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Long Game 4: Colours of War


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A faint tune seemed to sound from outside that morning. Whether it was the wind whether there was someone out there whistling was hard to discern. Nevertheless the cheery sound seemed oddly familiar.

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He was in the void. Summon wasn't sure how he knew that. He had certainly never been here before but it was the void all the same. For a brief moment he entertained thoughts that he might have been chosen to return. But no, there was no call to go back, just the constant urge to move on. To where, he had no idea. Besides, he'd had a long enough life already. Far more than most could ever hope for.

Summon didn't regret that he'd tried. He was proud of himself for dying in an attempt to make life better for his own people. There were far worse things to die for. He also couldn't seem to find much resentment for the remaining Pahn Kahl. Their agreement had been out of mutual survival, not trust. He felt they made the wrong choice but that was their path to walk.

He took one last look over his shoulder. There wasn't anything more behind him than there was in front but the gesture felt appropriate for his final goodbye to a world that had given him much. With that, he took his first step towards what came next. Whatever that would be.

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"Welcome, Monk." Gammer said as Aodan joined her and Tril in Cuddles. The sword was of course happy, Gammer could almost feel it beaming. The black void started moving and rushing about, tossing Gammer's soul about like a log in a choppy river, she was a soul floating along a stream of souls.
Colours started rushing in out of the darkness, and the inside of Cuddles was soon a warm, soft glow of a myriad of colours.

Gammer could feel Cuddles vibrating with the energy.


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Wil'son sat back. "A strawman, eh?" she said. "Well. It's clearly not worth its colors. You might need to invest a little more breath in it. For one, it reported that I'm male? Makes me wonder about the powers of its observations, since I'm female. And two, it couldn't possibly have reported that I killed Summon last night. All it can know is that I killed. Logic tells you the rest."

She grinned. "And as I told Summon last night, it doesn't matter if I die. I knew this was coming days ago. My goal wasn't to survive, although that would've been nice. My goal was to start a war. And I believe I have." Her grin turned evil, with a spark of an insane glint in her eye. "Your monk is dead. Dead from a Hallandren. You're never going to let that rest, especially not after I'm gone. Your treaty is doomed to fail. So my work? It's done. Idris and Hallandren will rip each other to shreds, while my people watch in wonder. You can't stop it. It's already begun."

She turned, walking up the street to her store. It didn't take her long to pack everything up and pass it over to her two other-worldly Lifeless she kept in the basement. She'd brought the bodies of her old comrades with her when she jumped from Scadrial, and although it had taken her a bit, she'd turned them into Lifeless. She'd promised she would keep their legacy alive. She'd fulfilled on that promise. She watched Gam and Nar (for they wouldn't respond to their old names anymore--too many syllables) leave the town, carrying her note. They would find her old friend, and her note would explain what had happened. He would know what to do. He'd done it once before. She was sure he'd follow through again.

When the two were only specks in the distance, she sat on the steps in front her store, leaned against the doorframe, and closed her eyes, waiting for the day to pass. She'd given it a good run this time. She was ready to accept her fate. Death, if only temporary, would be nice. Let them do what they will. She knew deep down, they would all die to the war eventually. Everyone did.

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"Greetings Aodan.  It seems even a massive hoard of Breath can't stop this sword.  Peng did an excellent job with the Awakening."  He said as the colors rushed in.  "It also seems like we are the perfect trio to get killed.  A Pahn Kahl, a devout Idrian monk, and a Hallendren.  I wonder if the Swordbearer appreciates this?"  Tril attempted a chuckle.  He always had wanted a chance, but the void prevented it from sounding as he had hoped.

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Darn it, Gamma, why did you have to go all Two Faced on us? Introduce a little anarchy, he says. It will be fun, he says. We could've taken out the Idrians, but then you had to go and make us burn down the forest.

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Some men old women just want to watch the world burn....

So if I was the Dark Knight last game... I guess that makes me the Joker this time around.
Edit:Or Two Face. I guess I'll just miss the obvious Batman villain....

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Aili had slept through what might've been the most important night of her life. She couldn't believe it, but it must've been the stress from all that had happened. Aodan was dead? Aili wept as she found out. Justice. Justice will be served." Wilson, You shall pay for this treachery. Death is imminent. You cannot stand against our might or anger." Aili knew she was the most powerful being left in the town. She could use that to help Idris in the upcoming treaty settlement. As a Returned with extra Breath, she was past the Tenth Heightening, almost as powerful as the God King. She had had Wyrm's body made into a Lifeless to protect and she knew the Hallandren's lifeless commands. Idris would be victorious.

