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On 4/7/2024 at 10:28 PM, Edema Rue said:

GUYS please read this I’m in love with it and I don’t know why.


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Annie sat at the edge of a cliff, kicking her feet contentedly. “Death?” She asked.

The tall figure standing at her shoulder stirred. “Yes?”

“What happens when I die?” 

Death blinked. “What do you mean?”

Annie turned to face him, brow furrowed. “When people die, you send them on to the next life. And I’m going to die eventually. So I’ll have to move on. And you’ll stay here.”

“Well…yes,” Death said. His voice was gravelly and hard to read, but Annie thought he sounded sad. She was good at telling how he felt. 

“Then I won’t die for a long while,” the girl said, standing up happily. “I have to go now. Bye, Death!” Then she was gone, back in the world of the living.


Annie was crying. Death hadn’t known it was possible for a mortal to cry here, but Annie had spent more time here than almost any other mortal. He wasn’t surprised she’d figured it out.

“Annie?” He tried to sound gentle. It didn’t work. Somehow, though, she got it. 

“I don’t want to go back,” she whimpered. “Please, don’t make me go back.”

And though he had often been called heartless, something in his chest ached for the young girl. “You—you know I can’t, Annie.”

“Can’t I just stay here a little longer? Mom and Dad are screaming so loud, all the time. And it’s my fault. Maybe—maybe if I was gone, they’d be happier.” Annie looked up at him desperately. “I want them to be happy again.”

“No, no,” Death said. “It isn’t your fault.”

“Yes it is,” she said firmly. “D-Dad told me so. He said that if I just had a normal heart, then we’d have enough money, and then Mom wouldn’t hate him, and-and-” she broke off, sniffling. 

Slowly, Death sat down next to her, resting his scythe on the ground. He put an arm around her, and she fell into him, her crying getting louder. For a long minute, they just sat. Death didn’t try to promise that it would be okay. He’d been around too long to believe that, and he hated lying. “Did you know,” he finally said, “that most people hate me?”

Annie pulled back, dumbfounded. “Why do people hate you? You’re nice!”

Death’s mouth twitched, and he gestured at his black robe, his scythe, his pale face. “I’m Death.”

“That’s not fair! It’s not your fault people die.”

“No,” he agreed, “it isn’t. But they hate me anyway. And they have normal hearts. If you had a normal heart, maybe you’d hate me too.” It wasn’t perfect logic, but it was pretty, and Annie was young.

She thought for a moment, then nodded. “Then I’m glad I don’t have a normal heart. And I’m never going to hate anyone.”

Death smiled. “I’m sure the world is better with you in it, Annie.”

Tears dry, Annie nodded, eyes glistening with determination. “I’ll be back soon, okay?”


“Did you know,” Annie said, “that my teacher doesn’t get mad at me anymore? It’s annoying.”

“Shouldn’t that be a good thing?” Annie made a face, and Death laughed. “Sometimes you’ve just got to take what you can get.”

She shrugged. “Yeah, but it makes everyone else mad. Like, yesterday, I left my notebook at Dad’s house, and Mom wouldn’t let me go back to get it. And when I got into class, Mr. Flynn was yelling at Penny because she forgot her notebook. But he didn’t say anything to me, and now Penny hates me.”

“Ah.” Death nodded.

“But I don’t hate her,” Annie said, flashing him a dazzling smile. “Tomorrow, I’m going to bring her cookies. She likes oatmeal raisin ones the best, even though they’re gross, so I’ll make those ones.”

Death looked over at her. “You’re very wise, for a mortal.”

She winked at him. “I have a good teacher.” Then she frowned. “What do you mean, for a mortal?!”


Annie felt her heart rate slow, and she lay back in the grass, closed her eyes…and opened them in a world with black earth and a white sky. A moment later, a face that was nearly a skull appeared over hers. “Hi, Death,” she said. 

“Hi, Annie,” he replied, mimicking her tone. 

She laughed. “I don’t sound like that.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you?”

“I probably do,” she conceded. “How’s the Between?”

“Same as always,” Death murmured. “How’s living?” His mouth twitched into a gentle smirk. “How’s Jason?”

Annie sat up sharply, flushing and throwing a handful of deep black sand at him. “Shut up,” she said, but there was no malice in it. She paused. “He’s just as cute as he was yesterday.”

Death nodded somberly. “You’ve been here a lot, going by human time.”

“Every day,” Annie said. “Sometimes twice a day. The doctors say it’s getting worse.” Her lip trembled and she clenched her teeth, refusing to let the tears spill over. “We’ve been meeting with the school counselors, talking about career paths and colleges, that sort of thing. They—they told me not to bother choosing a college. They said not to even worry about taking required classes, just to enjoy the time I have left. No one even expects me to graduate high school, Death.”

Death sat next to her. “Hold on. You’re so strong, Annie. If anyone can survive, it’s you.”

“Right,” Annie said sarcastically, “it’s not like being friends with Death himself gives me an advantage or anything.” 

Death shrugged. “Guilty as charged…except that I’m not keeping you alive. Or killing you. I’m just a glorified babysitter.”

Annie burst out laughing. “Death is my babysitter…” She was still laughing as she faded from view, as the sky became blue rather than white, and the sound of sirens filled her ears.


Annie spun on her heel, searching. “Death!” She screamed. “Where are you?”

And then he was there. “Yes? What’s wrong?” He looked her over, worried. “Annie?”

Her chest heaved. “Sarah is dying.”

Death looked away.

“How long?” Annie demanded. “How long does she have?”

Death looked pained. Funny, how she’d once thought him hard to read. “I can’t-”

“You can’t what?” Annie snapped. “Can’t save her? I know that, and that’s why I’m not asking you to.” Her voice cracked. “I just want to know how long my friend has. Please, Death.” Death looked down. His hood covered his face with shadows, and with his scythe in the air he suddenly looked poised. Ready to attack. Annie took a step back. “Please…” 

“I can’t tell you,” Death whispered. 

For a moment, Annie wanted to yell. Her hands were trembling, her heart was pounding too fast (or it would have been, if she wasn’t in the Between), and her eyes were stinging. She saw, then, why her friend was something so many people hated. And then she took a breath, a promise made long ago returning to her mind. 

“Okay,” she said, though the word broke her heart. “Okay. Can you—can you at least tell me if I’ll see her again?”

Death looked up, his hood falling back. “I’m not supposed to. But I will.” He locked eyes with Annie, then shook his head. “Not in your mortal life. I don’t know what’ll happen after.”

“Okay,” Annie said. “O-okay. I can-I can-“ and then her eyes filled with tears. “It isn’t fair,” she said. “I know that’s childish. But it just isn’t. She had so much to live for. She had a boyfriend, and plans, and-and why her, and not me?” Death watched her, listening intently. Annie flushed. “It’s just-my parents have been prepared for my death since I was four, and all my friends know that they’ll go to my funeral someday. But she could have lived.”

“I’m sorry,” Death said, his voice barely more than a whisper. “I never realized it hurt so much.”

Annie’s cheeks were wet, and she scrubbed at them furiously. “It’s good that it hurts,” she said. “If it didn’t hurt, it would mean I didn’t care. But…” she exhaled softly. “How am I supposed to go on living without her?”

Death shook his head. Wordlessly, he pulled her into a hug and held her as she sobbed. “I can give her a message, if you’d like,” he finally murmured. “Nothing long. But something.”

“Oh, please,” Annie said, throat tightening dangerously. “Tell her—tell her bye. Tell her I’ll miss her so, so much. And tell her that I’ll make sure Peli, her dog, gets fed. And that I love her.” Annie was fading, but she clutched desperately at Death. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you so much.”


“You’re quiet today.” Death smiled at his friend. “Is everything all right?”

Annie nodded slowly. “Yeah…can I ask you something, Death?”

