del's hair was white. Though with his albinism, it just looked wrong. Instead, she decided to spice it up a bit. Her hair returned to an obsidian black, complimenting their robes. At least now she could control what color hair they had.

A harmonic chime mysteriously sounded as the door to the shop opened. The augmented Aon DeoDao was surprisingly useful, and in Plutus' opinion, helped the atmosphere significantly. Finally, She thought. A customer.


Edited by Koloss17
Plutus makes their appearance
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8 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Perses frowned. He had no quarrel with the refugees, just with the radiants who ran them. Helping people below him was not an issue; it was when some of them decide to confront those that were causing what they perceived as problems for the people that becomes a problem. And knowing radiants, that was bound to happen at one point or another.

”Are you the one in charge of this operation?” Perses asked calmly. He wouldn’t cause a scene here. It was…unnecessary. Though it would certainly make things easier…

”I have concerns regarding the placement of this operation and the potential effect it will have on the economic reliance of the area on the Sphere.” Perses put on a smile. “Given the rocky history many of us Scadrisns have with Rosharans, that could cause some troubling developments between the districts if not carefully regulated”

Perse hoped that sounded somewhat convincing. In truth, he could care less about involvement with the Sphere. However, he was being truthful about one thing. He wanted these radiants off his turf.


Plutus, The Cauldron, Constellation.

Constellation was a peculiar shop. With a dome-like interior and only a few sources of light, the shop seemed abandoned at first glance. Upon closer inspection, one could see that the store was far from empty. Across all of the walls, the spotty lighting revealed countless different items of seemingly endless shapes and sizes. Malwish masks, Idrian fabrics, gemhearts of varying colors. Food, weapons, clothing, tools, all along the curved edges of the room, in what appeared to be completely random arrangements. 

The source of the most light, though it was not much, was a gigantic contraption in the center of the room. A gyroscopic device, with varying concentric circles slowly rotating in all directions. It seemed to defy gravity, which was likely to be the case. An intricate fabricator, one that turned the store from an odd pawn shop into one of the most popular stores in the district. 

However today, business was strangely slow. Plutus stood at their desk, rapping their knuckles impatiently. Only fifteen customers thus far, 40% of what they usually get. Was there a holiday today? A special event? He had heard of troubles in other districts, but nothing was amiss in this part of the city.

Plutus dug through their robes with two of her hands, keeping her rightmost hand still rapping the countertop. No, there was nothing unusual about today, not that they could recall. Briefly probing their metalminds, Plutus found nothing either.

He reached over with his upper right hand, grabbing the store's ledger from the shelf above them. Sales were down by 60% yesterday as well. Something to keep an eye on.

Well, they needed to look presentable if anyone did show up. Today's hair dye was coming off already. The fact that there was no good hair products for Plutus' hair was endlessly irritating. Sho-Del require hair products that are distinct from other species, but even the highest quality dyes hardly lasted a few days in Plutus' hair. Curse her parents' genetics!

With a brief bit of lightweaving, Plutus fixed up the patches of hair where his pearly white hair was showing. It wasn't that they were ashamed by it. Every Sho Del's hair was white. Though with his albinism, it just looked wrong. Instead, she decided to spice it up a bit. Her hair returned to an obsidian black, complimenting their robes. At least now she could control what color hair they had.

A harmonic chime mysteriously sounded as the door to the shop opened. The augmented Aon DeoDao was surprisingly useful, and in Plutus' opinion, helped the atmosphere significantly. Finally, She thought. A customer.


Eleos, edgedancer camp, mistwarrens

Eleos listened attentively to Perses' concerns, his expression calm but thoughtful. He understood the underlying tensions and the history that Perses alluded to, and he knew that handling this delicately was paramount.

"Citizen," Eleos began, his tone measured and respectful, "I appreciate you bringing these concerns to my attention. The well-being of this community is of utmost importance to all of us, and I understand the delicate balance we need to maintain."

He paused, choosing his words carefully. "The placement of this operation was selected with several factors in mind, including economic impact. We have plans in place to ensure that the Sphere's influence remains balanced and that the local economy is supported, not undermined. However, I recognize that our presence here must be handled with sensitivity."

Eleos met Perses' gaze directly. "I assure you, our goal is not to create friction but to assist in a manner that benefits everyone. If there are specific measures you believe would help in achieving this balance, I am more than willing to discuss them. Your insights are valuable, and I want to ensure that we address any potential issues before they arise."

He offered a genuine smile. "Let's work together to ensure that this operation serves the people without causing unnecessary conflict. I'm confident we can find a solution that respects the needs and concerns of all involved."


Eleos did not notice the part about the mistwarrens being a large district instead of part of multiple districts 


Edited by RoyalBeeMage
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