Claincy, do a Returned's votes count as double during the negotiations as well?

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Aili had slept through what might've been the most important night of her life. She couldn't believe it, but it must've been the stress from all that had happened. Aodan was dead? Aili wept as she found out. Justice. Justice will be served." Wilson, You shall pay for this treachery. Death is imminent. You cannot stand against our might or anger." Aili knew she was the most powerful being left in the town. She could use that to help Idris in the upcoming treaty settlement. As a Returned with extra Breath, she was past the Tenth Heightening, almost as powerful as the God King. She had had Wyrm's body made into a Lifeless to protect and she knew the Hallandren's lifeless commands. Idris would be victorious.

Claincy, do a Returned's votes count as double during the negotiations as well?

I forgot you had passed the 10th heightening :/ Oh well. If I remember right you got most of your breath during the day anyway.


Returned do not have an advantage in the negotiations. Nor does heightening have any effect.

It's just fairer that way.

When this day ends I will make 2 topics, one for the negotiations that I would ask that dead players don't post in, and one for the wrap-up where I will post links to the Actions, details and PK docs and we can discuss how the game went and the rules etc :)

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Hey guys. Given the forgone conclusion of today's events there is little point waiting through the full day so I will end it earlier than normal. That still won't be for another ~9 hours. Largely just cos I won't have time till then.

(So basically the day will be cut in half).


If anyone has a problem with this just say so :)

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Cuddles is certainly a weird way to go out. :P 


This is my attempt at a half-decent death/end of game post, but I'm writing this after midnight my time, after getting likely far less sleep than I should have for the last little while, so bear with me.


There was a faint sound upon the wind, like a lute being played in the far distance. It was a bittersweet sound, one part melancholy, one part strangely happy. Aodan sighed and rose from his position on the Salmon's roof. Much had been lost in the pursuit of peace, but much had been gained also. He stretched out of habit as he stood, despite no longer having muscles to make the gesture necessary. 


He supposed he really should have stuck around and spoken with Tril and Gammer, but he needed to see how things would work out first. Now at least things had finally been set right. The last traitor was going to die, and negotiations would proceed largely as planned; neither side having a great advantage. He couldn't fault the Hallandrens for trying to balance the scales with his death, but It seemed as though it wouldn't make much difference for them now.


Whatever Wil'son, and the other traitors said about his death's repercussions, to Aodan's eyes it looked like the Idrians and Hallandrens were in a position to reconcile. United by a mutual enemy, they were working together properly for the first time since the Manywar.


Looking over the assembled ambassadors, he smiled contentedly, and faded back into the void, searching for whatever it was that lay beyond. The soft music continued for a moment, and a few of those gathered seemed almost to hear. Then it too faded.


For a time, silence hung heavy over the Salmon, as its patrons waited for the day's end. 


But silence too has its purpose, for without silence, new songs cannot be written.

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Gammer wanted to feel saddened at the loss of her only true friend in the town. Wil'son was the best fabric merchant she had ever known, being one of the few only other people who appreciated colours as much as her. One didn't need to have Breath to see the true beauty of the Iridescent Tones. And Wil'son's allegiance to the Pahn Kahl did entice Gammer's more macabre side.

She was surprised nobody else saw it before her death. Her fascination with the murders and the lynches, her silent vigils in the hangman's square, her relentless recording of the events with the embroidery. She didn't do all of that to figure out a mystery or catch the perpetrators. No. She reveled in the Chaos. So when she was offered to help out the Pahn Kahl... of course she couldn't resist.

But in the void of Cuddles it was getting harder and harder to feel emotions and remember things. She remembered she kept her promise, though.

"I told you all, didn't I, Tril? I told you all I wouldn't reveal your identities. And living out the rest of our days of consciousness in such a magnificent creature as Cuddles isn't so bad, is it?"

At least, that's what Gammer tried to say, but it only came out as a buzz, a ripple in the array of shifting colours that was now the essence of Tril and herself.

"Shhhh. Don't worry. I'll make sure you're comfortable. I'm going to Cuddle you forever and forever...." a voice echoed throughout the void. And faintly, she could hear a follow up question. "Did I do good?".

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Aili stepped out of the Red Salmon and into the empty street. She smiled grimly, Aodan was dead, and she knew who was to blame. There would be justice for him some day, but not today. She knew what she had to do, it was time to finally end this nightmare. She stopped in the middle of the street as the door to the Green Potato opposite opened and Dainard emerged. Seeing Aili standing there he walked across and stood facing her.


