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Long Game 49/Anonymous Game 3: Window to the Past

little wilson

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As accusations flew throughout the party, quicker than a Highstorm, the tension in Szeth's body heightened. He masked it by placing an extra neutral expression on his face, and kept a hand free in case he needed to summon his Shardblade.

Aesudan had not actually attempted to kill any of the Parshendi, according to the chatter in the room. But why Liss, Szeth's former master, would lie about it was much less clear. He would have to watch her over the next few days, and make sure her actions did not threaten the treaty further.

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Beggar woke up in a drunken haze. Judging from his disorientation, he had collapsed at some point and lost track of time. He vaguely recalled being upset about the Herald statues, but a quick glance confirmed that there were ten of them, all lined up as they should be. Of greater import was the commotion in the main feast hall. Alethi lighteyes loved three things: drinking, arguing, and fighting, with the first of those inevitably leading to the latter two. At a feast this important, with so many powerful lighteyes, the resulting spectacle would be well worth observing. Beggar got up from the table and wobbled over to enjoy the show.

Arriving in the midst of a massive argument, Beggar found a servant to ask what all the commotion was for. Apparently, the king's nephew had temporarily considered killing his own father, while a serving woman had been admitted lying to that same nephew and the King's Wit in an attempt to discredit Prince Elhokar's new wife. Beggar shook his head in disbelief. What silly things these Alethi did. Both of the accused appeared contrite, promising they would never again do something so dishonorable. Beggar knew firsthand the eternal suffering of making a decision one could never undo, and wanted to spare the pair the horror of that experience. An hour at the beggar's feast would do Adolin good. Dining with the less fortunate of Alethkar would help the boy should he ever obtain the rank of Highprince.

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"I'm annoyed everyone wants to kick Adolin out. He hasn't actually done anything. Liss actually threatened the stability of this entire court. But, whatever. I'm going out of the palace to go visit the chulls, I find them much better company than this court. Perhaps I will be able to teach them to sing." 

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“He hasn’t done anything,” said Ialai, “but plot to murder a defenceless Beggar, then his own father, then accuse a Brightlady, his cousin, of sabotaging the treaty to save himself. They are now attempting to kill the person who revealed, at significant risk to themselves, their deception. That seems to threaten the court’s stability a little more, I should think.”


Aesudan is Adolin’s cousin, right?


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5 minutes ago, SE_Ialai_Sadeas said:

“He hasn’t done anything,” said Ialai, “but plot to murder a defenceless Beggar, then his own father, then accuse a Brightlady, his cousin, of sabotaging the treaty to save himself. They are now attempting to kill the person who revealed, at significant risk to themselves, their deception. That seems to threaten the court’s stability a little more, I should think.”


"Wait what? She didn't reveal anything! She was exposed! She lied to us, and we figured it out, and then she's like 'oh heck I better fess up.' Like you're turning this into a sob story it isn't. She lied to us. She told us that aesudan attacked the parshendi. She also let known the fact that Adolin was thinking about attacking people. This is all, 100%, her fault."

Edited by SE_Wit
fixing things
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3 minutes ago, SE_Wit said:

She also let known the fact that Adolin was thinking about attacking people.

“So it’s all right for people to plan murder, but heaven forbid someone lets the authorities know! That way, we might actually have a safe and trustworthy society!” Ialai adjusted her hair, and continued.

“As far as I am aware, you did not reconsider your plan until the votes started flying. That in itself is a pretty big condemnation, let alone planning to revert to murder instead of using diplomacy.”

Edited by SE_Ialai_Sadeas
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12 minutes ago, SE_Ialai_Sadeas said:


“So it’s all right for people to plan murder, but heaven forbid someone lets the authorities know! That way, we might actually have a safe and trustworthy society!”

“As far as I am aware, you did not reconsider your plan until the votes started flying. That in itself is a pretty big condemnation, let alone planning to revert to murder instead of using diplomacy.”


Either you are purposefully misinterpreting the situation, or you didn't understand what is going on. 
Liss is the one who actually took the action that Adolin and I cooperated with her to do. She told us that Aesudan had attacked Klade, and we believed her because we thought we had a mutual trust. Meanwhile, I'm convincing Adolin that killing people is not the best option for achieving his win condition, but rather to go after the alcohol itself. Then, talking to Navani, I realized some discrepancies in what Liss told us, and suddenly I realized that she had lied to us once Aesudan said she had spied on Liss, not attacked Klade. Furthermore. it was Liss who threw Adolin under the bus, despite the fact that I was never going to let Adolin kill his father. If he had tried, I would have protected Dalinar. None of this is Adolins, mine, or Aesudan's fault. It is Liss. 

And with that, I walked out of the dance hall to go spend time with the much more intelligent chulls. 