“Of course,” Death said easily. “I can’t promise an answer, but you can always ask.”

“Right.” Annie looked over at him, and for a moment the only sound was the crunch of sand beneath their feet. “You…you know that I’m not really walking, out there. Or, well, doing anything.” Death nodded. “Well…I used to sing, but I haven’t even been able to do that, recently. So I started writing. And I think I wrote a poem about you?”

Death blinked. “You think?”

Annie shrugged. “I’m not really sure. But I wrote it, and my mom saw it. She wants me to enter it to some contest, to ‘put my words into the world one last time’ or whatever. But…I want you to hear it. Because it’s for you, really, not the world.”

“Okay,” Death said.

“Okay.” Annie smiled shyly, and Death smiled back. 


“I am lost

To the world

That should have been mine. 

I am a frequent visitor

In a place

Between the living and the dead.


My mother fears Death,

My friends crave it. 

My teachers don’t speak of it,

And my enemies use it as a taunt. 


But the world of life twists,

And turns,

And changes

Every time I dare to blink.


And when even my heart is inconsistent,

Death is a constant. 

Not looming. 

Not waiting. 

But welcoming. 

In a world of extremes,

I have found a home Between.


And when I come home,

It is Death who greets me.”


Annie looked at him, and Death found himself momentarily speechless. But just as he opened his mouth, Annie faded away, and Death was left alone in a colorless world. 


Annie brushed sand from her clothes, standing up. “That was unpleasant,” she muttered. She looked around, and jumped when she saw Death behind her. “Oh my-Death! Don’t do that, it’s terrifying.” But Death didn’t laugh, and she frowned. “Death?”

“This is it.” He spoke so quietly, she could barely hear him. Still, the words filled her with a creeping, icy dread. “It’s time, Annie.” Annie didn’t speak. Couldn’t speak. “I’ve never tried to save a mortal’s life before. But I tried, Annie, I swear to you I tried.”

“I know,” Annie whispered. She wasn’t crying. How strange. Shouldn’t she be feeling something? She was about to die. “But we both knew it was only a matter of time. We called this place the Between for a reason.”

Death nodded. “But I hoped…”

“Me too.”

They were quiet for a long moment, and then Annie leaned up and gave Death a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you,” she said. “Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for all of it. Whatever comes next, I’ll miss you.”

And for the first time he could remember, Death felt his eyes grow wet. “Remember,” he said, voice husky, “when you told me that hurt is good? Because it means that you care?” Annie nodded. “This hurts,” he whispered.

“Oh, Death…” Annie gave his hand a final squeeze, and then, one last time, she faded from the Between. Death reached for her, but she was gone.

And this time, she would never come back.

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This was the prompt, I’m curious did it make sense without the context?

Death's favourite human comes to visit. The young girl has a medical condition where her heart stops for a few minutes every once in awhile. Death is the girl's favourite friend.

Also sorry it’s had exactly zero editing, I finished it maybe 10 minutes ago :P 

I’ll probably rewrite the poem since I don’t love it, but I really like the rest of it :D



BEAUTIFUL- but jeez- pullin on my heartstrings over here-

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8 hours ago, Wierdo said:


BEAUTIFUL- but jeez- pullin on my heartstrings over here-

Thank you <33 and sorry hehe but also not sorry :)

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Soren, Anna:


“When you can stop, you don’t want to. And when you want to stop, you can’t. That’s addiction.”


“What did you do?” Anna’s voice was cool and angry.


Cas met her eyes calmly. “We’re only maintaining the efficiency of one of our tools.”

Anna’s fury spiked. “Don’t you dare,” she breathed, stepping so close to him that she could feel his breath on her face. “He is a person, and a better one than you’ll ever be.”

Cas sighed, eyes half-lidded and lazy. “Look, I know it isn’t pleasant, but he asked us to. Said he’s tired of being controlled, tired of being a machine.”

“He–” Anna stopped. Cas was a bully. Talking to him would get her nowhere. “I need to speak with him.”

Cas shook his head, smirking. “I advise against that.”

“Do I look,” Anna hissed, “like I care what you advise?”

“I know,” Cas said, sounding like he was speaking to a young child, “that this is difficult. But it’s difficult for him too, and he’s desperate, Anna. Depending on the mood he’s in, he’ll…” Cas glanced away, strangely vulnerable. “He’ll tell you anything he thinks you want to hear, and he’s smart enough that it’s genuine. Then he’ll beg for your help.

Something ached in Anna’s chest, but she shoved it away. “My heart’s been broken before,” she said sharply, turning away. “I’m going in.”


When Anna entered the cell, he was sitting on the floor. He looked up when he saw her, then grimaced and looked back down. 

“Soren,” she said quietly, her anger dissolving at the sight of him. “I…”

“You shouldn’t be here,” he said. “You were supposed to be on an assignment.”

“I was,” she said. “I just got back. Have you…have you been in here since I left?”

He nodded, not meeting her eyes. Slowly, she sat down next to him, the aching growing stronger. Finally he let out a huff of air, raising his head. His eyes were…well, about as angry as she’d just been. “I’m sorry,” he snapped. “Is that what you want to hear? Because it’s true. I’m sorry. You deserved so much better than this, and you’ll never have it because you got me instead.”

“No,” Anna said, “No, no I love you, Soren, I do, and I’m the one who should be sorry. You made such a brave choice, coming in here.”

“I wish I hadn’t,” he muttered. Then, fist clenched, he hit the floor. “I didn’t mean that. This was the right choice.” Anna nodded, at a loss for words, and he sighed, leaning his head against the wall. “I really am sorry,” he whispered. “It’s all such a mess…I’m a detective, considered one of the best and brightest in the world, and I can’t even control myself.” 

“You’re just young,” Anna protested, but even to her the argument sounded pathetic.

He hit the floor again. “I’m weak.” Another hit. “And do you know the worst part? I still want to go back.” He hit harder, this time, and several drops of blood started welling up on his knuckles. “I still want it, Anna, because I know that it could make all this go away. I’d regret it after, but in the moment it would just stop hurting.” A bitter laugh came from his mouth, sounding as if it had been torn from him by some strange and powerful demon. “I’m so tired of hurting. Isn’t that stupid?”

Anna opened her mouth, but again found that she had no words. There was a faint line of moisture on one of Soren’s cheeks, and she realized with a start that it was a tear. He…he was crying. 

“Sorry,” he said. “I know big brothers aren’t supposed to cry.”

Anna shook her head, and suddenly she was crying too. “Why didn’t you ever tell me it was this bad? I could’ve helped, I could’ve…could’ve…”

“You told me I was a hero,” Soren whispered. “How could I throw that away? How could I tell you that the person you loved and admired doesn’t actually exist, has never existed?” He let out a shuddering breath. “They knew, they always knew, but they never did anything about it. As long as I’m doing my job, it doesn’t matter if I’m an addict.” And then he laughed again, and this time it was the sound of a heart breaking. “It’s funny. I wanted to stop feeling like a machine, so I took away the one thing that makes me feel human.” The words were tumbling out now, faster and faster, and Anna could only listen and sob as her brother’s words, always so eloquent, painted a terrible picture. 

“There were some days when the case was solved, when I went home and just wanted to smile and have everything be alright. But it wouldn’t be alright, see, because suddenly I would want it so desperately, and I’d think, it’s okay, it’s one drink, only it’s never just one, and I know it, so I’d try even harder, and then it’s all I can think about. So many hours, Anna, thrown away, so many hours spent sitting in my flat and wishing I could just say no.” Soren stopped, panting. 

Anna scrubbed at her cheeks furiously. “Is it really like all that?” She asked, knowing it was a horrible question but hoping, somehow, that he was only playing with her, that he would laugh and tell her it was all a grand joke, and then spin her around and be the person she’d always thought he was.

