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Timeline Clarification

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From what I understand, Mistborn Era 2 happened between the 10-15ish years that separate Stormlight 5 and 6.


But at the end of The Lost Metal, Melaan ends up somewhere in the Cognitive Realm where there are a bunch of red-headed people.  Assume they're Horneaters escaping from Roshar and the X years* that Era 2 (plus Melaan's epilogue) happened, were the Horneaters roaming the Cognitive Realm or was there a change to when Era 2 took place?


* I don't know the number of years between AoL and TLM epilogues.

Edited by Nick_Nack_Patty_Whack
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I don't know for sure, but my gut says the former. We don't know what happens at the end of Stormlight 5, so maybe a bunch of Horneaters leave for Shadesmar. Doesn't someone mention in The Lost Metal that Roshar is inaccessible? Maybe a bunch of Horneaters got trapped in the Cognitive Realm and have just been living there for a time?

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12 minutes ago, Nick_Nack_Patty_Whack said:

From what I understand, Mistborn Era 2 happened between the 10-15ish years that separate Stormlight 5 and 6.


But at the end of The Lost Metal, Melaan ends up somewhere in the Cognitive Realm where there are a bunch of red-headed people.  Assume they're Horneaters escaping from Roshar and the X years* that Era 2 (plus Melaan's epilogue) happened, were the Horneaters roaming the Cognitive Realm or was there a change to when Era 2 took place?


* I don't know the number of years between AoL and TLM epilogues.

The former, most likely, he hasn't implied anything about any timeline change. I feel they were just wandering. 

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24 minutes ago, Pruning the Blackthorn said:

I don't know for sure, but my gut says the former. We don't know what happens at the end of Stormlight 5, so maybe a bunch of Horneaters leave for Shadesmar. Doesn't someone mention in The Lost Metal that Roshar is inaccessible? Maybe a bunch of Horneaters got trapped in the Cognitive Realm and have just been living there for a time?


22 minutes ago, Firesong said:

The former, most likely, he hasn't implied anything about any timeline change. I feel they were just wandering. 


Thank you.

I had a feeling this would be the answer.  I was very tired earlier and ended up with the stupid theory that


The Bands were going to be used in Knights of Winds and Truths (which depended on KoWT happening between BoM and TLM).  But in reality, someone in the TLM was probably a leecher and sapped the bands of their power.


Edited by Nick_Nack_Patty_Whack
minor clarification
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48 minutes ago, Nick_Nack_Patty_Whack said:

From what I understand, Mistborn Era 2 happened between the 10-15ish years that separate Stormlight 5 and 6.

But at the end of The Lost Metal, Melaan ends up somewhere in the Cognitive Realm where there are a bunch of red-headed people.  Assume they're Horneaters escaping from Roshar and the X years* that Era 2 (plus Melaan's epilogue) happened, were the Horneaters roaming the Cognitive Realm or was there a change to when Era 2 took place?

* I don't know the number of years between AoL and TLM epilogues.

38 minutes ago, Pruning the Blackthorn said:

I don't know for sure, but my gut says the former. We don't know what happens at the end of Stormlight 5, so maybe a bunch of Horneaters leave for Shadesmar. Doesn't someone mention in The Lost Metal that Roshar is inaccessible? Maybe a bunch of Horneaters got trapped in the Cognitive Realm and have just been living there for a time?

Assuming those are Horneaters they are specifically shown to not be in Roshar's Shadesmar, since the "land" part was water-based in form instead of beads. Also, probable Iriali and Chouta had already emigrated to Scadrial "years" before the events of TLM.


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Keep in mind the Horneater gods.

The safest bet is that people have been crossing the perpendicularity, both worldhoppers and our redhead friends, for centuries at the least. There is no reason the people shown have to have been on Roshar ever. They could very well be great-great-grandchildren of Rosharans.

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5 hours ago, Lego Mistborn said:

Keep in mind the Horneater gods.

The safest bet is that people have been crossing the perpendicularity, both worldhoppers and our redhead friends, for centuries at the least. There is no reason the people shown have to have been on Roshar ever. They could very well be great-great-grandchildren of Rosharans.


That is an excellent point.  I forgot about the perpendicularity.

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I believe RoW mentions that a clan of Horneaters live in Shadesmar permanently, presumably around the Perpendicularity. This could be them, plus any other Horneaters who entered Shadesmar besides them (or their descendants), who left the Rosharan Subastral altogether after whatever happens in KoWT happens.

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10 hours ago, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

I believe RoW mentions that a clan of Horneaters live in Shadesmar permanently, presumably around the Perpendicularity. This could be them, plus any other Horneaters who entered Shadesmar besides them (or their descendants), who left the Rosharan Subastral altogether after whatever happens in KoWT happens.

I didn't know about the Horneater clan living in Shadesmar.  Thanks for letting me know.

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5 hours ago, Nick_Nack_Patty_Whack said:

I didn't know about the Horneater clan living in Shadesmar.  Thanks for letting me know.

Mentioned in RoW ch 75:


The next handful on her list had been Horneaters; apparently there was a clan of them who lived in Shadesmar.


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