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Favorite quotes

Lego Mistborn

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Guys, share your favorite quotes from the Cosmere. I'm looking more for sincere quotes, as opposed to silly Hoid sayings, though those are fine if you like them for a meaningful reason. Also, if you could, share a little about why you like the quote(s), without pushing your comfort zone too much. (Don't feel like I'm asking you to share something really traumatic memory or a disability that you normally don't talk about, those cracks in your spiritweb are for spren to fill with Nahel bonds.

I'm excited to hear from you.

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RoW spoilers


It will,” Wit said, “but then it will get better. Then it will get worse again. Then better. This is life, and I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine again, and that is a very different thing to say. That is truth. I promise you, Kaladin: You will be warm again.

This is my favorite quote because to me it just exemplifies life and the struggle that all will face in their life. And then it gives you hope, because all is never lost.

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"We Mistborn need not make sense. It's beneath us." -Vin, the Hero of Ages. I like this one because it's funny and clever, and is a quote that I would like to use a lot more in real life. (Substituting the Mistborn part for something else.)

"There's always another secret."-Everyone knows who, The Final Empire. There really is always another secret, and so for a science nerd and someone who constantly wants to learn more, it is a pretty good motto for life in general.

And there are a ton of others (many of them from Wayne) that I can't remember off the top of my head, so I'm not going to put them here right now.

Edited by The Bookwyrm
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“What’s the most important words a man can say? I will do better.”

“ What’s the most important step a man can take? It’s the next one. Always the next one.” 

“Sometimes a hypocrite is just a man in the process of changing”

Dalinar has some of the best moments. Can’t wait for book 5 where he’ll be more central 

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*Pulls out notebook full of book quotes*

"The storm catches everyone, eventually. Does it matter?" -Wit, Fleet story. I find this really fascinating- we're all gonna die. Is that bad? I don't know, is it?

"A good king is one who is trusted by his people- and one who deserves that trust." -Tindwyl? WoA. Made me think, has a lot of truth to it. 

"I kind of lost track of time."

"For two hours?"

"There were books involved." -Elend, WoA. So very much me. 

"You asked me about faith, You asked what good it was, if it just led people to hurt each other. I've been thinking about that ever since. And... I think I might have an answer. Faith means that it doesn't matter what happens. You can trust that somebody is watching. Trust that somebody will make it all right. It means that there will always be a way." -HoA, don't remember who said it. I won't call this completely accurate, but it has a lot of meaning, and I spent a lot of thought time on it. 

"It seems to me that you're searching for something that cannot be found."

"The truth?"

"No. A religion that requires no faith of its believers." -HoA. Has helped me through various moments of doubt. 


Edited by Luckspren
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19 hours ago, Rg2045 said:

“What’s the most important words a man can say? I will do better.”

“ What’s the most important step a man can take? It’s the next one. Always the next one.” 

“Sometimes a hypocrite is just a man in the process of changing”

Dalinar has some of the best moments. Can’t wait for book 5 where he’ll be more central 

I think I might like Dalinar's character growth more than that of any other character Brandon has written.


23 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

RoW spoilers

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It will,” Wit said, “but then it will get better. Then it will get worse again. Then better. This is life, and I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine again, and that is a very different thing to say. That is truth. I promise you, Kaladin: You will be warm again.

This is my favorite quote because to me it just exemplifies life and the struggle that all will face in their life. And then it gives you hope, because all is never lost.

Yes! This is so true, and it gives such hope.

6 hours ago, Luckspren said:

*Pulls out notebook full of book quotes*

"The storm catches everyone, eventually. Does it matter?" -Wit, Fleet story. I find this really fascinating- we're all gonna die. Is that bad? I don't know, is it?

"A good king is one who is trusted by his people- and one who deserves that trust." -Tindwyl? WoA. Made me think, has a lot of truth to it. 

"I kind of lost track of time."

"For two hours?"

"There were books involved." -Elend, WoA. So very much me. 

"You asked me about faith, You asked what good it was, if it just led people to hurt each other. I've been thinking about that ever since. And... I think I might have an answer. Faith means that it doesn't matter what happens. You can trust that somebody is watching. Trust that somebody will make it all right. It means that there will always be a way." -HoA, don't remember who said it. I won't call this completely accurate, but it has a lot of meaning, and I spent a lot of thought time on it. 

"It seems to me that you're searching for something that cannot be found."

"The truth?"

"No. A religion that requires no faith of its believers." -HoA. Has helped me through various moments of doubt. 


I live Sazed's discovering faith/hope arc. These are great quotes.

Everyone else, great quotes, these are just ones that stood out especially to me personally.

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Emperor's Soul


“You can’t manipulate people by being genuine.”

“You can’t?” Shai asked. “Is that not how you’ve made your entire career? Speaking honestly, teaching people what to expect of you, then expecting them to be honest to you in return?”

As it comes up in multiple Cosmere stories, all human interaction has some level of manipulation; and the bolded portion here seems the most profound distillation of "live the example you want to see in others" showing the effect and reinforcing that manipulation is inherent (neither good not bad on its own) and it is our motives that matter



Kelsier kept smiling. He’d do so until it felt natural. Until that numbness, tied in a knot within him, started to unravel and he began to feel again.

