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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

A duck appears as Calano pulls Nameless down into a crouch as the Clinic Guardian Alpha builds up a beam of light to incinerate the chickens.

The beam anihilates the chickens and their mechs. Emma's voice booms from the Guardian. "Do you have a fifth person? We need five people, one to control each guardian and then we can fix this mess."

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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Nameless was put into a cage with seven seals along with Calano. each seal was protected by a guardian. Geese and Ducks, allies of the chickens, came to their aid. They now had blaster guns and lightsabers to assist them.

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The seals were blasted into oblivion by the Wyrm Guardian and Calano and Nameless were depositied into the Guardian, which tunnels away at high speed. "To answer your question, I can add another element to the core, but only I can as the guardian of the wyrm guardian." Emma closes her eyes. "She says well be at our destination in a few hours, best to eat and rest for now."


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Calano closes his eyes and fazed into his own guardian, the Crow Guardian.

He flooded the core with the required energy and began blasting chickens, geese, and ducks.

"Now we're talking! You think you can take my clinic away from me??!?!? THINK AGAIN!!!"

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1 hour ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

An army of giant chickens started knocking out Nameless and the other people defending the clinic. Emperor Chickeee smiled from his new throne in Calano's old office.

The army fails to follow the group as they head underground, leaving Calano behind. Emma weeps as they leave, the last words Calano had said to her through their link as guardians, running on repeat. Shakily she says "We're almost there." And soon I'll be back for you Calano, I swear it.

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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Nameless glanced at the other mech’s flight, then made a snap decision. His mech charged over to Calano and his downed mech, merging together as Nameless set the controls to autopilot, then ejected, landing between his retreating friends and the chicken army, bursting to life with Saidin.

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Thaidakar was a floor beneath them, and having success. or he was until twenty mechs burst through the wall and charged at him. Thaidakar shrugged then teleported next to Nameless. He drew Callandor and handed it to Nameless, "you'll have better luck with it than I." 

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Nameless tossed Callandor back to Thaidakar. “Can’t use that; I’d bring the whole clinic down.” He looked out over the seemingly unending army of chickens, face grim. “Looks like this is it pal.” He summoned Taln’s Honorblade, raising it in defiance of the impossible odds. “It’s been an honor.”

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Thaidakar smile grimly, he pulled out his flame throwers. "It has truly been an honor, Nameless, but we're not dying without a fight. Let's take as many chickens down with us as we can." Thaidakar flipped on his two flame throwers and got to work.

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Calano's unconscious body lays slumped in the corner of his office.

All he sees is black, all he knows is black.

Flickers of memories dance across his mind, but he is in such a stupor that nothing happens.

His subconscious shouts, screams, and bangs all around, shouting for someone or something or anything to help him.

No one hears.

He remembers what he told Emma before being knocked unconscious.

We can take them! We can do this! We can take them! We can do this!

It rolls over and over in his subconscious.

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