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Ollivier's counted twice. Once as Ollivier for Wes, and once as Quillion for Shimble. According to my notes, he's only voted for Wes. And Dyring cast a vote for Wes too. Everything else matches, from what I can tell. :)

And yes. You definitely have a longer history of List Making. But it never hurts to have more List Makers. Maybe I'm the apprentice. I'm just an extreme overachiever? Or maybe I just REALLY wanted to impress the first time.

Dang, Wilson, you beat me to the updates too!

What can I say? I'm quick!

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"You know. Shimbles is on the top of my suspecto-list but I still prefer if he does not die without our sleepy mistborn haveing showed up. Peng didnt seem to suspect him, would be a bugger if he turned out to be something important that Peng had proof about.


(personally, I think there is a good chance of him being the tineye if he is not inquisitor)"

Edited by dyring
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Hey, do you guys know when this ends? Besides, if Shimbles is bad, then we can have a coinshot take him down. TBH, though, it probably would still be better for no one to die.

There's still a chance that might happen. Emotional allomancers. It's pretty much a guarantee we've got one using their power right now. I'd bet we have two (maybe more, if there's a duplicate on one or both of them).

Also Aether--Vron's right. I just checked and your vote IS still for no one, rather than Shimble.

And YES! I will totally give up my messenger job in favor of being an apprentice List Maker! The pay was lousy as a messenger anyway.

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It should've ended 50 minutes ago, but will most likely end as soon as Meta shows up. Then he can go though this maze and find who voted for who. I also hoped no one would die, which is why I set Quillion up as target. Killing a NPC would have been a good way to buy more time. Unfortuntly Meta threw a monkey wrench into my plans. Now a deadlock is the best we can hope for.

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Not sure if this is too late but I'm going to retract my vote for Quillion as well. I mainly just did that to create a lock and force some more discussion. I also don't think killing anyone without good reason accomplishes anything and only helps the inquisitor. Therefore, I vote Kill no one.


If I still end up being sent to the axeman at this point, I'm fine with it. Just didn't think it was right to follow Peng blindly when he didn't have any good reason for his choice. we've had some good debates now so I'm satisfied.

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"Yesh Wilson listen to the wizdom of alcohol, for it iz moly. All of you shall have asigned new jobz based on it."


And now the drunken rambling guy turned himself int the job placement, hell I didn´t even intend him to be this ,much of a comic-relief character. Anyway it´s fun.

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Holy cow! I sleep a bit and suddenly there's 2 whole pages to read through! You people are crazy! I have been swayed by the arguments here and retract my vote for no one and vote to kill Shimble.

Oh Meta just posted. Did I make it?

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Apparently our GM decided to take a leaf out of Shiv, Cessie, and Hero's books? Be more like Eddy? I find this amusing. I have a feeling the write-up is going to be even more amusing.

Geez. I can't even begin to guess at how this is going to sway. It really just comes down to the emotional allomancers, I think. And hopefully, it ends with a deadlock. Guess we'll see in a bit.

And where is Peng? Now is not the time to be frolicking in the mists.

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Night 2 (A Noble Cause)

Time stood still.

Well, not really, but it felt that way to most of the members of the Crew. Three people dead within a blink of an eye. Especially after the day before, it seemed like a slap in the face.

Dyring took one look at the wall of his establishment and started kicking people awake.

“Wake up, you fools! Someone has vandalized my establishment!

…..Oh, and three people are dead.”

As everyone stood dumbfounded, Peng stormed into the bar. The fire in his eyes from last night didn’t seem like it had diminished. In fact, it seemed as if he was even more confident, more determined.

“While the rest of you acted like typical nobles and either concerned yourselves in your own matters or ignored everything and partied, I went out searching for our foe.

It’s because of you! Because of your reluctance to help me, that they escaped! I could’ve sworn,” he said with a shake of his head as he thought about Lam’s death.

“No matter, I will hunt them down. With or without the rest of you. I. Will. Hunt. Them. Down!”

He slammed his fist onto the table, punctuating every word, creating an enormous clap. Wes jumped at the sound, his instincts kicking in and he dropped the pencil he was using to doodle on a sheet of paper.

Peng caught the sight out of the corner of his eye, and his fury turned on Wes.

“Him! It’s got to be him! Kill the Pickpocket!”

As Wes cowered in a corner, someone stepped in front of Peng and the coalition forming up behind him. Then another and another stepped in the way. Before long, the Crew was divided into two groups.

