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The "movies and tv shows" mentioned in this week's update!

OK. So. TV shows. Plural...

He has talked about a Stormlight TV show...

But I won't get my hopes up.

Not even close.



Who am I kidding? AAAHHHHHH WHAT IF...

I'm not freaking out

Edited by Shallan Stormblessed
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My bet is Skyward and Mistborn, honestly.  I recollect a while back he was working on a Mistborn script, and Skyward I think would do pretty well as an adaptation.  But also, I think there have been rumors about this the whole time I've been on the Shard.  It always does give excitement though!

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The way he said it, I feel like it was an idle comment on projects he's already mentioned, not a hint at anything in particular. More like he's saying "if these things that are sitting around actually get going", rather than" if this new push works out"


7 hours ago, Frustration said:

I'd exspect it to be Wheel of Time stuff, rather than any of his originals.

Unpopular opinion: I don't want any of his works to be adapted, especially his Cosmere ones.

I assuming you don't want them adapted because you don't want other folks to tamper with the stories you love, correct?

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3 hours ago, Ta'veren Kaladin said:

I assuming you don't want them adapted because you don't want other folks to tamper with the stories you love, correct?

Yeah, I don't trust any movie producers these days to do a good job.

So whlile that is true but isn't all of it.

Every adaptation made recently has been the subject of political contraversy that I would rather Brandon not have to deal with.

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5 minutes ago, Frustration said:

Yeah, I don't trust any movie producers these days to do a good job.

So whlile that is true but isn't all of it.

Every adaptation made recently has been the subject of political contraversy that I would rather Brandon not have to deal with.

I think (read: hope) that Brandon will have enough authority to keep any movies or tv shows pretty loyal to the books. The controversy I've seen recently has stemmed from deviation from the source material.

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On 7/6/2022 at 11:19 AM, Frustration said:

Yeah, I don't trust any movie producers these days to do a good job.

So whlile that is true but isn't all of it.

Every adaptation made recently has been the subject of political contraversy that I would rather Brandon not have to deal with.

Makes sense, and after some internal deliberation, I've decided I agree with you. While I would love to have adaptations to pull more people into the fandom, I think it's not worth the risk of something like harry potter, where people take the movies, which honestly are garbage, and leave the books, written first, out to dry. I also don't want the community taken over, which has happened to other fandoms I enjoyed. Basically I don't think the adaptations will benefit the books OR the stories Brandon is trying to tell in general.

I'm not sure what this political stuff is, but Brandon has gone through enough already in my opinion. With the secret projects' success, he got a lot of hate because he was white and male, and also because of religion, which really frustrated me, and I have to be careful not to rant about it.

So yeah, I want to see these adaptations, because mistborn flying around would be so fun to watch, however I don't want these adaptations because while I'm sure Brandon will maintain that the books are the true canon, I'm afraid that the adaptations will become over-focused and the books marginalized.


Um, guys, I was wrong, there definitely are things in the works. I'm hoping that whatever it is, it's well done, does what it's supposed to, and doesn't take away from the books.

I think of all the cosmere works though, I think Mistborn would be the one I'd rather have. I don't think too much would conflict between movie and book formats.

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On 7/6/2022 at 8:19 AM, Frustration said:

Yeah, I don't trust any movie producers these days to do a good job.

But according to his AMA he will have enough power to determine a lot of stuff, and he hopes to be/will be a co-producer. So... I'm cautiously optimistic and pleasantly confused.

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On 7/6/2022 at 8:36 AM, Ta'veren Kaladin said:

Makes sense, and after some internal deliberation, I've decided I agree with you. While I would love to have adaptations to pull more people into the fandom, I think it's not worth the risk of something like harry potter, where people take the movies, which honestly are garbage, and leave the books, written first, out to dry. I also don't want the community taken over, which has happened to other fandoms I enjoyed. Basically I don't think the adaptations will benefit the books OR the stories Brandon is trying to tell in general.

