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1 hour ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

You're amazing omg

Do you mind if i use the doodles as a reference for hair?

sure I don't mind, though you should know I didn't use a reference myself so its probably not very realistic ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/26/2023 at 4:41 PM, Justice_Magician said:


after procrastinating for literal weeks I'm finally putting my foot down and making an art thread. 


idk because

no guarantees that I'll add to this regularly or be consistent at all, but I think it could be fun so here we are

aaaaaanyway some recent doodles:

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^ this one is a sketch of Leshwi I did a while ago that looks okay (in hindsight her neck is probably way too long but whatever)

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^ These are just some random drawings I did at school of some OC's of mine that I thought looked pretty good

also I would like to apologize for how big the pictures are, I'm working on a solution for that

I love them! They're soooo cool!

And Leshwi's neck just looks like a stylistic choice, not like a mistake. (And it's true! I'm not just saying that!)

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  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Justice_Magician said:



Good morning

its been like a month . . . but I'm back!

Here's a "sketch"  of Hoid and Jasnah

[mild blood warning]

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Its from that one RoW scene-- you know the one

[edit: I literally just realized I forgot her crown/circlet but thats okay]

OOOOH! I love that scene, or at least remember it and like it. :lol: 

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17 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:


I love them so much


8 hours ago, Witless of Shinovar said:

That's amazing! I love it!

thank you! 

12 hours ago, Lord Gregorio said:

OOOOH! I love that scene, or at least remember it and like it. :lol: 

I know right? I really love their dynamic, they work really well together :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/23/2023 at 5:20 PM, Justice_Magician said:



Good morning

its been like a month . . . but I'm back!

Here's a "sketch"  of Hoid and Jasnah

[mild blood warning]

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Its from that one RoW scene-- you know the one

[edit: I literally just realized I forgot her crown/circlet but thats okay]

This is really good. Very inspirational to all others who wish to learn to draw!


On 1/26/2023 at 7:41 PM, Justice_Magician said:


after procrastinating for literal weeks I'm finally putting my foot down and making an art thread. 


idk because

no guarantees that I'll add to this regularly or be consistent at all, but I think it could be fun so here we are

aaaaaanyway some recent doodles:

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^ this one is a sketch of Leshwi I did a while ago that looks okay (in hindsight her neck is probably way too long but whatever)

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^ These are just some random drawings I did at school of some OC's of mine that I thought looked pretty good

also I would like to apologize for how big the pictures are, I'm working on a solution for that

Love the shading. Could I please use them as a reference for my own drawings?

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1 hour ago, Trusk'our said:

This is really good. Very inspirational to all others who wish to learn to draw!


Love the shading. Could I please use them as a reference for my own drawings?

Sure, your welcome to use my drawings as references! I would also remember to look at real photographs for references, because my drawings and artistic knowledge is nowhere near perfect. That being said it can be beneficial to use art as a reference, so if you think it will help, go ahead ^_^

On 2/24/2023 at 8:53 PM, Telrao said:

AHHHH THESE ARE SO COOL *violently throws rep*


I read this as "violently throws up" and I was very concerned until I remembered that English is my first language and, despite my own belief, I can actually read :P

Thanks for the compliment your really nice ^^

once again I'm back with a bit more art, 

I decided it would be cool to throw some of my unfinished Cosmere fanarts here, because otherwise they'll remain in the dark void of my computer hard drive until the end of time!

Disclaimer: this art is of course unfinished, so its not my best. I found a way to fix the my-image-size-is-huge-on-the-shard-for-some-reason problem, but the image quality isn't the best, which is something I'm stilling working on fixing.

