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On 12/31/2022 at 1:48 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

Nothing save that dagger had so much as scratched the glengal so far, and as it stood they probably didn’t have a single attack capable of changing that - at least, not any they were willing to unleash yet. With enough power Kaeni probably could roast that thing from the inside out, but concentrated flame like that would undoubtedly knock her out for hours afterwards. Maybe Mercury would try to carry her up, but…

No, that wasn’t the solution here. This creature had a weak point, and they were going to exploit it. Even with it well aware of their strategy, it wouldn’t be able to hold out forever against three assailaints. All they needed was a single mistake; just one second of an opening. Mercury’s full-body technique made her faster and more reflexive than any natural creature—with a split-second opening, she could hit it.

So Kaeni charged at the glengal, the fear in her heart burned away by determination. She cut a path forwards with a slash of flame vaporizing the creature’s foaming spit, then vaulted with a kick of fire over its pincer and to its back. Dashing across the exoskeleton, the blade poking out just to her right, E;la pushing for it to move, Mercury darting about for an opening to the other side…

We can get it from above! Kaeni realized. It’s not fast enough to

The tail was suddenly rocketing towards her, in an instant just an inch from her chest.


Kaeni slipped, the exoskeleton sliding about from underneath her. For an instant her footing was gone, and for an instant she was weightless. The glengal had moved—

Mercury was trying to find another way around, it seemed. It had moved out from under her, and the stinger changed trajectory, if only by a little.


Where’s your hand? Block it—

I don’t…

I don’t want to die…

The stinger snapped at just above her sternum. Before she knew it Kaeni was flying backwards, and just instants after cracked into a vein of crystal. It shattered on impact,

breaking her momentum and littering the ground she fell onto. All the air in her lungs crashed away, leaving her choked and covered in glowing amber blood.

The pain came in moments after, forcing her eyes shut and muscles taught. There wasn’t any breath to scream or cry. Stabs all across the back of her arms and neck, the cold crackling of broken bones, the awful agony of where that glengal had hit her…

But it occurred to her that she was still alive.

It’s possible. Kaeni thought through each stab of pain. We can defeat it. From above. If Mercury can get above, there’s a split second to hit it…

They could still win

@The Wandering Wizard @PyroPhile @Szeth_Pancakes @Tani

The beast stung Kaeni, and Mercury felt the pain above her sternum. Internally she howled while still prowling around the beast trying to reach the dagger. She could no longer see Kaeni, really her only friend in the reaper corps so far. It was time for some crazy tactics.

Shoving both her swords downward into the ground, she discharged a blast of lightning sending herself soaring into the air. Everything froze in an instant as her swords sought the dagger, a second thundering discharge released downward, seeking the gleaming bronze.

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18 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Avi stared at Il'anque.

"How did you..." She paused. "Nevermind. It wasn't a flashback, exactly."

Her star-speckled eyes took on a distant look.

"Just...deep memories."

"Yup, that sounds kinda like a flashback," said Il'anque. "I assume you don't want to talk about it?"

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8 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The beast stung Kaeni, and Mercury felt the pain above her sternum. Internally she howled while still prowling around the beast trying to reach the dagger. She could no longer see Kaeni, really her only friend in the reaper corps so far. It was time for some crazy tactics.

Shoving both her swords downward into the ground, she discharged a blast of lightning sending herself soaring into the air. Everything froze in an instant as her swords sought the dagger, a second thundering discharge released downward, seeking the gleaming bronze.

There was a flash and a bang, louder than any of them could’ve possibly comprehended. The glengal didn’t make a sound during the event, the lightning striking and coursing straight through its body in one agonizing instant. It would’ve felt akin to a boulder smashing across its entire body, or perhaps a god smiting it from the inside out.

But the instant after the shockwave roiled across the mountainside, the glengal fell completely limp. Smoke rose from its body with a quiet hiss.

Kaeni would’ve been panting if any wind was left in her lungs to breathe.

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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Mercury fell towards the ground, slamming too hard for even her roll to absorb all the impact and she gasps. Pain fracturing up her chest, immobilizing her for a few seconds and then she gasps again as the pain returns in ever diminishing returns. Slowly she rolls onto her back and the pain releases its' claws.

That...that was a stupid move, worked, but stupid. At least Kaeni might be alive, maybe.

