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Adonalsium wasn't paradise


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I was thinking while rereading WoK about Adonalsium. And I came to the conclusion that it was a bad place. If you combine all the Shards we know of now, it isn't very nice. Dominion isn't a good thing, as it generally results in someone being oppressed. Odium is an even worse thing, as I don't think hate goes very well with any perfect world. Bavadin's Shard appears to be cruel/mean/evil, do to The Letter in WoK.

I am preparing to be attacked, but what does everyone else think?

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I think your opinion of what Andonalsium is differs from the majority of opinions. You seem to think it's a type of paradise world or something? I've always been under the impression that Andonalsium was a sort of super shard, made up of all 16 others. The best evidence for this comes from Mistborn the Hero of Ages. It speaks of a shattered presesence spanning the void, which sounds kind of like a God (capital G) to me.

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My own theory is that humans/Shardworlds didn't exist as we know them. I think that Adonalsium was the Power of Creation, essentially the purest, greatest form of energy in the universe. However, it existed in a completely static form- a Shard, with a single, conscious, all-encompassing entity that holds the power in the way a Shardholder does. For some reason, over time, the power began to split along the 16 lines we see (Honor, Odium, Cultivation, etc.) and the entity with it. Eventually, the discrepancy between the entity's split personalities became too great to bear, the inherent differences of intent too opposing, and Adonalsium shattered. The entities that originally held the various shards were somehow destroyed, which allowed for people like Ati and Leras to eventually take up the shards.

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Well there must have been one form or another of humanity, because I'm pretty sure that Hoid and the first two books of Dragonsteel are Pre-Shattering. I think Hoid had something to do with the Shattering as well, he knows the Original Shardholders by name and apparently had some sort of rivalry thing going with Bavadin and Rayse.

My personal Shattering belief is that Andonalsium was God of all the cosmere, ruler of an infinite number of worlds who could all use Lightweaving until for some Hoid related reason, Andonalsium shattered. The Shards, as lesser gods, picked worlds to rule over, except Rayse as Odium, who set up his base on whatever world is considered Damnation by the people of Roshar, and then began in his quest, Splintering Shards and taking names, with the goal of being the only Shard in the cosmere, and seeing it all filled with hatred.

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i always figured that Adonalsium was essentially the shard-i-verse's "big bang", in that it basically created the universe as we know it (note that this doesn't mean that hoid couldn't have been around, just that things were different back then). I don't think i've ever heard anyone refer to Adonalsium being whole as a paradise, though....I do subscribe to the idea that a whole Adonalsium = God with a capital G.

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I believe Adonalsium is often used in context by Brandon as "the power of creation." As such, I think Supershard is probably the best description I've found. It is - or, well, was - a conscious being with either no particular Intent or the Intent of creating the Cosmere. Maybe the term Protoshard will also apply to it...

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My own theory is that humans/Shardworlds didn't exist as we know them. I think that Adonalsium was the Power of Creation, essentially the purest, greatest form of energy in the universe. However, it existed in a completely static form- a Shard, with a single, conscious, all-encompassing entity that holds the power in the way a Shardholder does. For some reason, over time, the power began to split along the 16 lines we see (Honor, Odium, Cultivation, etc.) and the entity with it. Eventually, the discrepancy between the entity's split personalities became too great to bear, the inherent differences of intent too opposing, and Adonalsium shattered. The entities that originally held the various shards were somehow destroyed, which allowed for people like Ati and Leras to eventually take up the shards.

I've always wondered about what caused Adonalsium to shatter. Your theory is really interesting, I'd never really thought about the separate Shards Intent/Entities to already exist within Adonalsium before the shattering. I feel there is a sort of balance between the Shards though and if Adonalsium did shatter because of the Intents, I think it would have been because of Odium. Something could have gone wrong with the Odium aspect of Adonalsium (i'm thinking something external) and warped the balance of it all, hence 'the Broken One'?

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A bit of a tangent, but what if Hoid was Adonalsium or at least the bearer of the supershard. I also wonder if the Shattering was such a violent act. Perhaps Hoid, or whoever held the power decided they shouldn't be supreme for some reason and decided to splinter the power and give it to individuals.

I apologize if this has been discussed before, or disproven by someone else, it just seemed like a neat idea to me.

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A bit of a tangent, but what if Hoid was Adonalsium or at least the bearer of the supershard. I also wonder if the Shattering was such a violent act. Perhaps Hoid, or whoever held the power decided they shouldn't be supreme for some reason and decided to splinter the power and give it to individuals.

I apologize if this has been discussed before, or disproven by someone else, it just seemed like a neat idea to me.

That possibility occurred to me as well. I'd come up with a supportive hypothesis but my brain hasn't fully recovered from my New Year's celebrations.

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Guest Jacob Santos

The question that needs to be asked is that if Adonalsium is the power of creation and it was "complete" then who is to say that it tells from good and evil and right and wrong? What if Adonalsium created something that was destroying life and to it was the "natural" process, since it views all of its creations the same and neutral in its view?

