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The Structure of SA 5

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Ok, so Brandon has used Keteks to divide up his books for the rest of the SA. There's generally 4-5 sections, each with a part of the Ketek at the end. We know from ROW that SA 5 will take place over about 10 days. How will the book be divided? If the whole book is 10 days, give or take with the ending section, how will it be divided? Will it be two days per section, or more days in one and less in another? 

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11 minutes ago, Lighteyed Lieutenant said:

Ok, so Brandon has used Keteks to divide up his books for the rest of the SA. There's generally 4-5 sections, each with a part of the Ketek at the end. We know from ROW that SA 5 will take place over about 10 days. How will the book be divided? If the whole book is 10 days, give or take with the ending section, how will it be divided? Will it be two days per section, or more days in one and less in another? 

Nah, I bet that the first section will end with the duel, and the remaining 4 will deal with its consequences.

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1 hour ago, Lighteyed Lieutenant said:

Ok, so Brandon has used Keteks to divide up his books for the rest of the SA. There's generally 4-5 sections, each with a part of the Ketek at the end. We know from ROW that SA 5 will take place over about 10 days. How will the book be divided? If the whole book is 10 days, give or take with the ending section, how will it be divided? Will it be two days per section, or more days in one and less in another? 

You know what would be really crazy? If Brandon did the same thing as he did in Elantris


where he follows the same structure for the whole book/series until finally right at the end when the true chaos begins.


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3 hours ago, The Sibling said:

You know what would be really crazy? If Brandon did the same thing as he did in Elantris

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where he follows the same structure for the whole book/series until finally right at the end when the true chaos begins.


That would be beautiful.


yet terrifying.

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11 hours ago, Lighteyed Lieutenant said:

Ok, so Brandon has used Keteks to divide up his books for the rest of the SA. There's generally 4-5 sections, each with a part of the Ketek at the end. We know from ROW that SA 5 will take place over about 10 days.

I would dispute that. The idea of sending out multiple groups would cease to be meaningful, if the first half of the Stormlight Archive ended with the contest of champions. But if the contest goes out of the window, so do the ten days.

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19 hours ago, Lighteyed Lieutenant said:

Ok, so Brandon has used Keteks to divide up his books for the rest of the SA. There's generally 4-5 sections, each with a part of the Ketek at the end. We know from ROW that SA 5 will take place over about 10 days. How will the book be divided? If the whole book is 10 days, give or take with the ending section, how will it be divided? Will it be two days per section, or more days in one and less in another? 

I would say this...we don't know that SA 5 will take place over 10 days. Unless I missed it (which could very well be the case I admit), I haven't seen that confirmation from him. If it's out there, please point me to it!

It could very well be that the 10 days happens over just Part 1 or some subset of parts and then a whole part is dedicated to mid-point of the series epilogues a la TLM

The reason I raise that, is because the Kaladin/Szeth mission just... doesn't seem to mesh well with completion in a 10 day time frame to me and I feel like the 10 days is going to happen, TOdium will wiggle out through a loophole that will leave all the rapid loophole theorizers disappointed their theory wasn't right, and we'll have 3/4 or 2/3 of the book to deal with and establish the new status quo in Roshar

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20 minutes ago, Green Hoodie Mistborn said:

I would say this...we don't know that SA 5 will take place over 10 days. Unless I missed it (which could very well be the case I admit), I haven't seen that confirmation from him. If it's out there, please point me to it! 

I saw another post on reddit about this today too. 

I also don't recall hearing this time frame anywhere either and came here looking for a WOB or something. 

This sight is a bottomless pit of posts and info to search through unless you have the correct key words haha

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13 hours ago, BrightnessSamantha said:

I also don't recall hearing this time frame anywhere either and came here looking for a WOB or something.

There is El writing about day#x of the ten days, so they ought to have some significance.

12 hours ago, Frustration said:

I'd say the day of the contest will probably be the entirety of part 5, with the other sections dividing up days as needed.

The problem here is that it somehow makes the conclusion of so many plot lines moot. What does it matter whether Ba-Ado-Mishram is found, if the war is decided in ten days? What does it matter, what has happened to the Honorblades, if the war is decided in ten days? What does Ishtar matter, if the war is decided in ten days? What do the Dawnshards matter if the war is decided in ten days?

Do you seriously think that SA5 will be about discovering a ploy to find a loophole and the plan to plug it and win the contest will just happen to require closing all the open plot lines? Something like they need to defeat the Unmade that happens to reside in Shinovar with the Dawnshard they just happen to locate in time just in order to allow Ishtar to use it in order to make Odium fight fairly?

And if they do that, what happens to the second arc of Stormlight? What is the point of continuing if Odium is bound to the Rosharan system for centuries after SA5? Hoid's main goal would have been achieved. Do you really want five whole books about a mopping up operation?