And I ramble a lot ^_^ 

[Also, medium blood warning on the 3rd piece down, I honestly don't do gore a lot, but you know how fantasy adventure books can be]



Okay so, we're going oldest to newest here, I made this around august. Its supposed to be the final scene of Edgedancer (the staff Lift is holding is Wyndle, I didn't make that very clear) It isn't necessarily unfinished, I just made it before I joined the shard,

and in hindsight its not my favorite, Nales sword is a bit janky and the storm looks a little strange, but its not that bad,


This one on the other hand, is obviously unfinished. You can see I gave up just after I started the shading. This is of course Szeth in the prologue of WoK, when he confronts the 2 guards, the idea with this piece is that you could flip it upside or right side up and it would still make sense, if that makes sense (like a playing card). The reason why I didn't finish this one is mostly just my own impatience ^_^, I have a hard time forcing myself to sit down and work on finishing large projects like this. Especially since I chose to do this digitally, which is much harder for me. I also wasn't super ecstatic about the drawing itself, its not bad, but it doesn't really inspire me to keep working either. 


This one is less an unfinished piece, and more thumbnail, really. I did this right after I finished HoA. The idea of Vin as preservation helping Elend fight was something I really wanted to draw, so I sat down, sketched it out, threw some color on it, and promptly forgot it existed.


This one is of Veil, exploring Urithiru. the idea was that within the dark doorway you'd be able to see the lights of the market area (sort of like a city skyline, but inside Urithiru). There isn't much else to say about this one, except I obviously got bored and gave up after I started shading (lol I guess its a habit of mine)


This one is also Elend and Vin, but I didn't even end up coloring it ^^ (Its supposed to be Elend introducing her to someone at a ball, which I know didn't really happen, but I wanted to draw them and this is what came out). I had grand plans for this one, stained glass windows, a crowd in the background, it was gonna be real fancy, but I bit off more then I can chew.

Also I have no idea what Elend is looking at, its a bit weird,


Okay, I promise we're almost done, I just wanted to throw this last one here. This one isn't unfinished, its just a random doodle I did one day, that I thought deserves to see the light of day. I'm actually fairly happy with this one, mostly because I was just doodling, and not trying to make a finished piece. 

(and yes, I am far to lazy to draw Kaladins scars, and that is just a weird little scribble)


Edited by Justice_Magician
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2 minutes ago, Justice_Magician said:


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Okay so, we're going oldest to newest here, I made this around august. Its supposed to be the final scene of Edgedancer (the staff Lift is holding is Wyndle, I didn't make that very clear) It isn't necessarily unfinished, I just made it before I joined the shard,

and in hindsight its not my favorite, Nales sword is a bit janky and the storm looks a little strange, but its not that bad,


This one on the other hand, is obviously unfinished. You can see I gave up just after I started the shading. This is of course Szeth in the prologue of WoK, when he confronts the 2 guards, the idea with this piece is that you could flip it upside or right side up and it would still make sense, if that makes sense (like a playing card). The reason why I didn't finish this one is mostly just my own impatience ^_^, I have a hard time forcing myself to sit down and work on finishing large projects like this. Especially since I chose to do this digitally, which is much harder for me. I also wasn't super ecstatic about the drawing itself, its not bad, but it doesn't really inspire me to keep working either. 


This one is less an unfinished piece, and more thumbnail, really. I did this right after I finished HoA. The idea of Vin as preservation helping Elend fight was something I really wanted to draw, so I sat down, sketched it out, threw some color on it, and promptly forgot it existed.


This one is of Veil, exploring Urithiru. the idea was that within the dark doorway you'd be able to see the lights of the market area (sort of like a city skyline, but inside Urithiru). There isn't much else to say about this one, except I obviously got bored and gave up after I started shading (lol I guess its a habit of mine)


This one is also Elend and Vin, but I didn't even end up coloring it ^^ (Its supposed to be Elend introducing her to someone at a ball, which I know didn't really happen, but I wanted to draw them and this is what came out). I had grand plans for this one, stained glass windows, a crowd in the background, it was gonna be real fancy, but I bit off more then I can chew.

Also I have no idea what Elend is looking at, its a bit weird,


Okay, I promise we're almost done, I just wanted to throw this last one here. This one isn't unfinished, its just a random doodle I did one day, that I thought deserves to see the light of day. I'm actually fairly happy with this one, mostly because I was just doodling, and not trying to make a finished piece. 

(and yes, I am for to lazy to draw Kaladins scars, and that is just a weird little scribble)



Magician, these are EPIC! Even just the lineart is AWESOME BRO!! Your style is just soo good!! LOVE IT!

