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Channelknight Fadran

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19 hours ago, Tani said:

Sarcasm practically dripping through her voice at times, she responds. "So instead of leaving it to go through the proper legal processes, which there are for this type of thing, you made the brilliant move of becoming a delinquent yourself. Congratulations, I am so very proud of your decision making skills."

Ashe glanced at the woman reaching for her boot and spun a tiny circle in the air with her index finger, drawing a small circle into place between the woman's hand and her goal. The portal didn't go far, just a foot away, but it would stop her from getting a hypothetical knife without looking.

Fiadh reached... past her boot? Fiadh frowned and tried again. What was going on? Where did her boot go? She locked eyes with the woman in the alleyway and glared. Why did they always do that? Someone always stopped her from getting to her knives. Fiadh sighed. She would just have to wait it out. Or be rude to the lady. That was the preferable option. But it probably wouldn't end well. Fiadh sighed and kept glaring at the women.


I know boots are a stereotypical place to keep knives that's why I chose to put it there. Fiadh is only twelve and has been on her own for a while so she doesn't have the best perception of what most people are like and what they know or might guess. Or really anything about people. 


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2 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"Manipulation of the unmanipulatable is blasphemous. Always. This has long been held to be true in my society."

2 hours ago, Mr. Misting said:

Yerik blinked. "Well... what counts as unmanipulatable?" 

1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

“I’d just like two small samples.” Quendi raised two fingers. “A piece of this metal’s raw ore, and a piece of the refined material.”

Anikel grunted. "I can get you a piece of the ore. Refined... not so much. Not my job, you see."

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21 hours ago, Tani said:

Sarcasm practically dripping through her voice at times, she responds. "So instead of leaving it to go through the proper legal processes, which there are for this type of thing, you made the brilliant move of becoming a delinquent yourself. Congratulations, I am so very proud of your decision making skills."

Ashe glanced at the woman reaching for her boot and spun a tiny circle in the air with her index finger, drawing a small circle into place between the woman's hand and her goal. The portal didn't go far, just a foot away, but it would stop her from getting a hypothetical knife without looking.


19 hours ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Nayka’s eyes began to leak. “I didn’t know you’d get in trouble,” she sobbed to Whist. “I don’t want to go to Leegl people. They’re scary. I’m scared, Whist… I’m scared…” she broke down crying.

Honestly, she almost laughed. But that would ruin the act.

Stay in character. If you don’t think, then you are how you act. It’s clearing your brain that’s the problem. 

Luminance, she missed Buka.


2 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:


dh reached... past her boot? Fiadh frowned and tried again. What was going on? Where did her boot go? She locked eyes with the woman in the alleyway and glared. Why did they always do that? Someone always stopped her from getting to her knives. Fiadh sighed. She would just have to wait it out. Or be rude to the lady. That was the preferable option. But it probably wouldn't end well. Fiadh sighed and kept glaring at the women.


Whist studied Nayka, she seemed so scared, she couldn't have really stolen anything right? She sighed, it was turning out to be a very tiring evening.

Calming herself she said, "Let me get this straight, you wanted me to go through legal processing, which would include filing some measure of civil lawsuit, in the middle of the night on an empty dock, when this girl was in present danger. Look, I don't know who you are, but I stand by my actions. I see it as defense of a fellow citizen and therefore justified. This girl insists she didn't steal anything, and the officer provided me with no proof to justify her actions against this girl. Please understand that I don't want trouble, I was just trying to help people." 

Whist hoped that would be enough for Alley Lady. 

Edited by justice_magician
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4 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:
5 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Blasphemous?" Yerik seemed puzzled. "Well... what makes you think it's blasphemous?"

"Manipulation of the unmanipulatable is blasphemous. Always. This has long been held to be true in my society."

4 hours ago, Mr. Misting said:

"Honestly, I don't think most will care." Miyako shrugged, "You will look odd, sure, but the Orteo Chain is the center of civilization. There are plenty of weird people, you'll be just another face among the crowd."

Hyron thought. They thought for some time. Then, they spoke. "I will go with you. I will venture into the world. But first, I will tell my people, and my Elders."