It is impossible to know if Liar drafts is what will become the final product. However, what it appears to be leading up to is a series of events that leads to the shattering. A shattering that by all accounts would appear to be a total and complete accident. The characters might not even know what they were doing at the time.

Hoid might have been at the shattering, but he might also not know anything of what happened. To him, the people he knew and worked with suddenly disappeared and some later he seen that the cosmere had more points for visiting. He might well be piecing together the events many years after it happened or at least keeping tabs on the characters that happened upon Adonalsium.

If anything, it appears that Adonalsium is completely foreign to the world, something that might have crashed onto the planet. It would not be the first book to do so and it could completely be a cycle of the series that once all of the pieces have been splintered or destroyed they are formed anew and travel to a completely new location.

Regardless, it appears that we'll have the ending before the beginning. If you view the cosmere books as a single continuous story (which it does appear to be), we are only viewing the middle long after the first part explaining everything was skipped over. Important details are missing and I look forward to one day reading (or listening as the case will probably be) the story of Hoid and the Shattering of Adonalsium.

It might even be possible to view more from future books of Stormlight Archive.

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A bit of a tangent, but what if Hoid was Adonalsium or at least the bearer of the supershard. I also wonder if the Shattering was such a violent act. Perhaps Hoid, or whoever held the power decided they shouldn't be supreme for some reason and decided to splinter the power and give it to individuals.

I apologize if this has been discussed before, or disproven by someone else, it just seemed like a neat idea to me.

I'm certain it has been thought of by others long before I posted a small hypothesis on it in a different thread that goes (very shallowly) into some ramifications that stem from Hoid and Adonalsium's relationship. No matter what, it is an interesting idea to consider, though I don't think that "supershard" is the correct terminology to use when describing Adonalsium, as that would suggest that Adonalsium Shattered off of another something, which leads us down a path that invokes the problems that arise with humankind's inability to truly comprehend anything that possesses no beginning or end/infinity(ies) or Mormon theology... (Unless we find out that Adonalsium is, in fact, a Shattered piece of another, larger something. Dun Dun Dun!!!! Then we HAVE to approach those problems. MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!) Whatever Adonalsium is, calling it by its name is probably the best idea, to not introduce even MORE vocabulary to the Cosmere. Brandon gives us enough as it is...

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  • 1 month later...

I always assumed the Shards were based off of aethers in the way that they seem to have a separate mind/will from a holder and the simple fact that you can exchange them…but also there maybe a hint at Lightweaving how Shards are able to create Like Hoid can except on a higher level

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I always assumed the Shards were based off of aethers in the way that they seem to have a separate mind/will from a holder and the simple fact that you can exchange them

Shards do, in fact, affect their holders - and very strongly, at that. Take, for example, the letter writer's comment about what kind of person Ati (Ruin) used to be.

EDIT: For clarification, a holder's will can be different from their Shard's intent, but the longer one holds a Shard, the more that person is shaped by it. Sazed, as the holder of two perfectly opposed Shards, is the only known exception.

Edited by KChan
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I always assumed the Shards were based off of aethers in the way that they seem to have a separate mind/will from a holder and the simple fact that you can exchange them…but also there maybe a hint at Lightweaving how Shards are able to create Like Hoid can except on a higher level

If I may ask, what are aethers? I know that one of Brandon's unpublished books is Aether of Night, is it related to that possibly?

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It seems to me that Odium is the only "evil" shard, everything else can be evil. None of the shards come across as completely good, though. Endowment is closest, but even that doesn't seem to fit the bill. So whatever Odium's opposite is (I don't think it's Honor), that's probably the pure good one.

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Also, alot of people in this world, Earth, believe in a God. And this isnt exately a paradise everywhere either...

So Adonalsium being God (the almighty kind as opposed to the just verymighty shards), would not necceserily mean paradise anyway.

Oh, and we´we met Hoid prior to the shattering, in the prologue to a book thats posted on this site somewhere. thats suposed to be canon right, since its posted here? or?

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Also, alot of people in this world, Earth, believe in a God. And this isnt exately a paradise everywhere either...

So Adonalsium being God (the almighty kind as opposed to the just verymighty shards), would not necceserily mean paradise anyway.

Oh, and we´we met Hoid prior to the shattering, in the prologue to a book thats posted on this site somewhere. thats suposed to be canon right, since its posted here? or?

The book you're referring to is Liar of Partinel, I believe, and is not canon, as it has not yet been published. However, Word of Brandon states that Hoid was there at the shattering. Canonically, we actually can't be certain he wasn't born the moment of shattering, but it's highly likely he was there before.

Edited by Gela
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Hoid as the holder of the original supershard would explain some of his actions. He does seem to be keeping tabs on the shardholders or there aftermaths. If there was actually a holder of the supershard, he would likely have the ability to master all of the magic systems, thus lending them unification.

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