He snorted. “That and so much more. I can’t think, I can’t focus, I can’t care. I am fighting this battle every day, and there is no victory. I triumph at lunch and succumb at dinner, I last through work then drink all night.” He gestured at the plain white cell around them. “I’m freer in here than I ever will be out there.”

“I…I wish I knew how to help you,” Anna said. “I–”

Cas’s voice abruptly cut into the room. “Time’s up, Anna.” Anna made a rude gesture at the camera, prompting a chuckle from Soren. “I’m serious,” Cas said. “You have one minute before I send people in.”

Anna sighed, standing up. Soren stood too, and she ran forward and hugged him. “I’ll have them send in a case,” she said. “Something to keep your mind occupied.” Then, leaning in, she whispered into his ear, “For the record…I still think you’re a hero."


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On 3/28/2024 at 12:36 AM, Edema Rue said:



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She was looking in the mirror, obsessed with each imperfection on her own face. She raked her fingers through her hair, across her face. She'd find a zit, place her fingers on each side, and squeeze until it exploded outward, leaving a spot of yellow goo on the already dirty glass. Then blood would start to come out, and she’d move on. She had half a dozen bleeding sores on her face, and too many tears to count dripped off her chin. 

Her breathing came faster as she was overcome with a strange and powerful hate. For a moment, she regretted her lack of a knife. She couldn't stand to be in her own body. Then she looked down at her long painted nails. She raised a hand to her face and, fascinated, dug into her forehead, pulling it across and embracing the pain she deserved. Her tears began to dry, though her rage only got hotter. And her hate. So much hate.  How dare she be alive. How dare the world bring her to this. She wanted to burn the world to ashes and watch it crumble…she hated her face, hated her body, hated everything she saw in the mirror and many things she did not.

 She didn’t know how long he’d been standing there, when she finally noticed him. Her window was open, as she’d left it, but now there was a boy framed against the darkness. He smiled. She shrieked, backing up against her mirror. “Get out of my room!” How did he even…this is the second floor! And then, quieter, I hope he’s here to kill me.

“I’m Peter,” the boy said.

It was so absurd, she laughed. “Peter? Like…Peter Pan?” I suppose it would explain how he got up here…

He waved. “That’s me. And you are…?”

“Emilia,” she said quickly. “But everyone calls me Milly.” 

“Milly it is, then,” Peter said, sitting down on her windowsill. “Tell me, Milly, why is it that I’m here?”

She blinked. “Why…why you’re here? How should I know?”

He shrugged, winking cheerfully. “I heard you.”

She blinked. “I wasn’t…being loud.”

“Not with my ears.” he hesitated. “I guess it’s more accurate to say that I felt you.”

“You…felt me,” Milly said flatly. 

He flushed. “It happens, sometimes. The most desperate moments, the stars that are close to winking out. I feel them—you—and so I come. So…why am I here? Are you lonely, angry, afraid?”

“I…” Milly looked down, her eyes wet. “This isn’t real.”

“I’m just as real as you are, Milly.”

“No you aren’t,” she said, looking at him. “I…I must be imagining you.”

He raised an eyebrow. “I suppose you won’t mind if I leave, then?”



Milly huffed. It was crazy, but it was the sort of crazy that she needed, just then. “Please don’t go, Peter.” He was quiet for a long moment, and she sighed. “I am lonely, if it matters. And I’m terribly afraid, and angry too. And if you’re here to help, well…I could use a friend.

Peter smiled, and this time Milly smiled back, the movement making the dried salt on her cheeks flake away.

“Would you like to come home with me, Milly?”

“What, to Neverland?” Milly laughed. 

Peter nodded seriously. “As I said. Home. You seem like you’ve been looking for home.”

Milly’s lip trembled. 

“Hey, hey,” he said. He slid off her windowsill and into the room, walking over to her and pulling her into a hug. It was so...so stupid. There was no world in which this would be at all okay…but somehow, it was. “It’s all right to cry,” he murmured, and suddenly her tears were soaking through his ragged shirt. 

“I’m so tired,” she whispered. “I want to go home.” She hated herself for even daring to say it, for being this weak. But Peter seemed to understand. 

“It’s not weak,” he said firmly. “You were born for a world that isn’t this one, that’s all. And I’m going to help you find it, all right?”

“All right,” she said, drying her tears. 

“Is there anything you want to bring with you?” 

Milly looked around, suddenly overwhelmed. “I…”

“It’s okay,” Peter said quickly. “You can always come back if you find that you’ve forgotten something. And this choice doesn’t need to be forever.”

Milly nodded. She picked up a notebook and pen, then looked at Peter and nodded again. “I’m ready.”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the window. “Have you ever wanted to fly, Milly?”

She laughed, blinking away tears. “Of course, Peter. Are you going to sprinkle me in stardust?”

He shrugged. “Do you need it?”

Instead of answering, Milly closed her eyes and jumped. Her fear spiked, just for a moment, and then…and then she wasn’t falling, and Peter was holding her hand, and he was warm and strong and safe.

“You’re very brave,” he said.

She flushed. “No. I’m terrified. And I have been, my whole life.”

“Then you are that much braver for it,” he said, meeting her eye. 

“Thank you,” she whispered. 

He pulled on her hand, and suddenly they were shooting up towards the stars, the wind dancing through her hair. Peter’s laughter echoed through the darkness, and soon her own joined it. And though she hadn’t quite forgotten her despair, it faded, giving way to his magic. Perhaps...perhaps there was a place where she could belong.

“Welcome home, Milly,” he whispered, his breath warm in her ear. 

“Welcome home.”

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@Kajsa @Medium they're so cuuuuttteeeee (I'm mentioning you guys because idk if you ever read this thread but I feel like you'd appreciate this)


Wow! That was really good!

*pulls into a hug*

On 4/8/2024 at 12:28 AM, Edema Rue said:

GUYS please read this I’m in love with it and I don’t know why.


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Annie sat at the edge of a cliff, kicking her feet contentedly. “Death?” She asked.

The tall figure standing at her shoulder stirred. “Yes?”

“What happens when I die?” 

Death blinked. “What do you mean?”

Annie turned to face him, brow furrowed. “When people die, you send them on to the next life. And I’m going to die eventually. So I’ll have to move on. And you’ll stay here.”

“Well…yes,” Death said. His voice was gravelly and hard to read, but Annie thought he sounded sad. She was good at telling how he felt. 

“Then I won’t die for a long while,” the girl said, standing up happily. “I have to go now. Bye, Death!” Then she was gone, back in the world of the living.


Annie was crying. Death hadn’t known it was possible for a mortal to cry here, but Annie had spent more time here than almost any other mortal. He wasn’t surprised she’d figured it out.

“Annie?” He tried to sound gentle. It didn’t work. Somehow, though, she got it. 

“I don’t want to go back,” she whimpered. “Please, don’t make me go back.”

And though he had often been called heartless, something in his chest ached for the young girl. “You—you know I can’t, Annie.”

“Can’t I just stay here a little longer? Mom and Dad are screaming so loud, all the time. And it’s my fault. Maybe—maybe if I was gone, they’d be happier.” Annie looked up at him desperately. “I want them to be happy again.”

“No, no,” Death said. “It isn’t your fault.”

“Yes it is,” she said firmly. “D-Dad told me so. He said that if I just had a normal heart, then we’d have enough money, and then Mom wouldn’t hate him, and-and-” she broke off, sniffling. 

Slowly, Death sat down next to her, resting his scythe on the ground. He put an arm around her, and she fell into him, her crying getting louder. For a long minute, they just sat. Death didn’t try to promise that it would be okay. He’d been around too long to believe that, and he hated lying. “Did you know,” he finally said, “that most people hate me?”

Annie pulled back, dumbfounded. “Why do people hate you? You’re nice!”

Death’s mouth twitched, and he gestured at his black robe, his scythe, his pale face. “I’m Death.”

“That’s not fair! It’s not your fault people die.”

