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Twinborn Hunger Games - An RP

Ancient Elantrian

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Every contestant is raised through a tube, up into the arena. Each contestant has a single bracer on their forearms, filled with exactly one half hour of feruchemical power. Around them rises a massive city skyline, completely devoid of other humans. Plants grow up the sides of the massive buildings, and in the distance they can hear the roar of animals. They are atop a 3 story building,  arranged in a semi-circle around the cornucopia, a massive horn of plenty. Around it are packs, full of supplies that will help them survive. In the very center of the packs is a short pyramid of vials, each one filled with the allomantic metal of a single contestant. Weapons are also scattered about, dueling canes, spears, axes, and more. Welcome to the Arena! A voice says through speakers. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

A countdown begins.








A loud gong sounds. The games have begun.

@SmilingPanda19 @Justice_Magician @Edema Ruh @Scars of Hathsin @Ravenclawjedi42 @AltonicKeys @Nameless* @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ

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Y'know...good question. I would say it's just about an hours worth of memories that he thinks are relevant.

Duuughhe Nate looks to Dug Nora, who nods. They each sprint in different directions, grabbing backpacks then turning to run off into the city.

Doug Nilkingar grabs a vial of metal, then a bag of coins near his feet and begins Pushing them randomly at contestants. He grabs several more bags of coins and then jumps off the roof, Pushing on a coin to slow his fall.

Edited by Edema Ruh
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Bob picks up a coin that fell near his feet, grab the item closest to him, and sprints down a staircase, through the city, into an alleyway, and sees what he got. He then leaves the alleyway opposite to where he entered and enters the building immediately to his left.

35 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:




They are in the cornucopia.


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31 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

How would we get Allomancy metals like vials?


There is one vial made for your character in the supply pile. Other than that? You'll have to find out. There is a way, though.

Dge Noodles runs into the middle of the supplies and grabs his vial. He runs then, towards the edge of the building. The vial is filled with aluminum, and he throws it at Doug Nilkingar ( @Edema Ruh ).

Dugh Niagra runs and grabs a pack, but is shoved away by Duoug Neublech, who grabs it instead. Duoug also grabs his vial, and then runs off. Dugh grabs and downs his vial, and then throws a coin at Dge Noodles. It arks over Dge's head, and Dugh pulled on it, causing him to fly towards Dge, and Dugh kicked Dge in the back. Dge falls of the building, and hits the ground with a crunch. A loud cannon blasts, marking his death. Dugh pulls himself away from the cornucopia, escaping.


We have some things planned for supplies that'll help you, so if you get a pack that can help with some things. We'll tell you what's in them later.


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2 minutes ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:



They’re in a city, not a forest

Bob finds himself in a house. He opens one of the cabinet doors and finds…


Gamemakers, would there be anything in the cabinets? If so, what sort of things?



Overgrown city, yes.

Bob finds a metal file, and a small carving knife.


For anyone who grabbed packs, I think we're going to PM you once the bloodbath at the Cornucopia is over to tell you some of the stuff you got? Correct me if I'm wrong, Eddie.

@Edema Ruh

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4 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

For anyone who grabbed packs, I think we're going to PM you once the bloodbath at the Cornucopia is over to tell you some of the stuff you got? Correct me if I'm wrong, Eddie.


All right, I’ll edit my previous post about the fire starting kit.

Bob experimentally tries tasting the file to see if it tin, his Allomatic metal.

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3 minutes ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

Bob experimentally tries tasting the file to see if it tin, his Allomatic metal.

The file, it turns out, is not an Allomantic metal. It appears to be made of Tungsten.


You're fine with the fire starter, that's likely to be in supplies. Anyone who already said what they got are fine. Just don't give yourself too crazy stuff, we have stuff that we're going to give you that'll make this funner and actually help you a ton.


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58 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Bob finds a metal file, and a small carving knife.

@Edema Ruh


I think mostly just don’t get anything crazy, and then when you open up your packs or drink vials we can get more specific.

Duuughhe Nate falls on his face.

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Sharp grabs a bag among what is left, as well as an Allomantic vial, double checking its gold. He also grabs a pair of dueling canes


Is there like, a staricase leading into the building we're on top of? not all of us are coinshots


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15 minutes ago, Justice_Magician said:

Is there like, a staricase leading into the building we're on top of? not all of us are coinshots


Yes, we made sure to make the building everyone-friendly. Be glad we didn’t make it like 100 floors like we wanted to originally. It’s only 3 stories.


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2 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:



Cool, just double checking I don't have to repel down the side or somthing lol

Sharp runs down the stairs and hides in the 3rd floor of the building, hoping that most people will pass him by. He searches for hidden supplies while he looks for a good hiding place.

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Since nobody dared go for this approach. 

Lucette runs for the cornucopia, diving at a pack and throwing it on. She leans over and picks up the nearest weapon. Being the more muscular and athletic person she is she pulls her arm back and slams it into the face of the nearest contestant, putting about half of her body weight into it. It was a strong bone breaking blow and skull shattering depending on the weapon she grabbed.

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35 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Lucette runs for the cornucopia, diving at a pack and throwing it on. She leans over and picks up the nearest weapon. Being the more muscular and athletic person she is she pulls her arm back and slams it into the face of the nearest contestant, putting about half of her body weight into it. It was a strong bone breaking blow and skull shattering depending on the weapon she grabbed.

Duoug flew backwards. He had been hit on his way to the stairs down. His neck snapped and he fell limp.

A cannon shot sounds throughout the arena.

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6 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Duoug flew backwards. He had been hit on his way to the stairs down. His neck snapped and he fell limp.

A cannon shot sounds throughout the arena.

Lucette grins and runs back up to the Cornucopia and grabs several vials, piling them into her pack as she does. She holds her weapon with her free hand, defending it. 


I am going to have my character try to take the Cornucopia but I do realize other players haven’t even released their character yet so if your character runs in and take something and runs away. (If it’s your first action) my character won’t try to get rid of them.


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Bob ventures to a staircase, to see if it is in working condition. He felt practically blind without his tin. It was sometimes embarrassing how much he came to rely on it. 
While thinking of his abilities, Bob realizes that there is something useful he could do. He sits down in a room next to the one you enter in—so he could stay out of sight in case anyone else came in—and starts seeing what memories were included in his Coppermind.

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1 hour ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Lucette grins and runs back up to the Cornucopia and grabs several vials, piling them into her pack as she does. She holds her weapon with her free hand, defending it. 


Dug Nora sees Lucette and, ignoring her friend Duuughhe Nate, who’s tripped and fallen on his face, she begins moving towards her.

2 minutes ago, AltonicKeys said:

Lacket reached the floor level of the starting building and ran across the street. He found a storage closet in a building and hid inside, hoping no one saw him.

Doug Nilkingar, meanwhile, has landed on the ground and is looking around for anyone he can attack with his coins. He sees Lacket run into a building and grins, following him inside.

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