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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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I wish I had a girlfriend, and that she likes Brandon's writing!


I see you want to make this hard for the Nightwatcher.

Instead, you can get access to the final versions of all Sanderson books, past and future. And you can become King of the Universe on top of it.

Still want a girlfriend instead?

Ok. To make this possible, we will alter your face- you know what, we'll change your gender too. And here's the girlfriend of your wish.


Bane: Gender change and your girlfriend is bossy.


Of course, it will take 3 years in the friend zone before you get her.


I think I am the most evil Nightwatcher.



I wish to be able to give boons/banes with having to ask for a boon, so that I can grant boons/banes as frequently as I want without feeling bad.

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I think the Nightwatcher doesn't appreciate you trying to take over her powers.


She gives you a broken sword instead. It's sharp as a storm but lacking a point. 


Boon: free sword! It won't ever break. It loves you. It will never leave your side.

Bane: it is broken. It doesn't leave so you get arrested for having an unauthorized deadly weapon. Oh, you live in a dystopian novel, now, too. Good luck.


I wish for more money, more than or equal to 100,000 USD. Thank you.

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Granted. $500,000 in cash appears under your bed overnight. However, when you discover it in the morning and try to deposit it in the bank, you are arrested for tax evasion.


I wish for the ability to teleport.

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Granted. $500,000 in cash appears under your bed overnight. However, when you discover it in the morning and try to deposit it in the bank, you are arrested for tax evasion.


I wish for the ability to teleport.

Granted, you can teleport at will but only to places where a Highstorm is near


I want the power of all 16 shards for myself

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Granted. They are put in a trust until Brandon finishes the Cosmere. Your bane is you now work for the trust company holding your powers, allowing you to see the vault they are stored in five days a week -- seven if you want to come in on the weekends and drool.... ;)


I wish that teaching or freelancing as a graphic artist paid as much as working in IT!


Edit: spelling

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Granted.  Teachers and Freelance graphic artists are now paid as much as IT guys. 


Bane: You will work as neither.  You will instead be a Janitor at a local school. FOREVER!


I wish to have exceptional Acrobatic/Martial arts skills.

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Granted. Teachers and Freelance graphic artists are now paid as much as IT guys.

Bane: You will work as neither. You will instead be a Janitor at a local school. FOREVER!

I wish to have exceptional Acrobatic/Martial arts skills.

You instead gain the ability to bend and contort your body, but are not granted fighting skills. You'll have to learn those on your own, though it may be easier now.

Your bane is now to see the world in ultraviolet, including near-blinding light coming from things other people would be unable to see at all.

I wish to be exactly the same as I am now.


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Granted, you will be exactly the same... forever. The Nightwatcher was wondering whether to keep your muscle arrangement and position exactly the same as well, but decided to take pity on you, so congratulations! You are now essentially nigh-invulnerable and immortal, and will be until the heat death of the universe... and beyond. As your bane, you lose all your senses except for sight and will never sleep, lose consciousness, get drunk or change the state of your awareness in any other way.


Great Nightwatcher, I wish for a coppermind and an ability to store in it and tap it. It doesn't have to work on any other piece of copper, this one will be enough.

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Granted. Rains suddenly stop. As your bane, you now are unable to sense humidity or water.


I wish to have no bane.

Granted, you have no Bane, the NightWatcher is disappointed with your baneleass wish and so teleports a band of Koloss from Scadrial to eat you alive. As she did it on her own accord and not as part of your wish it doesn't count as a bane


I wish George R. R. Martin would finish writing ASOIAF before the end of this decade

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Granted. He finishes it, and is preparing to realease it, however, the Nightwatcher causes it to spontaneously combust, due to your attempts at tampering with the time/space/THE CREATIVE PROCESS!



I wish not to see the world in Ultraviolet.  (I shall continue to attempt to fix the banes of my previous wishes.)

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I wish not to see the world in Ultraviolet.  (I shall continue to attempt to fix the banes of my previous wishes.)

Granted. You now have a normal vision. As your bane, you now are unable to pronouce, read, hear, or thinking the sounds U and V.


I wish to know Odium's  masterplan.

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Granted. You now have a normal vision. As your bane, you now are unable to pronouce, read, hear, or thinking the sounds U and V.


I wish to know Odium's  masterplan.


Granted. It's

to kill all the Shards so that he can absorb all (Intent-less) Investiture in the Cosmere and with its power, cross over to our world and have some McRib. He's been craving it since literally forever.


As your bane, you will now be dissatisfied with everything that happens in Stormlight Archive, as Odium's goal is just plain stupid.


I wish for Mistborn: House War to have better cover art. 

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Granted. Your bane is you see the world through Kindergartner lens. If you're lucky, you may get to some stick figures, but it may just be a mashup of crayons....


I wish there was an iPad version of Mistborn: House of War.

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I wish to never need to sleep.


Granted. You don't need to sleep anymore, but you are forced to eat three times as much as normal in order to keep your brain functioning nonstop.


I wish for the ability to pull fictional characters out of their books into the real world.

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I think the Nightwatcher doesn't appreciate you trying to take over her powers.


She gives you a broken sword instead. It's sharp as a storm but lacking a point. 


Boon: free sword! It won't ever break. It loves you. It will never leave your side.

Bane: it is broken. It doesn't leave so you get arrested for having an unauthorized deadly weapon. Oh, you live in a dystopian novel, now, too. Good luck.

You misunderstood me. I just wanted to be able to post a little more frequently in this post without feeling guilty about asking for too many boons. Anyways, thanks for the sword. :P

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You misunderstood me. I just wanted to be able to post a little more frequently in this post without feeling guilty about asking for too many boons. Anyways, thanks for the sword. :P

Ha, oops. Sorry! :)


I wish for the ability to pull fictional characters out of their books into the real world.

Granted. The obvious thing to do here would be to prevent your favorite or the nicer characters from becoming real, but I totally get you and would like that, too. So you get whatever characters you want.


However, most of them are really confused when you pull them through, and they spend most of their time being sad and pining for their own world and companions. You can send them back and bring them here as many times as you want, though. It was a good wish/boon and I don't want to mess it up too bad.


I wish for the ability to make others happy.

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Granted. Everyone else in the world is happy... but all of their negative emotions, memories, etc. are now your burden to bear. You will never know happiness and will regret for the rest of your life that you used the word "others" in your wish.


I wish for the ability to see the future.

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You can now see the future, 10 seconds in advance. However, it takes you 10 seconds to see the next ten seconds, so doesn't really help you at all.


I wish the Mistborn movie would hurry up and get made.

Granted, though it's directed by M. Night Shyamalan and Vin is played by Kristen Stewart


I wish Disney would restore the old Star Wars Cannon

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Granted.  Disney rebuilds a star wars Cannon, one that was on one of the original star destroyers.  The Nightwatcher takes pity on you for your poor spelling, and gives you no bane.


I wish to be an excellent fighter.

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After the elections end you will wake up. Then you will find out that the place you fell asleep in is damnation.


As your curse, Trump wins.


I wish that they would show something else than reruns on television.

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