“No,” he agreed, “it isn’t. But they hate me anyway. And they have normal hearts. If you had a normal heart, maybe you’d hate me too.” It wasn’t perfect logic, but it was pretty, and Annie was young.

She thought for a moment, then nodded. “Then I’m glad I don’t have a normal heart. And I’m never going to hate anyone.”

Death smiled. “I’m sure the world is better with you in it, Annie.”

Tears dry, Annie nodded, eyes glistening with determination. “I’ll be back soon, okay?”


“Did you know,” Annie said, “that my teacher doesn’t get mad at me anymore? It’s annoying.”

“Shouldn’t that be a good thing?” Annie made a face, and Death laughed. “Sometimes you’ve just got to take what you can get.”

She shrugged. “Yeah, but it makes everyone else mad. Like, yesterday, I left my notebook at Dad’s house, and Mom wouldn’t let me go back to get it. And when I got into class, Mr. Flynn was yelling at Penny because she forgot her notebook. But he didn’t say anything to me, and now Penny hates me.”

“Ah.” Death nodded.

“But I don’t hate her,” Annie said, flashing him a dazzling smile. “Tomorrow, I’m going to bring her cookies. She likes oatmeal raisin ones the best, even though they’re gross, so I’ll make those ones.”

Death looked over at her. “You’re very wise, for a mortal.”

She winked at him. “I have a good teacher.” Then she frowned. “What do you mean, for a mortal?!”


Annie felt her heart rate slow, and she lay back in the grass, closed her eyes…and opened them in a world with black earth and a white sky. A moment later, a face that was nearly a skull appeared over hers. “Hi, Death,” she said. 

“Hi, Annie,” he replied, mimicking her tone. 

She laughed. “I don’t sound like that.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you?”

“I probably do,” she conceded. “How’s the Between?”

“Same as always,” Death murmured. “How’s living?” His mouth twitched into a gentle smirk. “How’s Jason?”

Annie sat up sharply, flushing and throwing a handful of deep black sand at him. “Shut up,” she said, but there was no malice in it. She paused. “He’s just as cute as he was yesterday.”

Death nodded somberly. “You’ve been here a lot, going by human time.”

“Every day,” Annie said. “Sometimes twice a day. The doctors say it’s getting worse.” Her lip trembled and she clenched her teeth, refusing to let the tears spill over. “We’ve been meeting with the school counselors, talking about career paths and colleges, that sort of thing. They—they told me not to bother choosing a college. They said not to even worry about taking required classes, just to enjoy the time I have left. No one even expects me to graduate high school, Death.”

Death sat next to her. “Hold on. You’re so strong, Annie. If anyone can survive, it’s you.”

“Right,” Annie said sarcastically, “it’s not like being friends with Death himself gives me an advantage or anything.” 

Death shrugged. “Guilty as charged…except that I’m not keeping you alive. Or killing you. I’m just a glorified babysitter.”

Annie burst out laughing. “Death is my babysitter…” She was still laughing as she faded from view, as the sky became blue rather than white, and the sound of sirens filled her ears.


Annie spun on her heel, searching. “Death!” She screamed. “Where are you?”

And then he was there. “Yes? What’s wrong?” He looked her over, worried. “Annie?”

Her chest heaved. “Sarah is dying.”

Death looked away.

“How long?” Annie demanded. “How long does she have?”

Death looked pained. Funny, how she’d once thought him hard to read. “I can’t-”

“You can’t what?” Annie snapped. “Can’t save her? I know that, and that’s why I’m not asking you to.” Her voice cracked. “I just want to know how long my friend has. Please, Death.” Death looked down. His hood covered his face with shadows, and with his scythe in the air he suddenly looked poised. Ready to attack. Annie took a step back. “Please…” 

“I can’t tell you,” Death whispered. 

For a moment, Annie wanted to yell. Her hands were trembling, her heart was pounding too fast (or it would have been, if she wasn’t in the Between), and her eyes were stinging. She saw, then, why her friend was something so many people hated. And then she took a breath, a promise made long ago returning to her mind. 

“Okay,” she said, though the word broke her heart. “Okay. Can you—can you at least tell me if I’ll see her again?”

Death looked up, his hood falling back. “I’m not supposed to. But I will.” He locked eyes with Annie, then shook his head. “Not in your mortal life. I don’t know what’ll happen after.”

“Okay,” Annie said. “O-okay. I can-I can-“ and then her eyes filled with tears. “It isn’t fair,” she said. “I know that’s childish. But it just isn’t. She had so much to live for. She had a boyfriend, and plans, and-and why her, and not me?” Death watched her, listening intently. Annie flushed. “It’s just-my parents have been prepared for my death since I was four, and all my friends know that they’ll go to my funeral someday. But she could have lived.”

“I’m sorry,” Death said, his voice barely more than a whisper. “I never realized it hurt so much.”

Annie’s cheeks were wet, and she scrubbed at them furiously. “It’s good that it hurts,” she said. “If it didn’t hurt, it would mean I didn’t care. But…” she exhaled softly. “How am I supposed to go on living without her?”

Death shook his head. Wordlessly, he pulled her into a hug and held her as she sobbed. “I can give her a message, if you’d like,” he finally murmured. “Nothing long. But something.”

“Oh, please,” Annie said, throat tightening dangerously. “Tell her—tell her bye. Tell her I’ll miss her so, so much. And tell her that I’ll make sure Peli, her dog, gets fed. And that I love her.” Annie was fading, but she clutched desperately at Death. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you so much.”


“You’re quiet today.” Death smiled at his friend. “Is everything all right?”

Annie nodded slowly. “Yeah…can I ask you something, Death?”

“Of course,” Death said easily. “I can’t promise an answer, but you can always ask.”

“Right.” Annie looked over at him, and for a moment the only sound was the crunch of sand beneath their feet. “You…you know that I’m not really walking, out there. Or, well, doing anything.” Death nodded. “Well…I used to sing, but I haven’t even been able to do that, recently. So I started writing. And I think I wrote a poem about you?”

Death blinked. “You think?”

Annie shrugged. “I’m not really sure. But I wrote it, and my mom saw it. She wants me to enter it to some contest, to ‘put my words into the world one last time’ or whatever. But…I want you to hear it. Because it’s for you, really, not the world.”

“Okay,” Death said.

“Okay.” Annie smiled shyly, and Death smiled back. 


“I am lost

To the world

That should have been mine. 

I am a frequent visitor

In a place

Between the living and the dead.


My mother fears Death,

My friends crave it. 

My teachers don’t speak of it,

And my enemies use it as a taunt. 


But the world of life twists,

And turns,

And changes

Every time I dare to blink.


And when even my heart is inconsistent,

Death is a constant. 

Not looming. 

Not waiting. 

But welcoming. 

In a world of extremes,

I have found a home Between.


And when I come home,

It is Death who greets me.”


Annie looked at him, and Death found himself momentarily speechless. But just as he opened his mouth, Annie faded away, and Death was left alone in a colorless world. 


Annie brushed sand from her clothes, standing up. “That was unpleasant,” she muttered. She looked around, and jumped when she saw Death behind her. “Oh my-Death! Don’t do that, it’s terrifying.” But Death didn’t laugh, and she frowned. “Death?”

“This is it.” He spoke so quietly, she could barely hear him. Still, the words filled her with a creeping, icy dread. “It’s time, Annie.” Annie didn’t speak. Couldn’t speak. “I’ve never tried to save a mortal’s life before. But I tried, Annie, I swear to you I tried.”

“I know,” Annie whispered. She wasn’t crying. How strange. Shouldn’t she be feeling something? She was about to die. “But we both knew it was only a matter of time. We called this place the Between for a reason.”

Death nodded. “But I hoped…”

“Me too.”

They were quiet for a long moment, and then Annie leaned up and gave Death a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you,” she said. “Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for all of it. Whatever comes next, I’ll miss you.”

