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Who do you think will be the main villain of Mistborn Era 3?

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Do you think it will be a shard? If so, who will it be? We know autonomy (Trell) has already been a villain of era 2, and ruin was era 1. Say who you think and why - I wanna hear what you think.


On the Coppermind, it says that it will have a strong focus on Kelsier and Trell. This points toward trell being the big bad, or maybe even Kelsier??? 


Imagine if Kelsier becomes an avatar/vessel for autonomy!!!

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31 minutes ago, Brandosando said:

Do you think it will be a shard? If so, who will it be? We know autonomy (Trell) has already been a villain of era 2, and ruin was era 1. Say who you think and why - I wanna hear what you think.

On the Coppermind, it says that it will have a strong focus on Kelsier and Trell. This points toward trell being the big bad, or maybe even Kelsier??? 

Imagine if Kelsier becomes an avatar/vessel for autonomy!!!

Welcome to the Shard :) 

The title of the Era 3 is Ghostbloods, Kelsier will be for sure very important to the story. I think it might be about conflict between Kelsier and Sazed as Harmony/Discord, probably about how to deal with Autonomy, who will be messing with Scadrial again. Maybe even Roshar will show up at the very end, foreshadowing the conflict of Era 4.

Why Kelsier vs Sazed? Well, it was foreshadowed in TLM epilogue, Sazed will turn into Discord and that may or may not be desirable. Autonomy will for sure return and Roshar has to be introduced for Era 4 (they might not play an antagonistic role yet), which will also tie up Ghostbloods thread from SA.


“I,” Kelsier said, “am going to protect our people. Whatever it costs. Please tell me I won’t ever have to protect them from you.”
“That depends,” Sazed said, “entirely upon you, old friend.”

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3 hours ago, alder24 said:

Welcome to the Shard :) 

The title of the Era 3 is Ghostbloods, Kelsier will be for sure very important to the story. I think it might be about conflict between Kelsier and Sazed as Harmony/Discord, probably about how to deal with Autonomy, who will be messing with Scadrial again. Maybe even Roshar will show up at the very end, foreshadowing the conflict of Era 4.

Why Kelsier vs Sazed? Well, it was foreshadowed in TLM epilogue, Sazed will turn into Discord and that may or may not be desirable. Autonomy will for sure return and Roshar has to be introduced for Era 4 (they might not play an antagonistic role yet), which will also tie up Ghostbloods thread from SA.

Random theory going off of that and the old "Mistborn serial killer" WoBs that may be out of date:

Kelsier finds out how to make a Mistborn and employs them in wiping out any of Autonomy's remaining agents or attempts at taking over Scadrial...for a time. Unfortunately, by the time of the story, the Mistborn has now gone rogue, and Kelsier is using the Ghostbloods to stop them. (Or so it seems - in actuality, Kelsier is using all of this chaos to bring out Discord, hoping it'll prompt his old friend to be more proactive.) Meanwhile, Harmony thinks the Ghostbloods have gone too far and that the Mistborn is really just the symptom, with the Ghostbloods as the cause. Our main protagonist will be swept up in the events of the story and must play both sides while finding out...something. 

The above is me just spit-balling. Feel free to discard it or take from it what you will. 

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I think that ultimately it's going to be a struggle that is internal to Sazed with effects that ripple out across Scadrial and the Cosmere. Maybe not the whole era, and there will certainly be new characters and factions that come into play along with existing ones (like the Ghostbloods and the Set) that are likely to recur, but this seems to me like where the action on Scadrial has been heading. I'm of the opinion that most of the transition to Discord has already occurred, so I think that the consequences of that will be explored in era 3 but will not be the major setup for events.

We're also likely to see conflict between the Northern and Southern Scadrians, though it's possible that the most acute portions of that will be stuffed into the time between eras and we'll only get exposition about it. We're also likely to see a full Feruchemist as the head of, or a key player in, an organization that will generate a lot of resistance one way or another.

We have gotten increasingly explicit evidence that something strange is going on with Sazed, that it's consequential, and that Sazed is being dishonest about it and/or hiding the issue or mechanisms related to it. As the Cosmere has progressed we've seen more and more conflicts roll up into Shard-level issues and I expect that to continue; we will not see a book with plot arcs like Warbreaker, The Final Empire, and Sixth of the Dusk again in an already-established setting, I think, so the new Mistborn issues seem unlikely to me to be local or worldly for very long.