Edited by SE_Wit
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Things start to cool, and then immedietely heat back up. Sometimes i wonder why i turned diplomat instead of Tryrant. "I have spoken at length with many of the parties involved. So please @SE_Ialai_Sadeas, calm yourself.

Here is what hapenned as far as I can tell. Adolin believed it was necessary to slay the @SE_Drunk_Beggar, but after a private conversation with him, realized it was unnecessary." I looked to both my nephew and the beggar for confirmation.

"Later, after witnessing his father drinking, the Lad grew angry and expressed an interest in permantely stopping his father's shamful drinking. It was an argument made in Anger, and @SE_Wit talked him down." I looked to Wit to.confirm this as well.

"Finally, @SE_Liss lied to Adolin and Wit, telling them that Aesudan had attacked Klade. Wut revealed this news to us all after House Sadeas revealed Adolin's previous two indiscretions." 

"None of these three things are a crime."

I look around at all the room. "Is any part of that incorrect? If not, then I believe there is nothing to accuse my nephew of."

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1 hour ago, SE_Adolin_Kholin said:

I did perform that action, @SE_Darkness, however, the primary taker of that action was not myself, but Liss, who attempted to lie about the results of her scan to myself and Wit, leading to the confusion displayed above. 

"Bah. Storming servant. They told it to me wrong." (Sorry.)

"In that case, I agree that Adolin Kholin has committed no crime. However, someone should keep an eye on the boy, and make sure he doesn't try anything as... reckless as what he was planning before."

"In the meantime, I'd like to hear from those in the feast who have not yet contributed to the discussion, and add any information you may have to offer. There are a number of people who have not contributed to the conversation about this newest turn of events at all. I have seen @SE_Meridas_Amaram, @SE_Restares, @SE_Elhokar_Kholin, and Thaidakar since the accusations began, and yet none of them have commented, at least publicly. Kelek seems to have wandered off somewhere, but his testimony would also be useful. The younger Kholin, Renarin, and two of our three Parshendi guests, seem to be the quiet types, but I feel it is important for even those who are normally shy to attempt to contribute discussion, so I would strongly encourage them to try to say anything at all, especially something related to today's accusations."


My tags seemed to stop working halfway through this post, which is annoying. If someone could ping the other people I mentioned, that would be appreciated.

Also, I may switch my vote again before rollover, depending on the state of the lynch, any new information, or even if I just change my mind.


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“I am hesitant to talk about ostracizing someone so late in the cycle, however, private communications, along with the thread have convinced me other wise. Adolin Kholin I believe your father may have made a mistake in letting you in here. I am happy to change my vote if you provide better reasoning for your actions of course.”

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LG49/AN3: Hour 2.5 - A Public Safety Announcement


Thara held the drink tray close and tried to blend into the wall behind her. The room was silent, too silent. It had only been a few minutes since the King had spoken, trying to mediate the argument that had riled the room. Accusations thrown out right and left, and not just at nobles. A servant had even been accused. Someone like her. What if someone accused Thara of treachery?


She shuddered. And then she saw a fluttering out of the corner of her eye. She glanced to her right, where a piece of paper floated to the floor nearby. Bending (and, remarkably, keeping drinks on the tray), she picked up the paper.


Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen. This is a public safety announcement for all attenders of the "Treaty Party." It appears as though we have had an infestation of chulls in the palace. It is not entirely clear how they got in the palace, but a bunch of chulls and chull larvae are wandering around the palace. Repeat, chulls in the palace. Please do not aggravate or slaughter the chulls as we attempt to remove them carefully from the palace. Thank you for your patience.

Most things you see in here are misdirection, fluff, and red herrings. Or perhaps just regular red chickens, since we’re on Roshar. Or red chulls? Who knows? ;)


She was so confused, she missed Adolin Kholin, that handsome prince, leaving the palace.


Adolin was ostracised.

Hour 2.5 has begun. It will end Thursday, the 14th of September, at 8am BST (1am MDT)


Vote Count
Adolin (6): Torol, Ialai, Aesudan, Liss, Drunk Beggar, Amaram
Aesudan (1): Dalinar
Liss (4): Wit, Adolin, Tearim, Jasnah
Ialai (1): Klade