And for the first time he could remember, Death felt his eyes grow wet. “Remember,” he said, voice husky, “when you told me that hurt is good? Because it means that you care?” Annie nodded. “This hurts,” he whispered.

“Oh, Death…” Annie gave his hand a final squeeze, and then, one last time, she faded from the Between. Death reached for her, but she was gone.

And this time, she would never come back.

  Reveal hidden contents

This was the prompt, I’m curious did it make sense without the context?

Death's favourite human comes to visit. The young girl has a medical condition where her heart stops for a few minutes every once in awhile. Death is the girl's favourite friend.

Also sorry it’s had exactly zero editing, I finished it maybe 10 minutes ago :P 

I’ll probably rewrite the poem since I don’t love it, but I really like the rest of it :D





Storm it Eddie!

            That was...


                                I don't even...



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On 4/15/2024 at 7:14 PM, Just-A-Stick said:

Wow! That was really good!

*pulls into a hug*




Storm it Eddie!

            That was...


                                I don't even...



*realizes I never responded to this*

Thank you so much Sticky!! *hugs back*

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Note: this reads better if you read it out loud, monotone, and don’t stop between lines, it would be great if we didn’t need to breathe and it could just be a continuous flow of prose but this will have to do :)

Other note: I have Circus of your Mind from Finding Neverland stuck in my head.

Circus of my Dreams:


I am trapped in a circus

And I can’t get out.

I am dancing to a tune

I can no longer hear

And the music is terrible

And it hurts so badly

And yet I cannot stop.


I blink,

And the crowd is laughing,

I blink again

And the crowd is gone. 

I look up

And there is only darkness

I look back

And all the light has faded. 


There is a ring

Around me

A ring

Or a stage

And on the other side

There are people

Who do not

Or cannot




I am on 

A merry-go-round

A toy

Of the circus

And it spins

So quickly.


The world

Starts to blur

A days and B days

Mix together


And homework

And dreams

Are inseparable

And I’m spinning so quickly.


But now the spinning fades,

And in its place

Is a dangerous stillness

And I am back in the ring

But the crowd is not laughing

And I cannot tell

If I’m crying

Or dancing. 


And look; 

The crowd fades away

The witnesses leave

And cool metal


Around my wrists

And neck.


I cannot move

But I need to stand. 

I cannot breathe

But death is impossible. 

I cannot break free

For there is so much to do.


It grows so dark,

When the tent

Is quiet.

The silence is deafening

In a circus

Without patrons

And the performers

Are monsters

Which is why

We are chained. 


But another day dawns,

And the chains fade away:

I cannot run

With an audience waiting

Strings tug

At my mouth

Until I am smiling

My mind

Grows numb

And the audience

As one being

Is awed.


The circus is spinning


And faster

All fades away

Into blurry routines

Are we people

Or are we machines


White fangs

On red lips

Deadly claws

Caress your neck


O stranger

To the circus

Of my dreams.


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49 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Note: this reads better if you read it out loud, monotone, and don’t stop between lines, it would be great if we didn’t need to breathe and it could just be a continuous flow of prose but this will have to do :)

Other note: I have Circus of your Mind from Finding Neverland stuck in my head.

Circus of my Dreams:

  Hide contents

I am trapped in a circus

And I can’t get out.

I am dancing to a tune

I can no longer hear

And the music is terrible

And it hurts so badly

And yet I cannot stop.


I blink,

And the crowd is laughing,

I blink again

And the crowd is gone. 

I look up

And there is only darkness

I look back

And all the light has faded. 


There is a ring

Around me

A ring

Or a stage

And on the other side

There are people

Who do not

Or cannot




I am on 

A merry-go-round

A toy

Of the circus

And it spins

So quickly.


The world

Starts to blur

A days and B days

Mix together


And homework

And dreams

Are inseparable

And I’m spinning so quickly.


But now the spinning fades,

And in its place

Is a dangerous stillness

And I am back in the ring

But the crowd is not laughing

And I cannot tell

If I’m crying

Or dancing. 


And look; 

The crowd fades away

The witnesses leave

And cool metal


Around my wrists

And neck.


I cannot move

But I need to stand. 

I cannot breathe

But death is impossible. 

I cannot break free

For there is so much to do.


It grows so dark,

When the tent

Is quiet.

The silence is deafening

In a circus

Without patrons

And the performers

Are monsters

Which is why

We are chained. 


But another day dawns,

And the chains fade away:

I cannot run

With an audience waiting

Strings tug

At my mouth

Until I am smiling

My mind

Grows numb

And the audience

As one being

Is awed.


The circus is spinning


And faster

All fades away

Into blurry routines

Are we people

Or are we machines


White fangs

On red lips

Deadly claws

Caress your neck


O stranger

To the circus

Of my dreams.



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1 hour ago, Weaver of Lies said:


It’s ok I’m good I promise, everything is just kind of blurring together and I’m losing my mind a little bit…

Stress dreams are the worst. I keep dreaming they’ve changed our choreo, and then I get to rehearsal and can’t remember what the new thing we’re doing is, and then it was just a dream but I genuinely couldn’t tell…

I’ll be better if I ever start sleeping :P

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5 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

It’s ok I’m good I promise, everything is just kind of blurring together and I’m losing my mind a little bit…

Stress dreams are the worst. I keep dreaming they’ve changed our choreo, and then I get to rehearsal and can’t remember what the new thing we’re doing is, and then it was just a dream but I genuinely couldn’t tell…

I’ll be better if I ever start sleeping :P

Oh yeah, that type of thing is so terrible *hugs*

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2 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Note: this reads better if you read it out loud, monotone, and don’t stop between lines, it would be great if we didn’t need to breathe and it could just be a continuous flow of prose but this will have to do :)

Other note: I have Circus of your Mind from Finding Neverland stuck in my head.

Circus of my Dreams:

  Hide contents

I am trapped in a circus

And I can’t get out.

I am dancing to a tune

I can no longer hear

And the music is terrible

And it hurts so badly

And yet I cannot stop.


I blink,

And the crowd is laughing,

I blink again

And the crowd is gone. 

I look up

And there is only darkness

I look back

And all the light has faded. 


There is a ring

Around me

A ring

Or a stage

And on the other side

There are people

Who do not

Or cannot




I am on 

A merry-go-round

A toy

Of the circus

And it spins

So quickly.


The world

Starts to blur

A days and B days

Mix together


And homework

And dreams

Are inseparable

And I’m spinning so quickly.


But now the spinning fades,

And in its place

Is a dangerous stillness

And I am back in the ring

But the crowd is not laughing

And I cannot tell

If I’m crying

Or dancing. 


And look; 

The crowd fades away

The witnesses leave

And cool metal


Around my wrists

And neck.


I cannot move

But I need to stand. 

I cannot breathe

But death is impossible. 

I cannot break free

For there is so much to do.


It grows so dark,

When the tent

Is quiet.

The silence is deafening

In a circus

Without patrons

And the performers

Are monsters

Which is why

We are chained. 


But another day dawns,

And the chains fade away:

I cannot run

With an audience waiting

Strings tug

At my mouth

Until I am smiling

My mind

Grows numb

And the audience

As one being

Is awed.


The circus is spinning


And faster

All fades away

Into blurry routines

Are we people

Or are we machines


White fangs

On red lips

Deadly claws

Caress your neck


O stranger

To the circus

Of my dreams.


reminds me of school- but- uh- you good?

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39 minutes ago, Wierdo said:

reminds me of school- but- uh- you good?

Yeah I am, pinky promise, I actually just got a huge assignment done (almost a full 2 hours before the deadline) and I’m vibing, this week will be stressful but super fun :)

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21 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Note: this reads better if you read it out loud, monotone, and don’t stop between lines, it would be great if we didn’t need to breathe and it could just be a continuous flow of prose but this will have to do :)

Other note: I have Circus of your Mind from Finding Neverland stuck in my head.

