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@Araris Valerian, that's entirely fair, and I tried to be clear that I wasn't using that as a hard and fast guide. It just took long enough to compile that list that sorting it by quality too was beyond my capabilities. You'll be bumped down on my suspicion list now.

@Assassin in Burgundy, I kinda already knew that I think. You've been someone I've felt others were tunneling on but I didn't actually feel was guilty anyways.

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My, gut feeling about Jondesu is fading, I still don't know why I was getting that feeling in the first place, but meh, whatever. Also, I totally agree with going after inactives! P.S. I don't count.

"what do you mean you gave me alcohol!" Mr. Hoid asked the tavern owner. "I don't drink alcohol!" He yelled again. "Know wonder I've been obsessively going after that poor guy named . . . dang totally forgot his name." Well I'd probably be doing him a favor, the Inquisitors are going to murder everyone anyway.

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In case I die tonight, right now I'm most suspicious of Manukos and Araris, and would trust Rae with my life.

I'm swapping colors for clarity. RP will now be in purple.

For what was now far too many nights in a row, Cassius was awakened by a scream. First it had been a Coinshot attack. Second it had been Rae stabbing herself before viciously attacking him (oh, had he been a Pewterarm...). Now, well, he had no idea.

On went a different nightrobe, and off Cassius went. Although there had only been one scream, Captain Cassius had a way of finding and stopping trouble in the nick of time. Tonight, he found his steps heading out behind the tavern.  He found nothing there but a couple of drunks passed out, but as he turned back he heard the scream again. But something was wrong with the scream.  Something... disturbing.

Cassius slid back into bed.  The screaming was a man, and so Cassius no longer felt any urge to investigate.

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25 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

We can't 100% clear them because at this point, probably all Spiked are Mistborn. They could've rolled copper at some point. While it definitely is a very good indication that they are village, we can't 100% clear them. 

I would say that Wonko is 100% cleared since Arinian revealed his role as well. A coppercloud wouldn't have made him show up as a thug. The others, though, I hadn't really considered that.

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46 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

We can't 100% clear them because at this point, probably all Spiked are Mistborn. They could've rolled copper at some point. While it definitely is a very good indication that they are village, we can't 100% clear them. 

Ahem. This statement works on the assumption that Arinian is stupid. Obviously, he's not. If Arinian had scanned someone and seen them show up as blocked, he would have reported them as blocked, not confirmed villagers. 

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21 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Ahem. This statement works on the assumption that Arinian is stupid. Obviously, he's not. If Arinian had scanned someone and seen them show up as blocked, he would have reported them as blocked, not confirmed villagers. 

Is this how it works? @Metacognition, when you say "If scanned by a seeker, they will show up as nothing," does that mean it'll just say "Regular villager" or "Your attempt was blocked?"

Btw, Arranae, I'm not finding you suspicious due to this. I'm just saying that we can't 100% clear scanned people. Unless, of course, you're correct. 

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Just now, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Is this how it works? @Metacognition, when you say "If scanned by a seeker, they will show up as nothing," does that mean it'll just say "Regular villager" or "Your attempt was blocked?"

Btw, Arranae, I'm not finding you suspicious due to this. I'm just saying that we can't 100% clear scanned people. Unless, of course, you're correct. 

It's just like how it works in the books. So if a Seeker were to try to scan someone with a Coppercloud on, they would get back a " Player was Undetected" type thing. This is not a masking power, that changes a person's role, it just makes them unknowns. 

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2 minutes ago, Metacognition said:

It's just like how it works in the books. So if a Seeker were to try to scan someone with a Coppercloud on, they would get back a " Player was Undetected" type thing. This is not a masking power, that changes a person's role, it just makes them unknowns. 

Ok, thanks. So @Arraenae, you're right. Sorry bout that. 

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Day 8: A Daughter's Gift

Nicki…a voice called out. The sound drifted through the wind, through the dark night, and into the houses of Tyrian Falls. It made its way through the night and into the shop of a deceased metallurgist.

Nicki… The voice continued. ...Nicki…

Nicki heard the sound and looked up from Rin’s desk. Was somebody calling her name? She listened intently for a few moments, but heard nothing.

Nicki… I’m here…

Nicki jerked upright. That was father’s voice! Where had it come from? She jumped to her feet and looked around wildly. Was he free at last?

Outside… Nicki’s father said.

