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Upvotes and Downvotes


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What they don't want us to know is what they're testing.  I suspect it's a complicated psychological experiment that is going to end in Rubix unveiling a mad scientist plot to take over the world.

If it is a psychological experiment, then I must, for the sake of science, disclose that I'm becoming twitchy. :P

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Cross-posted from the Random Stuff thread:

In case you want more information on why we are looking into the reputation system...

Some things occurred which made us wonder how people would react to the whole system going away. So that was part of it. (Consensus, as anticipated, is that you guys really like it. I like it too. But it might go away sometime.)

We are also long past worried that reputation has become extremely devalued, so we are going to be implementing a much smaller cap for both up and downvotes.

In this conversation with the staff, it is also possible in the future that all reputation gets reset. Maybe. Maybe not. It's an idea that is floating around.

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So, I can downvote on this thread, but nothing elsewhere that I can tell? :confused:

How long has it been since y'all disabled upvotes? And did you reenable downvotes later, or am I just crazy?


edit:Aaaand... I can downvote everywhere now. Huh.

eddit2: Also, this'll be fun to explain to all the new people.

Edited by Gargoyle
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You're welcome. ;)

Unfortunately we had the first ultrasound of my unborn child today so it falls into the second most awesome thing to happen to me today but it is nontheless greatly appreciated and I would give you all the upvotes were I not already at quota. (But I suppose that's the point :P)

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Unfortunately we had the first ultrasound of my unborn child today so it falls into the second most awesome thing to happen to me today but it is nontheless greatly appreciated and I would give you all the upvotes were I not already at quota. (But I suppose that's the point :P)


I'll happily take second seat to that. Congratulations.

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Can I make my opinion known? The value of the reputation system does not now nor has it ever lay in the sum total of upvotes a member acquires during his/her time here. The value of the rep system lies in the happiness it gives people to see their individual posts upvoted. If someone posts a joke in the joke thread, upvotes are a sign that they made people laugh--a sign that people who won't necessarily comment saw the post and enjoyed it, indicating that the person's continued presence is desirable. When it comes to RP posts, upvotes are a sign that people's hard work and nearly obsessive writing is appreciated and that they didn't go through the toil of writing a long post for nothing.


This forum is a positive place. People like coming here and being with their friends. People like having a visual reminder each day that people like what they have to say, be it a theory or a joke or a well-written piece of prose. Threads turn green and vibrant, the upvotes like the laughs and smiles of friends making memories at a picnic.


With a low quota, fields of verdant appreciation turn into fields of gray apathy. People try to show their appreciation for posts but find themselves unable to do so. Unless these people spam the boards with a bunch of "LOL" or "This" comments, the person who submitted a joke or theory is left to wonder whether their contribution was valued or just getting in the way. A place of positivity becomes a place of doubt.


If the "value" of reputation points is important enough to risk this, by all means reset the system. I don't care. No one actually cares where they rank on the rep list. Reset it monthly if you wish, daily if you feel the need to. But please, please, don't turn a place of constant joy and support into a place where appreciation has to be carefully rationed throughout a day. Don't turn this green paradise into a somber gray.


Thank you.

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Are you sure you're not Brandon Sanderson? what about Patrick Rothfuss? because that post was rather beautifully written and may or may not have caused me to tear up a little.


I have to agree with Kobold. I liked the way it was. but I also understand the misinterpretation of the upvote system. people do the same things on websites like twitter and facebook, they see the amount of "likes" as a badge of honor, as proof that they are someone in this world. I can see the point of having a quota, but I also think ten is very little and can inhibit and clog the forums because everyone is so busy telling each other how much they "like" a post.


however, I do trust the judgments of the admin. if they think something is wrong enough that they have to go and change the whole system then there must be a very agreeable reason.


thank you.

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