Circus of my Dreams:

  Reveal hidden contents

I am trapped in a circus

And I can’t get out.

I am dancing to a tune

I can no longer hear

And the music is terrible

And it hurts so badly

And yet I cannot stop.


I blink,

And the crowd is laughing,

I blink again

And the crowd is gone. 

I look up

And there is only darkness

I look back

And all the light has faded. 


There is a ring

Around me

A ring

Or a stage

And on the other side

There are people

Who do not

Or cannot




I am on 

A merry-go-round

A toy

Of the circus

And it spins

So quickly.


The world

Starts to blur

A days and B days

Mix together


And homework

And dreams

Are inseparable

And I’m spinning so quickly.


But now the spinning fades,

And in its place

Is a dangerous stillness

And I am back in the ring

But the crowd is not laughing

And I cannot tell

If I’m crying

Or dancing. 


And look; 

The crowd fades away

The witnesses leave

And cool metal


Around my wrists

And neck.


I cannot move

But I need to stand. 

I cannot breathe

But death is impossible. 

I cannot break free

For there is so much to do.


It grows so dark,

When the tent

Is quiet.

The silence is deafening

In a circus

Without patrons

And the performers

Are monsters

Which is why

We are chained. 


But another day dawns,

And the chains fade away:

I cannot run

With an audience waiting

Strings tug

At my mouth

Until I am smiling

My mind

Grows numb

And the audience

As one being

Is awed.


The circus is spinning


And faster

All fades away

Into blurry routines

Are we people

Or are we machines


White fangs

On red lips

Deadly claws

Caress your neck


O stranger

To the circus

Of my dreams.


This is really cool, just all of it. 


I'm like, always subconsciously on the lookout for TMA references, and this one totally reminds me of a season 5 stranger domain

19 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

I’ll be better if I ever start sleeping :P

Lol, mood.

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4 minutes ago, Wittles said:

This is really cool, just all of it. 

  Reveal hidden contents

I'm like, always subconsciously on the lookout for TMA references, and this one totally reminds me of a season 5 stranger domain

Lol, mood.


AHHHHH you’re right!! The merry-go-round where everyone forgets their own names and it’s an epic poem!!

…yeah that’s definitely where my brain’s at right no :P


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I used to see the flowers. 

I used to name the snakes

And hold the bees.

I used to laugh at the lightning

And dance in the rain


The flowers still grow,


But I barely notice.

The snakes are still there,

But I haven’t seen one in years,

The bees

Are to be feared

The lighting

Is an annoyance

And the rain

Is to be avoided. 


Time used to move so slowly,


When we had only the sun to guide us.

There used to be time

To stop

And laugh

And be.

It was not better then,

As it is not worse now.


But it was a time of wonder


A time of dreams

A time of watching

A time of hearing

A time of caring

A time of hoping. 


It was a time we remember as perfect


So that now

We have something to wish for. 

It was a time of clumsy mistakes

But that was before they mattered.


I used to know the taste of grass:


I used to know where the snails dwelt:

I used to know which tree housed which bird:

I used to know which chicken laid which color of eggs:

I used to know a world that has forgotten me.


Now I know the square root of negative one,


And the cosecant of  ½,

And the radius of a unit circle. 

Now I know about John Brown,

And the War of Jenkins’ Ear,

And Manifest Destiny.

Now I know how to balance a chemical equation,

And change from moles to liters,

And measure a catalyst. 


But now


I know that snakes bite.


I know that bees sting. 


I know that rain soaks.


I know that flowers die.




I am clever

But I used

To be wise.


I used to see the flowers…



A full life cannot be lived as a child. But oh, I miss it. I miss being able to care. I miss being able to dream. I miss running through the garden to find the same strawberry each day until it was just ripe enough to pull free. I miss knowing how to pick a perfectly ripe blackberry. I miss watching green stalks of corn grow until they were taller than me. I miss hiking every Saturday. I miss catching caterpillars and hatching them into monarch butterflies. I miss knowing every corner of my backyard better than I knew myself. I miss the birds' nests I put in cardboard boxes, and the trees we used to have. I miss the secret places that only I knew. I miss the days when school was only a tiny part of every day. I miss the people I used to know. I miss the days when I had no fear. I miss being allowed to care. And I miss the dreams I used to have of what each day would be.  

But I guess I still care.

I just hide it better.

And I still dream.

I just don’t let anyone see.


Some context:

So, as a lot of you know, I'm incredibly busy right now. And earlier today, when I should've been doing homework, I decided to spend some time outside, because I'm trying really hard to keep my mental health up. So I live on an acre, and we have a really private backyard. We also have a pasture where we keep our chickens. There's a tiny hill on the pasture that always gets covered in tiny purple wildflowers in the spring. And every spring, two tulips grow there, side by side. But this last year, we dug a 4 foot deep trench across our pasture for the sake of horticulture (complicated gardening). I didn't even think about it; I spend so much time inside, or at school, or wherever else I'm supposed to be that it just doesn't matter as much anymore. 

Anyway, I went outside today and saw a tiny patch of pink. And, getting closer, I saw that it was a tulip. A second tulip was about 3 feet away. Both were poking up through tall piles of dirt, but they were there, and they were growing, and all of a sudden I remembered so many years that have faded behind the routines that numb my mind. And so I wrote a poem about it, because I don't know what else to do when I have feelings :P 

(also terribly sorry I know this is a lot to read and I've been posting here a ton recently, I hope I'm not boring y'all.






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7 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:


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I used to see the flowers. 

I used to name the snakes

And hold the bees.

I used to laugh at the lightning

And dance in the rain


The flowers still grow,


But I barely notice.

The snakes are still there,

But I haven’t seen one in years,

The bees

Are to be feared

The lighting

Is an annoyance

And the rain

Is to be avoided. 


Time used to move so slowly,


When we had only the sun to guide us.

There used to be time

To stop

And laugh

And be.

It was not better then,

As it is not worse now.


But it was a time of wonder


A time of dreams

A time of watching

A time of hearing

A time of caring

A time of hoping. 


It was a time we remember as perfect


So that now

We have something to wish for. 

It was a time of clumsy mistakes

But that was before they mattered.


I used to know the taste of grass:


I used to know where the snails dwelt:

I used to know which tree housed which bird:

I used to know which chicken laid which color of eggs:

I used to know a world that has forgotten me.


Now I know the square root of negative one,


And the cosecant of  ½,

And the radius of a unit circle. 

Now I know about John Brown,

And the War of Jenkins’ Ear,

And Manifest Destiny.

Now I know how to balance a chemical equation,

And change from moles to liters,

And measure a catalyst. 


But now


I know that snakes bite.


I know that bees sting. 


I know that rain soaks.


I know that flowers die.




I am clever

But I used

To be wise.


I used to see the flowers…


  Hide contents

A full life cannot be lived as a child. But oh, I miss it. I miss being able to care. I miss being able to dream. I miss running through the garden to find the same strawberry each day until it was just ripe enough to pull free. I miss knowing how to pick a perfectly ripe blackberry. I miss watching green stalks of corn grow until they were taller than me. I miss hiking every Saturday. I miss catching caterpillars and hatching them into monarch butterflies. I miss knowing every corner of my backyard better than I knew myself. I miss the birds' nests I put in cardboard boxes, and the trees we used to have. I miss the secret places that only I knew. I miss the days when school was only a tiny part of every day. I miss the people I used to know. I miss the days when I had no fear. I miss being allowed to care. And I miss the dreams I used to have of what each day would be.  

But I guess I still care.

I just hide it better.

And I still dream.

I just don’t let anyone see.