Nicki rushed out the door and into the night. The mist parted around her, as if clearing a path. She ran into it, chasing her father’s voice.

She didn’t know how long she ran for. When she reached an intersection, her father would direct her to go left or right. She couldn’t see where she was going in the mist, but she trusted her father to lead her well. He was talking to her! Somehow, he was talking to her!

Go right, the voice said. You’re almost there...

Nicki turned. The mist ahead was much clearer, so she could recognize where she was. She was somewhere near the graveyard, where she had dug up Pikker’s body. Her father had to be there!

Something clobbered Nicki in the head.

She whirled around and saw someone in a mask wielding a club. She flared pewter and punched her assailant in the face. They staggered back a few steps. Nicki took advantage of her attacker’s distraction to kick them between the legs. They howled in pain and dropped to the ground.

Something scored her ribs. Nicki turned around. Another attacker stood in front of her, holding a knife. She elbowed them in the face, but they held up their arm to block it. Then they swung the knife at Nicki’s head, impossibly fast. The knife sliced through some of her hair.

Something blunt hit Nicki’s side. Then something else slammed into her head.

She shook off the attacks and swept the legs out from under the second attacker. They fell. Nicki dropped onto them to pin them to the ground. She hammer punched the attacker’s head, over and over.

The blows kept on bashing into Nicki. She ignored them and continued punching the person under her. Their attempts to block her grew weaker and weaker, until they finally stopped. Nicki grabbed their knife to slit their throat.

Something heavy hit Nicki in the head again. Nicki whipped around. Her first attacker was up now. She tried to stand up, but was smashed in the head again. The world blurred. Another hit smacked into her arm.

Nicki flared Pewter and tried to tackle the attacker, but she couldn’t get the leverage for it. She was hit over, and over, and over, until she could barely see. She slumped to the ground, blinded by pain.

The last thing Nicki felt was something sharp pushed between her ribs.

A few days later, a package was delivered to on the front doorstep of a modest house in Luthadel. A man opened the door and picked up the package. He was a short, balding man, obviously a servant. His only interesting feature was a gaudy hoop that pierced his left earlobe. It was polished bronze, a rare piece of jewelry for a Noble in Luthadel.

The servant picked up the package and took it inside. He took it to a bedroom, where an Inquisitor sat on a couch. It looked frail, rebuilding its Feruchemical stores.

“Master,” the servant said. “I have a delivery from our friends in Tyrian Falls.” The servant handed over a metal spike to the Inquisitor. It rolled the spike between its fingers and tilted its head towards it, as if inspecting it.

“It’s a gift from your daughter,” the servant said. He smiled. “When should we put it in?”

Ryth’s training just wouldn’t let him not patrol at night; not in these turmoil-ridden times. It was actually a fairly clear night. The mists were lighter than usual, which still meant that they concealed anything past 15 feet on either side.

As he walked, his hand casually resting on the pommel of his sword, he passed by the charred remains of Whistler’s shop. It was the origin of all of this. The stranger dying in the street had warned them, but this was where it had all become real. And now there were multiple other buildings being torched to the ground.


Someone is a bit of a fire bug, he thought with a humorless smirk.


A scraping sound from the direction of the burnt building pulled him suddenly out of his revery and he drew his sword. He took a defensive position and stood as silently as he could.


“Hello?” He called and then, after waiting for a short time without a response, “If someone is there, reveal yourself!”


When he got no response, he slowly let his guard down. After all, it was likely just some ash shifting one of the burnt timbers.


*Thwip! Thwip! Thwip!*


Ryth couldn’t make out what it was that flew towards him, but he could see the trails the small objects carved through the mist. The first hit him in his sword arm shoulder. It ripped through and traveled on, knocking Ryth off balance at the same time. The second tore through his other shoulder. This set him up so he faced the last one head on.

And it tore straight through his chest and through his heart.


Night 8 has ended and Day 8 has begun! You have 48 hours.

Arraenae was attacked! They were a Village Thug!

Silverblade was attacked! They were a Regular Villager!

Good Luck!