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8 hours ago, Oltux72 said:

The problem here is that it somehow makes the conclusion of so many plot lines moot. What does it matter whether Ba-Ado-Mishram is found, if the war is decided in ten days? What does it matter, what has happened to the Honorblades, if the war is decided in ten days? What does Ishtar matter, if the war is decided in ten days? What do the Dawnshards matter if the war is decided in ten days?

Do you seriously think that SA5 will be about discovering a ploy to find a loophole and the plan to plug it and win the contest will just happen to require closing all the open plot lines? Something like they need to defeat the Unmade that happens to reside in Shinovar with the Dawnshard they just happen to locate in time just in order to allow Ishtar to use it in order to make Odium fight fairly?

And if they do that, what happens to the second arc of Stormlight? What is the point of continuing if Odium is bound to the Rosharan system for centuries after SA5? Hoid's main goal would have been achieved. Do you really want five whole books about a mopping up operation?

You forget that there are still 5 more books, and that the Heralds and Honorblades have already been confirmed to be saved for that.

Brandon has already said that Dawnshard(the book) is more Cosmere relevant than it is SA relevant, so I doubt they play any part whatsoever.

Ba-Ado-Mishram being released is to my mind more about stopping spren from being dead-eyed when oaths are broken than it is relevant to the war.


As for Ishar he's going to be training Dalinar, so he's pretty relevant if the war is over in 10 days, critical even.

Edited by Frustration
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I don't think there is enough time in 10 days to accomplish all the different missions

  • Find BAM's location (may already be known at the start of SA5 depending on what Kelek shared), travel there, release BAM
  • Go to Shinovar (which we know they don't leave the day the agreement is made so is already a shorter than 10 day time frame), find Ishar, swear an oath to bring him to sanity long enough for him to fix something hopefully, then get him back to Urithiru in time to train Dalinar before the... I'm exhausted just typing it all. 
  • Continue to secure the lands they've already retaken against sudden strikes
  • Find someone to look over the contract in more detail (including travel time)
  • deal with whatever wrenches TOdium/El throw at "Team Honor" in the next few days

There is just too much to do for the 10 days to be the entirety of the book IMO

Honestly the one I'm most concerned about is the Ishar/Shinovar mission and how they could possible accomplish that inside of 10 days to allow Ishar any time at all to train Dalinar in a meaningful way. I just don't think it can get done. 

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8 hours ago, Green Hoodie Mistborn said:

I don't think there is enough time in 10 days to accomplish all the different missions

  • Find BAM's location (may already be known at the start of SA5 depending on what Kelek shared), travel there, release BAM
  • Go to Shinovar (which we know they don't leave the day the agreement is made so is already a shorter than 10 day time frame), find Ishar, swear an oath to bring him to sanity long enough for him to fix something hopefully, then get him back to Urithiru in time to train Dalinar before the... I'm exhausted just typing it all. 
  • Continue to secure the lands they've already retaken against sudden strikes
  • Find someone to look over the contract in more detail (including travel time)
  • deal with whatever wrenches TOdium/El throw at "Team Honor" in the next few days

There is just too much to do for the 10 days to be the entirety of the book IMO

Honestly the one I'm most concerned about is the Ishar/Shinovar mission and how they could possible accomplish that inside of 10 days to allow Ishar any time at all to train Dalinar in a meaningful way. I just don't think it can get done. 

Most of these can be done concurrently, and I'll try to break them down.

8 hours ago, Green Hoodie Mistborn said:
  • Find BAM's location (may already be known at the start of SA5 depending on what Kelek shared), travel there, release BAM

That honestly depends on where BAM is(I have an idea link is in my signature) but basically every proposal I've seen places it in a city with an Oathgate, so travel time isn't really an issue.

8 hours ago, Green Hoodie Mistborn said:
  • Go to Shinovar (which we know they don't leave the day the agreement is made so is already a shorter than 10 day time frame), find Ishar, swear an oath to bring him to sanity long enough for him to fix something hopefully, then get him back to Urithiru in time to train Dalinar before the... I'm exhausted just typing it all. 

Getting there would take a few hours at most, Oathgates and lashings significantly reduce travel time. And they don't need to bring Ishar anywhere, he can train Dalinar on site.

8 hours ago, Green Hoodie Mistborn said:
  • Continue to secure the lands they've already retaken against sudden strikes

They were already doing that and it has been a standstill for over a year. Not to mention no PoV character is part of that so it won't take up much page time if any.

8 hours ago, Green Hoodie Mistborn said:
  • Find someone to look over the contract in more detail (including travel time)

That will also all be handled off screen, and travel time isn't a factor considering how many forms of FTL communication there are, and Hoid already knows who he's sending the contract too.

8 hours ago, Green Hoodie Mistborn said:
  • deal with whatever wrenches TOdium/El throw at "Team Honor" in the next few days

I don't feel that that would be a major time constraint, and I actually am going to make a post about it here in just a second.

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