  Hide contents

Some context:

So, as a lot of you know, I'm incredibly busy right now. And earlier today, when I should've been doing homework, I decided to spend some time outside, because I'm trying really hard to keep my mental health up. So I live on an acre, and we have a really private backyard. We also have a pasture where we keep our chickens. There's a tiny hill on the pasture that always gets covered in tiny purple wildflowers in the spring. And every spring, two tulips grow there, side by side. But this last year, we dug a 4 foot deep trench across our pasture for the sake of horticulture (complicated gardening). I didn't even think about it; I spend so much time inside, or at school, or wherever else I'm supposed to be that it just doesn't matter as much anymore. 

Anyway, I went outside today and saw a tiny patch of pink. And, getting closer, I saw that it was a tulip. A second tulip was about 3 feet away. Both were poking up through tall piles of dirt, but they were there, and they were growing, and all of a sudden I remembered so many years that have faded behind the routines that numb my mind. And so I wrote a poem about it, because I don't know what else to do when I have feelings :P 

(also terribly sorry I know this is a lot to read and I've been posting here a ton recently, I hope I'm not boring y'all.

  Reveal hidden contents






I miss those carefree days too.

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On 4/23/2024 at 12:43 PM, Edema Rue said:


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I used to see the flowers. 

I used to name the snakes

And hold the bees.

I used to laugh at the lightning

And dance in the rain


The flowers still grow,


But I barely notice.

The snakes are still there,

But I haven’t seen one in years,

The bees

Are to be feared

The lighting

Is an annoyance

And the rain

Is to be avoided. 


Time used to move so slowly,


When we had only the sun to guide us.

There used to be time

To stop

And laugh

And be.

It was not better then,

As it is not worse now.


But it was a time of wonder


A time of dreams

A time of watching

A time of hearing

A time of caring

A time of hoping. 


It was a time we remember as perfect


So that now

We have something to wish for. 

It was a time of clumsy mistakes

But that was before they mattered.


I used to know the taste of grass:


I used to know where the snails dwelt:

I used to know which tree housed which bird:

I used to know which chicken laid which color of eggs:

I used to know a world that has forgotten me.


Now I know the square root of negative one,


And the cosecant of  ½,

And the radius of a unit circle. 

Now I know about John Brown,

And the War of Jenkins’ Ear,

And Manifest Destiny.

Now I know how to balance a chemical equation,

And change from moles to liters,

And measure a catalyst. 


But now


I know that snakes bite.


I know that bees sting. 


I know that rain soaks.


I know that flowers die.




I am clever

But I used

To be wise.


I used to see the flowers…


  Hide contents

A full life cannot be lived as a child. But oh, I miss it. I miss being able to care. I miss being able to dream. I miss running through the garden to find the same strawberry each day until it was just ripe enough to pull free. I miss knowing how to pick a perfectly ripe blackberry. I miss watching green stalks of corn grow until they were taller than me. I miss hiking every Saturday. I miss catching caterpillars and hatching them into monarch butterflies. I miss knowing every corner of my backyard better than I knew myself. I miss the birds' nests I put in cardboard boxes, and the trees we used to have. I miss the secret places that only I knew. I miss the days when school was only a tiny part of every day. I miss the people I used to know. I miss the days when I had no fear. I miss being allowed to care. And I miss the dreams I used to have of what each day would be.  

But I guess I still care.

I just hide it better.

And I still dream.

I just don’t let anyone see.

  Hide contents

Some context:

So, as a lot of you know, I'm incredibly busy right now. And earlier today, when I should've been doing homework, I decided to spend some time outside, because I'm trying really hard to keep my mental health up. So I live on an acre, and we have a really private backyard. We also have a pasture where we keep our chickens. There's a tiny hill on the pasture that always gets covered in tiny purple wildflowers in the spring. And every spring, two tulips grow there, side by side. But this last year, we dug a 4 foot deep trench across our pasture for the sake of horticulture (complicated gardening). I didn't even think about it; I spend so much time inside, or at school, or wherever else I'm supposed to be that it just doesn't matter as much anymore. 

Anyway, I went outside today and saw a tiny patch of pink. And, getting closer, I saw that it was a tulip. A second tulip was about 3 feet away. Both were poking up through tall piles of dirt, but they were there, and they were growing, and all of a sudden I remembered so many years that have faded behind the routines that numb my mind. And so I wrote a poem about it, because I don't know what else to do when I have feelings :P 

(also terribly sorry I know this is a lot to read and I've been posting here a ton recently, I hope I'm not boring y'all.

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wow... i miss my old garden. 

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Last night was pretty bad.

Really bad.

I'm better now.

And I won't share what I wrote then.


The morning


The storm

There is 

A tentative




The battle




So bitter.



The revolution

There is blood


Into the stones

Of the street

And no one


To tread near.



The anger

Where daggers flew

And we hoped

They’d strike


Our hearts


With blood



Our fingertips


To rebuild


That I

Have carelessly



The sun

Still rises

And choices


In the heat

Of emotion


Beneath the light

I never thought

I’d see












But my dagger

Is in

Your heart

And my poison

Is in

Your cup

And I





To say

I’m sorry.



When the sun

Goes down

The fire

In my heart

Sparks to life

And I know

I’ll hurt you


But right now

I’m sorry

I’m so






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2 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Last night was pretty bad.

Really bad.

I'm better now.

And I won't share what I wrote then.

  Hide contents

The morning


The storm

There is 

A tentative




The battle




So bitter.



The revolution

There is blood


Into the stones

Of the street

And no one


To tread near.



The anger

Where daggers flew

And we hoped

They’d strike


Our hearts


With blood



Our fingertips


To rebuild


That I

Have carelessly



The sun

Still rises

And choices


In the heat

Of emotion


Beneath the light

I never thought

I’d see












But my dagger

Is in

Your heart

And my poison

Is in

Your cup

And I





To say

I’m sorry.



When the sun

Goes down

The fire

In my heart

Sparks to life

And I know

I’ll hurt you


But right now

I’m sorry

I’m so






*many, many hugs*

I’m here if you ever need me.

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16 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Last night was pretty bad.

Really bad.

I'm better now.

And I won't share what I wrote then.

  Reveal hidden contents

The morning


The storm

There is 

A tentative




The battle




So bitter.



The revolution

There is blood


Into the stones

Of the street

And no one


To tread near.



The anger

Where daggers flew

And we hoped

They’d strike


Our hearts


With blood



Our fingertips


To rebuild


That I

Have carelessly



The sun

Still rises

And choices


In the heat

Of emotion


Beneath the light

I never thought

I’d see












But my dagger

Is in

Your heart

And my poison

Is in

Your cup

And I





To say

I’m sorry.



When the sun

Goes down

The fire

In my heart

Sparks to life

And I know

I’ll hurt you


But right now

I’m sorry

I’m so







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58 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Last night was pretty bad.

Really bad.

I'm better now.

And I won't share what I wrote then.

  Reveal hidden contents

The morning


The storm

There is 

A tentative




The battle




So bitter.



The revolution

There is blood


Into the stones

Of the street

And no one


To tread near.



The anger

Where daggers flew

And we hoped

They’d strike


Our hearts


With blood



Our fingertips


To rebuild


That I

Have carelessly



The sun

Still rises

And choices


In the heat

Of emotion


Beneath the light

I never thought

I’d see












But my dagger

Is in

Your heart

And my poison

Is in

Your cup

And I





To say

I’m sorry.



When the sun

Goes down

The fire

In my heart

Sparks to life

And I know

I’ll hurt you


But right now

I’m sorry

I’m so






... im so sorry. that sounds horrible.

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1 hour ago, Edema Rue said:

Last night was pretty bad.

Really bad.

I'm better now.

And I won't share what I wrote then.

  Reveal hidden contents

The morning


The storm

There is 

A tentative




The battle




So bitter.



The revolution

There is blood


Into the stones

Of the street

And no one


To tread near.



