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Yeah, there's a lot to take into account, and a lot that can will go wrong. But being willing to dive in head first is probably the most important trait you could have. The first few times it might be rocky but I'm sure you'll figure it out. Now I'll have to take your bravery as motivation to eventually do the same.

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On 24/08/2022 at 1:20 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

It did. I learned the basics of D&D and made a basic character. I really enjoyed it and I can't wait to do more when I can. Probably when I can convince a group of friends to let me DM an adventure for them.

Oooh congrats, hope you enjoy and find a nice table to run for. It's usually much easier to find players than it is DMs so hopefully not too much of a challenge for you :P

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*cough cough*

uhh anyways.

yes DMing.

hard. difficult. but also fun.

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We have been known to do it from time to time :P

Yes, difficult but rewarding. My advice to most players is to jump in and give it a try. I run three games and I still feel every session like I haven't prepared enough. If you keep waiting until you feel 'ready' you'll be putting it off forever. Maybe try a one shot or a pre-written campaign or module first, but practice is the best way to improve.

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The trick is to see where the party is heading and then lay the tracks in that direction. I rarely run with a solid idea of what is 'supposed' to happen, because parties be chaotic. Also, just as part of general D&D concern I do hope that your party have all signed on for you to play a villainous character. Because that's never fun when one person in the party decides to just mess everything up for everyone else without communicating.

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I’m the kind of person who’s character (when trying to cover the breaking of a chest inside Baba Yaga’s hut) started to eat cookies really really loudly. And actually rolled a good performance. Ah, the things you can do with charisma. 

Edited by SymphonianBookworm
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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Anyone else think the stormlight minatures would make good markers for players?


1 minute ago, Eluvianii said:

*cries in online sessions*

oh gods why no please. dnd doesnt work online why was that even allowed in the first place :skull: eluvianii im so sorry

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

oh gods why no please. dnd doesnt work online why was that even allowed in the first place :skull: eluvianii im so sorry

Honestly I love it. I have played sessions in person before and honestly, the difference isn't that big. I certainly prefer this over not playing at all. Also the client we use is reaaaally fun to mess around with. Of course, no figures though. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Somebody save me please

I signed up to DM a game starting in November

I'm going to get the books soon

I've only played two sessions total of D&D

And there is absolutely no way I can back down.


I have played other games like it, I just don't know how the mechanics of D&D work.

Wheeee! I'm going to dieeee!

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2 minutes ago, Tani said:

Somebody save me please

I signed up to DM a game starting in November

I'm going to get the books soon

I've only played two sessions total of D&D

And there is absolutely no way I can back down.


I have played other games like it, I just don't know how the mechanics of D&D work.

Wheeee! I'm going to dieeee!

Voidus gave some good advice near the top of this page. Best advice, roll with it, the players are going to be players, you'll have to put up with their antics and are going to have to change what you have planned out for the adventure. Best of luck... may the odds ever be in your favor.

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On 9/24/2022 at 5:57 PM, Tani said:

Somebody save me please

I signed up to DM a game starting in November

I'm going to get the books soon

I've only played two sessions total of D&D

And there is absolutely no way I can back down.


I have played other games like it, I just don't know how the mechanics of D&D work.

Wheeee! I'm going to dieeee!

My advice depends. Are you running a pre-prepared campaign, or making stuff up on the fly?

If the former, just read the campaign book a few times and you should be fine. Get to know the players, prioritize having fun, and don't be afraid to go off the rails a bit.

If you're expected to make your own campaign, it's a bit harder. If you want to build a really complex narrative, your players will derail it. Instead of fighting the derailing, just roll with it. It can even end up being more fun than what you had planned!

If you don't want to do a complex narrative, worldbuild a ton, make some quests, and give the party a patron (like a mining company, military organization, guild, aristocrat, etc.) so that they actually have a reason to do stuff. You should still make an overarching plot - it helps make this kind of campaign a bit less dry - but it won't be as central to the campaign.

Making in-depth NPCs that the players are emotionally attached to is a great trick; you can shape the narrative around the NPCs and the players will actually do what you want. This trick has worked both for and on me, and I can give it my seal of approval.

The mechanics of D&D 5e (I assume that's what you're playing) are pretty simple... kinda. Read the books, then ask questions about specific stuff if you need to. I don't think you will, though.

If all else fails, and you come into session 1 completely unprepared, here's one final ploy. Make sure you have this line memorized for use in extenuating circumstances:

"Hello! We'll be playing a campaign called Tomb of Annihilation. Everybody make a DEX save!"

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I am joining the DMing-with-no-experience club! Well, I have a little bit of experience with being a player in a campaign, but this'll be my first time being the DM. I have my campaign mostly ready, and there's a guy in my group who understand the mechanics of D&D better than I do, so I can ask him for help when I need it. This is gonna be fun. :D

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19 hours ago, Liahona said:

I am joining the DMing-with-no-experience club! Well, I have a little bit of experience with being a player in a campaign, but this'll be my first time being the DM. I have my campaign mostly ready, and there's a guy in my group who understand the mechanics of D&D better than I do, so I can ask him for help when I need it. This is gonna be fun. :D

And we'll all die together! Huzzah! :D

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