I don't think that we'll get very prominent interplanetary conflicts until Mistborn era 4, and though we'll probably have visitors and meddlers I don't think that they'll drive plots over the entirety of era 3.

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I think autonomy will be back, although maybe not in as big of a role as before because originally Autonomy was planned for era 3 and AoL was planned to be a stand-alone book. Harmony will probably turn into Discord during/in the middle of era 3, because that seems like too big of a change to happen off-screen. Roshar will definitely get introduced, and I hope nightblood comes to Scadrial. There will probably be a cold war between the Northern and Southern Scadrians (I think I saw a WoB about this, but I can't find it), with Kelsier trying to manipulate both sides so that Scadrial doesn't get nuked out of existence. I think the end of the series will have Scadrial unified and starting to colonize planets with a power struggle against Roshar.

What mistborn serial killer WoBs are you talking about?

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I've found a few, note that WoBs are not always trustworthy, especially after many years. 

These are dated 2010, 2009, 2016.



My question: What exactly does the Mistborn sequel series entail?

Brandon Sanderson

Several hundred years after the original trilogy—Spoiler alert!—Wait, aren't these questions supposed to be about WARBREAKER?

Anyway, the Mistborn sequel trilogy, as I've said before, takes place in a more technologically advanced version of the world, several hundred years later. They've progressed beyond steam technology to combustion engine technology, are building skyscrapers—that level of technology. It will follow the exploits of a team of Allomancers who are kind of like an Allomantic SWAT team, a group of hybrid mercenary/deputized individuals who are brought in by the police to take out Allomancer criminals. The first book will deal with when they are called in to deal with a Mistborn serial killer. That's how it starts. It will go bizarre from there, of course, but think guns, cars, skyscrapers, and Allomancers.





Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

The second mistborn trilogy: Takes place in an urban setting with guns, cars, skyscrapers, etc. Plot will center around a group of allomancers paid by the government to take out allomancer criminals and will involve a mistborn (which is rare at this time) serial killer.





You've dropped a few tidbits about the plot of the next Mistborn series over the years. Putting all those things together, we have a nicrosil Ferring Terriswoman hacker recruited for fieldwork in an "Allomancer SWAT team" to chase a Mistborn serial killer. Could you give us a more recent and concise pitch/blurb if the above is no longer accurate?

Brandon Sanderson

Ha. That's not far off, as all of those things still exist in the series, though the weight I'll give them is relative. With the Alloy series covering some of the police procedural aspect of storytelling, I'm inching the outlines slowly away from the SWAT idea and toward more spy thriller--but the SWAT team isn't not gone completely. (Of course, who knows what will happen in the intervening years between now and when I write it.)




This last WoB shows how much his plan can change in just 6-7 years for a series. I personally think that the original plot sounds more like the original mistborn. Whatever ends up happening, though, will be phenomenal writing! 

Edited by Aredor
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30 minutes ago, Aredor said:

This last WoB shows how much his plan can change in just 6-7 years for a series. I personally think that the original plot sounds more like the original mistborn.

Things certainly did change! Though I think most of those details and setups wound up in Shadows of Self.

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9 hours ago, Returned said:

As the Cosmere has progressed we've seen more and more conflicts roll up into Shard-level issues and I expect that to continue; we will not see a book with plot arcs like Warbreaker, The Final Empire, and Sixth of the Dusk again in an already-established setting, I think, so the new Mistborn issues seem unlikely to me to be local or worldly for very long.

I don't think that we'll get very prominent interplanetary conflicts until Mistborn era 4, and though we'll probably have visitors and meddlers I don't think that they'll drive plots over the entirety of era 3.

This is what I agree with. Definitely true. 

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  • 2 months later...

I am thinking that if Sazed really does realize he is becoming Discord, he will intentionally hand the Shard off to someone better equipped to the Intent and handle things, and just live as some random Sliver. It would be interesting to see Sazed as a main character again.

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Autonomy will certainly be back as Trell again, but since people will be far more aware of her existence and meddling I think she might have to ditch the stealth approach since it didn't really work out in Era 2.

