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imagining possible worlds in the cosmere


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These days I read a topic about the quantum discussion of investiture.

It explains the entire foundation of cosmere magic (as far as we know) and I thought about creating magical systems.

taking into account that the intention of a shard only influences the way the magic is obtained and not how it works.

and that the world in which people reside seems to define the mechanics of art invested.

We know that there doesn't necessarily need to be a shard on the planet for it to have an art invested in it.

I'd like to imagine smaller shardworlds and invested arts systems that could exist in them.

But my creativity ends here.:P

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34 minutes ago, Alumínio said:

These days I read a topic about the quantum discussion of investiture.

It explains the entire foundation of cosmere magic (as far as we know) and I thought about creating magical systems.

taking into account that the intention of a shard only influences the way the magic is obtained and not how it works.

and that the world in which people reside seems to define the mechanics of art invested.

We know that there doesn't necessarily need to be a shard on the planet for it to have an art invested in it.

I'd like to imagine smaller shardworlds and invested arts systems that could exist in them.

But my creativity ends here.:P

I actually created my own mini shard world  set around a tiny artificial sun made of investiture.  I have life to an entire continent under the sea. 

All the plants and sea animals were invested and so were harder and stronger than what was naturally possible.

The people of world were under water shapeshifters that some times like to visit the surface world in secret but were easily found out because of how made they were and changing into humans and other surfaces creatures.  

Edited by bmcclure7
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16 minutes ago, Alumínio said:

These days I read a topic about the quantum discussion of investiture.

It explains the entire foundation of cosmere magic (as far as we know) and I thought about creating magical systems.

taking into account that the intention of a shard only influences the way the magic is obtained and not how it works.

and that the world in which people reside seems to define the mechanics of art invested.

We know that there doesn't necessarily need to be a shard on the planet for it to have an art invested in it.

I'd like to imagine smaller shardworlds and invested arts systems that could exist in them.

But my creativity ends here.:P

There was a topic not long ago where we engaged in this a little and imagined a bunch of Shardworlds and invested arts. Not a little but a lot. If you're interested you can read it here:


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59 minutes ago, Alumínio said:

I'd like to imagine smaller shardworlds and invested arts systems that could exist in them.


Oooh I like this idea! I think that a cyberpunk planet invested by whimsy would be cool. Like, with Lego movie cloud city vibes and kite magic and hover ships and stuff.

Okay I will return shortly with a map and better fleshed out idea but for now I have to go to chemistry.

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3 hours ago, Argenti said:

God chem is bad

Yup. We had a supply teacher so I basically just stared at the wall for like an hour and a half.
I... really liked this idea. And had a bit of fun with it. 

This is Drollerin, a planet influenced by Whimsy and Autonomy. My idea for this is that Whimsy made a bunch of bird people who can't fly but they can glide around and they're really strong and good fighters. Autonomy wanted to make a super bird people army, so she made a deal with Whimsy that anyone who makes it to Autonomy's temple onher island joins the Phoenix army (gold and red :). Basically the magic on this island is the wind that follows a very specific pattern, and there are random places where winds always goes right up. People live in huge trees because the land floods all the time. The trees are full of parrots and monkeys and bright flowers, and every thing on the planet is super bright. A bit of Autonomy has influenced the culture and manifests in a desire to be unique. Every one's outfits and accents and expressions are intentionally wacky and awesome and different, and colourful makeup is super common. The cities are built on wooden and metal platforms (there's metal inside the trees obviously) but are super duper cheerful and people use the wind currents to fly everywhere with kites (kite magic!) that are made from feathers and flower petals. Also the flowers sing and music is super important to the culture, most machines also play music for no reason other than it's fun. Further inland is the land people who live in stained glass houses. 


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I had an idea for a world called Vathen. It'd be a world covered in enormous trees and forests With two main ecosystems, the tops of the trees where there's light and big flying bugs, and the Forest Floor which is in near-perpetual darkness with lots of bioluminescence, with the apex predator species being a giant glowing spider-centipede thing. 

The magic would be based around 'Florans', magic edible fruits that grant temporary abilities. There would be 7 main species of plants, with the rarer the plant being stronger due to concentrated Investiture. It'd be like Devil Fruits from One Piece in that there are only a certain number of the plants, they just 'reincarnate' when they're eaten.

3 types would be found in the forest floor, one which grants bioluminescence.

3 types would be found on the top of the trees, one would grant near-weightlessness.

Humans would live with two different civilizations living on the ground or on top of the trees, they wouldn't like each other very much.

Anyway a change would occur on Vathen when Harmony, or Discord by this point, pulls a Preservation on Odium, rippng off a chunk of his Investture and hiding it on Vathen, placing 2 Splinters, one of Preservation and one of Ruin, of his own there to keep the Odium Splinter from attacking the locals.

Eventually the Odium splinter would seep into Vathen, creating new corrupted Florans that would cause chaos as animals and humans consume them and go crazy.

And that's pretty much all I've got for it off the top of my head, I won't be writing a story about it since it won't make sense for Discord and Odium to crash and I'm not super thrilled by the Magic System, if I did try to make a story I'd probably change the magic and have it delve into Biofabrication, which I grew interested in when I was also writing the idea for this world.

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38 minutes ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

Eventually the Odium splinter would seep into Vathen, creating new corrupted Florans that would cause chaos as animals and humans consume them and go crazy.

Ooh, that's a really cool idea. Especially if you can't tell the difference between a regular and a corrupted Floran until you try it.

I think a planet settled by Invention could be cool. Maybe people would use investiture to power their machines somehow? Idk

Edited by Sir Squeekins
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19 minutes ago, bmcclure7 said:

I suppose it would involve people in desperate need mysterious gain powers as for what powers idk got any ideas?


In a moment of need, most people from Clementia gain powers that help the, with that specific problem, and go away once that problem is solved. Some people, though, called the Forsaken, are born with less Investiture than average. Some of the people who do have the magic were granted the power to help the Forsaken, and they are called the Merciful. As such, the Arcana on Clementia can take a variety of different forms. The exact specifics of each person’s magic is determined by Mercy’s vessel, Prinil.

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I think Mercy's Magic System would have to be similar to Breath, in the fact that you wouldn't be able to do some things directly for yourself, like how Returned can't heal themselves or how you can't steal Breath. After all, mercy can also only be given. It'd be a magic system that relies on other people.

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2 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

I think Mercy's Magic System would have to be similar to Breath, in the fact that you wouldn't be able to do some things directly for yourself, like how Returned can't heal themselves or how you can't steal Breath. After all, mercy can also only be given. It'd be a magic system that relies on other people.

Maybe an extra bit a investiture that can't be used by your self but can be given to someone else as long as it is something they need. 

Giving your investiture to a sick man can give him the ability to heal himself.  Were as giving your investiture to a old man might stop are slow his aging. 

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