The anger

Where daggers flew

And we hoped

They’d strike


Our hearts


With blood



Our fingertips


To rebuild


That I

Have carelessly



The sun

Still rises

And choices


In the heat

Of emotion


Beneath the light

I never thought

I’d see












But my dagger

Is in

Your heart

And my poison

Is in

Your cup

And I





To say

I’m sorry.



When the sun

Goes down

The fire

In my heart

Sparks to life

And I know

I’ll hurt you


But right now

I’m sorry

I’m so







You know how to reach me if you need someone to talk to.

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1 hour ago, Weaver of Lies said:

*many, many hugs*

I’m here if you ever need me.


1 hour ago, Wierdo said:



49 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

... im so sorry. that sounds horrible.


41 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:


You know how to reach me if you need someone to talk to.

Thank you guys. So much. I’m getting better. 

On 3/22/2024 at 4:29 PM, Edema Rue said:

TW: so this one comes from one of the darkest places in my mind. Includes torture, rape, control, um…sorry.


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“Celia,” the boy said, smiling. “That’s a beautiful name for an orphan from the street.”
Celia smiled back. He was a beautiful boy, and clearly well off…a silver circlet rested in his dark curls. “I don’t remember who gave it to me. Do you have one? A name?”
The boy didn’t answer, just murmured her name again. “Celia…” Her name twisted on his tongue, and she fought away the chills that ran up her spine. “Celia.” 
The sound twisted at her. She forced out a laugh. “Stop that.”
“Why should I?” He asked, pale eyes twinkling. “Celia,” he added. He was playing with her name like a child with a favorite toy. 
“Stop it,” she said, unable to force levity into her tone.
“But, Celia, you gave me your name. It’s mine now, to do with as I please.” His eyes seemed to add a silent meaning. That it wasn’t just her name he had, it was her. That she was his to do with as he pleased. Celia pushed back from the table and started to stand. “Celia,” the boy said sharply, and she slowly sat back down, though she was sure she hadn’t meant to.
“What did you do to me?” She hissed. 
He winked. “Never give your name to strangers, my darling Celia.” She trembled involuntarily. Which was worse? The way he said her name, or the hunger in his eyes as he said it?
“I’m not yours,” she growled. 
“Aren’t you?” Then he stood up and started to walk away. He just left. Celia sat for a moment, frozen, and then she felt herself pulled after the boy. She stumbled to her feet, gasping and lurching after him. The boy turned around and walked back to her. The pull went away. He put a finger under her chin.
“Miss me?” Celia was too shocked even to answer, and he laughed. His hand slid from her chin up her jaw, then tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear. His fingers felt like polished steel; icy and smooth and unyielding. He combed through her hair, eventually resting on the back of her neck. 
“Stop,” Celia whispered. “I’m not doing this.” She looked around frantically, trying to find someone, anyone, but the barkeeper was in the back, and it was so early in the day that the tavern was deserted. She tried to back away, but her back pressed into the wall. “Don’t-” The boy, still smiling, traced his icy finger around her neck. She raised her hands and tried to shove him away. She may as well have been pushing on a wall. 
But the boy didn’t lean in, didn’t try to kiss her or hit her, just continued tracing around her neck. Back to front to back. Agonizingly slow. Then he finished, pulling his hand away. But the cold stayed, and Celia reached a trembling hand up, feeling a strange wetness around her neck. Her hand passed through it easily, like fog, only it refused to disperse. “What did you-”
“Shh,” the boy said, putting a finger on her lips. “Your voice is less beautiful than your name, dear Celia, and I tire of it.” She gaped at him. He winked and raised his other hand. It held a faintly transparent chain. He reached for her neck but didn’t touch her. Then he pulled his hand away, and the chain hung from her neck. Was it heavy, or was she imagining it? 
The boy took the other end of the chain, wrapping it around his wrist. “Are you ready, Celia?”
Celia’s eyes were wide and afraid. This was magic. It had to be. “Stop-” 
“Ah, ah, ah,” the boy said, waving a finger at her. “I believe I said I was tired of your voice. You can nod.”
“I’m not some toy for you to play with,” Celia hissed. “There’s-” her voice cracked. “There’s nothing I can give you, so-” she cut off with a gasp as the cold tightened around her throat. 
The boy gave her a withering look, and for a long moment she couldn’t breathe. Then air rushed back into her lungs. “You will do as I say,” the boy said evenly. Then he turned and started walking, yanking on the chain that was still wrapped around his wrist. So she followed. 
They walked through the city. Him in front, her behind. She reached to grab the chain, once. It felt the same as the fog around her neck. Slightly damp, and very cold. But it would not disperse, and she could not grasp it. The boy turned around to smirk when she tried. Beyond that, he never looked back. They crossed into richer sections of the city, then came upon the palace gates. A pair of guards stood at the sides, but they only nodded to the boy, avoiding her gaze. 
She followed the boy across the grounds, into the palace. She tried to stop once. The boy didn’t slow; the chain grew taught, and pulled her after him, though he didn’t look like he was struggling. He didn’t even seem to notice. She coughed, struggling to get air into her lungs, then kept walking, shivering. The palace was beautiful, all polished tile and thick carpets. If she hadn’t been so afraid, she would have gawked.
Then the boy touched the wall, and it…liquified, almost. He walked through, pulling her with him. On the other side, it was dark. Celia couldn’t see anything, couldn’t even see the boy, but he was walking and so she couldn’t stop. They came to a staircase, and Celia fell down several times before realizing what it was. She almost cried out, but stopped herself.
It felt like they walked for hours, but eventually they arrived. Celia saw a small light flickering ahead, and the silhouette of the boy in front of her. He turned into a small room. Celia entered and gasped. It was completely empty, but the walls were lined with knives in every shape and size, with tools she could not comprehend, despite her years on the street. 
Slowly, calmly, the boy pulled the chain off his wrist. He bent, touching it to the floor at the center of the room, where it seemed to meld with the stones. Then, standing back up, he beckoned Celia to come closer, and she did. As she walked, the chain got shorter, though it remained taught. Instinctively, she knew it wouldn’t grow if she tried to walk away. And then she couldn’t move. 
The ice filled her, sharp and painful. She started to scream, and the pain got stronger, so she cut herself off, only the pain didn’t leave, and she was so cold…
“Celia, Celia, Celia.” The boy smiled, stepping up to her and wrapping his arms around her.
His breath smelled of roses and rotted apples. Sweet and deadly. And then his mouth was on hers, and she was trembling, and tears were falling but she could make no sound, and her name held the weight of a noose, and she was woven into a web where his voice was the only string. And then his hands were around her waist, and he laughed as he traced circles around her stomach, and then her thighs, and then he was pinching and prodding and biting and still she could not move or speak, and her tears were the only warmth she had left.
“I’m hungry, Celia,” he crooned, his every touch making her breath come faster. Her heart was beating so fast she wondered if he could see it. He could certainly feel it. His laughter was proof of that. 
“Don’t be afraid, Celia. It’s no fun when you’re afraid.”
It felt like hours later when he finally stepped back. Celia had run out of tears long ago. A trickle of blood dripped from the boy’s lips. When he opened his mouth to grin, his teeth were covered in glistening scarlet. He walked to the walls and began to caress the knives, touching them with a gentle care he hadn’t deigned to give her. Finally, he picked one up. 
Then he walked her and carefully placed the tip at the corner of her eye. “Your face is far too ugly for my liking. But don’t you worry, my precious Celia. I’ll fix it right up for you…”

PS: sorry if there are spelling errors, I wrote it on my phone. 

@Kajsa, here you go :)

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8 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:




Thank you guys. So much. I’m getting better. 

@Kajsa, here you go :)


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7 minutes ago, Kajsa said:


Heehee thank youuuu...yeah...sometimes stuff like this happens...oo I think I have a bloodier one from a bit ago, one sec...

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