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Lost Metal Chapter 3 and 4 Reactions


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Two more chapters of the Lost Metal are released here (https://www.tor.com/2022/09/26/read-the-lost-metal-by-brandon-sanderson-chapters-3-4/

Thoughts? I was happy to see Allik mentioned as Marasi's boyfriend and read a first good fight scene with the Malwish tech. Also, I am very curious to know why Wayne has become so responsible all of a sudden :rolleyes:

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So much fun to be had in these chapters!

I could real whole books of Marasi and Wayne having dorky yet important for feminism conversations. 

Absolutely love the irony of "Bullet stopper, skull knocker, guy who occasionally gets exploded," not being what happens today and then all three happen literally the next chapter. 

Getting major Marasi goes to Malwish / off world long term in the epilogue vibes. These chapters prove she's learned whatever she was going to learn being around Wax and Wayne, she's equal to them now (weirdly babysitter-ish to Wayne in some ways) and ready for the next major mystery likely alongside Allik. 

Also really interested in the savantism from Wayne. His whole plotline is starting to give me anxiety though (don't kill him Brandon please)

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13 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

it's not "all of a sudden". it's been 5 years or 6.

it was a lot more surprising that he didn't mature earlier :lol:

Felt like "all of a sudden" for Marasi - she seemed impressed each time. But you are right, I am sure Wayne had practiced for a long time to become more proficient 

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20 minutes ago, LiftisaDragon said:

Nice touch on the broadsheet- editor missing for 8 days, and then a small redaction under “Flight of the Ornisaur” walking back said editor absolutely flaming the Mayor 2 weeks ago. 

I wonder where she went…..

Agreed!! Is this an Easter egg or a clue? Is the governor on the Set payroll, or the Vice Governor (Adawathwyn)? If you have the height of power in Harmony's blessed city why in the world would you risk it by turning to Trell and chaos-- what is the offer they sold out for?

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1 hour ago, Requiem17 said:

Agreed!! Is this an Easter egg or a clue? Is the governor on the Set payroll, or the Vice Governor (Adawathwyn)? If you have the height of power in Harmony's blessed city why in the world would you risk it by turning to Trell and chaos-- what is the offer they sold out for?

The broadsheet is from Bilming, the city that will (probably) be controlled by Trell so maybe the editor is the one working for the Set.

Other things from the broadsheet:

-The Kandra are able to "merge". I did not imagine it to be possible.

- What do you think are the flying creatures with bat wings in the botom right? It seems more like a dinasaur than a modern-earth bird.

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11 hours ago, Johnny Silverlight said:

I loved the story in the broadsheet about Handerwym suing Allomancer Jak. I'm curious about what "Evanoplays" are. Could they be a primitive form of movie?

I would assume so. Given that evanotypes are photographs. Therefore a play seems like the extension. We also know that it's been enough time for Wax and Steris to have two kids and the tech for slideshows existed at the time before they had children

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On 9/26/2022 at 1:03 PM, Frustration said:

Wayne is starting to savant and I'm going to be interested to see the negative side effects.


On 9/26/2022 at 1:38 PM, Yuliya said:

I wonder if bendalloy savantism means aging too fast for one's age. The jokes about Wayne getting old in these chapters would be a nice foreshadowing...

What was Wax's negative side effects of savantism? I still need to reread book 3. I remember he gained the ability to really minutely push on metals in the bullet, and warp his steel bubble around what he did and didn't want, but those are benefits. 

For Wayne we can see that he can morph the size and shape of his bubble and reactivate it quicker than normal, and probably can shape what he heals now instead of a general healing. Negative side effect of healing is feeling pain / maybe sensation in general less (I assume, taking a cue from Miles Hundredlives). 

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3 hours ago, Requiem17 said:

What was Wax's negative side effects of savantism? I still need to reread book 3. I remember he gained the ability to really minutely push on metals in the bullet, and warp his steel bubble around what he did and didn't want, but those are benefits. 

Brandon retconed it Wax is no longer a savant.

3 hours ago, Requiem17 said:

For Wayne we can see that he can morph the size and shape of his bubble and reactivate it quicker than normal, and probably can shape what he heals now instead of a general healing. Negative side effect of healing is feeling pain / maybe sensation in general less (I assume, taking a cue from Miles Hundredlives). 

I doubt he is savanting in feruchemy that's really hard to do without compounding.

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38 minutes ago, Frustration said:

Brandon retconed it Was is no longer a savant.

I doubt he is savanting in feruchemy that's really hard to do without compounding.

Good to know on Wax, and that makes sense on feruchemy.

So we shouldn't call Wayne's skill savanting but just regular skills increasing. Wayne's nearly 40, and Wax was 44+ for the first three books, so Wayne is just starting to see the skill increase we saw already apparent in Wax. 

Now I'm thinking a Marasi in her 40s could skill-increase to make a bubble that doesn't completely enclose herself, maybe just touches an eyeball or fingernail of hers. The people she chooses are in the speed bubble but not really herself. Not sure if that's really that useful if she has ettmetal bombs anyway.


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2 minutes ago, Requiem17 said:

Good to know on Wax, and that makes sense on feruchemy.

So we shouldn't call Wayne's skill savanting but just regular skills increasing. Wayne's nearly 40, and Wax was 44+ for the first three books, so Wayne is just starting to see the skill increase we saw already apparent in Wax. 

Now I'm thinking a Marasi in her 40s could skill-increase to make a bubble that doesn't completely enclose herself, maybe just touches an eyeball or fingernail of hers. The people she chooses are in the speed bubble but not really herself. Not sure if that's really that useful if she has ettmetal bombs anyway.


Well what Wayne is doing is exactly what Brandon has described Bendalloy savantism as. So I'd say he is savanting, he's just in the early stages.

I'm just waiting for him to be able to anchor the bubble to himself. And the side effects of savantism.

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3 hours ago, Frustration said:

Well what Wayne is doing is exactly what Brandon has described Bendalloy savantism as. So I'd say he is savanting, he's just in the early stages.

I'm just waiting for him to be able to anchor the bubble to himself. And the side effects of savantism.

I do recall that WoB, though it's odd that's coinciding with him supposedly rationing his Bendalloy instead of just wasting it all the time. Maybe he's lying to Marasi about that or is procuring large amount of Bendalloy elsewhere... 

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2 hours ago, Harrycrapper said:

I do recall that WoB, though it's odd that's coinciding with him supposedly rationing his Bendalloy instead of just wasting it all the time. Maybe he's lying to Marasi about that or is procuring large amount of Bendalloy elsewhere... 

I thought that it was him realizing that he's getting close and is trying not to savant.

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