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What are the Men of Gold and Red?


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15 minutes ago, IlstrawberrySeed said:

True, but there are about 16 thousand possible shard metals. The chance that none of them are radioactive is slim based purely on metallic categorizations. And I meant a similar property of investiture -> energy because of it's already destructive nature like harmonium.

Let me repeat "as far as we know". We know 7 god metals, 8 if you count what Azure's blade is as one. And to be fair, any one of those metals can become radioactive if you give it more neutrons, so called neutron activation. You create an unstable isotope that after some time returns to a stable, non-radioactive form, via radiation.

And I disagree - radioactivity means the element is unstable and decays to a more stable form. If there is no stable form of such an element, like Uranium, all of it will eventually decay away to smaller elements, and there would be no Uranium left in the Universe (long long long time - the half-life for U238 is 4.5 billion years.). If that's the case with one of the god metals, then what happens to the investiture in that metal when it turns from "shardium15th" to another element with 1 or 2 protons less, like e.g. into iron? Because god metals are physical manifestations of the Shards, and Shards are not decaying away, nor their investiture is, why would god metals be radioactive without stable isotope?

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God Metals won't melt or otherwise change phase. I'm pretty sure expecting the normal laws of material physics to apply to them is presumptuous. 

Though a radioactive god metal would be cool. And could probably leak both energy or Investiture, which would have interesting applications.

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20 hours ago, alder24 said:

Let me repeat "as far as we know". We know 7 god metals, 8 if you count what Azure's blade is as one. And to be fair, any one of those metals can become radioactive if you give it more neutrons, so called neutron activation. You create an unstable isotope that after some time returns to a stable, non-radioactive form, via radiation.

And I disagree - radioactivity means the element is unstable and decays to a more stable form. If there is no stable form of such an element, like Uranium, all of it will eventually decay away to smaller elements, and there would be no Uranium left in the Universe (long long long time - the half-life for U238 is 4.5 billion years.). If that's the case with one of the god metals, then what happens to the investiture in that metal when it turns from "shardium15th" to another element with 1 or 2 protons less, like e.g. into iron? Because god metals are physical manifestations of the Shards, and Shards are not decaying away, nor their investiture is, why would god metals be radioactive without stable isotope?

Let me repeat "True." If it is radioactive to "regular" elements, it simply means the investiture stored/allocated to such a shardmetal is released (similar to if it were burned). I also don't know that adding matter to a shardmetal would cause radioactivity, since a shardmetal is simple any material supercharged with investiture - so if you add enough matter, it should simply disperse the investiture returning the metal to it's original state. (This is why some believe shaod/pre-raod elantrians are made of the dor's shardmetal.) Adding matter should be difficult, considering alloys aren't enough to disperse it, so it might have to be atomically.

17 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

God Metals won't melt or otherwise change phase. I'm pretty sure expecting the normal laws of material physics to apply to them is presumptuous. 

Though a radioactive god metal would be cool. And could probably leak both energy or Investiture, which would have interesting applications.

The AoL era melting processes aren't nearly as hot as what we often use today. It isn't possible back then, but someone calculated based on the description that harmonium should be able to be meltd at sub-modern temperatures. I don't remember the thread that this was brought up in, though. It might also just leak investiture. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/3/2023 at 1:11 PM, Brgst13 said:
On 12/11/2022 at 4:39 AM, killersquirrel59 said:

My pet theory was that it represents an alliance of Autonomy and Odium, Autonomy being red as reflected in the red flakes on Trellium (Bavadinium), the red eyes of the corrupted kandra, and the red glow of her Shard form when Sazed showed Wax the vision, and Odium being gold as reflected in his appearance as a gold-skinned singer, the golden appearance of Raysium, and his light being described as golden when he appeared in Shard form. But given what happened to Odium in Stormlight 4 that would have to assume that the colour-coding was somehow intrinsic to the shard rather than a preference of the holder and that seems very odd to me. 

I agree with this. Men of gold and red. Odium’s light was gold and red the second to last time he appeared to Teravangean. 

Are these Fused/ Regals? Even if Dahlinar won his contest after RoW, Odium would still be allowed to send his agents across the cosmere per the terms of the agreement.

We even saw something (a spren of Odium?) posses the homeless person who talked to Suit before detonating the bomb.

(Sorry for the spelling. Audible listener here)

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On 5/1/2023 at 10:10 AM, Koloss17 said:

You know, the fact that Autonomy’s soldiers are on Lumar gives me even more ammunition for my theory that the Aethers are currently under Autonomy’s control.

When does it say that Autonomy’s soldiers are on Lumar? I may have missed it but I don’t think it says anywhere that they are.

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2 hours ago, Lightweaver2 said:

When does it say that Autonomy’s soldiers are on Lumar? I may have missed it but I don’t think it says anywhere that they are.

So the general idea is that Riino’s soldiers, with gold armor and red eyes, are the same as Trell’s soldiers of red and gold.

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  • 4 months later...
On 9/29/2023 at 5:11 AM, Kaladin9 said:

Warbreaker chapter 3: "Servants approached carrying brilliant red and gold robes"

It's highly unlikely they're lightsong's priests, theres nothing particularly special about them.

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On 29.09.2023 at 11:11 AM, Kaladin9 said:

Warbreaker chapter 3: "Servants approached carrying brilliant red and gold robes"

Good catch. But gold and red coloration appears here and there in Cosmere, it might indicate some connection to Autonomy, or it's just an artistic choice. However Lightsong (his colors are red and gold) is very "autonomous" Returned, always doing the opposite of what's expected from him, so I bet Autonomy would appreciate him a lot. Maybe that's why his colors are red and gold? Brandon planned this all along!

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On 11/23/2022 at 4:18 PM, teknopathetic said:

Very likely, but no one in that series had Gold Skin. Granted, we didn't see much of the world, but the Iriali (or their long-trail workshopping offshoots) are still our closest phenotypical match. 

Iriali  Don't have red eyes. And they seem more robotic to me. I think they're human at all.  robots or cognitive  Shadows or more likely both. 

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