Part of moving on from loss is this - Fake it until you make it


I’d rather trust my men than worry about what will happen if they turn on me.

A well worded reason for trust and friendship


He hadn’t understood that there was more to leadership than good ideas and honest intentions. Far more.

Hammers home the gap from learning to experience

Sixth of the Dusk


Finally, he pulled something out. The remnants of a feather, just the shaft now. A mating plume that his uncle had given him, so many years ago, when he’d first fallen into a trap on Sori. He held it up, remembering the speech he’d been given. Like every trapper.

This is the symbol of your ignorance. Nothing is easy, nothing is simple.

Even without a physical symbol of the complexities of life, the bolded portion should be kept in mind - especially when you think things have been easy lately. . .



He was finding that the most difficult part of leadership here in Elantris was maintaining the attitude of optimism that Galladon teased him about.

Exemplifies how difficult it can be to maintain external optimism in the face of internal struggle


Galladon smiled slightly. “Definitely not—you optimists just can’t understand that a depressed person doesn’t want you to try and cheer them up. It makes us sick.”

And this shows the other side of internal struggle, how sometimes the best you can do for a friend is offer to be there - kind words can hurt even more



I need to give something back, Lightsong thought. Even if it’s something useless.

Just the fact that thinking about giving is so important - even to a physical god


Nobody else wants to be the one who actually sends our troops out to kill and die. They all want to be involved, but nobody wants to be responsible.”

Really resonates with why many bosses delegate

11 hours ago, Luckspren said:

"You asked me about faith, You asked what good it was, if it just led people to hurt each other. I've been thinking about that ever since. And... I think I might have an answer. Faith means that it doesn't matter what happens. You can trust that somebody is watching. Trust that somebody will make it all right. It means that there will always be a way." -HoA, don't remember who said it. I won't call this completely accurate, but it has a lot of meaning, and I spent a lot of thought time on it. 

HoA Ch 56:


Well, do you remember that question you asked me when you first got here? We were standing by the lake, just over there. You asked me about faith. You asked what good it was, if it just led people to hurt each other, like Quellion’s faith in the Survivor has done.”

Sazed looked out over the lake. “Yes,” he said softly. “I remember.”

“I’ve been thinking about that ever since,” Spook said. “And ... I think I might have an answer.”


“Faith,” Spook said, “means that it doesn’t matter what happens. You can trust that somebody is watching. Trust that somebody will make it all right.”

Sazed frowned.

“It means that there will always be a way,” Spook whispered

While this last one is not Cosmere, it is one of my favorite fantasy quotes ever and I would like to share it - Codex Alera, Book 3


Bernard stared at the Senator and rolled his shoulder in a gesture Amara had seen him use when preparing to shoot his war bow. Bernard’s voice suddenly rang out sharp and clear, though still perfectly polite in tone.  “Senator. If you call my friend a liar one more time, I will take it badly.”

“Excuse me?” Arnos said, his eyebrows rising up.

“I suggest you find an alternate shortsighted, egomaniacally ridiculous reason to blatantly, recklessly ignore an obvious threat to the Realm; simply because you don’t wish it to exist. If you cannot restrain yourself from base slander, I will be pleased to meet you in Juris Macto and personally rip your forked tongue from your head.”

The muttering in the room stopped, and a bottomless silence fell.

Granted, it's mostly an epic "Shut Up Hannibal", but there are so many people that deserve this kind of verbal slap . . .

Edited by Treamayne
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Dalinar quote from Oathbringer: "We can't just assume that because something is old it is right" always touches something in me. So many if us live by habit or tradition, without asking is the actions makes sense. So many gender and racial stereotypes persist only because people forget to stop and think whether what was is what should be.

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2 hours ago, Yuliya said:

Dalinar quote from Oathbringer: "We can't just assume that because something is old it is right" always touches something in me. So many if us live by habit or tradition, without asking is the actions makes sense. So many gender and racial stereotypes persist only because people forget to stop and think whether what was is what should be.

Thanks for that. Kind-of off topic, so I will spoiler tag this:


This is what I love about the Seven Kennings Trilogy (Kevin Hearne - can't wait for book three) and how I feel that story is a model to which we should all strive. Without spoilers - in the Worldbuilding, all ethnicities and sexual orientations mingle without comment beyond the descriptive. Somebody may be pale skin or dark skin, straight or sakhret (homosexual) and it is of no more consequence than being tall or hefty or blue-eyed or whatever.

The nature of a person's character is generally how they are judged - not their defining qualities, and there are few rare exceptions (one character worried his parents may not accept him being sakhret). Also, one major spoiler exception:


The bad guys are religeous-zealot-genocidal; but it is still more "kill everybody not us" than conventional discrimination/<quality>ism



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Most of my favorites have already been posted (Hoid's "You will be warm again" to Kaladin in RoW, "There's always another secret") but I'll throw in:

"I am hope."

- Kelsier

I know Kelsier had complex and not entirely altruistic motives, but being willing to sacrifice himself there and being able to stand up and be a symbol of hope, without showing fear, is impressive.

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