Player List
1. Gavilar Kholin (Amber Vulture)
2. Dalinar Kholin (Amethyst Scorpion)
3. Torol Sadeas (Azure Mouse)
4. Meridas Amaram (Charcoal Hyena)
5. Restares (Chartreuse Penguin)
6. Tearim (Coral Swan)
7. Navani Kholin (Cream Tuatara)
8. Ialai Sadeas (Emerald Falcon)
9. Jasnah Kholin (Fuchsia Ostrich)
10. Ivory (Indigo Weasel)
11. Elhokar Kholin (Ivory Dragonfly)
12. Aesudan Kholin (Magenta Albatross)
13. Adolin Kholin (Mauve Crocodile)
14. Renarin Kholin (Melon Dingo)
15. Wit (Mint Heron)
16. Liss (Onyx Flamingo)
17. Drunk Beggar (Opal Lion)
18. Ash (Oxblood Beagle)
19. Darkness (Pearl Chameleon)
20. Kelek (Plum Rhinoceros)
21. Eshonai (Quartz Zebra)
22. Venli (Saffron Iguana)
23. Klade (Sage Kangaroo)
24. Thaidakar (Salmon Meerkat)
25. Szeth Sapphire Elephant)

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10 hours ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen. This is a public safety announcement for all attenders of the "Treaty Party." It appears as though we have had an infestation of chulls in the palace. It is not entirely clear how they got in the palace, but a bunch of chulls and chull larvae are wandering around the palace. Repeat, chulls in the palace. Please do not aggravate or slaughter the chulls as we attempt to remove them carefully from the palace. Thank you for your patience.

Sadeas saw a servant pick a piece of paper off the floor and read it. Thinking it might be something important, Sadeas called to the girl.

"You there, let me see that."

Upon reading it, he shook his head and pushed the paper back to her.

"Why do I get the feeling Wit has something to do with this?" Whether there were actually chulls in the palace, or whether Wit was calling them all chulls, he wasn't certain. Though he assumed the latter since he'd been fond of comparing Sadeas himself with the beasts already that evening.

Edited by SE_Torol_Sadeas
Spelling, because my phone's autocorrect is broken.
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Ivory dodged around a chull stomping its way through the feast hall. It seemed somewhat agitated, and had knocked several tables over as it meandered through the building. Ivory wondered what they where doing here. It was unlike humans to invite those they perceived as lesser to an occasion such as this, let alone give their pack-animals leave to enter their palaces.

Is this another one of 'wit's' witticisms? Ivory wondered. Or.. No, these war-mongering nobles didn't bring them here for some sport, right? ...right?

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Renarin, Welcome!  So basically, to summarize:

There was a rumor that Adolin wanted to kill Sadeas, but he was actually trying to kill Dalinar.
Then Adolin tried to redirect the mob onto Aesudan by saying she was trying to kill Klade. (I told him that earlier)
The mob turned on her, so I stepped up and pointed out that I was lying to Adolin (and Wit), when I said that Aesudan tried to kill Klade.

Then it basically became a brawl between who was going to be ostracized, Adolin (for trying to murder people) or me (For lying).

Did I do a decent job summarizing, @SE_Gavilar_Kholin? (Oh, he isn't reading this thread anymore... :) )
This is a VERY  summarized version of events... lol.  (might also be slightly biased towards me... but I don't think so...)

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I rode statefully into the ballroom, riding a mighty chull. "Yeah, and let's forget the whole fact that he was only considering it, and that I was never going to let him do it. And that he helped me out with this!" I waved my hand at the chull I was riding, who bleated. "I have come to the conclusion that these chulls should run the country now. Look at how creative they are, escaping into the palace! Far more creative than the intrigue going on in this court." I heard a more distant bleat, and chuckled to myself. Next time, perhaps chasmfiends? Something more dramatic than chulls. Or perhaps to make the chulls organize themselves. Now that would be fun. If I could teach them a musical number, perhaps Gavilar would be so impressed that he would declare the chulls as the new highprinces. 

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1 hour ago, SE_Liss said:

Renarin, Welcome!  So basically, to summarize:

There was a rumor that Adolin wanted to kill Sadeas, but he was actually trying to kill Dalinar.
Then Adolin tried to redirect the mob onto Aesudan by saying she was trying to kill Klade. (I told him that earlier)
The mob turned on her, so I stepped up and pointed out that I was lying to Adolin (and Wit), when I said that Aesudan tried to kill Klade.

Then it basically became a brawl between who was going to be ostracized, Adolin (for trying to murder people) or me (For lying).

Did I do a decent job summarizing, @SE_Gavilar_Kholin? (Oh, he isn't reading this thread anymore... :) )
This is a VERY  summarized version of events... lol.  (might also be slightly biased towards me... but I don't think so...)

"Excellent summary Liss. It's just correct enough to be misleading."


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"alright then, why don't we have the @SE_Madman  (@SE_Wit) tell us what just happened then?  At least then we will know what not to believe."

I realized this post may seem rather aggressive, I OOC have no ill feelings toward Wit.  In character, I am rather frustrated... (he is doing his job quite well :)

Edited by SE_Liss
OOC: clarification
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