Player List


Assassin In Burgundy: Fuzzy- Self Explanatory (Jaist)
Elenion: Cassius- Ladies Man (Casanova)
Seonid: Senn Conrad- Minor Nobleman (Past Lives)
A Joe in the Bush: Jack Tormander- 4th Wall Breaker (Past Lives)
Jondesu: Remart- Just under 300 lbs. He swears! (Glutton, Handicapped [Leg]) Survived!
Manukos: Enias- Cleans things….somewhere (Neat)
I_Am_Stick: Stick- Is a Stick? (Forgetful)
Wyrmhero: Wyl Sharpe- Private Detective (Guardsman)
Nyali: Nyah- Orphan (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents) Spiked Mistborn
Herowannabe: Herwynbe- Terris Steward (Terris Steward)
Arinian: Arinian- Mercenary (Forgetful, Past Lives) Village Seeker
Conquestor: Mr. Hoid- Absentminded Prophet (Joker, Forgetful, Prophetic)
Silverblade5: Ryth- Former Guard (Gollum) Regular Villager
Magestar: Carmichael- High Roller (Narcissist, Compulsive Gambler)
Arraenae: Nicki- Noblewomen Researching Inquisitors (Theorist) Village Thug
Straw: Vomit- Messenger (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents, Gossip) Village Rioter
Doc12: Rin- Metallurgist (Tinker, Neat) Regular Villager
Hemalurgic_Headshot: Joe- Beggar/Former Band Member/Cook? (Useless, Cook) Survived!
Araris Valerian: Aralis- Grumpy Elderly Man (Elderly, Cynic, Bearer of a Large Thwacking Staff)
Droughtbringer: Drought- Blind Man (Handicapped [Blind])
Stink: Various- Split Personality Mistborn (Insanity)
Ecthelion III: No Name- Retired Gentleman (Elderly) Village Soother
Kipper: Kip Pikker- Traveling Bard (Narcissist) Regular Villager
TheMightyLopen: Sothe- Thief (Unlucky) Village Lurcher
Madagascar: Matilda- Mad Cat Lady (Drunk) Village Thug
Dalinar Kholin: Reginald Canuck- Polite Wayne (Kleptomaniac) Spiked Mistborn
Drake Marshall: Felix- Traveller (Survivor Priest, Scholarly) Village Smoker
Bugsy6912: Annix- Terrisman Scholor (Scholor, Terrisman, Hobbyist)
Gamma Fiend: Grumbles- Innkeeper (Insanity)
Little Wilson: Whistler- Shopkeeper (Neat, Compulsive Gambler, Hobbyist) Survived!
Sart: Sart- Trickster (High Imperial)
Orlock Tsubodai: Locke Tekiel- Nobleman (Nobleman)
Wonko the Sane: Abundance Org (Organization)
Elbereth: El- Apprentice Apothecary (Hopeful Orphan, Past Lives)


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Cassius awoke feeling refreshed. He hardly remembered the screaming from the previous night: he'd shoved it out of his mind as soon as he had realized it came from a man. It gave him a lot of surprise but yet little concern, then, when Cassius found Ryth's body laying in the street. Poor guy, but hey, that was one fewer man in the city to watch out for. Then again, someone else had found Nicki's body, so that was one fewer woman, too. There were one fewer of a lot of things, lately: one fewer man, one fewer woman, one fewer of Cassius' robes--in the dark he had brushed up against a pile of ash, but hadn't noticed it until now, and an ashen robe is most definitely not proper. He had burned the robe with the latest batch of incriminating letters.

Right now I suspect Araris most. Manukos' actions have seemed suspicious, but I think that that's because he's still getting into the groove of how these games usually play out. Araris has been giving me a bad feeling in my gut (not related to Aralis' cooking). Last cycle, when his vote was Soothed, he immediately thought that it must have been a vote-coloring error on his part. Why did Araris not suspect manipulation targeting him? Well, maybe he just thought that he was in no danger of being manipped. But it also could have been because he knew that the elims didn't target him--because he is one--and forgot about me.

I know that this evidence is mainly circumstantial, but it's the best that I've got.

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3 hours ago, Elenion said:

Right now I suspect Araris most. Manukos' actions have seemed suspicious, but I think that that's because he's still getting into the groove of how these games usually play out. Araris has been giving me a bad feeling in my gut (not related to Aralis' cooking). Last cycle, when his vote was Soothed, he immediately thought that it must have been a vote-coloring error on his part. Why did Araris not suspect manipulation targeting him? Well, maybe he just thought that he was in no danger of being manipped. But it also could have been because he knew that the elims didn't target him--because he is one--and forgot about me.

