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I would like to announce Part 2


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I would like to announce that I will be taking a forced leave of absence from the forums for two weeks beginning tomorrow. I'm going on a short trip and internet will be spotty at best, but I'll attempt to check in as often as possible. So never fear I have not vanished! I shall return in a fortnight, with the lore of Roshar refreshed from my copperminds. (aka I'm reading TWoK on the car trip :P) Upon my return, expect a renewed memory of what is fact and speculation in that book, as well as a new theory and a new discussion topic I want to get going. So long for now! :D

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I would like to announce that I will be taking a forced leave of absence from the forums for two weeks beginning tomorrow. I'm going on a short trip and internet will be spotty at best, but I'll attempt to check in as often as possible. So never fear I have not vanished! I shall return in a fortnight, with the lore of Roshar refreshed from my copperminds. (aka I'm reading TWoK on the car trip :P) Upon my return, expect a renewed memory of what is fact and speculation in that book, as well as a new theory and a new discussion topic I want to get going. So long for now! :D

good luck dude, and enjoy yourself :D we'll miss you(r contributions to the wiki :P)

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I would like to announce 2 things. First, that the Elantris annotations are well underway, and should all be in the Database by the end of the week.

Second, I'd like to announce that I this is post # 1337. Whoo-hoo!

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I would like to announce that my wife and I had our first baby - a boy, Liam - this past Thursday!

(...and that I've only just had enough time and energy to post it :))

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I would like to announce that I'm back! Also I missed this place like crazy. Reading TWoK was good though, I caught a bunch of things I'd missed before, and got a better understanding of the story. I'm still Cosmere hooked though. After a concert my half deaf and with my eyes all messed up from the lights, I felt like Spook after he became a tin savant. Also I found the outline of Aon Omi in a chair. Also I was in a hot tub and totally felt like I was in the Well of Ascension. In other words I'm still nuts, but glad to be back!

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Just came back from spending a two days and a night at the college I will be going to in August. It was extremely fun and I made four friends(!). One of them I might even manage to to convert to the Way of Sanderson.

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Was anyone wise enough to take pictures and/or videos? Please tell me someone did!

Also, what else caught fire now?!

I was in Idaho for most of the week so I missed most of the Ashfalls, my dad tried to take some pictures of them to send my but you can see any ash falling in them. I do have a few pictures of where the ash has fallen though.

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I would like to announce that I am now a Sugarbinder. You will all bow before my confectionary powers!

Life Before Death! Strength before Weakness! Dessert before Dinner!

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