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Hurt'n'Heal Cosmere Style


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So we used to have this game on my old forums and it was a lot of fun. I don't know if anyone else has played this game before but anyway this seemed like a great place to play it.

Okay so here's how the game works. I've made a list of the main protagonists from the released non-anthological cosmere books plus the known shards and named worldhoppers. They will all start off with 10 health. 


Raoden 10

Vin 10

Wax 10

Kaladin 10

Shallan 10

Shai 10

Sirine 10

Vasher 10

Hoid 10

Nightblood 10

Galladon 10

Demoux 10

Ati 10


Rayse 10

Tanavast 10

Cultivation 10

Dominion 10

Devotion 10

Endowment 10

Bavadin 10


So what the next poster will do is copy paste that list and "Hurt" one person and "Heal" another. Hurting someone causes two damage to their health, Healing adds on point of health. 

So as an example I would copy paste the list, deal change somebodies health to eight and give someone else + 1 health. 

The person you hurt should be highlighted in red, the person healed should be highlighted in green. The maximum health a character can get is 20, and when a character reaches 0 the next person should remove their name from the list.

I'll go first.


Raoden 10

Vin 10

Wax 10

Kaladin 10

Shallan 10

Shai 10

Sirine 10

Vasher 10

Hoid 10

Nightblood 10

Galladon 10

Demoux 8

Ati 10

Leras 11

Rayse 10

Tanavast 10

Cultivation 10

Dominion 10

Devotion 10

Endowment 10

Bavadin 10




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Raoden 8

Vin 11

Wax 10

Kaladin 10

Shallan 10

Shai 10

Sarene 10

Vasher 10

Hoid 10

Nightblood 11

Galladon 10

Demoux 8

Ati 6

Leras 11

Rayse 10

Tanavast 11

Cultivation 10

Dominion 10

Devotion 10

Endowment 10

Bavadin 10

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Raoden 8

Vin 11

Wax 10

Kaladin 11

Shallan 10

Shai 8

Sarene 10

Vasher 10

Hoid 10

Nightblood 11

Galladon 10

Demoux 6

Ati 6

Leras 12

Rayse 10

Tanavast 11

Cultivation 10

Dominion 10

Devotion 10

Endowment 10

Bavadin 10


I seriously considered adding Stick, but thought the roster was big enough(:

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Raoden 8

Vin 11

Wax 10

Kaladin 11

Shallan 10

Shai 8

Sarene 10

Vasher 10

Hoid 10

Nightblood 11

Galladon 10

Demoux 6

Ati 6

Leras 12

Rayse 10

Tanavast 9

Cultivation 10

Dominion 10

Devotion 10

Endowment 11

Bavadin 10

Endowment Reigns

Edited by Quiver
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Raoden 8
Vin 11
Wax 10
Kaladin 11
Shallan 10
Shai 6
Sarene 10
Vasher 10
Hoid 10
Nightblood 11
Galladon 10
Demoux 6
Ati 7
Leras 11
Rayse 10
Tanavast 9
Cultivation 10
Dominion 10
Devotion 10
Endowment 11
Bavadin 10


I'm not giving up on Leras yet :P

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Raoden 8

Vin 11

Wax 10

Kaladin 11

Shallan 10

Shai 6

Sarene 10

Vasher 10

Hoid 10

Nightblood 11

Galladon 10

Demoux 6

Ati 7

Leras 11

Rayse 10

Tanavast 9

Cultivation 10

Dominion 10

Devotion 10

Endowment 11

Bavadin 10


I'm not giving up on Leras yet :P


Raoden 8

Vin 11

Wax 10

Kaladin 11

Shallan 10

Shai 7

Sarene 10

Vasher 10

Hoid 10

Nightblood 11

Galladon 10

Demoux 6

Ati 5

Leras 11

Rayse 10

Tanavast 9

Cultivation 10

Dominion 10

Devotion 10

Endowment 11

Bavadin 10

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Raoden 8
Vin 11
Wax 10
Kaladin 11
Shallan 10
Shai 6
Sarene 10
Vasher 10
Hoid 10
Nightblood 11
Galladon 10
Demoux 6
Ati 3
Leras 12
Rayse 10
Tanavast 9
Cultivation 10
Dominion 9
Devotion 10
Endowment 12
Bavadin 10

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Raoden 8
Vin 11
Wax 10
Kaladin 9
Shallan 10
Shai 6
Sarene 10
Vasher 10
Hoid 10
Nightblood 12
Galladon 10
Demoux 6
Ati 3
Leras 12
Rayse 10
Tanavast 9
Cultivation 10
Dominion 9
Devotion 10
Endowment 12
Bavadin 10

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Raoden 8
Vin 11
Wax 10
Kaladin 7
Shallan 10
Shai 6
Sarene 10
Vasher 10
Hoid 10
Nightblood 12
Galladon 10
Demoux 6
Ati 5
Leras 10
Rayse 10
Tanavast 9
Cultivation 10
Dominion 9
Devotion 10
Endowment 12
Bavadin 10



I shall fight for equality.

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Raoden 8

Vin 11

Wax 10

Kaladin 7

Shallan 10

Shai 7

Sarene 10

Vasher 10

Hoid 10

Nightblood 12

Galladon 10

Demoux 6

Ati 6

Leras 10

Rayse 8

Tanavast 9

Cultivation 10

Dominion 9

Devotion 10

Endowment 12

Bavadin 8

Edited by Edgedancer
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