Hyron turned back to the stranger. "Trust me," Hyron said softly, "They will not listen to you."

Miyako nodded, satisfied. She had victory and the Hwindi was going to travel with them. She didn't know why she cared so much, a minute ago she had wanted to stab them repeatedly. But now....now she wanted to show the world to this Hwindi, maybe even get to duel with them again. 

Miyako leaned against a tree and spoke up, "No one cares what qualifies as blasphemous, I've killed my handful of priests and I still sleep easy enough at night. Let's go chat to your village then leave, we don't have all day. Also, what's your name, both of you?" 

Edited by Mr. Misting
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19 hours ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Nayka’s eyes began to leak. “I didn’t know you’d get in trouble,” she sobbed to Whist. “I don’t want to go to Leegl people. They’re scary. I’m scared, Whist… I’m scared…” she broke down crying.

Honestly, she almost laughed. But that would ruin the act.

Stay in character. If you don’t think, then you are how you act. It’s clearing your brain that’s the problem. 

Luminance, she missed Buka.

"You didn't know that harming a police officer would get her in trouble?" she asks, incredulous. "Everyone knows that! And even if you didn't, if you had thought about it for even two seconds you might have realized that there is no way they wouldn't be guarded with a threat of legal retribution! Otherwise, there would be no police officers. Nobody would want to be a police officer, because it would be a death sentence to be one!" She sighs, exasperated.

1 hour ago, justice_magician said:

Whist studied Nayka, she seemed so scared, she couldn't have really stolen anything right? She sighed, it was turning out to be a very tiring evening.

Calming herself she said, "Let me get this straight, you wanted me to go through legal processing, which would include filing some measure of civil lawsuit, in the middle of the night on an empty dock, when this girl was in present danger. Look, I don't know who you are, but I stand by my actions. I see it as defense of a fellow citizen and therefore justified. This girl insists she didn't steal anything, and the officer provided me with no proof to justify her actions against this girl. Please understand that I don't want trouble, I was just trying to help people." 

Whist hoped that would be enough for Alley Lady. 

2 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Fiadh reached... past her boot? Fiadh frowned and tried again. What was going on? Where did her boot go? She locked eyes with the woman in the alleyway and glared. Why did they always do that? Someone always stopped her from getting to her knives. Fiadh sighed. She would just have to wait it out. Or be rude to the lady. That was the preferable option. But it probably wouldn't end well. Fiadh sighed and kept glaring at the women.

Ashe moved around to the other side of the police officer and started dragging her farther from the group. "One: There's always someone at the police department. Always. Two: No, you would not need to file a lawsuit, you would need to file a complaint to the police department. Three: It's not your job to protect citizens from the police, it's the police's job to protect the citizens. Four: In danger of what? Being interrogated there in the street? Being subjected to a pat-down search? Certainly in less danger than this police officer who you whacked upside the head with something. Five: Police officers are, in general, far more trustworthy than street rats, especially ones who tend to lie when they feel threatened. And six: If you don't want trouble, why would you assault a police officer?" Ashe stopped, now a few yards away from them. "Additionally, the fact that she lied the first time I asked what you folk did makes me think that she did steal something and you, an accomplice, assaulted the officer so you could get away with it."

Glancing at Fiadh, she commented "Glaring is rude, and so is going for a knife when you're not being threatened with physical harm."

She then blew in the officer's face.


Her Hwindi breath is about half as effective as normal Hwindi breath

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28 minutes ago, Tani said:

"You didn't know that harming a police officer would get her in trouble?" she asks, incredulous. "Everyone knows that! And even if you didn't, if you had thought about it for even two seconds you might have realized that there is no way they wouldn't be guarded with a threat of legal retribution! Otherwise, there would be no police officers. Nobody would want to be a police officer, because it would be a death sentence to be one!" She sighs, exasperated.