I know that this evidence is mainly circumstantial, but it's the best that I've got.

well damnation, i hape that you are correct sinse that would mean that saying that there are still 4 remaining spiked was a mere intimidation tactic 

as i said i am voting for myself enias  for this day atleast 

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Some sort of Spiked Mistborn drew steel...

I have a theory on their strategy. What if the Spiked are targeting Thugs through lynch and such, and eliminating one of their lives, then killing them whenever? With most likely no village lurchers left, we are vulnerable.

So, I don't have a clear suspicion yet, but one of these times I'll do some RP.

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Ok, honestly, I've been kinda suspicious of the way Assassin has been acting for a bit.  With luck, I'll be able to say more about that later.  For now, I'll say his posts have seemed a bit lacking, the tone felt odd, and his votes have seemed, while not necessarily bandwagon-y, like he was pushing odd lynches.  I've felt that way about a few players in this game, but I'm most suspicious of Assassin.  I'd also be willing to lynch HH or Hero.

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Aralis paused when he saw a finger point his way. Why in all this ash covered world would you suspect the fellow that doesn't believe in Koloss (rightly so) of assisting in their invasion? Aralis must have hit the man on the head one too many times. "Hey, Cassius! Yeah, I saw you pointing at me there! What's that you say? I didn't understand why people would soothe me? Well, I'll tell you, when you get old, your emotions settle into place a bit. That's why I'm an old grouch, and why you young fellows have been so volatile since the arrival of that crazy man that started this who nonsense. Anyone that tried soothing me should know that I'm set in my way of thought, and nothing is going to change that. So go point your finger at somebody else, like that Fuzzy fellow."

In all honesty, not coloring my vote is a very legitimate mistake for me to make, since I write my posts first, and then go back and color things. Otherwise, I have to change color to red, and then back to black again. This way, I just have to change it once. So when I looked at the tally, I didn't have enough time to go back to check and just assumed that I'd goofed.

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I woke up late in the day and with a splitting headache. They say that justice never sleeps, but the people responsible for it certainly have to. Sometimes it's tempting to just pull the blanket over your head and turn over, wishing the world would go away and leave you alone. Life's not like that though. Has to be faced at some point, it practically demands it. I didn't intend to go to sleep, and certainly not at my desk, but after my herbal pouch'd run out, I started to turn to another of life's vices to get me through the day instead. Bottle of whiskey smuggled in from the capital. Lord Ruler, I'd barely drunk any and it practically knocked me over. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I had this headache to deal with. Guess loads of things are worse in hindsight. Now the room was starting to spin, like a... like a... I dunno. I can't do metaphors when I'm like this.


I felt myself start to wretch a bit, but kept it down. I swallowed a mug of water, filled from the drain on the roof from when it last rained. It wasn't great; we had a filter system to sift out the ash and muck that got in with it, but it wasn't completely perfect. But it was better than feeling like this. I twisted the knob again and filled the mug again, downing it just as fast. Then I stuck my head under it, hoping I'd wake up a bit. Well, that bit worked. Headache was still there, but at least it was manageable. I put the mug down and closed the valve. I ran my hands across my face to try and remove some of the water, flicking it onto the floor. My shirt was a bit soaked, but it'd dry quick enough.


Two deaths last night. We were quickly running out of time. If this kept up, before long there'd be no-one left to apprehend the murderers. We'd got a couple of them, but it didn't look like it was gonna be over for a while. Not with the number of deaths last night. Could've been someone going vigilante again, but I didn't buy it. Vigilante justice was a good way to disguise murder. Hell, it was murder. Even if the perp was trying to help us, there was no way I was going to let that go unanswered when this was all over with. Assuming I was still around to arrest them. I'd write a note, let my partner know to do it if I wasn't. I wasn't going to let something small like death stop me from getting the guy.


The board was still covered in bits of paper and little bits of string to draw connections. But I disregarded that for now. My main suspect right now was still doing suspicious stuff. No-one'd said much about him, but already he was voting for himself. What sort of person even did that? I was still slightly drunk, and even I could see it wasn't a good idea. It just muddied things. Well, I wasn't going to let Enias do that quietly and go unchallenged. I wanted to know why.