(my rep limit hasn't been updated, so I will throw some at you later :D)

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8 minutes ago, Justice_Magician said:

Sure, your welcome to use my drawings as references! I would also remember to look at real photographs for references, because my drawings and artistic knowledge is nowhere near perfect. That being said it can be beneficial to use art as a reference, so if you think it will help, go ahead ^_^

I read this as "violently throws up" and I was very concerned until I remembered that English is my first language and, despite my own belief, I can actually read :P

Thanks for the compliment your really nice ^^

once again I'm back with a bit more art, 

I decided it would be cool to throw some of my unfinished Cosmere fanarts here, because otherwise they'll remain in the dark void of my computer hard drive until the end of time!

Disclaimer: this art is of course unfinished, so its not my best. I found a way to fix the my-image-size-is-huge-on-the-shard-for-some-reason problem, but the image quality isn't the best, which is something I'm stilling working on fixing.

And I ramble a lot ^_^ 

[Also, medium blood warning on the 3rd piece down, I honestly don't do gore a lot, but you know how fantasy adventure books can be]

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Okay so, we're going oldest to newest here, I made this around august. Its supposed to be the final scene of Edgedancer (the staff Lift is holding is Wyndle, I didn't make that very clear) It isn't necessarily unfinished, I just made it before I joined the shard,

and in hindsight its not my favorite, Nales sword is a bit janky and the storm looks a little strange, but its not that bad,


This one on the other hand, is obviously unfinished. You can see I gave up just after I started the shading. This is of course Szeth in the prologue of WoK, when he confronts the 2 guards, the idea with this piece is that you could flip it upside or right side up and it would still make sense, if that makes sense (like a playing card). The reason why I didn't finish this one is mostly just my own impatience ^_^, I have a hard time forcing myself to sit down and work on finishing large projects like this. Especially since I chose to do this digitally, which is much harder for me. I also wasn't super ecstatic about the drawing itself, its not bad, but it doesn't really inspire me to keep working either. 


This one is less an unfinished piece, and more thumbnail, really. I did this right after I finished HoA. The idea of Vin as preservation helping Elend fight was something I really wanted to draw, so I sat down, sketched it out, threw some color on it, and promptly forgot it existed.


This one is of Veil, exploring Urithiru. the idea was that within the dark doorway you'd be able to see the lights of the market area (sort of like a city skyline, but inside Urithiru). There isn't much else to say about this one, except I obviously got bored and gave up after I started shading (lol I guess its a habit of mine)


This one is also Elend and Vin, but I didn't even end up coloring it ^^ (Its supposed to be Elend introducing her to someone at a ball, which I know didn't really happen, but I wanted to draw them and this is what came out). I had grand plans for this one, stained glass windows, a crowd in the background, it was gonna be real fancy, but I bit off more then I can chew.

Also I have no idea what Elend is looking at, its a bit weird,


Okay, I promise we're almost done, I just wanted to throw this last one here. This one isn't unfinished, its just a random doodle I did one day, that I thought deserves to see the light of day. I'm actually fairly happy with this one, mostly because I was just doodling, and not trying to make a finished piece. 

(and yes, I am far to lazy to draw Kaladins scars, and that is just a weird little scribble)


Whoa! I really like the Elend and Vin one! It perfectly fits my mental picture of the two!

3 minutes ago, Telrao said:

(my rep limit hasn't been updated, so I will throw some at you later :D)

Same here!

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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28 minutes ago, Justice_Magician said:

Sure, your welcome to use my drawings as references! I would also remember to look at real photographs for references, because my drawings and artistic knowledge is nowhere near perfect. That being said it can be beneficial to use art as a reference, so if you think it will help, go ahead ^_^

I read this as "violently throws up" and I was very concerned until I remembered that English is my first language and, despite my own belief, I can actually read :P

Thanks for the compliment your really nice ^^

once again I'm back with a bit more art, 

I decided it would be cool to throw some of my unfinished Cosmere fanarts here, because otherwise they'll remain in the dark void of my computer hard drive until the end of time!