Ashe moved around to the other side of the police officer and started dragging her farther from the group. "One: There's always someone at the police department. Always. Two: No, you would not need to file a lawsuit, you would need to file a complaint to the police department. Three: It's not your job to protect citizens from the police, it's the police's job to protect the citizens. Four: In danger of what? Being interrogated there in the street? Being subjected to a pat-down search? Certainly in less danger than this police officer who you whacked upside the head with something. Five: Police officers are, in general, far more trustworthy than street rats, especially ones who tend to lie when they feel threatened. And six: If you don't want trouble, why would you assault a police officer?" Ashe stopped, now a few yards away from them. "Additionally, the fact that she lied the first time I asked what you folk did makes me think that she did steal something and you, an accomplice, assaulted the officer so you could get away with it."

Glancing at Fiadh, she commented "Glaring is rude, and so is going for a knife when you're not being threatened with physical harm."

She then blew in the officer's face.

This woman was not helping Fiadh keep control of her emotions. Fiadh gave up. So what if she was being rude. The lady clearly already thought she was being rude.  "Well I think that when you've been living on the streets for four years and before that you pretty much lived on the streets avoiding people you thought were nice but instead decided to hit you and threaten you every chance they got, then a random lady approaching you in an alleyway in the middle of the night is a good reason to be on defense. And I also think that you should be nicer to these ladies because they were just trying to do what they thought was right when they were placed in a crisis and whatever that rush is called kicks in it-" Fiadh's voice went a little quieter, "That rush doesn't end well. You don't always think clearly. Give them a bit of a break. If anyone is to blame for this it's me. I'm the reason they were there when the police looking lady came over. And I don't think that a proper police lady would treat a young lady like her," Fiadh gestured to Nayka, "in as rough a manner as she did."

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3 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Yerik blinked. "Well... what counts as unmanipulatable?" 

4 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Known laws of physics. Any and all. We prefer to let nature govern itself. And no, our vine magic is different. It's not true nature, it's born out of our own water content and what we we want to appear. Young Hwindi ask this a lot."

1 hour ago, Mr. Misting said:

Miyako nodded, satisfied. She had victory and the Hwindi was going to travel with them. She didn't know why she cared so much, a minute ago she had wanted to stab them repeatedly. But now....now she wanted to show the world to this Hwindi, maybe even get to duel with them again. 

Miyako leaned against a tree and spoke up, "No one cares what qualifies as blasphemous, I've killed my handful of priests and I still sleep easy enough at night. Let's go chat to your village then leave, we don't have all day. Also, what's your name, both of you?" 

"I am called Hyron. And it will be only me informing my Elders and my people. You are not allowed into the Domain."

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10 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"I am called Hyron. And it will be only me informing my Elders and my people. You are not allowed into the Domain."

"Ok, see you in a hour or two," Miyako said, beginning to pull out her sword, "I can catch my bounty by then." 


Miyako doesn't care enough to ask, but question: would Miyako's water magic be considered blasphemous? 


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No, it's similar to Hyron's Verdur magic, so Hyron doesn't care. But if you start snapping your fingers, and random things start flying, or you start floating, they're gonna be pissed.


3 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

"Ok, see you in a hour or two," Miyako said, beginning to pull out her sword, "I can catch my bounty by then." 


Hyron nods, then ducks back under the net, and makes their way to the Elders Chamber.

Once they enter the Chamber, they take a knee.

"Most honorable Elders," They begin, "I am leaving for some time. To... explore the world. I do not know when I will return, and I am not asking for permission. I know the laws, I will not break them." Hyron rose and began to leave.

"Wait, noble Hyron," One said, raising a hand. Hyron turned.

"Take caution," Another said, "The world is dangerous."

"And remember the 5th Verse of the Ancient Psalm;" Said yet another, "Beware the Corners of the World, for they are sharp, sharper than the cruel hearts of Men."

Hyron bowed. "Of course, most gracious Elders. Thank you."

Hyron then left to their dwelling, to pack a small bag for his trip.

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3 hours ago, Tani said:

"You didn't know that harming a police officer would get her in trouble?" she asks, incredulous. "Everyone knows that! And even if you didn't, if you had thought about it for even two seconds you might have realized that there is no way they wouldn't be guarded with a threat of legal retribution! Otherwise, there would be no police officers. Nobody would want to be a police officer, because it would be a death sentence to be one!" She sighs, exasperated.

