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Channelknight Fadran

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Just now, Mr. Misting said:

Johnston chuckled at the failed illusion. "That the best you got mate? Now, don't look back, but my little friend just came back, and she's got a crossbow trained to your head. You want to come swinging at me?

5 hours ago, Ookla the Reborn said:

"Where is she? How little!?" Havri says, confused, before lunging at Johnston, sword outstretched.

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1 hour ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

"How did she plan on paying you?"


*scrambles to pull up the detailed money system fadran made cause I forgot it all*

For ref:

  • Mica (1) - Usually quite small, and rarely useful enough on their own. Most farmhands and low-end workers are paid in these for a bit over 10 crys a workday.

  • Feldspar (5) - Also quite small. You can probably buy yourself a meal at a tavern with one. Often used in tandem with mica for paying low-end workers.

  • Quartz (10) - Medium-sized, most often used for bank exchanges or more expensive marketplace items. Probably worth a stay at an inn or some oil.

  • Onyx (20) - A small coin, occasionally confused with Mica (amusingly enough). They aren’t used particularly often. Good for a solid set of warm clothing or maybe a chicken.

  • Agate (25) - Large-ish, with an allure about them. They’re quite common among the middle-class for trades and purchases of slightly more luxurious items, like ironcast lanterns or pieces of silverware.

  • Citrine (50) - Smaller than an agate, roughly. A peasant might see one or two of these in their vault in their lifetime from a lucky score or a particularly bountiful harvest. Probably worth a small case of incense or maybe even a piece of jewelry.

  • Garnet (100) - A bit smaller than a quartz. Most peasants are worth a few of these, but rarely have enough money on them at one time to have reason to exchange for one. Worth about milk goat or a bottle of decent wine.

  • Amethyst (200) - “Where’s all our amethyst?” were the cries of the nation of Klincal during a massive investment blunder made by the local duke (his increased taxes had gone to funding a navy that sank a day after departure). After all the taxes are collected, they’re changed at the bank for these coins to be sent more easily to the local government. You could easily buy yourself a cow or several acres of land with one of these.

  • Turquoise (250) - Also initially crafted for tax-gathering, but amethyst turned out to be much more useful at it. Bankers like their little inside jokes about this one. Worth a workman’s labor for a whole month, pretty much, though they’re certainly never paid like this.

  • Opal (500) - Quite large, often with a few holes poked into it so rich folks can sew them onto their clothing. If you’re wealthy enough to actually be using these, then you probably worry less about what each coin is worth and more about things like monthly expenses or long-term investments.

  • Past here are just honorific coins. The odds of seeing these used in actual trades is incredibly rare, as the gemstone are likely more valuable cut into jewelry or just on their own than stuck with a stamp and given a number. They’re given out as rewards from the throne for great services or grand achievements, and are usually cashed out for more applicable coinage or tossed into a vault where it will sit for all eternity. Each is roughly the same size as a quartz coin.

  • Jade (1000) - Maybe if you’re rich you’ll have one that’s been passed down through your family after your great-grandfather saved the king’s nephew from a fire or something. Put it in a case and display it on your wall: make your house a great target for the local burglar.

  • Emerald (1200) - Given to civil servants as a reward for grand scientific discoveries.

  • Ruby (1200) - Given to military officers as a reward for grand successes in battle.

  • Topaz (1500) - Just a general reward for people who do really cool stuff.

  • Diamond (1500) - Just a general reward for people who do really cool stuff but don’t like topaz for some reason


"Three Mica," Herman grumbled, "She was gonna give us three Mica each! We're professional soldiers, not farmhands . . . when she hired us in town she hinted at paying us a fortune, but denied it later."

"And those jewels you got there . . . now that's a fortune," Jert said.


Edited by Ookla the Magician
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12 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Johnston chuckled at the failed illusion. "That the best you got mate? Now, don't look back, but my little friend just came back, and she's got a crossbow trained to your head. You want to come swinging at me?

Antin stayed motionless on the ground.

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6 hours ago, Ookla the Magician said:

"Three Mica," Herman grumbled, "She was gonna give us three Mica each! We're professional soldiers, not farmhands . . . when she hired us in town she hinted at paying us a fortune, but denied it later."

"And those jewels you got there . . . now that's a fortune," Jert said.



I just want to express how much I love that Diamond is in there just to provide a back up of someone doesn't like Topaz.

