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Long Game 4: Colours of War


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Would the Idrians or Hallandren necessarily want to have an unfair treaty biased to them? I am not sure, that is the issue.


Anyway, that is why I'd prefer for the end game if there were several possible terms of the treaty that the remaining players could vote on, e.g. are lifeless allowed or not, should the two sides go into a pointless and destructive war, should territory be seized. That way we could actually negotiate out a treaty.


Actually, that would be really fun. Claincy, if the Pahn Kahl don't win, can we negotiate a treaty? :)

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Actually, that would be really fun. Claincy, if the Pahn Kahl don't win, can we negotiate a treaty? :)


This sounds fun.

but still with all our awakener powers and lifeless so we can kill each other if we aren't happy with the way negotiations are going

This sounds funner.
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Please no one upvote this or my previous comment. I'm not farming for recognition just making a comment on the strangeness of the rep system sometimes.

It always confuses me when I see a situation like this where Porridge's comment gets up voted but the two original posts he's referencing don't

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Actually that does sound fun, I'll work out a system :) What I said above stays as an example of how things could turn out.

Yay! Let's make this game MORE complex XD


On a seperate note night actions are now closed, writeup in 12 hours.

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Actually that does sound fun, I'll work out a system :) What I said above stays as an example of how things could turn out.

Yay! Let's make this game MORE complex XD

On a seperate note night actions are now closed, writeup in 12 hours.

On the white text: The more complex the better! Let us all confuse ourselves--together!

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Figuring out a treaty would be really fun! Right now, though, we have to kill all the Pahn Kahl first. On that subject, we might as well begin discussing suspicions as all night actions are in, except for the Returned saves. Now, who is next to hang? In all seriousness though I would ask Alan to defend himself. Saying nothing about the game, he's only commented OoC stuff. Does anyone else have any suspicions they want to voice?

Early in the morning, Aili awoke, anxious to discover who could be behind all the killings. Aili heard a scream down on the street below her apartment on the second floor of a building. Dashing out of her room, she wasn't able to find the killer before the screams cut short. She wondered why they stopped screaming, wouldn't the person screaming want to keep screaming until someone came to help? Maybe their throat was dry.

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I'm more used to smaller games. The extremely large size and complexity of this one is somewhat confusing to me and so I am generally unsure of what to say. It's generally tricky reading the posts and not knowing who is who and trying to predict motives when I can't remember who is from which side. If I see someone especially suspicious I could throw in my voice or vote, but I don't really have any major views at the moment.


In character, since there is apparently a scream...


Alan carefully glued the pages of the book in. This would be a valuable gift for his lord. He then heard a scream. He dropped the book to the floor where it exploded, a mess of pages and glue.


These people and their murderous ways. Better to stay apart. 

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A Scream Pierced the Air, and Jeo sat bolt upright in his bed. What had that been? He leaped out of bed and ran to the door of the Building, then stopped and ran back to the Kitchen, where he grabbed two knives meant for cutting open Boars, but would hopefully intimidate a Man. Unless one of the Colourless Lifeless were attacking someone. Jeo ran out into the dawn, but the scream had ended. Where had it come from?

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I'm more used to smaller games. The extremely large size and complexity of this one is somewhat confusing to me and so I am generally unsure of what to say. It's generally tricky reading the posts and not knowing who is who and trying to predict motives when I can't remember who is from which side. 


That's what I've got my Lists for. ;)


It was far too late when Aodan stumbled into his rooms. He thought he might have seen the sun starting to peek over the horizon. Aodan felt like he'd gotten a good start on searching out the Pahn Kahl, but Colours was he tired. Unfortunately, he knew this wouldn't be the first sleepless night before this was all over, and he needed to get some rest before the inevitable round of paranoia-fueled voting that was to come.