Ashe moved around to the other side of the police officer and started dragging her farther from the group. "One: There's always someone at the police department. Always. Two: No, you would not need to file a lawsuit, you would need to file a complaint to the police department. Three: It's not your job to protect citizens from the police, it's the police's job to protect the citizens. Four: In danger of what? Being interrogated there in the street? Being subjected to a pat-down search? Certainly in less danger than this police officer who you whacked upside the head with something. Five: Police officers are, in general, far more trustworthy than street rats, especially ones who tend to lie when they feel threatened. And six: If you don't want trouble, why would you assault a police officer?" Ashe stopped, now a few yards away from them. "Additionally, the fact that she lied the first time I asked what you folk did makes me think that she did steal something and you, an accomplice, assaulted the officer so you could get away with it."

Glancing at Fiadh, she commented "Glaring is rude, and so is going for a knife when you're not being threatened with physical harm."

She then blew in the officer's face.

3 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

This woman was not helping Fiadh keep control of her emotions. Fiadh gave up. So what if she was being rude. The lady clearly already thought she was being rude.  "Well I think that when you've been living on the streets for four years and before that you pretty much lived on the streets avoiding people you thought were nice but instead decided to hit you and threaten you every chance they got, then a random lady approaching you in an alleyway in the middle of the night is a good reason to be on defense. And I also think that you should be nicer to these ladies because they were just trying to do what they thought was right when they were placed in a crisis and whatever that rush is called kicks in it-" Fiadh's voice went a little quieter, "That rush doesn't end well. You don't always think clearly. Give them a bit of a break. If anyone is to blame for this it's me. I'm the reason they were there when the police looking lady came over. And I don't think that a proper police lady would treat a young lady like her," Fiadh gestured to Nayka, "in as rough a manner as she did."

I like these people. Very, very much. “I… I didn’t think…” Nayka whimpered. “They’re so scary…”

The officer stirred and Nayka yelped, but it wasn’t all acting this time. She scooted back, but there was nowhere to go but the wall. So she cowered there as the officer sat up and rubbed her head. 

(Realistic for half-strength Hwindi breath?)

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2 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron nods, then ducks back under the net, and makes their way to the Elders Chamber.

Once they enter the Chamber, they take a knee.

"Most honorable Elders," They begin, "I am leaving for some time. To... explore the world. I do not know when I will return, and I am not asking for permission. I know the laws, I will not break them." Hyron rose and began to leave.

"Wait, noble Hyron," One said, raising a hand. Hyron turned.

"Take caution," Another said, "The world is dangerous."

"And remember the 5th Verse of the Ancient Psalm;" Said yet another, "Beware the Corners of the World, for they are sharp, sharper than the cruel hearts of Men."

Hyron bowed. "Of course, most gracious Elders. Thank you."

Hyron then left to their dwelling, to pack a small bag for his trip.

Miyako left behind the acolyte, she was on the clock and he would slow her down. It was a challenge, and if there was one thing Miyako loved, it was a challenge.

She abandoned the stealth that she had to employ before, and sprinted through the woods trying to track her bounty. Miyako was grinning as she hunted for death.

(Time skip of an hour)

Miyako leaped forward feeling the malicious energy of her enemy's blast ripple past her face. She flowed to the side, sliding through his barrage of death magic, taking every chance to pull closer to his position. Her stream of water was on the defensive, nullifying beams of death energy by knocking them to the side.

He was desperate now which meant her hunt was nearing to a end. This was when the target had nothing to loose, so she had to end this quickly. He all but had one foot in the grave and he knew it.

He was a scholar who had studied into the nature of the death element and Soulcaging. He had fallen on hard times and had his funds cut off, becoming desperate. Apparently, he had gone too far, losing his grasp on sanity as he delved to deep into secrets better left forgotten. After losing it and killing a small town the bounties had started to show up. Miyako knew all of this but she didn't care, this was just the next battle. Another fight to be won.

Miyako saw a hole in his attacks and leapt forward, driving her stream of water towards his chest. He stumbled back narrowly deflecting the stream with a blast of energy. Miyako kept the momentum as she came in as a storm of steel. She flowed from one attack to the next, in tandem with her stream of water, a rushing current of slashes and stabs. He began to gather death in his left hand but it was too late, her sword had already pierced his chest. 