I am cautiously optimistic about a film/show adaptation. I, personally, trust that Brando Sando is clever and powerful enough to make sure his stories stay to his vision. About the books being left gathering dust, I don't think the people that would watch the film would read the book first anyways, and it might pull more people to read the books first, or afterwards. Either way, I see this as an absolute win, especially since Brando Sando will take a strong hand on the adaptations. 

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My main fear in this would be the fandom being obliterated. It is pretty rare that a fandom this big is relatively wholesome and chill. I worry thousands of new people would have a negative effect on it. On top of this, I cant think of any adaptations where the intense fans like them. The cosmere is so big and complex and the magic so intracate that im afraid we would get something like the Wheel Of Time adaptation where all the money went into bad cgi. Mistborn sounds great but how could you effectively show what is going on with burning duralumin, pewter, tin, emotional allomancy. It is really hard to show a character having enhanced senses. I cant imagine a way to adapt these things that would leave all parties satisfied. On top of it all, there always seems to be a huge debaucle about the author and the movie starts representing a community. Film adaptations never work. They get us exited and then they either break our hearts for being bad or make a mess of the fandom.

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Mistborn sounds great but how could you effectively show what is going on with burning duralumin, pewter, tin, emotional allomancy.

On the bright side, Brandon's been noodling with that problem for years and probably has a solution to it. 



It is really hard to show a character having enhanced senses.

Maybe it's the superhero fan in me, but I honestly don't think it's hard, although you do need dedication. Superman & Lois do a great job with showing Clark and Jordan's superhearing, superstrength, and superspeed. (For the latter, though, they do take a lot of inspiration from Man of Steel.) Smallville and The Flash (or at least the early seasons of The Flash) did a great job of showing superspeed by showing the world slow down around them. Superman & Lois and The Flash show the reverse for superspeed as well, where we see the characters blur offscreen and get a visual/physical cue of their rapid leave. Daredevil was also phenomenal at showing heightened senses. Jessica Jones and superstrength...not so much. My point is that there are roadmaps to help overcome this particular problem. 



On top of this, I cant think of any adaptations where the intense fans like them.

And that's fine. Trying to please intense fans will result in madness and products that more often than not, wouldn't actually be good, or at least not good adaptations. Intense fans in many fandoms I've seen have this sense of...ownership...over the subject of the fandom. Book fans are some of the worst, because of how books work. In a book, pacing is dictated by the author (and narrator for audiobooks), yes, but it's ultimately dictated by how fast the reader/listener can read/listen. A movie has its own rules for pacing, and they're vastly different. Descriptions are given and voices expressed, but how we see and imagine them in our mind's eye is different for every person. Visual media strips that away, and intense fans...aren't always ready for that, to put it nicely. (Bonus points if there's a race lift involved that doesn't change anything about the characterization on a major scale, but die-hard fans are upset because it's not how it looks in the books or how they've pictured it for years.) 

These types of fans usually feel like they're trying to put the adaptation down in order to prop up the book instead of celebrating the differences and welcoming the new perspectives, faces, and ideas. They're also the types of fans who think selfishly about what would be best for THEM, not the story in its new form, and certainly not newcomers. I'm not saying that these types of fans - of which I include myself - shouldn't be thought of at all, but at this stage, we should be given the heart and soul of the story and some fanservice. Trying to do more than that leaves the story too inaccessible to the viewers who will actually push the series forward. 



Film adaptations never work.

Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings would like to have a word.* Yes, neither is completely accurate to the books, but they absolutely did their job in getting people to read the books and/or check out the source material, which is something I feel a good adaptation should do. 



They get us exited and then they either break our hearts for being bad or make a mess of the fandom.

This problem is partially the adaptation's fault and partially the fandom's fault IMO, for two main reasons. The first is that no adaptation is primarily for the core audience or the audience that reads the books. That audience is included into the count. An adaptation is for the people who could be fans of the story if it was presented differently. The people who say they're fans of the genre, but have little to no actual experience with it. The people who who are fans of the tangential genre and can make the jump pretty easily. (I believe this is also one of the reasons Mistborn is shelved in the YA section as well as the Fantasy section in US bookstores.) 