@PyroPhile @Szeth_Pancakes @Tani

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Just now, NerdyAarakocra said:

"Alright, no pressure." Il'anque paused. "But if you ever want to talk about it, I'll listen."

This mildly confused Avi for a moment. Why would she want to tell Il'anque about her past?

Slowly she came to realization.

She barely knows me...but she's willing to share the burdens I might have from my past.

It had been...so long...since anyone cared about her to even offer something as simple as that. Avi found tears welling up in her eyes.

She blinked and banished them before Il'anque or Isek could notice.

It's not a burden. My past doesn't haunt me; it guides me. And it was true. She didn't regret her past, and had learned to learn from it.

....But that didn't mean that there wasn't greif. Sometimes Avi told herself that her goals were fueled by a wish for justice and prosperity.

But how much of it was for revenge?

She ended that line of thought, instead dwelling on the sudden kindness given by someone she had, only a few hours before, considered a stranger.

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12 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Mercury fell towards the ground, slamming too hard for even her roll to absorb all the impact and she gasps. Pain fracturing up her chest, immobilizing her for a few seconds and then she gasps again as the pain returns in ever diminishing returns. Slowly she rolls onto her back and the pain releases its' claws.

That...that was a stupid move, worked, but stupid. At least Kaeni might be alive, maybe.

@PyroPhile @Szeth_Pancakes @Tani

Is Mercury okay? Kaeni began to cough as soon as the slightest touch of air wisped into her lungs. They burned. Why couldn't she breathe?

The only thing keeping her conscious and alive at this very moment was the technique she called Blazing Veins. Every elemental's life force was composed of the aspect of nature that they embodied--in her case fire--and was fueled directly by their creator's magical power. By streamlining the process of magical energy into fire, an elemental could naturally maximize their own life force, similar to how a regular mortal could enhance their own abilities by controlling their breathing and blood pressure.

As an ability, it was about the very first thing she'd learned. Years ago it would burn through her magical energy supply in just minutes, leaving it as a somewhat last-resort option for combat and fatal situations. Nowadays she could use this energy so efficiently that it could probably last her upwards of an hour if she really focused, but Kaeni never liked going over a few minutes. In addition to the agony in her chest from lack of air, the broken bones, and dozens of lacerations, she was racked with the anxiety that she was using up too much energy too early on.

The technique closed up a few of the smaller cuts and bruises, but only time would be able to repair the rest; but time seemed like too precious a resource to be using this early on. They still had so much mountain to go.

"...S--" Kaeni heaved with agonizing breaths, chest rising and falling incredible lengths at incredible speeds. "Okay? Ev--one--"

9 hours ago, Enter a username said:

Someone with a knife embedded in his arm crawled out of the glengal’s mouth.


Glengals do not swallow their prey whole. First they shank you with neurotoxin, then liquidate you bit by bit with their saliva before eventually slurping you up.

@PyroPhile @The Wandering Wizard @Szeth_Pancakes @Tani

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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29 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Glengals do not swallow their prey whole. First they shank you with neurotoxin, then liquidate you bit by bit with their saliva before eventually slurping you up.



But are their mouths/digestive tracts big enough for a person to fit inside?


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On 1/3/2023 at 8:59 PM, The Bookwyrm said:

This mildly confused Avi for a moment. Why would she want to tell Il'anque about her past?

Slowly she came to realization.

She barely knows me...but she's willing to share the burdens I might have from my past.

It had been...so long...since anyone cared about her to even offer something as simple as that. Avi found tears welling up in her eyes.

She blinked and banished them before Il'anque or Isek could notice.

It's not a burden. My past doesn't haunt me; it guides me. And it was true. She didn't regret her past, and had learned to learn from it.

....But that didn't mean that there wasn't grief. Sometimes Avi told herself that her goals were fueled by a wish for justice and prosperity.

But how much of it was for revenge?

She ended that line of thought, instead dwelling on the sudden kindness given by someone she had, only a few hours before, considered a stranger.

Il'anque looked at Avi. Were those... tears in her eyes?

Well, it wouldn't be polite to probe. She waited in silence until she knew Avi wouldn't respond.

She put her hand on Avi's shoulder. "Just know that if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here, OK?"

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7 minutes ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Il'anque looked at Avi. Were those... tears in her eyes?

Well, it wouldn't be polite to probe. She waited in silence until she knew Avi wouldn't respond.