She had won. The lifeless husk feel to the ground, crimson pooling around it. Miyako stood victorious, listening to the few birds that hadn't fled from the battle. She took her hat, wanting to the feel the sun on her face. It was a beautiful day. 

(Miyako makes her way back to where Yerik is, and this whole sequence was like 2 hours.)

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8 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

“That’ll do, then.”

On 10/25/2022 at 3:04 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Annamus screams and his arm lurches against the tigers weight and he reaches up, grasping around the tiger's neck. His other hand, palm up and bare of any armor, reaches the flow of blood. The blood seeps into his palm and the torrent increases. When it reaches his palm, the blood begins to writhe and twist around his body. The rest of the tiger's corpse begins to twist around him, it begins to sink towards his skin and sink in. A green light envelops Annamus, and he falls unconcious, body transforming, tiger armor, above tiger skin, coming out.

@Channelknight Fadran @xinoehp512

Anikel nodded curtly, swinging off his horse and beginning to scan the ground. Terakor did the same.

---Some time later---

Terakor paused. Was that... a tremor?

Carefully, he stabilized himself against a tree and concentrated on the metal rod in his hands. Sure enough, it was vibrating- ever so slightly. That could only mean one thing: the vein was near. Excitedly, he began jogging forwards, waving the rod back and forth to try and pick up a stronger signal. Gradually, through trial and error, the buzzing began to become more intense, building to a comfortable hum.

"Guys!" he declared excitedly. "Guys, I-"

He cut off abruptly as he rounded the corner and saw a tiger-like figure passed out on the ground in front of him.

@Channelknight Fadran


5 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"Known laws of physics. Any and all. We prefer to let nature govern itself. And no, our vine magic is different. It's not true nature, it's born out of our own water content and what we we want to appear. Young Hwindi ask this a lot."

"I am called Hyron. And it will be only me informing my Elders and my people. You are not allowed into the Domain."

Yerik blinked. "But... it is physics-"

Too late. The Hwindi had already ducked behind the net. Yerik hmmed. Carefully, silently, he made his way under the net and followed.


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20 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Kealie reclined on the grass slope and thought about things. Because she could.

Quest woke up to the sun peeking out from behind the skyline, throwing long shadows across the forest. He slowly sat up, yawning. That was the best night's sleep he'd had in a while. To make it even better he had new friends: Vance and Kealie. That thought put a smile on Quest's face before he remembered what he was doing today.

Now he had to fight another monster. Quest sighed, at least it can't be worst than a death bunny.

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10 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Yerik blinked. "But... it is physics-"

Too late. The Hwindi had already ducked behind the net. Yerik hmmed. Carefully, silently, he made his way under the net and followed.


Hyron, who is packing a bag in their chambers, doesn't look up as they pack extra canteens.

The benefit to being a Hwindi is Hwindi Breath can purify any water source, so they only need purify the water after they put it into their canteen, allowing them to use Verdur and still remain hydrated.

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2 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron, who is packing a bag in their chambers, doesn't look up as they pack extra canteens.

The benefit to being a Hwindi is Hwindi Breath can purify any water source, so they only need purify the water after they put it into their canteen, allowing them to use Verdur and still remain hydrated.

"Hello, stranger," Hyron says, not looking up as the stranger enters the room. "I don't believe I know your name, and I don't believe you should be here."


Yerik didn't follow Hyron specifically- he's looking for other Hwindi to talk to.


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4 hours ago, Mr. Misting said:

Quest woke up to the sun peeking out from behind the skyline, throwing long shadows across the forest. He slowly sat up, yawning. That was the best night's sleep he'd had in a while. To make it even better he had new friends: Vance and Kealie. That thought put a smile on Quest's face before he remembered what he was doing today.

Now he had to fight another monster. Quest sighed, at least it can't be worst than a death bunny.

"Good morning," Antin said softly. He looked wide awake, poking the remains of the fire with a stick. "How was your rest?"

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35 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Good morning," Antin said softly. He looked wide awake, poking the remains of the fire with a stick. "How was your rest?"

"Good, I'm feeling a lot better from yesterday," Quest said, walking over to the fire, "How was your rest?"

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