She'll probably do her best to cause major destruction to Scadrial, as is her goal in TLM, which will probably involve coaxing the Basin and Malwish into a 'nuclear' war with the Trellium/Harmonium nukes. It is meant to be a 'Cold War Spy Thriller' after all.

Maybe she'll bargain with the Malwish by pretending to be their gods and goad them into trying to 'exterminate those filthy northerners'. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

My guess:

- Sazed syphons off the “excess Ruin” into an avatar - namely Marsh

- Marsh is chosen for a lot of reasons, but an important one being that he has exceptional ability to resist Ruin’s control

- humanity is locked in a treadmill where Marsh seeks to destroy them, and they have to devise technological solutions to protect themselves - after which, Marsh recedes for some time but then comes back stronger 

- Kelsier’s mission in Ghostbloods is to find a way to reach stability and break the cycle, particularly by obviating the need for an outlet for excess Ruin at all

Why do I think this? The key is Sazed and Kelsier’s observations about the speed of technological progress. To go any faster while doing things the “right” way like Sazed wants, it would have to be in response to some challenge, rather than just Sazed handing over knowledge. We know Discord will happen, and we know Kelsier is worried about needing to protect Scadrial from Sazed. And of course Sazed responds “that depends entirely on you” - in other words, it’s up to Kelsier to devise a solution to Discord’s destructive tendencies. Finally we know that by TSM, Scadrial is ahead technologically, whereas they’re starting off quite far behind - Marsh is how they start accelerating at a faster pace than anyone else.

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I've been thinking for a while now one of the main conflicts for Era 3 will be North VS South. I swear I remember Brandon alluding to a cold war in E3, but I can't find the WoBs. Maybe I was mixing it up with the other potential cold war in MB - Scadrial vs Roshar in E4. Anyway, here's my two cents on where do we go now:



Tensions start growing between North and South. After all, the Southerners gave keep of a holy relic to a North-friendly kandra, and they destroyed it (from their PoV). Plus, there's the fact that Sazed sheltered the Northeners during the Catacendre and made them the rich and green Basin, while he did nothing for the Southerners who would have all died had Kelsier not stepped in. Basin which is, by the way, probably more attractive than the Southern frozen lands. 

On the other side, the North feels threatened by this powerful neighbour who's been sending airships quite close to their lands without them even noticing, and who has access to really powerful technology in the medallions. And now they could be accusing them of destroying the Bands, which they had nothing to do with.


I do not think this would be enough to create a general pervasive mistrust between North and South, but it would be enough to create bellicist factions appear in at least one of the sides (wanting to subjugate/conquer/straight up exterminate a neighbour seen as a threat).

Autonomy sees the opportunity of having Scadrial destroy itself, and therefore supports these factions from behind the scenes, possibly without them even knowing. She also keeps triggering diplomatic incidents. (Kinda like what @JustQuestin2004 was suggesting earlier)

Sazed lets this happen, as he wants some kind of pressure on the North to make them catch up technologically, and the threat of a war with the South is exactly that. However, he can't really act against the deep reasons driving to the war, as he is still locked by his inner conflict. But he tries to lock the two parties in a stalemate, so that the war stays cold and everyone keeps inventing without actually destroying each other. The mass destruction weapons both sides now have are helping in that, by creating an equivalent to our world's nuclear dissuasion.

Kelsier is playing the fireman, because he also doesn't want of a war. Autonomy keeps lighting fires as quickly as the Ghostbloods put them out, and Sazed doesn't do anything because together the Ghostbloods and Autonomy's minions are maitaining the status quo he wants. Kelsier doesn't like that, as he feels Scadrial should rather go and get a lead in the space race now. He might try to start acting against Harmony? Not sure how it works with all his resources being directed against Autonomy. But he definitely wants a change in management.

So yeah, I think this is about where we start Era 3: with North and South in a cold war, and Kelsier, Sazed and Autonomy in a weird 3-way "conflict". Then of course, since those books are written by Brandon Sanderson, our main characters will do their shenanigans and turn this in an absolute chaos before book 1 is halfway done. I can't wait.


(Those are just my own thoughts, speculating based on just the content of the later W&W books. I haven’t really kept in touch with the fandom since TLM released, so I don't really know what did Brandon say recently.)



