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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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40 minutes ago, EXPERIENCE said:

Granted. You had an angel.

I wish for a cookie.

Granted, but your cookie implodes upon digestion, and comes out as diarrhea that also happens to blow up (notice a trend?) 

I wish I could hear/know of the piano music EXPERIENCE wants to learn 

P.S. This is Daneil with a second account bc APPARENTLY I am a spammer. 

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@Daneil/@Dawnbreaker, you might want to talk to the mods about that. If something happened to your previous account they might be amenable to you creating a second account as long as the first one is taken down. I think the issue you are facing here is one of post count. There are certain restrictions on new members until they reach a certain post count, it's to prevent spammers. If something more happened to your previous profile, like getting issued a Warning Point, go send a DM to a mod or create a topic in the 17th Shard Discussion forum where they handle these issues

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15 hours ago, Dawnbreaker said:

Granted, but your cookie implodes upon digestion, and comes out as diarrhea that also happens to blow up (notice a trend?) 

I wish I could hear/know of the piano music EXPERIENCE wants to learn 

P.S. This is Daneil with a second account bc APPARENTLY I am a spammer. 

Granted, but now you can’t play any sheet music.

I wish that migraines didn’t exist. Specifically the one I have right now. (Any tips on how to get rid of it?)

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18 minutes ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

I wish that migraines didn’t exist. Specifically the one I have right now. (Any tips on how to get rid of it?)

Umm.... try a coldpack?

Granted migraines no longer exist, you get poison ivy instead.

I wish for my allergies to go away.

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34 minutes ago, McWafy said:

What do you think about raisins in cinnamonn Rolls.

Raisins in cinnamon rolls are almost the embodiment of evil, but that honor is reserved for raisin cookies. Especially ones that look like chocolate chip.

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20 hours ago, Frustration said:

Your allergies went away, as did you sense of smell.

I'm honestly not complaining,

16 hours ago, Retrac said:

Granted but its in a video game.

I wish for a new bed.

Granted, it's a bed of hemalurgic spikes 

I wish for a soul

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16 hours ago, Soulbinder said:

Raisins in cinnamon rolls are almost the embodiment of evil, but that honor is reserved for raisin cookies. Especially ones that look like chocolate chip.

WHAAAT! I LOVE THEM A cinimin roll is not a cinimin roll without raisins. ok, ok that may have bean a exaggeration, I still like them without raisins but with raisins are infinitly better.

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1 hour ago, McWafy said:

WHAAAT! I LOVE THEM A cinimin roll is not a cinimin roll without raisins. ok, ok that may have bean a exaggeration, I still like them without raisins but with raisins are infinitly better.

Is no one with me here?


3 hours ago, Frustration said:

Granted, via a single breath in your body that has alcohol for blood :)

I wish for instant noodles

Wish granted. There is no way to cook them.

I wish to figure out the Alleyverse.

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I may have over spoke, (is that the wright term to use? IDK) I prefer raisens in cinimen rolls (a lot) but if i had to have one with no raisens I wouldn't mind, But like if i could choose between the two i would choose with raisens every time.

I don't even know if all of that was even necessary, (woops) sorry if i over explained. Also I am really confindent that i did misspelled raisens and cinimen, so, yea.

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