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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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The nightwatcher is old. Her hearing isn't what it once was. She misheard 'boon' as 'bane' and instead gave you every curse. But as a curse.to balance it out she gives you invincibility.


Granted. It is physicAlly larger, but worth the same. And for a curse you have to eat a bug.

I wish that my curse of having my laser and squirrel armies go awry went away forever.

Edited by jasonpenguin
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The nightwatcher is old. Her hearing isn't what it once was. She misheard 'boon' as 'bane' and instead gave you every curse. But as a curse.to balance it out she gives you invincibility.


Granted. It is physicAlly larger, but worth the same. And for a curse you have to eat a bug.

I wish that my curse of having my laser and squirrel armies go awry went away forever.

Granted. You are now free of the laser and squirrel armies. The IRS show up at your door, glaring hard at you. The only way you can get them to leave is by baking them 6 dozen fat-free, gluten free, sugar-free, delicious cookies. If you give them ones they don't like, they won't leave.

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Granted, but using them even once will shatter your soul into a billion fragments, utterly annihilating your consciousness. (Attempting to use your Nightwatcher abilities to alter your own bane will cause the universe to implode, so don't get any funny ideas.)


I wish for the ability to alter people's emotional states.

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Granted. A rock TV falls on your foot. Like a giant rock carved to look like a TV.

I wish to not be blind.

Granted. You become totally sober, and can never become intoxicated again.


I want the skills and motivation to become one of the Mars One colonists.

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I'm gonna to break protocol and deny that one. If you went to mars, we'd miss you here. If you absolutely want it, you can have it, but all the other colonists die, leaving you alone until you die.

On an unrelated note, one of my friends is a finalist for the mars one program... not sure how I feel about that...

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I'm gonna to break protocol and deny that one. If you went to mars, we'd miss you here. If you absolutely want it, you can have it, but all the other colonists die, leaving you alone until you die.

On an unrelated note, one of my friends is a finalist for the mars one program... not sure how I feel about that...

Aw, that's sweet. To be fair, there'll eventually be internet access. It'd be like that time I stopped coming here for a while, only when I come back I'm on MARS! As for your friend... wow, I'm so jealous! Wish her or him the best for me.


I'll see if they're taking applicants again once I've finished my PhD.


Anyway, back to watching the Night ;)

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Won't Mars internet have, like, massive lag?

WHAT KID OF BANE IS THAT?!?! I mean, I can understand getting sunburn from how bright it is, or going blind, or going colorblind, or SOMETHING related to a TV, but THAT?! I mean, seriously!

Anyways, Granted. Every day, it tears out your kidneys, which will then regenerate in 12 hours, only to be plucked out again.

I think it's just some reference to Prometheus or whatever his name is. Could've sworn it was a thing.

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Granted. You are home sick, and no-one tells you until after he's gone.


I wish Brandon Sanderson would visit Christchurch, New Zealand and I could attend.


Granted. The entire south island of New Zealand is torn apart by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Like Atlantis of old, it sinks to the depths of the ocean with you, Brandon Sanderson, and the rest of south New Zealand's population.


I wish for a copy of the Necronomicon.

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Granted. The entire south island of New Zealand is torn apart by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Like Atlantis of old, it sinks to the depths of the ocean with you, Brandon Sanderson, and the rest of south New Zealand's population.


I wish for a copy of the Necronomicon.

Granted. You're driven mad by the revelation. Also, please watch this instructional video, if you haven't already.


I wish to retrieve Brandon Sanderson from the sunken ruins of New Zealand.

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Storms, man. You're supposed to ask for something!

You can sink with New Zealand too.

Well, you didn't wish either... So do I get the curse or you?

I wish everyone would convert to Zucchini-ism, including Brandon . Join the Zucchini-born!

Granted. Only real zucchinis join.

I wish to not be blind. Or sunken with New Zealand.

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You now reside in a prison in the center of the sun. You are shielded by a powerful magic, but if you were to open your eyes, you would be blinded. There is no escaping. You are out of wishes.

I wish for the ability to create art. I always wanted to be able to sculpt or draw or paint or all of them.

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I wish for the ability to create art. I always wanted to be able to sculpt or draw or paint or all of them.


Your art is so beautiful and majestic that anyone who sees it melts. You are put under arrest, and spend the rest of your life in prison. Finally you draw one last illustration, killing your gaurds as your mind snaps. Uou conquer the known world, until no one contests you. You end up never being able to satisfy your broken mind, and lock yourself away until you rot and turn to dust.

I wish I had the Shard of Pizzas. ( totally real )

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