The second reason is that no adaptation will ever match whatever story a fan has told themselves in their head. A Mistborn movie will never live up to our expectations even if Brandon himself wrote it, because it's not the one we've spent years individually and collectively imagining. (And because Brandon isn't perfect.) Be it due to different casting choices, to a different story, to missing beats that are replaced by other beats that are used to hit the same emotion (but are different and therefore somehow worse), to different dialogue, to different pacing. A thousand small different ways the story will be different, and that will give intense fans a thousand small different reasons to hate it. We as book fans need to keep our expectations in check and make sure just because we're excited that doesn't mean it's going to be perfect. And just because we may not like it, that doesn't mean it's automatically bad or inherently worse than the original. Or that other people shouldn't like it.**



I worry thousands of new people would have a negative effect on it.

That's a legitimate fear, but one I'm not too worried about just yet. Brandon and his team are still heavily involved with the fandom, and frankly any and every fandom that grows large enough, is old enough, or produces enough material over a period of time*** will grow a toxic side. We've been really good about monitoring that toxicity as a whole, and I don't think that will change. We'll just need to upscale the amount of monitoring, be it as regular fans or as the mod team grows. (And be open and receptive to the new perspectives and fans brought in.) Frankly, this was going to happen anyways, since even without an adaptation Sanderson's name and fame continue to grow. An adaptation might expedite this process, but we were headed towards this reality eventually. 


Now, as for the adapted works, I think it's Mistborn and Skyward. Mistborn is all but a guarantee, and Brandon hasn't been that coy about it. We know movie talks are in the works, we know he wants this to be adapted first, and we know he's been working on a screenplay with a screenwriter friend of his since at least 2020. We also know that Brandon's publishers have talked about changing the Era naming system in order to not scare off new fans. Heck, I'm almost positive we'll get an announcement at (or at least by) Dragonsteel 2022, since it's Mistborn themed anyways. 

For television, I'm banking on Skyward. Skyward has an almost completed series * with a new trilogy that would be great to time into promotional material. It could also be a great show to scratch that Top Gun itch, considering Maverick made nearly 1.2 billion dollars. Heck, for a Paramount competitor, this may be a great way to steal the thunder from any potential Top Gun spinoff before it airs. 

Alternatively, Reckoners or Legion/Steven Leeds are options, but Reckoners has Lux, so I'd be genuinely surprised at that announcement. Stephen Leeds could work since it would be a nice, easy foray into the television world. Or maybe Brandon will get Dark One off the ground again. (Or maybe he'll have a better bargaining chip for Dark One once the audio-novella, novelization, and second graphic novel all come out.)



*And that's not even getting into adapted stories from the MCU. Or Gone Girl. Or the Twilight books, which we all laugh at but also made an INSANE amount of money and were immensely popular. Or the Hunger Games. Or the first Divergent and Maze Runner movies. Or...well, you get the point. There are great adaptations that change the landscape, and there are ones that fail. There are adaptations that hardly resemble the original source material but ultimately succeed such as the Mat Damon Jason Bourne movies, and then there are things that resemble the books and utterly fail like the previous Bourne Identity adaptations. Adapting a book to screen isn't nearly as black and white as you make it out to be. 

**This is the problem I have with mostly Sanderson fans in regards to WoT on Amazon. Every single one of my friends who hasn't read the books enjoyed the show immensely, but somehow because they haven't read the books their perspectives and opinions on the show are invalid. Maybe it's the whole "the internet is an echo chamber" thing, but just because a show is different from the source material doesn't mean that it's automatically or inherently bad. There are legitimate problems within the show, but different doesn't always mean inherently bad or unwatchable or even illogical. Also, Brandon isn't perfect. Some of the changes that he thought should have been made in the show actually worked incredibly well for my non-book-reader friends who watched the show. And one scene that Brandon wrote a note against in Episode 3 that they kept in was actually one of my personal favorite scenes in the season. Okay, mini-rant over. 

***Bonus points if there are chunks of time between iterations, like with Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Star Wars, Star Trek, and DC movie "universes." 

*That will actually be completed by the time a show comes out.

