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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Time for Season 2!

Channelknight Fadran

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33 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Cufre, having just returned from Gone's room, nodded. "What exactly did you do to him right before he got taken?"

Nath manipulates the sound around them keeping anyone but the three of them from hearing him.

"The easiest way of describing it is to say that I created a bond between us magically and to a degree mentally. He has access to portions of my powers, an ability to call me to him with a thought, immortality, and access to my mindscape should get need a safe haven."


With that I will call it for the night. It's late and I need my sleep.


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Just now, Nathrangking said:

Nath manipulates the sound around them keeping anyone but the three of them from hearing him.

"The easiest way of describing it is to say that I created a bond between us magically and to a degree mentally. He has access to portions of my powers, an ability to call me to him with a thought, immortality, and access to my mindscape should get need a safe haven."

His eyes widened. "Immor--- Okay. Interesting."

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4 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Klave was silent for a long moment before speaking. "I can understand. Not so much the words, more the intent behind them. I must say, I am surprised to see a dragon speak."

"Well, I'm surprised to see a human not squick. How do dragons communicate in your world?

"I'd be curious to know, too. You and your friend back there seemed a bit surprised with how Lightning acted yesterday."

Galard hesitated for a moment. "Which reminds me, I didn't introduce myself yet. Professor Galard from Dragonstail university, at your service. You can call me Galard."

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2 minutes ago, Trutharchivist said:

"Well, I'm surprised to see a human not squick. How do dragons communicate in your world?

"I'd be curious to know, too. You and your friend back there seemed a bit surprised with how Lightning acted yesterday."

Galard hesitated for a moment. "Which reminds me, I didn't introduce myself yet. Professor Galard from Dragonstail university, at your service. You can call me Galard."

Klave nodded, extending a hand to Galard. "Good to meet you. I'm Klave, ex-Hunstman of Aldwin. Dragons in my world, they don't really communicate. Not like humans do. They're... different. I used to think they were mindless, but more recently..." He shrugged. "Regardless, that's why I was surprised at your actions, Lightning. A dragon from my land wouldn't have bothered waiting around peacefully as you did. And they certainly wouldn't have made friends with a human."

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4 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Klave nodded, extending a hand to Galard. "Good to meet you. I'm Klave, ex-Hunstman of Aldwin. Dragons in my world, they don't really communicate. Not like humans do. They're... different. I used to think they were mindless, but more recently..." He shrugged. "Regardless, that's why I was surprised at your actions, Lightning. A dragon from my land wouldn't have bothered waiting around peacefully as you did. And they certainly wouldn't have made friends with a human."

Galard took the offered hand and shook it. "I see..." He said. "In my world, all dragons speak. Some of them have fondness to riddles. A lot aren't as friendly as Lightning-"

"To humans, he means. They were perfectly polite to me. Unlike some of these new human friends of yours..."

"Well, yeah. It's cultural; in my village, dragons and humans lived together in peace. In the city... Not as much. It's not called dragonstail for having dragons as guests for dinner, let me tell you that..."


And with that I go to sleep. See if we can continue when I wake up.


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6 minutes ago, Trutharchivist said:

Galard took the offered hand and shook it. "I see..." He said. "In my world, all dragons speak. Some of them have fondness to riddles. A lot aren't as friendly as Lightning-"

"To humans, he means. They were perfectly polite to me. Unlike some of these new human friends of yours..."

"Well, yeah. It's cultural; in my village, dragons and humans lived together in peace. In the city... Not as much. It's not called dragonstail for having dragons as guests for dinner, let me tell you that..."

"Dragons and humans never got along in my world either." Klave looked sad. "Humans have always been too quick to act out of fear, and, from what I have learned, dragons never really saw us as a threat. Not until it was too late."

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Overnight - while (most) everyone was asleep - a pair of posters beneath a “Help Wanted” sign appeared on the billboard out front by the receptionists’ desk.




Beneath each of those were some tear-off sticky notes and a pair of boxes to submit your name.


I'll make a thread for both of these, probably, once we get a good list of folks for either.


Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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Dave wandered through the Inn, out for a midnight stroll. He hadn't been able to sleep and this seemed as good a way as any to collect his thoughts. He walked alone, to a distant rhythm, chords that seemed to play for his ears only.

Dave was....old. Not a lot mattered to him anymore. His mission was deemed impossible by plenty of people and even a couple of his peers. So he simply existed. A few years ago he found it easier if he wore it with a smile. 