There was a stark contrast between the two. Aili was resplendent in her best gown, her features the epitome of beauty and the colours around her shining brightly from her incredible biochromatic aura. Her white gown threw rainbows chasing across her body and the surrounding street in the rays of the rising sun. Dainard was dressed simply in a rough brown tunic and trousers and sturdy leather boots. He carried Cuddles openly now, hanging at his side from the simple leather belt he wore. The two couldn't have been more different, except for the look in their eyes as they faced eachother. Each understood the other perfectly, both would do whatever was best for their own people. They had worked together for a time, they might even have called eachother friend someday. But their people came first, and Dainard had betrayed Aili and Aodan.


As they stood there the few surviving Idrians and Hallendrens came from their houses and rooms and stood with them. Sifa, Cen and Rowan stood behind Aili and Rick, Bart and Jim Bob Dirt stood behind Dainard. With a cough, and an apologetic glance at Dainard, Jim crossed the street to stand behind Aili. They stood there silently as the sun rose in the sky until finally Aili gave a brief nod and together they turned and walked toward Wil'son's store.


Wil'son sat on the front step, waiting for them. She opened her eyes and smiled up at them as they arrived. The mask she had worn concealing her emotions was gone and hatred burned brightly in her eyes. “Haven't killed eachother yet?” she asked, voice dripping contempt.


You have been found guilty of murder and we have come to enact your sentence.” Aili declared, then added out of spite, “You have failed.”


Failed?” Wil'son asked, “No. Swimim, Dyrii, Grim, Thomas, Cog, Sart,” Wil'son rose to her feet as she spoke. “Gammer, Ben, Ver and Aodan. You killed them, not us. We barely had to murder Vard and Fron and you leaped at eachother. We know who the real monsters are here!”


Face red with anger Rick stepped forward and swung his fist into Wil'son's jaw, snapping her head back and knocking her to the ground. He stepped forward and kicked her in the chest. As he raised his foot to kick Wil'son again Aili laid a restraining hand on his shoulder. He shoved her hand away growling “Get off me heathen!” but he lowered his foot and stepped back to the others.


Wil'son lifted her head from the ground and spat a mouthful of blood to the side then chuckled weakly. “So violent, so angry.” She gasped through her cracked ribs, “This peace won't last a year. You have caused your own downfall.” She gestured to the sword at Dainard's waist. “We didn't even need to use Cuddles, we supplied the tool and you leaped at the chance to slaughter each-other.” She gave another laugh that quickly turned into a hacking cough.


Aili glanced at Dainard who stepped forward, drawing Cuddles. He held the smoking sword high, then brought it down. Wil'son smiled as the sword descended and welcomed Cuddle's deadly embrace.


Dainard turned to face the surviving Idirans and Hallandrens, "Time to talk."


Thus ends the main part of game 4. Negotiations will now begin in this thread. Players can now freely discuss the game and reveal any information they wish in the wrap-up thread. (Which will be up shortly.) This thread will be for the negotiations.

This should be interesting.

The negotiations will consist of the surviving players (including Sart) and will have in two phases. In the first phase every surviving player can put forward 1-2 proposals for the future. These proposals shouldn't be too general or ridiculous "All Hallendrens must obey anything an Idrian tells them." would be too far. However, "The use of lifeless will be outlawed." is perfectly acceptable. Anyone can suggest modifications to a proposal but it is up to the person who proposed it to decide if they want to adjust it. I will approve proposals and form a list at the end of the phase.


The second phase will be a voting phase. Each surviving player has 10 votes which they can split between the proposals as they see fit. They could throw all their votes behind a single proposal if they wished. Votes can also be made against proposals, at the end of the phase if a proposal has more votes for it than against it it will become a part of the treaty.


In the case of proposals that directly oppose eachother they will be placed against eachother and players can cast votes for either one (rather than casting votes against one). At the end of the phase whichever proposal has more votes will be passed. If it is a tie neither will be passed.


Once a vote is cast it cannot be retracted.


Any questions?


To be absolutely clear the players involved in the negotiations are:












Jim Bob Dirt


Phase 1 begins and will end at 23:30 AEST / 13:30 GMT on Monday. Make sure you get all proposals in before that time.

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Thanks for playing everyone, I've had a blast running it :D

Congratulations to the Idrians for their victory!


There was some very clever plotting and scheming from all sides.


