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Pokemon GO has just been released worldwide, and already new features are being tested for the game. The feature being tested by you, the players, is the battle function. You all volunteered to help test it, and have been placed together in a testing area so that it is easy to reach each other. Unfortunately, the losers of the battles seem to die in real life, and you are getting no responses from the overseers…

Gotta Kill ‘Em All is a free-for-all QF where everyone starts off with a kill role. To win, you simply need to be the last man standing. Cycles will last 24 hours, and rollover will take place at 11pm GMT (7pm EST, 4pm MST, 9am ACT). A lynch will occur every cycle. Vote in Red and retract in Green. Only one vote is required for a lynch, and in the case of a tie, a coin will be flipped. Personal messages are not allowed in this game. There will be only three Known Pokemon. Unknown Pokemon will be introduced to the game when the following number of players sign up: 7, 11, 15, 19, and 24. Unknown Pokemon exist outside of the base type effectiveness chart, and may or may not have different win conditions.






Not Very Effective

Not Effective

Super Effective


Super Effective

Not Very Effective

Not Effective


Not Effective

Super Effective

Not Very Effective

Not Very Effective: Deals miniscule damage. If a Pokemon is hit with a Not Very Effective Attack, they take damage equal to the attacking Pokemon's strength.

Not Effective: Deals no damage. If a Pokemon is hit with a Not Effective attack, they escape unscathed.

Super Effective: Deals critical damage. If a Pokemon is hit with a single Super Effective attack, they receive 5x damage.

When a Pokemon's Hit Points are depleted to 0, they are defeated.

When you attack a Pokemon you will be informed how effective it was in your GM PM. When you are attacked by a Pokemon you will be informed how effective it was, as well as how many attacks you have sustained so far.

Sign ups will end on August 2nd, 2016, at 11pm GMT (7pm EST, 4pm PST, 9am ACT): the game will begin shortly thereafter

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Edit 1: Just to say my story through the tags has already been messed up, so this is not a good omen.

Edited by Alvron
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Important Game Information

  • Hit Points (HP): Each Known Pokemon will begin the game with 5 HP. Unknown Pokemon may have the same, more or less HP. When a Pokemon's HP reaches 0, it is defeated and it's player will die.
  • Strength (STR): Each Known Pokemon will have 1 STR. Unknown Pokemon may have the same, more or less STRSTR determines the amount of damage a Pokemon deals. If a Pokemon's attack is Not Very Effective it will deal damage equal to the Pokemon's STR. If it is Super Effectice it will deal damage equal to the Pokemon's STR x5.
  • Power Points (PP): Each Known Pokemon will have 20 PP. Unknown Pokemon may have the same, more or less PP. Each time a Pokemon uses a move, it will use 1 point of PP. When a Pokemon's PP reaches 0, it will be unable to take any more actions.


Player List

  1. Master Elodin as Bulbasaur
  2. Metacognition as TBD
  3. Conquestor as Lorien
  4. Ecthellion III as IDK
  5. RippleGylf as Myself?
  6. The Only Joe as RippleGylf
  7. Eolhondras as Eol
  8. Alvron as Poke Ranger Joe
  9. Elenion as Nonel
  10. Elbereth as Elthena
  11. TheYoungBard as The Bard
  12. Straw as Straw
  13. Nyali as Nya
  14. jaimeleecee as Jaime
  15. OrlokTsubodai as Locke
  16. TheSilverDragon as Somebody
  17. Bugsy6912 as Blanche
  18. Magestar as Tebeh Dee
  19. zas678 as Nobody
  20. Sart as Footsteps
  21. cloudjumper as Cole
  22. TheMightyLopen as Scott
  23. Emerald101 as Red
  24. AliasSheep as Ash
  25. Kipper as Kipper
  26. Sorry, there's actually no Pikachu in this gam. Maybe next time.