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It feels inevitable that Brandon will complete his metamorphosis into a multi-media mogul, his final form. It's what he wants, he's had so much success as a writer and he got a foot in the door of Hollywood as an executive producer on WoT. I just hope he finishes SA5 before wings start exploding out of his body and his hair turns purple or whatever. 

SA5 is almost certainly not coming out next year given the 4 secret novels he wrote have jumped the line and need to come out next year when the Kickstarter said they would. I'm hoping SA5 comes out in 2024. If he's working on scripts and spending a lot of time on movie and tv sets (hovering over them in the sky while little balls of energy orbit him) I can see that setting it back into 2025. 

Stephen King was able to crank out tons of books while writing scripts, and having pretty much yearly adaptation of his work come out in the 1980s. He even directed a movie, Maximum Overdrive (it's terrible), while wrapping up writing IT. So not everyone has a major drop in publication rate when they have a bunch of adaptations going on, but I think it's extremely hard. 

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1 hour ago, Child of Hodor said:

If he's working on scripts and spending a lot of time on movie and tv sets (hovering over them in the sky while little balls of energy orbit him) I can see that setting it back into 2025. 

Stephen King was able to crank out tons of books while writing scripts, and having pretty much yearly adaptation of his work come out in the 1980s. He even directed a movie, Maximum Overdrive (it's terrible), while wrapping up writing IT. So not everyone has a major drop in publication rate when they have a bunch of adaptations going on, but I think it's extremely hard. 

I feel like these would delay Stormlight 6 more than it would Stormlight 5. Brandon's not going to be visiting any sets during preproduction, which is what would be happened at best during the time he's writing Stormlight 5.

I also have a feeling that Brandon's meeting time would go way down, actually. I imagine it's a bit like dating, in a way. Right now, Brandon is spending a lot of time on meetings because he has options. Once he decides on a partner for a project, those meetings will cease for the time being since Brandon will be devoting time to those one or two projects. So, say right now Brandon has 3-4 movie and tv meetings each week, alongside his regular Dragonsteel team meetings, writing group meetings, publisher meetings (both domestic and overseas if need be), and collaboration meetings. Most of these apparently happen on Thursday, but the movie & tv stuff are spread throughout the week. Now, once Brandon narrows down who he's working with and with whom, then those other meetings will stop, leaving Brandon with 1-2 more meetings than his pre-Kickstarter days, maybe once a week or so at the early stages. 

That being said, even those small 1-2 meetings, alongside now travelling to one big convention a year or so, may decrease Sanderson's production by a fair bit. (Or rather, it'll cut into his Writing For Himself/Secret Project time, so it'll be a while before we get another burst of books like those.) But hopefully, that will be during a time with few books being released anyways, so we won't feel the effects as much. It'll be more of "yeah this dearth was planned way back before the adaptation stuff, because Brandon wants to write all of these books back-to-back-to-back before releasing them," than "Brandon's books are delayed because of movie/tv stuff." Hopefully. 

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I think Mistborn being first is pretty much inevitable, since it seems like Brandon isn't willing to part with the rights to Stormlight first, Mistborn is his next biggest property, and it's much less ambitious CG-wise than Stormlight is.

I think I'd prefer a show to a movie, since movies nowadays are so superhero-dominated it seems like any new player is starting at a disadvantage, whereas fantasy series are headliners for every streaming service. Brandon has said in the past that he has an outline for a Mistborn script, but I really think any multi-POV book works better as a show, especially one the size of Mistborn. It serializes pretty well, as parts 1, 2, and 4 can be cut neatly in half to make an 8-episode season, and the longer runtime would help flesh out the other members of the crew in a way that the original series doesn't really do until WoA.

Out of the other potential candidates for adaptation (Elantris, Warbreaker, Steelheart, Skyward, Rithmatist), Reckoners is too much like The Boys imo. I think Warbreaker has a lot of potential but the fact that there are three independent POVs who barely interact with each other makes it difficult to adapt into a movie, and a one-season TV show doesn't seem like it would fit what streaming services want. Skyward or Rithmatist would be my picks for movies. As long as they don't end up like that godawful Artemis Fowl movie, anyway.