Fiadh frowned. "Well that's very rude of her. Thank you for all your help." She scooped the jewelry out of her pocket and handed it to Herman. "And before y'all leave do any of you know if Muriel slept at all last night?"

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10 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Fiadh frowned. "Well that's very rude of her. Thank you for all your help." She scooped the jewelry out of her pocket and handed it to Herman. "And before y'all leave do any of you know if Muriel slept at all last night?"


ikr lol, fadrans worldbuilding was on point

Herman seemed rather surprised she was giving all of the jewels now, but didn't object.

"She don't sleep a wink!" Jert exclaimed. "I been watching her every night, she's a goblin in disguise for sure."

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Magician said:

Herman seemed rather surprised she was giving all of the jewels now, but didn't object.

"She don't sleep a wink!" Jert exclaimed. "I been watching her every night, she's a goblin in disguise for sure."

Fiadh froze. "She doesn't seem tired at all. Are you sure she didn't sleep?"

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On 12/5/2023 at 4:00 PM, Ookla the Abstract said:

Antin stayed motionless on the ground.

On 12/5/2023 at 3:48 PM, Ookla the Silver said:

"Where is she? How little!?" Havri says, confused, before lunging at Johnston, sword outstretched.

"What? Little friend? That's just a thing people say, mate!" Johnston said, moving to knock Havri's sword aside with his grip of knives. He lunged forward with his scaled arm, trying to punch Havri in the face.

Quest backed up and began scanning the trees, trying to get sight on the other bandit. That would have to be the woman from before, who had left and said she was coming back.


Ok, it doesn't seem like Calano is going to be playing, with his latest post. What do you want to do?

@Ookla the Reborn


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44 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Ok, it doesn't seem like Calano is going to be playing, with his latest post. What do you want to do?


For now, I think, continue by assuming what Hyron would do. Long term... either find someone to take over the role, or kill the character off.

On 12/4/2023 at 5:43 PM, Mr. Misting said:

Let's go do that then! Miyako said. We can say we're stretching our legs or whatever. You two finished with your pasta yet? Miyako asked, dropping her empty bowl on the counter behind her. 

"Tides, that was good pasta. Wanna go hit the halls and go walking 'round?" Miyako repeated, for the benefit of anyone listening in.

"I'm done," replied Yerik, putting his bowl in the sink. "Let's go."

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1 hour ago, Mr. Misting said:

"What? Little friend? That's just a thing people say, mate!" Johnston said, moving to knock Havri's sword aside with his grip of knives. He lunged forward with his scaled arm, trying to punch Havri in the face.

Quest backed up and began scanning the trees, trying to get sight on the other bandit. That would have to be the woman from before, who had left and said she was coming back.

@Ookla the Reborn


Havri falls on his back and activates his skystone, launching himself upward at Johnston.

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On 12/7/2023 at 8:10 AM, Ookla the Reborn said:

For now, I think, continue by assuming what Hyron would do. Long term... either find someone to take over the role, or kill the character off.

"I'm done," replied Yerik, putting his bowl in the sink. "Let's go."


Yeah, that makes sense. Long term, I'm don't think if I would like someone else playing Hyron. I would rather kill/imprison/separate character from the party. All of which I'd be really excited to see how it affects Miyako. Maybe we could have someone play Hyron short term, with the intent of sidetracking them from the party? 

Miyako smirked at Hyron and Yerik. "Right, let's go walk 'round." And go find some dark little secret to hang her majesty on.

On 12/7/2023 at 9:10 AM, Ookla the Silver said:

Havri falls on his back and activates his skystone, launching himself upward at Johnston.


How does the armor work? Is it as hard as actual armor? Does it crack or flicker or anything of the sort when Johnston hits it?

Johnston tried to back peddle when Havri went down, and readied his knives to throw. He cursed when Havri launched himself up, and raised to scaled arm to block any retaliatory strikes. 


How bad is Antin's wound? How's he doing?

@Ookla the Abstract

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14 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Miyako smirked at Hyron and Yerik. "Right, let's go walk 'round." And go find some dark little secret to hang her majesty on.

The group ventured out into the halls.


I'm not actually sure what would be in a palace besides what's already there...

Points of interest I can think of would be the library and the armory.


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18 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Johnston tried to back peddle when Havri went down, and readied his knives to throw. He cursed when Havri launched himself up, and raised to scaled arm to block any retaliatory strikes.