Disclaimer: this art is of course unfinished, so its not my best. I found a way to fix the my-image-size-is-huge-on-the-shard-for-some-reason problem, but the image quality isn't the best, which is something I'm stilling working on fixing.

And I ramble a lot ^_^ 

[Also, medium blood warning on the 3rd piece down, I honestly don't do gore a lot, but you know how fantasy adventure books can be]

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Okay so, we're going oldest to newest here, I made this around august. Its supposed to be the final scene of Edgedancer (the staff Lift is holding is Wyndle, I didn't make that very clear) It isn't necessarily unfinished, I just made it before I joined the shard,

and in hindsight its not my favorite, Nales sword is a bit janky and the storm looks a little strange, but its not that bad,


This one on the other hand, is obviously unfinished. You can see I gave up just after I started the shading. This is of course Szeth in the prologue of WoK, when he confronts the 2 guards, the idea with this piece is that you could flip it upside or right side up and it would still make sense, if that makes sense (like a playing card). The reason why I didn't finish this one is mostly just my own impatience ^_^, I have a hard time forcing myself to sit down and work on finishing large projects like this. Especially since I chose to do this digitally, which is much harder for me. I also wasn't super ecstatic about the drawing itself, its not bad, but it doesn't really inspire me to keep working either. 


This one is less an unfinished piece, and more thumbnail, really. I did this right after I finished HoA. The idea of Vin as preservation helping Elend fight was something I really wanted to draw, so I sat down, sketched it out, threw some color on it, and promptly forgot it existed.


This one is of Veil, exploring Urithiru. the idea was that within the dark doorway you'd be able to see the lights of the market area (sort of like a city skyline, but inside Urithiru). There isn't much else to say about this one, except I obviously got bored and gave up after I started shading (lol I guess its a habit of mine)


This one is also Elend and Vin, but I didn't even end up coloring it ^^ (Its supposed to be Elend introducing her to someone at a ball, which I know didn't really happen, but I wanted to draw them and this is what came out). I had grand plans for this one, stained glass windows, a crowd in the background, it was gonna be real fancy, but I bit off more then I can chew.

Also I have no idea what Elend is looking at, its a bit weird,


Okay, I promise we're almost done, I just wanted to throw this last one here. This one isn't unfinished, its just a random doodle I did one day, that I thought deserves to see the light of day. I'm actually fairly happy with this one, mostly because I was just doodling, and not trying to make a finished piece. 

(and yes, I am far to lazy to draw Kaladins scars, and that is just a weird little scribble)






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1 hour ago, Justice_Magician said:

Sure, your welcome to use my drawings as references! I would also remember to look at real photographs for references, because my drawings and artistic knowledge is nowhere near perfect. That being said it can be beneficial to use art as a reference, so if you think it will help, go ahead ^_^

I read this as "violently throws up" and I was very concerned until I remembered that English is my first language and, despite my own belief, I can actually read :P

Thanks for the compliment your really nice ^^

once again I'm back with a bit more art, 

I decided it would be cool to throw some of my unfinished Cosmere fanarts here, because otherwise they'll remain in the dark void of my computer hard drive until the end of time!

Disclaimer: this art is of course unfinished, so its not my best. I found a way to fix the my-image-size-is-huge-on-the-shard-for-some-reason problem, but the image quality isn't the best, which is something I'm stilling working on fixing.

And I ramble a lot ^_^ 

[Also, medium blood warning on the 3rd piece down, I honestly don't do gore a lot, but you know how fantasy adventure books can be]

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Okay so, we're going oldest to newest here, I made this around august. Its supposed to be the final scene of Edgedancer (the staff Lift is holding is Wyndle, I didn't make that very clear) It isn't necessarily unfinished, I just made it before I joined the shard,

and in hindsight its not my favorite, Nales sword is a bit janky and the storm looks a little strange, but its not that bad,


This one on the other hand, is obviously unfinished. You can see I gave up just after I started the shading. This is of course Szeth in the prologue of WoK, when he confronts the 2 guards, the idea with this piece is that you could flip it upside or right side up and it would still make sense, if that makes sense (like a playing card). The reason why I didn't finish this one is mostly just my own impatience ^_^, I have a hard time forcing myself to sit down and work on finishing large projects like this. Especially since I chose to do this digitally, which is much harder for me. I also wasn't super ecstatic about the drawing itself, its not bad, but it doesn't really inspire me to keep working either. 