“Out of the way,” growled Peng. “You have to trust me, this needs to be done.”

Aonar shared a look with Herwynbe and shook his head. “We won’t just let you kill at your own whims. Get some water and cool your head. We’ll hunt down this Inquisitor, but we won’t do it by just killing randomly. In fact, the one that’s most suspicious right now is Shimble.”

Several people nodded in agreement. Peng threw up his hands and stormed off towards the bar to get a drink.

As the sun set (for the second time?) Aonar and Herwynbe’s group convinced the Crew of Shimbles guilt. Once there was a majority on their side, it didn’t take them long to turn into the same bloodthirsty monsters they accused Peng of being. A simple knife in the back and the minor nobleman was no more.

Afterwards, when they realized that Shimble was far more than just a simple noble, but a Coinshot as well, they were agast. They stared down at the body as if somehow wanting to turn back time. Peng just sat at the bar and raised his glass to them. “Congratulations.”


Night 2 has begun! Considering how late this is, the Night turn will only last 33 hours. That should get us back on schedule. Sorry for making you all wait! I’ll try to make sure it doesn’t happen again!

Shimble was a Coinshot!


Player Votes

Wes - 6 (Gamon, Barty, Ridge, Kukri, Dyring, Quillion, Peng, Lucy)

Shimble - 7 (Vron, Aonar, Herwynbe, Eddy, Maxill, Wilson, Aspren)

Lord Ollivier - 1 (Wes)

Herwynbe - 1 (Roban)

No Kill - 3 (Aether, Seran, Cessie)

No Vote - 6 (Windrunner, Digits, Shimble, Mathieu, Shiv, Grave)


Updated Player List

Edited by Metacognition
Good catch, Wilson. My bad.
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Wow you guys. Just wow. Looks like we have two soothers, two rioters, or one of each in you. And we know for a fact that this was the work of us, not baldface.

Wes needs not explain, okay? Give him full control, NOW. We can't afford anymore missteps like this, especially since we now know that baldface is going to get a coinshot. Well, 50/50, but still.

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Wait. Wilson, without interference, the vote as seven to eight, with the eight for wes. But once the Soothers or Rioters came through, it was seven to six. So if there were two rioters, then they would have changed someone else's vote while deleting their own (basically deleting one vote each from wes). If there were two soothers, then they would've just deleted two votes from wes. Or any combination thereof.

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The Soothers can Soothe 1 person, effectively negating that vote. There are 2 votes missing on Wes. 2 people were Soothed.

Rioters CHANGE a vote from one to something else. Wes voted for no one. However, his vote shows for Lord Ollivier. He was Rioted.

EDIT: The key to figuring out whether Soothing took place is seeing if the votes match up. The key to seeing if Rioting took place is knowing who people actually voted for and if their votes are still accurate. Fortunately, I have a sticky note on my desktop with everyone's votes. So that change stuck out to me.

EDIT 2: Never mind. Rioter didn't manifest. I just realized I had a question mark next to Wes' vote change. I wasn't sure if it would count. And he did initially vote for Ollivier before retracting for no one. So that must've been the official. I am noticing a discrepancy with the no votes/no one votes. Aether voted for no one, and Shimble didn't vote (cuz he retracted his and then didn't cast another). But those two are flipped. But that doesn't make sense for a Rioter.

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Wes didn't get his vote changed in time. The end of the day was 5 minutes before his post. Considering this was so close, I figured I'd give you guys this one. Plus, it's the first time something like this has happened, so now you'll know to look for it. 

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Conclusion 1: Someone voting for Wes is the Rioter.

Conclusion 2: While Peng should have chimed in to at least say that we should really vote for Wes, I think we can all agree that toeing the line would have resulted in our Coinshot not dying.


Conclusion 3: Wes should still die? It seems the Inquisitor might have Soothed to save him.

Edited by Kurkistan
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Crap, that wasn't what I wanted at all. This should have resulted in a deadlock. :( So two people soothed votes for Wes. Why? I can see one honestly suspecting that Shimble was the Inquisitor, but two? 


Peng's still not online. If he had been he could have told someone at least who Shimble was.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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I just realized how ironic it is that I made a post talking about how the only way we could really help the Inquisitor more was by killing a Coinshot or a Seeker, then my vote helped to kill a coinshot.  :mellow: 

Edited by AonarFaileas
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