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Insanity Clinic: Season Two


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52 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Elan followed behind, writing in the air with a pen, brow furrowed as he cast numerous spells and protections, editing the reality around him. He tensed as Pic approached, then relaxed, continuing to follow, finishing up the spells and desummoning the pen. “Careful.”


43 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

"Wait!" Quinn caught up with Pic. 

Quinn waved at him. "Are you Elan?"


34 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"I would have preferred to do this alone," she said. Her tone wasn't rude, just informative.

Pic smirks. “Well too bad,” he hums. “We’re here now.”

31 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

“I am.” Elan said, not making eye contact. “How did you know?”


29 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

"Uh... Don't worry! I'm totally not probably ancient evil that's going to kill Aventine! Okay, Bye!" Quinn rushed off.

Quinn showed up near Aventine.


“Dissonance, Quinn,” he hums. 

28 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

She eyed him. "You know I could hear you that whole time, right?"


18 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

"I would never," Quinn says. "I came here with different intentions." 


17 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"Good for... bye?" Elan says as she runs off. He sprints after her. "What is going on?"



7 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

"I wanted to apologize for something I said earlier." Quinn ignores her comment, "


5 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

She raised an eyebrow, sideyeing Quinn.

Pic also eyes Quinn. 

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9 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

She raised an eyebrow, sideyeing Quinn.

"I don't know what I said, but it was probably offensive and so I think your reaction was justified. Yeah." 

2 minutes ago, Cash67 said:



Pic smirks. “Well too bad,” he hums. “We’re here now.”


“Dissonance, Quinn,” he hums. 





Pic also eyes Quinn. 

"Don't worry about it!"

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5 minutes ago, Cash67 said:



Pic smirks. “Well too bad,” he hums. “We’re here now.”


“Dissonance, Quinn,” he hums. 





Pic also eyes Quinn. 

She sighed, but put her hand in his.

1 minute ago, Aeoryi said:

"I don't know what I said, but it was probably offensive and so I think your reaction was justified. Yeah." 

"Don't worry about it!"

She looked away.

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1 hour ago, Cash67 said:



Pic wandered the hallways at a fast pace.  “Keep an eye out for her,” he hums to Lundyn. He zoomed past the cafeteria, past the halls, eventually coming to a stop outside the jagged obsidian door where Aventine and Elan were. He zoomed next to her and began walking at her pace towards the door. 

@Spark of Hope


44 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"I would have preferred to do this alone," she said. Her tone wasn't rude, just informative.


2 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

She sighed, but put her hand in his.

She looked away.

Lundyn baps Aventine on the top of her head, just because she felt like it.

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17 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"Mhm," she answered sarcastically. Maybe we don't expose our backs to this one. 

@Ancient Elantrian

5 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

"I don't know what I said, but it was probably offensive and so I think your reaction was justified. Yeah." 

"Don't worry about it!"

Agreed. I like my back to be unholey. Elan sends to Aventine's mind.



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1 minute ago, shortcake said:



Lundyn baps Aventine on the top of her head, just because she felt like it.

She play-glared at Lundyn.

Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

Agreed. I like my back to be unholey. Elan sends to Aventine's mind.



She sent acknowledgement, but no words in response.

Just now, Aeoryi said:

"I'm sorry I hurt you." Quinn didn't really know what to say.

"And how do I know you're sincere?" Her voice was tense.

Edited by Spark of Hope
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1 minute ago, Spark of Hope said:

She play-glared at Lundyn.

She sent acknowledgement, but no words in response.

"And how do I know you're sincere?" Her voice was tense.

"You don't. That's the fun part. Although you could probably get a mind-reader to confirm if you care still."

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Just now, Aeoryi said:

"You don't. That's the fun part. Although you could probably get a mind-reader to confirm if you care still."

Well, he seems it...

"Then I'll try to forgive you."


I don't know if burning copper would stop Quinn's perception/mind reading abilities, if it would she does it here


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Just now, Aeoryi said:

Quinn shrugged. "All good?"


"For now." She left Quinn, Pic, and Lundyn behind, and approached Bookwyrm and Thaidakar behind Elan.

4 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"Thaid?" Elan asks, finally approaching the man beside the door.

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Bookwyrm 



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12 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

She sighed, but put her hand in his.

She looked away.

He squeezed her hand back, still looking straight forward. 

9 minutes ago, shortcake said:



Lundyn baps Aventine on the top of her head, just because she felt like it.

Pic snorts out a laugh. 

9 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

"I'm sorry I hurt you." Quinn didn't really know what to say.


8 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

She play-glared at Lundyn.

She sent acknowledgement, but no words in response.

"And how do I know you're sincere?" Her voice was tense.


1 minute ago, Spark of Hope said:

"For now." She left Quinn, Pic, and Lundyn behind, and approached Bookwyrm and Thaidakar behind Elan.


Pic let go and watched her move forward. He took Lundyn off of his shoulders and set her down right next to him. 

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3 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"For now." She left Quinn, Pic, and Lundyn behind, and approached Bookwyrm and Thaidakar behind Elan.


"I guess I'm now morally correct now."

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11 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

She play-glared at Lundyn.

She sent acknowledgement, but no words in response.

"And how do I know you're sincere?" Her voice was tense.

Lundyn grins.

1 minute ago, Cash67 said:

He squeezed her hand back, still looking straight forward. 

Pic snorts out a laugh. 



Pic let go and watched her move forward. He took Lundyn off of his shoulders and set her down right next to him. 

Lundyn reaches for Pic's hand.


going offline


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Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

Elan glances at their hands holding and clenches his jaw, just slightly, then crouches down in front of Thaidakar.



Don't tell me Elan has a crush on her


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10 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:



2 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:




I didn't realize she had a boyfriend when I first started writing it

When he grabbed her hand earlier.

This just makes it so much funner.


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