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Bot/Spam Hunters

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*Stabs knife into table with a paper with a list of spambots on it* "I have been hunting theeeyyyym totally not a reference to Studio C... not at allll for all my Sharder life. They're a plague that needs exterminatin'."

Sorry, I couldn't help but resist doing that-

Anyways, reporting spambots is fun to do. Oh, bots are even better to report even if they don't post. Sometimes they have these weird PFPs that give them away immediately.

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4 hours ago, TheAlpha929 said:

I couldn’t tell you how many waves of black magic sorcerers, casino gangsters, and heartless prostitutes that I have stamped into the dirt. 

Baba black magic call 123-456-7990 tricky street

Or something like that. But yeah I know what you mean.

Also, has anyone noticed the accounts for obvious business reasons that just have no posts?

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3 minutes ago, Aeoliae said:

Baba black magic call 123-456-7990 tricky street

Or something like that. But yeah I know what you mean.

Also, has anyone noticed the accounts for obvious business reasons that just have no posts?

Yeah, I’m not sure how to deal with them 

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21 minutes ago, Aeoliae said:

Yep. The criminal hardly had time to take a second look at me before I rammed my BotSlayer V1776 TM into their virtual face.


Part of me really wants to RPify this 


Edited by TheAlpha929
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Oh wow who are all you people? It's been waaay to long since I posted.

I too am a spambot vanquisher, though my activity in this field has been reduced as of late. Hopefully I will return to these ranks before too long.

There are many, many bots in this world. Them and their ilk will not stand before our mighty alliance!

Methinks we need a motto. Any suggestions? I like: "Lots of bots we'll turn to spots."

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7 minutes ago, That1Cellist said:

Oh wow who are all you people? It's been waaay to long since I posted.

I too am a spambot vanquisher, though my activity in this field has been reduced as of late. Hopefully I will return to these ranks before too long.

There are many, many bots in this world. Them and their ilk will not stand before our mighty alliance!

Methinks we need a motto. Any suggestions? I like: "Lots of bots we'll turn to spots."

University of Silverlight admissions open 2023/2024 cosmetology applications call now 123-555-1234 for application

Should be our motto

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On Friday, i reported a bot that had 81 posts from The General Brandon Discussion and Events and Signings, and then another one that morning. Both seemed to be about the same thing, which was like a university application form or something, and it was just repeated.


It was fun killing them :P

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4 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

That is a lot of posts, how was it not seen by other people.


The bots have evolved

Although the next time I report a bot it's gonna have the motto

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