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Expanding as in getting bigger? I'm not sure what you mean, the question is kinda nonsensical :P

Everything is moving away from each other, so the size (i.e. the distance between each of the stars or whatever on the furthest edge of it) of the universe is getting bigger, thus expanding.

So when something expands to the edge of the universe, where does it go? Can it move beyond the boundary of the universe? Also, if the universe is a finite and measurable size, what's outside that spherical space (because we assume it's spherical). If nothing then it's probable it's infinite space and infinity is a hard thing to imagine xD

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So when something expands to the edge of the universe, where does it go? Can it move beyond the boundary of the universe? Also, if the universe is a finite and measurable size, what's outside that spherical space (because we assume it's spherical). If nothing then it's probable it's infinite space and infinity is a hard thing to imagine xD

well, currently we can't see farther than the observable universe (obviously, thus why it's observable), so the real answer is "we don't know", however, I would assume it's likely just more empty space. There are, however, many neat guesses about this, though none of them can really be proven (we will never really be able to observe the unobservable universe, though im sure some day we might be able to figure it out). Some theories state that it's actually circular, and if you pass beyond the edge, you find yourself on the other "far side" of the universe, while others subscribe to a multi-verse theory, and once you expand beyone our little "bubble" universe, you would find yourself in another bubble universe (though the method moving between the two wouldn't exactly be clear)

As far as your previous question, i see what you were getting more at now (i think i took your question the wrong way previously, and it didn't make much sense to me, but it makes much more now with this clarification), and it's actually a very interesting subject with, unfortunately, no answer in the foreseeable future.

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I watched the first one and was too scared to watch any more :(

Seriously though, if you're trying to creep someone out thats the way to do it.

The rest aren't as bad.

Well, maybe not The Legend of Horseman.

I showed them to one of my friends, plus the rainbow conspiracy, plus super spice bros 64.

She won't let me show her stuff anymore.

Either way, they're pretty awesome...

...on pig day.

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The rest aren't as bad.

Well, maybe not The Legend of Horseman.

I showed them to one of my friends, plus the rainbow conspiracy, plus super spice bros 64.

She won't let me show her stuff anymore.

Either way, they're pretty awesome...

...on pig day.


Pig day.....March will never be the same for me...

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The unedited gag reel is better. But you can't find it on youtube. Thankfully, I know my way around tumblr pretty well. Here's the original: Sorry, I can't get embedding to work from tumblr

Also from tumblr, have a hilarious Crack!vid (Slight Language Warning):

I think the last one's my favorite...

Edited by FeatherWriter
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