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I've seen clubs for specific powers, such as @Koloss17,s F-tin cult or the F-duralumin one, or for other magic systems, but I haven't yet seen a group for Hemalurgy fans.

So, here we go; Hemalurgists unite! Explain to me at length why Hemalury is the best magic system in the Cosmere and how you would use it.

Edited by Trusk'our
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I appear to have been summoned.

ooh Hemalurgy!


I’m a big fan of the possible shenanigans, especially when it has to do with non-metallic arts related transfers. Like—H-Chromium theoretically steals destiny???

There was a post way back when about theoretical hemalugic constricts like Koloss, but with different spikes, and that idea always appears in my head whenever I think of the potential of Hemalurgy.

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1 minute ago, Koloss17 said:

I appear to have been summoned.

ooh Hemalurgy!

I’m a big fan of the possible shenanigans, especially when it has to do with non-metallic arts related transfers. Like—H-Chromium theoretically steals destiny???

Yay, another cult- I mean club member! 

Also, yeah, the spiritual Hemalurgic metals seem pretty cool. I'm pretty sure a wrote a thread hypothesizing on what all of them do a while back (not the Feruchemy hacking Hemalrugy one, that's different).

1 minute ago, Koloss17 said:

There was a post way back when about theoretical hemalugic constricts like Koloss, but with different spikes, and that idea always appears in my head whenever I think of the potential of Hemalurgy.

Ooooo, I'd love to read that. Do you know where I can find it?

Also, @Steelsight, I think you should join the party. Some fun shenanigans are about to ensue ;) 

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3 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

I’m a big fan of the possible shenanigans, especially when it has to do with non-metallic arts related transfers.

I always wonder about God Metals and Hemalurgy, and the Metallic Arts in general. What would Edglium do? What about Tanavastium? Or Skainium?

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2 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

I've seen clubs for specific powers, such as @Koloss17,s F-tin cult or the F-duralumin one, or for other magic systems, but I haven't yet seen a group for Hemalurgy fans.

Finally, took you long enough :P 

2 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

So, here we go; Hemalurgists unite! Explain to me at length why Hemalury is the best magic system in the Cosmere and how you would use it.

Because you can murder someone in a bloody way... I mean experiment on people with the use of torture... That sounds bad. I want to say that you can ruin people's lives and get amazing powers from it. Rust, you can't really say it without sounding like a sadistic psychopath.

Seriously, Hemalurgy is a bit like science, a bloody and cruel science, but accessible to everyone. There is so much to discover, so many possibilities and even some potential for a more gentle form of Hemalurgy. Hemalurgy allows you to steal any power in Cosmere you want, as long as you are able to deliver a spike to the heart like a terrifying Cupid. You can combine any power you want much easier than Hoid and get amazing results. Not to mention creating your own Frankenstein monsters. So many cool possibilities.

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Just now, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

I always wonder about God Metals and Hemalurgy, and the Metallic Arts in general. What would Edglium do? What about Tanavastium? Or Skainium?

Well, it seems that at the very least Godmetals Connect you to their respective Shard, such as with Trellium Connecting you to Autonomy (I supose that could just be that metal specifically though). They also likely will help you resist more direct Invested attacks, as they are highly Invested and are in close proximity to your spiritual aspect, similar to how it's hard to Allomantically push on a piece of metal in your body because your own Investiture gets in the way, only in this case the metal makes the rest of you more resistant.

Other than those general benefits though, I can't really think of anything.

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1 minute ago, Trusk'our said:

Well, it seems that at the very least Godmetals Connect you to their respective Shard, such as with Trellium Connecting you to Autonomy (I supose that could just be that metal specifically though). They also likely will help you resist more direct Invested attacks, as they are highly Invested and are in close proximity to your spiritual aspect, similar to how it's hard to Allomantically push on a piece of metal in your body because your own Investiture gets in the way, only in this case the metal makes the rest of you more resistant.

Other than those general benefits though, I can't really think of anything.

I always image them as stealing the respective Investiture of that Shard. E.g. Raysium stealing Voidbinding, Tanavastium-Korkelliumium alloys stealing Nahel Bonds, (Yumi)


Virtuositium stealing Yoki-Hijoness.