Dave glanced down at his miraculously attached arm. That should probably have hurt. Shouldn't it have concerned him? It was hard to tell what should matter anymore.

Dave frowned and pulled his thoughts to present times. Reminiscing did little good. Lets see, ah yes, Obsidian. He was certainly interesting. He said he couldn't die, maybe he could finally be the one to keep that promise. 

Hmm, were those new posters on the billboard? HELP WANTED was written boldly across the top. Very blatant advertising. Dave gave an edge of a smile. Then again, wasn't the point? Dave awarded his point a quiet chuckle and moved to read the posters. The trash one caught his eye. Seemed interseting enough. Obsidian would probably also enjoy that sort of work.

With a hint of amusement, the same that accompanied all of Dave's actions, he scribbled his name and HELP GIVEN in one of the trash poster's boxes.


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7 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Are those people... dead?

Icona mentally rolled his nonexistent eyes. I'll take care of them.

Each of the unconcious forms were teleported to their rooms, both neatly tucked into bed.

@The Bookwyrm @InfiniteInsanity

Marilyn woke up. Her whole body ached and was cold.

She tried to sit up but it hurt too much.

She looked around the room trying to figure out where she was.

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Neither of those will work for Gone... He can't read or write... And I don't think he wants to do the junk yard one...

Ooh! If Cufre goes on one, maybe Gone'll want to go with. Cufre's the only person Gone has ever been shown kindness by, so...

(okay that's not true. But he's the only person he's told about his life)

Well, except for Rayvyn. But Gone's a bit scared of her. Can't think why.

Oh, maybe it's because she's a creepy death ninja.


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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:



He mostly uses pencils, and also once he's focused on the mission at all or even told about it he knows everything about it, so there would be no reason to go. Not that that really undermines the mission itself, because there's very little he could effectively communicate with drawings.

I guess he would be helpful if there was a dangerous situation ahead or something. But neither of those are very dangerous.


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1 hour ago, Mr. Misting said:

Dave wandered through the Inn, out for a midnight stroll. He hadn't been able to sleep and this seemed as good a way as any to collect his thoughts. He walked alone, to a distant rhythm, chords that seemed to play for his ears only.

Dave was....old. Not a lot mattered to him anymore. His mission was deemed impossible by plenty of people and even a couple of his peers. So he simply existed. A few years ago he found it easier if he wore it with a smile. 

Dave glanced down at his miraculously attached arm. That should probably have hurt. Shouldn't it have concerned him? It was hard to tell what should matter anymore.

Dave frowned and pulled his thoughts to present times. Reminiscing did little good. Lets see, ah yes, Obsidian. He was certainly interesting. He said he couldn't die, maybe he could finally be the one to keep that promise. 

Hmm, were those new posters on the billboard? HELP WANTED was written boldly across the top. Very blatant advertising. Dave gave an edge of a smile. Then again, wasn't the point? Dave awarded his point a quiet chuckle and moved to read the posters. The trash one caught his eye. Seemed interseting enough. Obsidian would probably also enjoy that sort of work.

With a hint of amusement, the same that accompanied all of Dave's actions, he scribbled his name and HELP GIVEN in one of the trash poster's boxes.


Obsidian observed the posters and put his name down for junk cleanup. He wondered what a kleever would taste like.

2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Beneath each of those were some tear-off sticky notes and a pair of boxes to submit your name.

Silver settled down with a sigh in a comfy armchair next to the fireplace.

"I think that went well, don't you?" he asked to the empty air. The air did not respond. Silver smiled, watching the fire flicker...

With a start, he realized he'd dozed off. What's more, someone had posted posters while he'd been asleep. He eyed them curiously.

The research team caught his eye. An easygoing expedition to investigate the powers of houseplants? Seemed like it was made for him!

He put his name down, then returned to the fireplace. Within moments he had dozed off once again.

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I’m not even going to try to explain why EmLee disappeared.

EmLee saw the two mission posters. The research one looked fun, but the junkyard one looked exciting. She’ll have to ask her brothers which one they’ll be going on.

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Marilyn suddenly sat up recognizing where she was. She groaned in pain. It's okay. I just need food and then it will be okay. She slowly started to get up out of bed. She took a couple steps before she felt too dizzy. 

Marilyn plopped onto the ground a little discouraged. She mentally messaged the first person she could think of. Rayvyn? I know you're probably about to go do something or are busy but if you aren't could you come help me real quick?

@Aes Sedai

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