@Ookla the Abstract


He's fine, but he isn't going to fight, since he doesn't really have any combat abilities.


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22 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Miyako smirked at Hyron and Yerik. "Right, let's go walk 'round." And go find some dark little secret to hang her majesty on.

Johnston tried to back peddle when Havri went down, and readied his knives to throw. He cursed when Havri launched himself up, and raised to scaled arm to block any retaliatory strikes. 

@Ookla the Abstract


It's like shardplate in my head. Unbreakable until it's not. It shatters like glass before turning back into light. All the edges of the armor and sword are sharp as the edge of glass. It's translucent yellow and kinda glows.

This is mostly what all my light constructs are like.


Havri slams down on the scaled arm with his sword and the full weight of his body.

Edited by Ookla the Silver
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On 12/8/2023 at 1:03 PM, Ookla the Reborn said:

The group ventured out into the halls.


Ok cool. Also, I'm pretty sure Miyako's sword was returned to her after the fight, but does she have all her equipment? Sword, waterskins, travel pack, etc. 

Miyako strutted out into the hall, biting into an fruit she grabbed. "Greenie, bet'cha there's an sword hall somewhere in this place. Wanna go check it out?"

On 12/8/2023 at 1:05 PM, Ookla the Abstract said:


On 12/8/2023 at 1:08 PM, Ookla the Silver said:

Havri slams down on the scaled arm with his sword and the full weight of his body.

Johnston grunted as the sword bit into his arm, cracking scales and starting a trickle of thick green blood. 

Quest focused on the wells of magic inside him, muttering softly to himself as small orbs of fire flared into existence around him. They were slowly growing in size as they circled. Quest closely watched the fight.

Johnston glanced at Quest and then back again at Havri. With a sneer and Johnston threw his scaled arm out, trying to knock away Havri and his sword. Displaying a rather rude gesture, he started sprinting towards the woods. 

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41 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Miyako strutted out into the hall, biting into an fruit she grabbed. "Greenie, bet'cha there's an sword hall somewhere in this place. Wanna go check it out?"

Johnston grunted as the sword bit into his arm, cracking scales and starting a trickle of thick green blood. 

Quest focused on the wells of magic inside him, muttering softly to himself as small orbs of fire flared into existence around him. They were slowly growing in size as they circled. Quest closely watched the fight.

Johnston glanced at Quest and then back again at Havri. With a sneer and Johnston threw his scaled arm out, trying to knock away Havri and his sword. Displaying a rather rude gesture, he started sprinting towards the woods. 

Havri's sword flies out of his hand, and Havri himself stumbles back. He shakes his fist as Johnston runs away. "Flee you Villain! Bother innocents no longer!" 

Havri turns to Quest "Are you ok?"

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3 hours ago, Mr. Misting said:

Miyako strutted out into the hall, biting into an fruit she grabbed. "Greenie, bet'cha there's an sword hall somewhere in this place. Wanna go check it out?"


I'll say sure.

"Sure," replied Yerik. 


Should we jump to there?


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21 hours ago, Ookla the Silver said:

Havri's sword flies out of his hand, and Havri himself stumbles back. He shakes his fist as Johnston runs away. "Flee you Villain! Bother innocents no longer!" 

Havri turns to Quest "Are you ok?"

Quest nods shakily, letting his orbs of fire pewter out. He ran a hand through his curly hair, and gaveHavri a weak smile. "Um, yeah, no. I'm, ah, good. Thank you." He seemed more flustered than hurt, even though he had pulled a knife out of his back not a minute ago. Life magic was a wonder. 

Quest turned to Antin. "Are you doing alright? You, um, got rather stabbed just barely." 

@Ookla the Abstract

18 hours ago, Ookla the Reborn said:

"Sure," replied Yerik. 


Sounds good to me. 

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1 minute ago, Mr. Misting said:

Quest nods shakily, letting his orbs of fire pewter out. He ran a hand through his curly hair, and gaveHavri a weak smile. "Um, yeah, no. I'm, ah, good. Thank you." He seemed more flustered than hurt, even though he had pulled a knife out of his back not a minute ago. Life magic was a wonder. 

Quest turned to Antin. "Are you doing alright? You, um, got rather stabbed just barely." 

@Ookla the Abstract

Antin slowly sat up. There were several gaping holes in the front of his cloak, which had been soaked black with blood.

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