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Philadelphia WoR Signing Reports


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I don't know if this was posted on here or not but here it goes.


I was at the signing in PA and when me and my friend got up to him I asked him two questions:

(Note I don't have the best of memories but I will recount this as best as possible.)



Q:  Have we seen allomancy on Roshar?


A:  We have seen allomancy used in Roshar. 



Q:  I didn;t get the whole question, but it was regarding the presence of alluminum on planets other than Scadrial.


A:  Alluminum has weird properties on all of the magic systems.  Not the same effects as on allomancy, but some bizarre effects.


Like I said I cant remember the exact answer as, by the time I saw him, it was close to 11:30 pm but I thought this was very interesting.


Edit: I was reading the post by user NutiketAiel when I read the questions I asked so I decided to edit this post with what he had on his since they were the same.

Edited by doomdude1234
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I don't know if this was posted on here or not but here it goes.

I was at the signing in PA and when me and my friend got up to him I asked him two questions:

(Note I don't have the best of memories but I will recount this as best as possible.)


Q: Have we seen allomancy on Roshar?

A: We have seen allomancy used in Roshar.


Q: I didn;t get the whole question, but it was regarding the presence of alluminum on planets other than Scadrial.

A: Alluminum has weird properties on all of the magic systems. Not the same effects as on allomancy, but some bizarre effects.

Like I said I cant remember the exact answer as, by the time I saw him, it was close to 11:30 pm but I thought this was very interesting.

Edit: I was reading the post by user NutiketAiel when I read the questions I asked so I decided to edit this post with what he had on his since they were the same.

So, you're the one who asked the Aluminum question! Nice work, there was some really interesting information there for us to mull over. If you want the exact wording of your questions and answers (mine was paraphrased as well), check out the transcriptions of the audio recording, above. :-)

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(disclaimer: I haven't read through the entire transript)



Q. Well [the Stormfather] controls the highstorms … follow-up question: if he dies, does that affect the spren?

A. Dying, as long as the oaths are not broken, does not affect the spren in a very terrible way. There are effects.

.....What happens if Dalinar breaks his oaths? Highstorms go haywire? :o

......Or nothing, because the Stormfather is basically sentient anyway?

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Speculation. We haven't seen Shai outside of The Emperor's Soul, though Brandon wants to show her off some more. His responses to similar questions make it sound like she will join the Worldhopper Club.

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Speculation. We haven't seen Shai outside of The Emperor's Soul, though Brandon wants to show her off some more. His responses to similar questions make it sound like she will join the Worldhopper Club.

Speaking of speculation, I wonder what kind of changes one would have to forge in themselves to enable entry to the Cognitive Realm...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Woah Woah Woah....The Lopen is AUSTRALIAN in the audio books?! That's crazy! He was very firmly Mexican in my mind...I can't even imagine how to say "gancho" with an Australian accent! Weird.

(Also, all that other stuff! So much info, but the Lopen thing really threw me.)


Just replace "gancho" with "mate" and it starts to fit. I was surprised when I first heard but the idea has grown on me.

(I'm Australian if that matters.)

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Woah Woah Woah....The Lopen is AUSTRALIAN in the audio books?! That's crazy! He was very firmly Mexican in my mind...I can't even imagine how to say "gancho" with an Australian accent! Weird.

(Also, all that other stuff! So much info, but the Lopen thing really threw me.)


Don't worry, Brandon says Herdazians are supposed to have hispanic qualities:


So [my wife] challenged me to put a hispanic culture in my books because I had never done it before and so Lift is an outgrowth of that, so are the Herdazians... The Herdazians are launching off some of the original hispanic concepts.



I'd love to hear "Australian Herdazian", though. *goes searching for audio clips*

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