She put her hand on Avi's shoulder. "Just know that if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here, OK?"

Avi nodded solemnly.

"Thank you."

She stood up and brushed herself off, then gazed up at the cliff that led to the top of the mountain.

Not an easy climb, she thought. And far too difficult to hide from monsters...


"Il'anque," Avi asked, "we still have those Aki'lera pelts, right?"


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11 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Avi nodded solemnly.

"Thank you."

She stood up and brushed herself off, then gazed up at the cliff that led to the top of the mountain.

Not an easy climb, she thought. And far too difficult to hide from monsters...


"Il'anque," Avi asked, "we still have those Aki'lera pelts, right?"


"I think so, yes. But they need to be fueled with magic before they can be used as invisibility cloaks."

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On 1/3/2023 at 11:41 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

Is Mercury okay? Kaeni began to cough as soon as the slightest touch of air wisped into her lungs. They burned. Why couldn't she breathe?

The only thing keeping her conscious and alive at this very moment was the technique she called Blazing Veins. Every elemental's life force was composed of the aspect of nature that they embodied--in her case fire--and was fueled directly by their creator's magical power. By streamlining the process of magical energy into fire, an elemental could naturally maximize their own life force, similar to how a regular mortal could enhance their own abilities by controlling their breathing and blood pressure.

As an ability, it was about the very first thing she'd learned. Years ago it would burn through her magical energy supply in just minutes, leaving it as a somewhat last-resort option for combat and fatal situations. Nowadays she could use this energy so efficiently that it could probably last her upwards of an hour if she really focused, but Kaeni never liked going over a few minutes. In addition to the agony in her chest from lack of air, the broken bones, and dozens of lacerations, she was racked with the anxiety that she was using up too much energy too early on.

The technique closed up a few of the smaller cuts and bruises, but only time would be able to repair the rest; but time seemed like too precious a resource to be using this early on. They still had so much mountain to go.

"...S--" Kaeni heaved with agonizing breaths, chest rising and falling incredible lengths at incredible speeds. "Okay? Ev--one--"

@PyroPhile @The Wandering Wizard @Szeth_Pancakes @Tani

"I'm fine over here!"

With a yelp and a crash, Mercury crashes back into the ground. Her ribs poking against her skin.

Thundering monster, pushing things out of alignment.

Groaning Mercury focuses, pulling slightly, wrapping the cracks through her ribs with lightning. 

Closing her eyes for a moment Mercury calls out,"Just need a moment to rest and then I'll be ready to go."

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'I'm fine over here.'

That makes one of us. Kaeni thought to herself through a soapy, muffled brain.

So Mercury was fine. That was good. As for herself... she could recover. All those cuts and bruises could be fought through. One way or another she had to ascend this mountain, and if she had to do it through constant biting pain, then that's what she'd do.

The stab wound on her shoulder seemed the most serious at the moment. Had it been a full-force strike from that thing, it probably would've skewered her through and slashed her arm off, but the incredibly fortunate timing of her weightlessness and the glengal's attack onto her uniform had made it little more than a glancing stab. It still hurt like the devil and bled like something awful, but with the poison burned out by her blazing veins and any risk of infection being brutally singed away, surviving it with just a bandage or two would probably be fine.

Metal arm guy was... well, not exactly fine. He would be fine. His wounds were closed and the venom should've been eradicated. The other one in their group - the one with the water swords... she hadn't really seen him much. Hopefully that meant he hadn't been eaten or anything. The last one - E;la, right? - had shouted something after Kaeni hit the floor. That probably meant they were still alive.

All alive. Probably.

With a deep breath, a grunt, and a fist shoved against her bleeding shoulder, Kaeni forced herself to sit up. Gravel and shards of crystal tinkled off the back of her head and uniform, and each of the pinpricking pains burned louder as the air began to swish over them. None of it felt glaringly painful though, so... well, that meant she was probably okay, right?

"E;la?" Kaeni called. "I'ikeq, right? And... Ran? Metal arm guy? Are you all okay?"

@Tani @PyroPhile [Pancake boi hasn't been on for a minute so I'll spare their notifs]

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30 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"E;la?" Kaeni called. "I'ikeq, right? And... Ran? Metal arm guy? Are you all okay?"

“I’m just waiting over here. I don’t think I should exert myself for a few minutes,” Ran’at called back.

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