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Twinborn Combos

Deus Ex Biotica

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Wouldn't just filling Connection while he's in his office doing decision stuff have the same effect? He can be connected during elections, and abandon those connections the rest of the time.

... just like a politician, am I right?

-- Deus Ex Biotica

P.S. This is just standup comedy, and does not reflect my views on any specific politician, except Emperor Nero. That guy was a jerk.

Sociopath double Duralanium probably wouldn't be hampered too much by the increased Connection to people. Think Sylar from Heroes with the power to make people like him... not super fun for the rest of us.

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Wouldn't just filling Connection while he's in his office doing decision stuff have the same effect? He can be connected during elections, and abandon those connections the rest of the time.

... just like a politician, am I right?

-- Deus Ex Biotica

P.S. This is just standup comedy, and does not reflect my views on any specific politician, except Emperor Nero. That guy was a jerk.

This opens an avenue of discussion about Duraluminum Ferrings: How exactly do they think of switching storing/tapping while in one state or another, essentially switching back and forth between Jekyll and Hyde (the modern incarnation, not the double-evil novel version). How would Jekyll, a lover of humanity, think of becoming a, comparatively, empathy-less husk? How would Hyde, contemptuous of the welfare of others, view the possibility of becoming a touchy-feely weakling upon tapping?

I imagine that the two "personalities" become more extreme at the ends of the spectrum, Hyde more and more reluctant to tap connection the more he stores, while Jekyll fears the necessity of returning to even a "normal" state when his Connection runs out.

Double Duraluminum twinborns, then, might become stuck in a constant, constantly escalating Jekyll state, loathe to return to comparatively low levels of empathy, and perhaps tapping just that bit more of Connection all of the time.

Essentially, imagine that you're magically connected to people, loving them while they love you, and loving that they love you and you love them. And you can sustain and increase this connection indefinitely. What kind of person would willingly shut it off? Is the kind of person who's so connected to others even capable of making the decision of turning into what they see as an empathy-less monster? Is that monster capable of wanting to become a touchy-feely lover of humanity?

Sociopath double Duralanium probably wouldn't be hampered too much by the increased Connection to people. Think Sylar from Heroes with the power to make people like him... not super fun for the rest of us.

Assuming that sociopathy is modeled in the Cosmere by a low "natural" level of Connection, sociopaths may simply have to tap larger amounts (stored more laboriously) of Connection to reach "normal" levels and above.

Edited by Kurkistan
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I would like to point out that we have no indication "Connection" must always be love and benevolence. You could feel very strong anger, distrust, schadenfreude, or any number of other things. Certainly the Feruchemist in the Broadsheet does not seem to suddenly trust the Koloss he taps Connection to not be killed by.

-- Deus Ex Biotica

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I would like to point out that we have no indication "Connection" must always be love and benevolence. You could feel very strong anger, distrust, schadenfreude, or any number of other things. Certainly the Feruchemist in the Broadsheet does not seem to suddenly trust the Koloss he taps Connection to not be killed by.

-- Deus Ex Biotica

According to the RPG, connection does actually amount entirely to positive "connections." It's descriptions of surging connection scale from friendship to absolute love.

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Is the RPG cannon? We do know that even Ferrings/Feruchemists have an incomplete understanding of Feruchemy itself. Is it possible that they aren't aware of the ability to tap various kinds of Connection? After all, Tin can store all the senses, but it is only one metal.

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So, since compounding greatly increases your ability with your specific metal, would that mean a Zinc or Brass compounder could take control over koloss/kandra?

Compounding doesn't increase your Allomantic ability with a given metal, so no.

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actually Brandon has implied that there is a way to augment allomancy with feruchemy, but we don't know how that works.

I had assumed that that was simply the application of investiture from nicrosil-minds.

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No, Brandon specificly refered to componding. And not all compounders have access to nicrosil-minds. Componding feruchemy involves tricking your allomancy into fueling your feruchemy, but you can also trick your feruchemy into storing allomantic power. My current theory is that storing your allomancy allows you to overcome the "maximum output" limit on allomancy, giving you access to sustained duralumin-like effects or savant-level abilities without having to warp yourself.

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No, Brandon specificly refered to componding. And not all compounders have access to nicrosil-minds. Componding feruchemy involves tricking your allomancy into fueling your feruchemy, but you can also trick your feruchemy into storing allomantic power. My current theory is that storing your allomancy allows you to overcome the "maximum output" limit on allomancy, giving you access to sustained duralumin-like effects or savant-level abilities without having to warp yourself.

If this is the case, then I agree with you as to the effects. This is probably also what happens when you tap Investiture. Could I get a source for compounding fueling Allomancy, though? I don't think I've seen that interview.

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Thought of another one: Tin Allomancy + Copper Feruchemy= the best doctor ever. Would be able to instantly remember any medical procedure he learned, and would have increased senses to help with surgery/find medicines/detect symptoms. Would actually fake a lot of modern diagnostic equipment if properly trained.

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Problem with the above: Every time he recalled it, say for a simple procedure that had to be performed often, the memory would decay. In case he just re-stored it every now and again.

My suggestion:

Cadmium Ferring (Gasper) and Iron/Steel Misting, means the best underwater diver/swimmer ever. Take as long as they want, and Push themselves from the boat/starting platform to get a headstart!

Completely useless in a world without swimming pools/need for any ship wreck divers.

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You'd still have to deal with pressure and keep track of how much cadmium charge you have left. Other than that it's a good combo i was thinking the same thing only cadmium/iron for spacewalks.

Also, the Tin/Copper twinborn? Forget surgeon, they'd be CSI. Memorizing all the details of a crime scene after looking at them with enhanced senses. The decay of memories isn't that bad with practise. If I remember correctly sazed would write down what he was remembering to keep it fresh. A tin/copper would sketch out the picture and write down odors and sounds he could identify.

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I think that almost any Allomantic ability coupled with Zinc for Feruchemy would be interesting at least. The zincminds would be useful in almost any situation, but coupled with Tin or Pewter or some other combat oriented metal, than it would become far more useful and interesting

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Think: Atium Allomancy and Zincmind! Sheer win. Not only have the Allomantic ability to process the future better, but multiplied with Feruchemical ability, you could possibly see even farther into the future, or at least be even better at utilizing it! Possibly be able to defeat a normal Atium Seer with an Atium/Zinc twinborn?

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I think allomantic pewter and feruchemic steel would be what I would want. According to the adventure game, f-steel's biggest weakness is that while feruchemy keeps your body from tearing itself apart it doesn't protect you from a high-speed collision with something else. It means you have slow down a bit if you want to punch something.

A-Pewter gives you not just enhanced strength, but enhanced durability and coordination as well as better reflexes. All would be a huge advantage for someone who wants to fight without slowing down from near superhuman speed.

The only limit is how fast your mind can keep up with your body. Without a zincmind you couldn't safely move faster than you can see and understand where you are going.

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Try: Atium (for the capacity of mind to understand the shadows and overcome the problem of percieving where you're going) Misting and Steel Ferring, for sheer combat win. Ie, superhuman speed and ability to predict opponents (and then stopping it so fast) so that you can combat what they will do before they even start to do it.

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