This one is less an unfinished piece, and more thumbnail, really. I did this right after I finished HoA. The idea of Vin as preservation helping Elend fight was something I really wanted to draw, so I sat down, sketched it out, threw some color on it, and promptly forgot it existed.


This one is of Veil, exploring Urithiru. the idea was that within the dark doorway you'd be able to see the lights of the market area (sort of like a city skyline, but inside Urithiru). There isn't much else to say about this one, except I obviously got bored and gave up after I started shading (lol I guess its a habit of mine)


This one is also Elend and Vin, but I didn't even end up coloring it ^^ (Its supposed to be Elend introducing her to someone at a ball, which I know didn't really happen, but I wanted to draw them and this is what came out). I had grand plans for this one, stained glass windows, a crowd in the background, it was gonna be real fancy, but I bit off more then I can chew.

Also I have no idea what Elend is looking at, its a bit weird,


Okay, I promise we're almost done, I just wanted to throw this last one here. This one isn't unfinished, its just a random doodle I did one day, that I thought deserves to see the light of day. I'm actually fairly happy with this one, mostly because I was just doodling, and not trying to make a finished piece. 

(and yes, I am far to lazy to draw Kaladins scars, and that is just a weird little scribble)


Wow! These are good!

I especially love the one with Szeth. The expressions of the two guardsmen are hilarious!

Pattern looks pretty sweet on Veils coat too.

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3 hours ago, Justice_Magician said:


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Okay so, we're going oldest to newest here, I made this around august. Its supposed to be the final scene of Edgedancer (the staff Lift is holding is Wyndle, I didn't make that very clear) It isn't necessarily unfinished, I just made it before I joined the shard,

and in hindsight its not my favorite, Nales sword is a bit janky and the storm looks a little strange, but its not that bad,


This one on the other hand, is obviously unfinished. You can see I gave up just after I started the shading. This is of course Szeth in the prologue of WoK, when he confronts the 2 guards, the idea with this piece is that you could flip it upside or right side up and it would still make sense, if that makes sense (like a playing card). The reason why I didn't finish this one is mostly just my own impatience ^_^, I have a hard time forcing myself to sit down and work on finishing large projects like this. Especially since I chose to do this digitally, which is much harder for me. I also wasn't super ecstatic about the drawing itself, its not bad, but it doesn't really inspire me to keep working either. 


This one is less an unfinished piece, and more thumbnail, really. I did this right after I finished HoA. The idea of Vin as preservation helping Elend fight was something I really wanted to draw, so I sat down, sketched it out, threw some color on it, and promptly forgot it existed.


This one is of Veil, exploring Urithiru. the idea was that within the dark doorway you'd be able to see the lights of the market area (sort of like a city skyline, but inside Urithiru). There isn't much else to say about this one, except I obviously got bored and gave up after I started shading (lol I guess its a habit of mine)


This one is also Elend and Vin, but I didn't even end up coloring it ^^ (Its supposed to be Elend introducing her to someone at a ball, which I know didn't really happen, but I wanted to draw them and this is what came out). I had grand plans for this one, stained glass windows, a crowd in the background, it was gonna be real fancy, but I bit off more then I can chew.

Also I have no idea what Elend is looking at, its a bit weird,


Okay, I promise we're almost done, I just wanted to throw this last one here. This one isn't unfinished, its just a random doodle I did one day, that I thought deserves to see the light of day. I'm actually fairly happy with this one, mostly because I was just doodling, and not trying to make a finished piece. 

(and yes, I am far to lazy to draw Kaladins scars, and that is just a weird little scribble)



also i love your Kaladin so so much

(all of it is amazing but Szethy and Kal are my favs. Also the Lift one maybe. And the Elend and Vin one. also maybe the Elend one. And the Veil one. But mostly the Szethy and Kal)

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