Questions and Clarifications

  • Q: Can I choose my starting Pokemon? A: No; like all elimination games, roles (Pokemon) are assigned randomly.
  • Q: What happens in the case of a three-way-tie or greater? A: A relevant die will be rolled to determine who is lynched.
  • Q: Are we going to learn the name / type of unknown pokemon as they're are added or is it a surprise? A: The Unknown Pokemon will remain Unknown. They will have to be figured out via game interactions.
  • Q: Are there items? Can Pokemon evolve, or become stronger / more resistant? A:  No; this is the very first beta test, designed to only cover the basics. Items and evolutions may be present in future beta tests, however.
  • Q: Are there eliminators? If not, who do you lynch? A: Yes; everyone gets a kill role and need to be the last one alive to win, so by default everyone is an eliminator. As for who you lynch, that will be for the players to decide.
  • Q: Is what the white text says true? A: Not necessarily; there is no guarantee if anything said in white text is true or false.




Edited by Amanuensis
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For some reason the tags appear to have been reversed. Please read them from right to left.

EDIT: Now they appear to have returned to normal, barring a few that have been misplaced. Oh well :P

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3 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Ahah, well, this is more like an elimination game than a Pokemon, meaning the distribution will randomized rather than player discretion. Still want to play? 

I know. Bulbasaur is my name :P

Edited by Master Elodin
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I'll take spot number 8 as Poke Ranger Joe.

So, is there the normal lynch mechanic or just us killing each other?
Are we going to learn the name / type of unknown pokemon as there are added or is it a surprise?
Please tell me there's either a Scyther or Haunter.  And if so, give them to me!

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13 minutes ago, Alvron said:

So, is there the normal lynch mechanic or just us killing each other?

To answer this question I will cite the original post :P

3 hours ago, STINK said:

A lynch will occur every cycle. Vote in Red and retract in Green. Only one vote is required for a lynch, and in the case of a tie, a coin will be flipped.

Since it wasn't previously mentioned, however, in the case of three-way-ties or greater, a relevant die will be rolled to determine which player is lynched.

13 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Are we going to learn the name / type of unknown pokemon as there are added or is it a surprise?

The Unknown Pokemon will remain Unknown. They will have to be figured out via game interactions.

13 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Please tell me there's either a Scyther or Haunter.  And if so, give them to me!

Okay. There's either a Scyther or a Haunter. And sure, you've got 'em.

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3 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

To answer this question I will cite the original post :P

Strangely I didn't see the lynch in the OP.  My apologies.

3 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Okay. There's either a Scyther or a Haunter. And sure, you've got 'em.

Yay.  Thank you.

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The Bard didn't see the difference between reality and games. He didn't want to.

Because if a game gets real enough, solid enough that you can immerse yourself in it, where you build yourself an identity, where you can feel all the emotions roaring through you, more than you do in real life, then does it matter? In a way, life was just one giant game which you didn't sign up for, in which you endlessly grind away to build and make your little impact, only for it to be for nothing when you die anyway. The Bard didn't wanted any part of it.

So when he saw an advertisement for the beta testing of Pokemon Go, he didn't think twice. 2 days later, he was there. He unpacked all of his gear: His Game Boy, his Playstation, his XBox, as well as a number of the classic consoles that were barely remembered, and several portable powerpoint batteries so he could use them. He made his way to the middle of the arena, and set up camp in the middle of the arena, surrounded by a house of consoles of one variety or another.

He saw someone approaching him, but he didn't want to talk to them at the minute. Better to keep real life interactions to a minimum. He didn't want them getting the wrong idea. Quickly, he shuffled a stack of vintage PC's over into the doorway, shutting himself in. Good.


This is going to be fun. :P (I deliberately made a lighthearted character for this, because it looks like my LG character might have quite a dark storyline.)

Also, I think me signing up makes 11 as well.


Are there items? (Potions would really come in handy...)

Is there a way to evolve your Pokemon, to make it stronger and more resistant to attack?

Edited by The Young Bard
Added a second clarification
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4 hours ago, The Young Bard said:

Also, I think me signing up makes 11 as well.

That is 11 indeed! Unknown Pokemon #2 Unlocked! 13 more Poke Players and we'll have all the secrets.

4 hours ago, The Young Bard said:

Are there items? (Potions would really come in handy...)

Is there a way to evolve your Pokemon, to make it stronger and more resistant to attack?

No; this is the very first beta test, designed to only cover the basics. Items and evolutions may be present in future beta tests, however.

5 hours ago, Elbereth said:

Also, you can't really have something at 4 MST and 7 EST. That's not how timezones work. :P 

You're right; that should read PST, not MST (my bad, @STINK)

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