Props to Aonar's group for successfully identifying so many PK, to nard1993 for a kill streak of 4 PK and to Wilson for being an incredibly sneaky and manipulative PK.


Here are the docs:

Spiritual Realm

Pahn Kahl

Player Details

Player Actions


Final Player List


  1. (The Only Joe) Jeo ~ Local Chef [deceased-Pahn Kahl normal]
  2. (Alvron) Fron ~ Dye Worker [deceased-Idrian normal]
  3. (AonarFaileas) Aodan ~ Scholar [deceased-Idrian Monk]
  4. (SirVarrock) Vard ~ Local Smith [deceased-Hallandren Agent]
  5. (Mailliw73) Aili ~ Minor cook at the Red Salmon [idrian Returned]
  6. (GreyPilgrim) Grim ~ a Guard [deceased-Idrian normal]
  7. (Nepene) Alan ~ Librarian [deceased-Idrian Mercenary]
  8. (Aspren) Asgren ~ Traveling Historian [deceased-Pahn Kahl]
  9. (Dyring) Dyrii ~ The Mad Hatter [deceased-Idrian normal]
  10. (Tulir) Tril ~ A Wanderer [deceased-Pahn Kahl normal]
  11. (Herowannabe) Rowan ~ Silent Hunter [idrian normal]
  12. (Macen) Cen ~ Lore-craftsman [idrian normal]
  13. (Sphinx) Sifa ~ a Brewer [idrian Monk]
  14. (Chid) Chide ~ The Paranoid [inactive-Idrian spy]
  15. (the Gleeman) Thomas ~ Meddling Wanderer [deceased-Idrian normal]


  1. (Gamma Fiend) Gammer ~ Old Woman [deceased-Hallandren normal]
  2. (Bartbug) Bartholomew ~ Chedesh Remnant [Hallandren Awakener]
  3. (Metacognition) Cog ~ Local Craftsman [deceased-Hallandren normal]
  4. (el_warko) Elo ~ Short Bard [deceased-Pahn Kahl Awakener]
  5. (Swimmingly) Swimim ~ Crazy Poet [deceased-Hallandren Awakener]
  6. (Awesomeness Summoned) Summon ~ Messenger [deceased-Hallandren Awakener]
  7. (Wyrmhero) Wyrm ~ Scholar [deceased-Hallendren Returned]
  8. (PorridgeBrick) Rick ~ A Stick [Hallendren Awakener]
  9. (little wilson) Wil’son ~ Fabric Merchant [deceased-Pahn Kahl normal]
  10. (Quiver) Ver ~ Inept World Hopper [deceased-Hallandren normal]
  11. (Edgedancer) Ben ~ Non-denominational Priest guy. [deceased-Hallandren normal]
  12. (a smart guy) Sart ~ an 'Artist' [Not quite dead-Hallandren Awakener]
  13. (Adolin_Dustbringer) Jim Bob Dirt ~ Dirt Salesman [Idrian agent]
  14. (Nard1993) Dainard ~ Stable Boy [Hallendren Lifeless Commander]
  15. (JasonPenguin) Peng ~ a Thief [deceased-Pahn Kahl Awakener]


Feel free to disucss anything about the game and any feedback, suggestions or questions are absolutely welcome. It probably doesn't need saying but please keep everything friendly ;)


Before people point this out: Yes, the monk was overpowered. We discussed this a bit in the dead doc but if you have something to add by all means do so.


Thanks for playing everyone :D You're all awesome. :wub:



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Rowan stepped forward and spoke, startling everyone. The only person who had heard him utter even a single word was dead. He had spoken the words "My Life to yours, My Breath become yours" to Aodan on that first night. He had been the first of many to place his trust in the now dead monk.

"I have a proposal," he said. "The borders of our lands have become overrun with rabbits." It was true, rabbits hopped down the streets in plain sight. They peeked from windows, raided gardens, and crept into their childrens' beds at night. A small group of the fluffy creatures stared balefully at the negotiators, even now, as if they had some reason to be angry at the proceedings.

"I propose we place a bounty on rabbit pelts, to be paid equally by both countries, until such a time as rabbits no longer infest our lands."

Edited by Herowannabe
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Even though I died on Day 4, good game everybody, once again! I am really excited for the next ones, and hope there will be another Nalthis game some time soon! I now know that the lack of thought I put into the game was not helpful to me. You guys are very tricky. I need to step up my game.


And storms, is the Pahn Kahl doc huge.

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