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The Hunger Games Chat Thread

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2 hours ago, justice magician said:


Is the cyotverse one done yet? I haven't been following it since my character left.

Yes Cytoverse is done. Life was kicking our butts so it finished a bit sloppily. But it’s done. Anyone still living can leave the games that is still living cuz the rebellion took over and freed everyone.

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3 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Yes Cytoverse is done. Life was kicking our butts so it finished a bit sloppily. But it’s done. Anyone still living can leave the games that is still living cuz the rebellion took over and freed everyone.

Oh cool! My character ended in jail near the beginning of the games, so I don't know if he counts for that.

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33 minutes ago, justice magician said:

Oh cool! My character ended in jail near the beginning of the games, so I don't know if he counts for that.

I think he would.

If you want maybe he could like show up when your new character dies, in the GM HQ, you could ask @Edema Rue or @SmilingPanda19

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2 minutes ago, Invisible said:

I think he would.

If you want maybe he could like show up when your new character dies, in the GM HQ, you could ask @Edema Rue or @SmilingPanda19

Tis possible….

H o w d o y o u s e e k t o p a y f o r a t o t a l l y n o t e v i l a r r a n g e m e n t ?


Gimme your voice (Body language!)

Eat this apple (Not suspicious at all)

Let me prick your baby (I’m such a good witch lady!)

Get locked in a tower for 16 years (Mother knows bes-)

Turn me into a bear (Ooh fruit cake!)

No royal balls for you! (#Stepmomgoals)

Marry me (Look there- he goes, isn’t he dreamy? *giggles* MONSIEUR GAS- )


True Love (Not, freeze to death! Sorry not sorry-)

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21 minutes ago, Invisible said:

I think he would.

If you want maybe he could like show up when your new character dies, in the GM HQ, you could ask @Edema Rue or @SmilingPanda19


10 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Tis possible….

H o w d o y o u s e e k t o p a y f o r a t o t a l l y n o t e v i l a r r a n g e m e n t ?


Gimme your voice (Body language!)

Eat this apple (Not suspicious at all)

Let me prick your baby (I’m such a good witch lady!)

Get locked in a tower for 16 years (Mother knows bes-)

Turn me into a bear (Ooh fruit cake!)

No royal balls for you! (#Stepmomgoals)

Marry me (Look there- he goes, isn’t he dreamy? *giggles* MONSIEUR GAS- )


True Love (Not, freeze to death! Sorry not sorry-)


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The chances of saffron Iguana returning rise every day

4 hours ago, justice magician said:

Oh cool! My character ended in jail near the beginning of the games, so I don't know if he counts for that.

I Have a long history of GM defiance and/or dying before anyone else 

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Just now, Aeoryi said:

Sort of? 

Although as I happened to learn, being on the list doesn't garuntee you anything. 

We try.

But, Aeo, you need to understand we can't make all 20 someodd people we have on our list GMs at the same time.

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12 hours ago, Lightweaver2 said:

May I be a GM at some point?

Of course! I’lll put you on the list, please be patient with us.

3 hours ago, Invisible said:

We'll add you to the list that... we have a list right?

@Edema Rue @SmilingPanda19

We do. I have it.

10 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

Sort of? 

Although as I happened to learn, being on the list doesn't garuntee you anything. 

We have tens of people. Patience.

9 minutes ago, Invisible said:

We try.

But, Aeo, you need to understand we can't make all 20 someodd people we have on our list GMs at the same time.


6 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

For those of you who don't know, I was skipped over intentionally on the list of people to GM next. I think I asked in... SA hunger games? And then restated it in the cytoverse signups, but have now been informed that it was indeed intentional, and you can make your conclusion off of that.

Aeoryi. We are trying. You are being difficult to work with not as a GM so we are reluctant. We are planning to put you in. And I will have you know, there is no order. It is a list and we pick and choose based on what the plot needs. When we need/desire Saffron or other funnily chaotic characters we will reach out. Thank you.

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12 minutes ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

Am I on the list? I think I requested a little bit ago but I’m not sure if I ended up officially on the list.


Ask the other two they do that stuff

4 minutes ago, Experience said:

Let's just say I'm super excited for cosmere hunger games.

You should be!

Its gonna be epic once we actually get around to it

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6 hours ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Of course! I’lll put you on the list, please be patient with us.

We do. I have it.

We have tens of people. Patience.


Aeoryi. We are trying. You are being difficult to work with not as a GM so we are reluctant. We are planning to put you in. And I will have you know, there is no order. It is a list and we pick and choose based on what the plot needs. When we need/desire Saffron or other funnily chaotic characters we will reach out. Thank you.

Make it say no without making it sound like no 101

Tbh I'm not a big fan of this. I could probably even quote 2+ posts that directly contradict this, but okay look I could bring up over 20 reasons right now that make me feel irritated about this, but I'm not going to. But I will say this much: this is basically like the fadran thing and I'm still not over that yet. 

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