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I hope that Brandon has real creative control/ veto power about character or world breaking stuff. And for the latter I don't mean primarily cosmere mechanics stuff, but (for example in Mistborn) missing the point of how the Final Empire works kind of stuff.

Also avoiding decisions made in the adaptation of book 1 which will break the story of books 2 and 3, like the John Carter movie [not that that will ever have a sequel anyway...]

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2 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

I feel like these would delay Stormlight 6 more than it would Stormlight 5. Brandon's not going to be visiting any sets during preproduction, which is what would be happened at best during the time he's writing Stormlight 5I

No in preproduction he’d be tinkering with scripts and approving concept art and such. He  recently did a video analyzing why the Bumblebee movie script wasn’t good. 

He’s tearing apart the Bumblebee movie script! He’s gonna be so hands on with an adaptation of his own books.  

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2 hours ago, Child of Hodor said:

No in preproduction he’d be tinkering with scripts and approving concept art and such.

A movie only has one script, so it's no more than a two-week diversion, and one that frankly isn't that big of a deal right now. Brandon has a treatment and is the author of the source material. He's currently fighting for more control and rights in the movie and production of this stuff. It's not going to be a big change in preproduction if it's included in the contract and a blueprint is already provided. Concept art and casting and whatnot can pretty much all be done in a weekly meeting. That means more time to write Stormilght 5, even if the preproduction starts around the time he's writing. Brandon may write other scripts for future Mistborn projects, but those won't be touched until TFE's movie is out and a sequel is greenlit. Right now, Brandon only has to worry about one movie and maybe one television adaptation. (Dark One would be easier, since it was built with the television format in mind and was the closest to being made, but Skyward is still my bet.)


2 hours ago, Child of Hodor said:

He  recently did a video analyzing why the Bumblebee movie script wasn’t good. 

He’s tearing apart the Bumblebee movie script! He’s gonna be so hands on with an adaptation of his own books. 

Yeah, I saw his video on the Bumblebee video. TBH, it felt more like a rant than an actual analysis at some points, as he didn't fully address what the issues in the script really caused when it wasn't focused on the main character. But it's not the first script analysis video - he has a whole playlist dedicated to his analyses and reviews. Brandon looked over all but the final two episodes of WoT Season 1 and dedicated more time - but still no more than a month - to looking over all of WoT Season 2's scripts. My point here is the same as above - Brandon will look over the script(s), but he won't lose that much time. 


The way I see it, for a Mistborn movie or movies, if we're lucky and my timeline isn't too off*:

November 2022 (or before) - Mistborn movie announcement, possibly with a director attached. (If not, no problem.)

November 2023 - Preproduction starts in earnest. (Sets, costume design, etc.)

June/July 2024 - Principal photography starts

October 2024 - Principal photography ends (people underestimate how little time this part actually takes nowadays)

November 2024 - First Teaser if available* and/or a panel with the actors at Dragonsteel 2024. 

December 2024/January 2025 - Post-production starts (reshoots, VFX, test audiences, etc.)

July 2025 - Teaser teaser at Comic-Con

September/October 2025 - Trailer and promotion starts in earnest

November/December 2025 - Movie releases (to critical and fan adoration!)


...yeah, I've given this some thought... If the above timeline is even close to correct, then Brandon has nearly an entire year of Stormlight writing to do before preproduction and whatnot starts in earnest, meaning that the movie wouldn't take much of Stormlight's time. Outside of maybe some casting calls and script revisions - which shouldn't be too laborious, given that Brandon has a treatment for the script and wrote the original source material - Brandon's work on the Mistborn movie in 2023 would be pretty light. 2024, which would mostly be a revision year for Stormlight 5 and outlining Mistborn Era 3,* is when Brandon would get the most interruptions for the movie. I don't imagine he'll need to watch the dailies, but even if he does, the most time-consuming aspect may actually be the set visit. 


TL;DR - For a 2025 release for a movie, which is incredibly soon even by Hollywood standards, Brandon's heavy lifting will be in 2024 and 2025 most likely, not 2023. That means that Stormlight 5 won't be delayed further, but the books that need to be finished before Stormligh 6 may be delayed. That in turn may delay Stormlight 6. Hence, a movie and/or show won't interrupt Stormlight 5, but Stormlight 6. 