Crawling into bed, Aodan fell asleep immediately, not even hearing the commotion outside.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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A treaty? Gammer was amused. Here they were in the middle of the fallout from failed negotiations, being harassed by a group of unknown assailants, and what do they think of? More treaties and negotations! Just like a group of clucking hens, squawking at each other and not even noticing the butcher's cleaver, poised and ready to drop. She sighed to herself. The idea itself was pragmatic... but with this crop of people? She shook her head and just continued ignoring her business, sitting outside of the restaurants, working on her embroidery. The border of hangman's noose's were almost complete and it was almost ready to start working in towards the middle. She just had to wait for sun rise to see how the story would unfold.

OOC: Despite what Gammer thinks, the treaty negotiations at the end of the game is a great idea if there's still enough of us around after the PK are dead. I hope most of us actually survive for that. :D
I just had to maintain Gammer's grumpy RP.

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Elo got up early to start fixing his house.  He got out a hammer, some nails and placed two pieces of wood in a cross.  As he swung down to hit the first nail in but hit his thumb instead.  The scream reverberated around the village.

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I'm more used to smaller games. The extremely large size and complexity of this one is somewhat confusing to me and so I am generally unsure of what to say. It's generally tricky reading the posts and not knowing who is who and trying to predict motives when I can't remember who is from which side


I know exactly what you mean, every time I log on there's a whole heap of new suspicious things going on, still awesome though!

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The night has ended! New thread going up now.


OOC: Despite what Gammer thinks, the treaty negotiations at the end of the game is a great idea if there's still enough of us around after the PK are dead. I hope most of us actually survive for that. :D
I just had to maintain Gammer's grumpy RP.

I hope that a lot of you are dead by then. Not because I want the Pahn Kahl to win, I don't take sides. But I do hope it will be close :)[17s really needs a proper evil grin smiley.]

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Day 3: Lacking Cohesion


Fron wandered through the dark streets puffing quietly on his pipe, satisfied with his night. And, for that matter, the day proceeding it. After work that day he had sought out his contacts and he was almost certain that he now knew who was behind the recent attacks. He even had a lead on where the Princess Vivenna might have gone. To top it all off his night activities had been unexpectedly successful.


As he walked he watched the cobblestones beneath and smiled as he saw them grow imperceptibly brighter as he passed. I'll have to be careful with this he thought, wouldn't want the others finding out. He felt really good, more alive, I should have done this years ago. He thought, idly rubbing his scar. Tomorrow would be a new day, a turning point he was certain.

Someone moved out of the shadows and Fron let out a startled scream. The figure dashed forward and clamped a hand over Fron's mouth. Fron struggled but the figure laid a dagger against his neck and Fron froze at the icy touch. “Give me your breath.” The voice was low and menacing. Fron mutely shook his head. “Say, the, words.” the figure pressed the dagger against Fron's throat, drawing a bead of blood, then released the pressure on the dagger and moved their hand from Fron's mouth.


Seeing no alternative Fron spoke, “My life to yours” he recited, “My breath becomes yours.” His breath flowed forward into the figure who breathed in deeply and smiled. “Thankyou” the figure said, then slashed the dagger across Fron's neck before running off into the night.


Elsewhere in two separate places across the town words were whispered, breath flowed and the bodies of Paxen and Vard climbed unsteadily to their feet.



Fron was a normal Idrian.


Day 3 begins and will end at 22:30 AEST / 12:30 GMT on Monday.


Night PM's will be sent out shortly.

The updated list of Strawman spying results (the original list missed a few and had a couple of problems):

do nothing, recover breath, awaken, command, kill, purchase breath or use a special role ability.


Fron's backstory was looking interesting =(


EDIT: All pm's sent out.

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Dainard was rapidly brought to consciousness by a piercing scream, he leaped up grabbing a knife, scanning the room for a threat, There he stood for a few moments before he became fully aware of his surroundings and realized that the scream meant he was safe, he hadn't died this night, though he felt bad for those who weren't so lucky.


Figuring that there was no chance he would be able to get back to sleep now he went to the pantry to see if he had anymore bread and cheese left, it was going to be another long day and he would need all the strength he could get.