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17 minutes ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

I always image them as stealing the respective Investiture of that Shard. E.g. Raysium stealing Voidbinding, Tanavastium-Korkelliumium alloys stealing Nahel Bonds, (Yumi)

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Virtuositium stealing Yoki-Hijoness.


Perhaps, though Atium and Lerasium don't work that way- Atium is a wild card and can potential take any power while Lerasium used Hemalurgically takes all human attributes. That suggests to me that the other Godmetals probably do different things, more uniquely tied to their Intent.

25 minutes ago, alder24 said:

Finally, took you long enough :P 

Should've done this ages ago :lol:

26 minutes ago, alder24 said:

Seriously, Hemalurgy is a bit like science, a bloody and cruel science, but accessible to everyone. There is so much to discover, so many possibilities and even some potential for a more gentle form of Hemalurgy. Hemalurgy allows you to steal any power in Cosmere you want, as long as you are able to deliver a spike to the heart like a terrifying Cupid. You can combine any power you want much easier than Hoid and get amazing results. Not to mention creating your own Frankenstein monsters. So many cool possibilities.

Exactly. You gain power through knowledge and combinations rather than through winning a genetic lottery. Plus you can make just about creature or bodily modification with the correct knowledge of Bindpoints and spikes.

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1 hour ago, Trusk'our said:

Exactly. You gain power through knowledge and combinations rather than through winning a genetic lottery. Plus you can make just about creature or bodily modification with the correct knowledge of Bindpoints and spikes.

Hemalurgy! Yes!

The most accessible magic in the Cosmere (if you're willing to get your hands dirty).

One of the most interesting things (at least to me) about Hemalurgy is that we've only seen three types of Hemalurgic Constructs: Physical (Koloss, Kandra and Inquisitors), Mental (Kandra and Inquisitors) and "Godly" (Chimeras).

What I'd really like to know is how would the Spiritual and Temporal Hemalurgic Constructs will look and their further effect on the Cosmere.

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2 hours ago, Steelsight said:

Hemalurgy! Yes!

The most accessible magic in the Cosmere (if you're willing to get your hands dirty).

Exactly ;)

2 hours ago, Steelsight said:

One of the most interesting things (at least to me) about Hemalurgy is that we've only seen three types of Hemalurgic Constructs: Physical (Koloss, Kandra and Inquisitors), Mental (Kandra and Inquisitors) and "Godly" (Chimeras).

What I'd really like to know is how would the Spiritual and Temporal Hemalurgic Constructs will look and their further effect on the Cosmere.

Don't know, honestly, though I'm sure they'll be interesting. Actually, it may be that the spiritual attributes don't warp you as much as the others as they aren't tied as directly to one's physical or mental state, though that's just a guess at this point in time.

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19 hours ago, Voidus said:

It's buried in the RP forums now because of the game it spawned but there's been The Dark Alley group for Hemalurgy fans.


Cool, I didn't know that! It seems that the Hemalurgy there is more of a side thing though, not the main course.

I think. It's hard for me to tell.

Edited by Trusk'our
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On 10/10/2023 at 7:20 AM, Voidus said:

Oh Hemalurgy was very much the main event, it just became more of a social situation over time. And there was some expanded implication of 'people who like Hemalurgy reside in dark alleys and will probably stab you'.

Ah, that makes sense.

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On 10/18/2023 at 4:00 PM, Xiahida said:

I personaly enjoy when there is a very good villian in a story (or even a successful one) and Hemalurgy could be an interesting tool.

Oh, absolutely. There are so many different ways for the system to be used by a Big Bad Evil Guy, especially since there is an information limitation attached to its use; you can have one villain only know how to steal powers, for example, while you have another villain create and control Koloss brutes, and yet another villain could learn to steal skills from highly talented individuals for roughish purposes.

I do think it would be cool to see Hemalurgy being used more extensively by a main character though, in more of a heroic fashion than a purely evil one. That's definitely harder to do, but it could make for a really interesting story.

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