*Although the delay of Stormlight will probably push back Mistborn Era 3 a year or so, which gives Brandon more wiggle room for the movie if they want the two to release at the same time. 

*This may seem like a quick turnaround, but it's the same sort of turnaround between Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens' principal photography ending and the first teaser trailer. The point is that it's possible. Maybe not likely, and certainly not much, but definitely possible. 

*Brandon has talked about the idea of a new Mistborn series coming out around the same time as the movie. For that to happen and for Brandon to write the books back-to-back like he wants to, Brandon would have to move on from Stormlight fast in order to write and outline Era 3. Before, the Secret Projects, the timeline was very tight - if 200k books take him about 5 months, and Cosmere books take longer, stretching it out to six, he'd have to hand off Stormlight 5 by the end of June, spend July writing Horneater and outlining Mistborn 8, and then spend the rest of the year writing Mistborn 8 while revising Horneater for its release. He finishes by the end of December, spends January outlining the rest of Era 3, and then spends basically the entirety of 2024 working on Mistborn 8 & 9. If he finishes by December, then he can revise Mistborn 8 in the first half of 2025 for a November 2025 release. Then while revising the other two books, Brandon could spend the next three years on Nightblood and Elantris 2 & 3 (which would take about the same amount of time as Era 3), alongside any other projects he wants off his chest. 

But that was all before the Secret Projects. Now with more time but also more responsibilities in terms of movie and television stuff, I currently have no idea how Brandon can and will divide his time. In theory, once the meetings hopefully calm down, Brandon would actually have more time to write Era 3 and the other books, despite being on a tighter schedule, if he wants the crossover promotion. But again, I have no idea. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/12/2022 at 8:33 PM, Use the Falchion said:

The way I see it, for a Mistborn movie or movies, if we're lucky and my timeline isn't too off*:

November 2022 (or before) - Mistborn movie announcement, possibly with a director attached. (If not, no problem.)

November 2023 - Preproduction starts in earnest. (Sets, costume design, etc.)

June/July 2024 - Principal photography starts

October 2024 - Principal photography ends (people underestimate how little time this part actually takes nowadays)

November 2024 - First Teaser if available* and/or a panel with the actors at Dragonsteel 2024. 

December 2024/January 2025 - Post-production starts (reshoots, VFX, test audiences, etc.)

July 2025 - Teaser teaser at Comic-Con

September/October 2025 - Trailer and promotion starts in earnest

November/December 2025 - Movie releases (to critical and fan adoration!)

...and according to Brandon's comments during the livestream last Thursday, my guess was off in the best of ways. 

The next two years are going to be wild times to be Sanderson fans. Next year will have the Secret Projects, whose hype (and hopefully good quality) and release window will draw people to Brandon. We may even get a videogame! (Which, if good, will definitely draw people to Sanderson.) Stormlight years are always years of rapid growth, and I'm sure the idea of an arc finale will bring in more people than ever before. Add to that a movie release (that's hopefully good if not great), and you've got a massive slew of new fans from all different directions. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm with @Frustration on this one. I don't trust a TV/movie adaption for any of Brandon's complex works. Aside from the fandom exploding (which could be awful), it would necessitate cutting out (or oversimplifying) a myriad of plot complexities. Especially when considering how complex (interwoven) Stormlight and the later Mistborn books are.

At the same time, I feel a TV/movie adaption is... inevitable. I imagine Mistborn has the best chance; what with Kelsier showing up in Fortnite, and how many times that series has been hinted at. But Mistborn Era 1 isn't horribly complex — and TV is getting ever darker & grittier. The kandra, mistwraiths, and inquisitors could all be interesting elements to see brought to life on screen.

He's at New York Comic Con this October. I half expect an announcement of some sort then. 

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  • 1 month later...

Adaptations will be difficult. His books won't fit into a movie, and a TV show would require changing the story slightly so that every episode could lead you on. The pilot especially would probably need to be quite long to get to the story. Stormlight, though, has a very compelling beginning that would look awesome on screen.

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