On 2/6/2024 at 3:35 AM, Use the Falchion said:

Random theory going off of that and the old "Mistborn serial killer" WoBs that may be out of date:

Kelsier finds out how to make a Mistborn and employs them in wiping out any of Autonomy's remaining agents or attempts at taking over Scadrial...for a time. Unfortunately, by the time of the story, the Mistborn has now gone rogue, and Kelsier is using the Ghostbloods to stop them. (Or so it seems - in actuality, Kelsier is using all of this chaos to bring out Discord, hoping it'll prompt his old friend to be more proactive.) Meanwhile, Harmony thinks the Ghostbloods have gone too far and that the Mistborn is really just the symptom, with the Ghostbloods as the cause. Our main protagonist will be swept up in the events of the story and must play both sides while finding out...something. 

The above is me just spit-balling. Feel free to discard it or take from it what you will. 

If this doesn't happen, I kinda want someone to write that as an alternate universe fanfic.


Edit: wow this ended up way longer than i thought

Edited by Just a Silvereye
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19 hours ago, Just a Silvereye said:

I've been thinking for a while now one of the main conflicts for Era 3 will be North VS South. I swear I remember Brandon alluding to a cold war in E3, but I can't find the WoBs. Maybe I was mixing it up with the other potential cold war in MB - Scadrial vs Roshar in E4. Anyway, here's my two cents on where do we go now:



Tensions start growing between North and South. After all, the Southerners gave keep of a holy relic to a North-friendly kandra, and they destroyed it (from their PoV). Plus, there's the fact that Sazed sheltered the Northeners during the Catacendre and made them the rich and green Basin, while he did nothing for the Southerners who would have all died had Kelsier not stepped in. Basin which is, by the way, probably more attractive than the Southern frozen lands. 

On the other side, the North feels threatened by this powerful neighbour who's been sending airships quite close to their lands without them even noticing, and who has access to really powerful technology in the medallions. And now they could be accusing them of destroying the Bands, which they had nothing to do with.


I do not think this would be enough to create a general pervasive mistrust between North and South, but it would be enough to create bellicist factions appear in at least one of the sides (wanting to subjugate/conquer/straight up exterminate a neighbour seen as a threat).

Autonomy sees the opportunity of having Scadrial destroy itself, and therefore supports these factions from behind the scenes, possibly without them even knowing. She also keeps triggering diplomatic incidents. (Kinda like what @JustQuestin2004 was suggesting earlier)

Sazed lets this happen, as he wants some kind of pressure on the North to make them catch up technologically, and the threat of a war with the South is exactly that. However, he can't really act against the deep reasons driving to the war, as he is still locked by his inner conflict. But he tries to lock the two parties in a stalemate, so that the war stays cold and everyone keeps inventing without actually destroying each other. The mass destruction weapons both sides now have are helping in that, by creating an equivalent to our world's nuclear dissuasion.

Kelsier is playing the fireman, because he also doesn't want of a war. Autonomy keeps lighting fires as quickly as the Ghostbloods put them out, and Sazed doesn't do anything because together the Ghostbloods and Autonomy's minions are maitaining the status quo he wants. Kelsier doesn't like that, as he feels Scadrial should rather go and get a lead in the space race now. He might try to start acting against Harmony? Not sure how it works with all his resources being directed against Autonomy. But he definitely wants a change in management.

So yeah, I think this is about where we start Era 3: with North and South in a cold war, and Kelsier, Sazed and Autonomy in a weird 3-way "conflict". Then of course, since those books are written by Brandon Sanderson, our main characters will do their shenanigans and turn this in an absolute chaos before book 1 is halfway done. I can't wait.


(Those are just my own thoughts, speculating based on just the content of the later W&W books. I haven’t really kept in touch with the fandom since TLM released, so I don't really know what did Brandon say recently.)



If this doesn't happen, I kinda want someone to write that as an alternate universe fanfic.


Edit: wow this ended up way longer than i thought

Best theory so far makes the most sense. I still think the swat team and the mistborn killer will play a role at least in the beginning. Maybe the main character starts on the swat team hunting the mist born killer but gets recruited into the ghost bloods at the end of part 1 book 1

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