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2 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

Aralis paused when he saw a finger point his way. Why in all this ash covered world would you suspect the fellow that doesn't believe in Koloss (rightly so) of assisting in their invasion? Aralis must have hit the man on the head one too many times. "Hey, Cassius! Yeah, I saw you pointing at me there! What's that you say? I didn't understand why people would soothe me? Well, I'll tell you, when you get old, your emotions settle into place a bit. That's why I'm an old grouch, and why you young fellows have been so volatile since the arrival of that crazy man that started this who nonsense. Anyone that tried soothing me should know that I'm set in my way of thought, and nothing is going to change that. So go point your finger at somebody else, like that Fuzzy fellow."


In all honesty, not coloring my vote is a very legitimate mistake for me to make, since I write my posts first, and then go back and color things. Otherwise, I have to change color to red, and then back to black again. This way, I just have to change it once. So when I looked at the tally, I didn't have enough time to go back to check and just assumed that I'd goofed.

Araris, you've been tunneling on me for quite a while without ever really providing evidence, IIRC. Why?

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Hey @Jondesu I am going to vote for whomever you vote for. I feel really bad for tunneling on you (Unless your evil), so, I vote with you.

"Remart, I am very sorry for trying to kill you in your sleep, so, I have decided that I will help you kill someone!" "So, for today, I am your humble assassin." Mr. Hoid said with a deep bow. "I just hope that you manage to find a "spiked", what they're calling the Inquisitors now day." I will find you Spiked people.

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Joe felt weird. It was a strange feeling, like what you get from eating something strange, then thinking something strange, then smelling something strange, but not noticing it until a few hours later and all at once. Something was different. He tried to remember, and traced the feeling back to the night he died. Then came back.

What was different? The ash was the same, Rat was the same, the village was still insane... was it himself? He patted himself all over, to make sure he was corporeal. He was. He turned to Rat. Rat had not left his shoulder since the day he died, perhaps to protect him. It was easier to talk to him now.

"What is wrong with me?"

Squeak. Squeak, squeak-squeak.

"Have I changed? Should I change my name to Fred or something?"


"Are you sure? How can I be not useless? Was it because I had that vendor?"

Squeak squeak.

"No? I feel empty, like something has left. Can you explain that?"


"So many people are dead. I died too! Wait a moment... does that mean I won't die again?"

Squeak squeak squeak.

"Dang. But there is still hope?"


"That's good. I guess I'll go and do something."


I'm going to continue supporting a frisking of inactives. Drought, my vote's on you.

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5 hours ago, Conquestor said:

Hey @Jondesu I am going to vote for whomever you vote for. I feel really bad for tunneling on you (Unless your evil), so, I vote with you.

"Remart, I am very sorry for trying to kill you in your sleep, so, I have decided that I will help you kill someone!" "So, for today, I am your humble assassin." Mr. Hoid said with a deep bow. "I just hope that you manage to find a "spiked", what they're calling the Inquisitors now day." I will find you Spiked people.

:blink: That's a lot of responsibility! Heh, I appreciate it, though. I've been gone all day, but I'll get a chance tonight or tomorrow morning to catch up and place my vote.

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@Assassin in Burgundy: You're not wrong, I have been kind of tunneling this game, first on Rae, and then on you. I would say that is largely due to the time constraints that I've been dealing with, since once I latch on to something, I can both participate in the lynch and give the village information about myself, without needing to do a lot of in dept analysis. However, I have given substantial reasoning behind the votes that I have placed. It's just that it is somewhat cumulative, so I haven't repeated the earlier things about you that I mentioned or thought about.

For starters, during Day 5 you accused HH and Rae's votes on Wonko of being an eliminator bandwagon. But votes that disagree with yours aren't automatically elim votes. Actually, Rae in particular gave substantially more information than you did in her post. This hearkens to what I mentioned earlier about bandwagons, if we don't have differing opinions, it is way too easy for the eliminators to run away with the discussion.

You follow that up by mentioning a possible conspiracy, which again isn't helpful. In my experience, being an elim is about balancing using your extra info and communication against creating patterns for people to follow. The sort of plan you suggest goes far beyond that, and while Aralis found it somewhat ludicrous, that sort of post can only serve to discredit the seeker, which is an elim thing to do.

That is why I voted for you there at first, I just didn't have the time to say so.

In the night, you suggest that people lurch Arinian, which was pointless and was also followed by Arinian not even getting targeted.

Next day, you join a bandwagon against HH because he joined a bandwagon.

During the night you ask to be scanned, which is once again pointless.

That pretty much sums up everything, and Aralis thinks it's enough to kill over.

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