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Long after the early morning light crested the horizon, Summon was still lying in a stupor, watching the clouds as they passed across his field of vision on their journey to distant lands. He had no idea how he'd ended up passed out in this alley but the pounding headache and dry mouth gave him a strong clue. This is why he usually didn't drink when under stress.

His reluctance to move had a little to do with the realization that the moment he raised his body it would feel like a thousand anvils were pressing down on his head. But if he was honest with himself, he new it was really shame that held him in place.

A distant scream had awoken him last night but he was too disoriented to decide if the sound was part of a dream or someone really in trouble. As he tried to piece his surroundings together footsteps had sounded on the cobblestone just around the corner followed by a short scuffle and whispered words. Even in his confused state he realized what was happening but couldn't act. He might not have been able to save the man being attacked but he could at least have seen who the attacker was. Instead, he laid where he was, motionless, too terrified to help someone in need. A man was dead less than a block away and Summon had done nothing to stop it.

He needed to stop wallowing in self pity though. That would do no one any good and would only compound his feeling of cowardice. Summon had vital information that the others needed to know. Not only were the Pahn Kahl killing us, but they were stealing our breaths. Pretty soon the delegation would have to contend with awakened objects and lifeless instead of just nameless assassins.

Summon took some deep breaths, braced himself for the pain, then struggled to his feet. After a few shaky steps, the dizziness started to clear and he turned the corner to find exactly what he'd expected. A body, the man named Fron, lay on his back in the middle of the street with a gruesome gash across is throat and a pool of blood trailing from his body into the nearest gutter. A small crowd had already gathered to gawk at the body but Summon had already seen more than enough dead bodies for his own liking in the last few days.

"Sorry I wasn't braver Fron. I'll do everything I can to avenge you though."

Nobody in the crowd noticed the disheveled figure that stumbled out of the nearby alleyway and made his way towards the Red Salmon.

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Dyrri put on a new, higher then normal hat, decorated with the head of a stuffed owl, known to be clever animals "Barthollowme.... he said last I heard, that he was a drab after making a strawman. My my my, he is trying to seem good and nice is he not, a drab offering breath? Me trust him not" Shifting his hat, he continues "I will think more before I vote, but barthollowme... hmm"

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@Dyring: I was a drab until last night's end. I'll explain.


Start of game/Day 1: I have 3 Breaths, 2nd Awakening.

Night 1: Create a Strawman, spy on Meta.

Day 2: Have no Breaths, because all in strawman.

Night 2: Take back Breaths in Strawman.

Day 3: Have my Breaths back, so I give it to Aonar.


EDIT: And by the way everyone, I say that all of you need to give your Breaths to Aonar. This way no one dies today, but we cripple our enemy and god mode one on our team. What say you?

Edited by bartbug
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EDIT: And by the way everyone, I say that all of you need to give your Breaths to Aonar. This way no one dies today, but we cripple our enemy and god mode one on our team. What say you?


I am curios though as to what is to stop Aonar from being killed tonight though?

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Not sure giving ALL our breaths to Aodan is the best way to go. Sure he's probably the most protected person at the moment but I don't like the idea of putting all our breaths in one basket for the PK to possibly steel. Plus, we have a lot more chance of rooting out the PK with multiple strawmen out searching. Yes, if you have spare breath that you can't do anything with, giving it to Aodan is a good option. If we get him to the 5th heightening that is one more level of protection on him. I wouldn't do that at the expense of the information an extra strawman provides us though.

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All of the mercs should be guarding him. Also, if a Returned sees him about to die, then they should probably save him.


EDIT: Also, if we get him to the 10th Heightening, then any Pahn Kahl who gets his breath will be revealed as a Pahn Kahl. I don't see why we shouldn't do this; the advantages outweigh any of the disadvantages by a serious amount.


And also, strawman are a really bad way of mining for info. Unless you get lucky enough to find the single Pahn Kahl (1 / 5-8 chance), you won't find out who the person is, just what they did last night in a very vague way. 

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I am curios though as to what is to stop Aonar from being killed tonight though?

I would assume that the mercenary is protecting him by this point and a Returned would save him if that isn't the case.

Edit: ninja'd

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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