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If you ever read the evil doc, I voted that regardless of if you were lying or not about the Merc, I wanted to keep you alive, Joe, because I related the situation to Kira killing L in the first few chapters, which would have made the manga exceptionally boring. I wanted to see if we could win without having to murder the more dangerous players ourselves.

Edited by Adavantos
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QF10: Wrap Up

Out of Time

Tick tock.
Three lives ended.
Two lies left.

The Wanderer watched Surtile's death. He saw Tommy's death too. The blood sprayed across the wall. 

On the other side of the wall, Locke didn't know who was behind all of this.

But Nifergo did. Once Locke felt to the ground, bleeding out, Nifergo leaned against the wall where Locke'd been standing moments before. He pulled out a pocket watch and checked the time. 

"Good. Everything is on schedule. The bulldozers should be here soon." 

"What do you mean, Nifergo? We can win." Joel said. "Are you...?"

"Yes." Nifergo brushed off the miner's outfit. "I have to say, it was more difficult than Lami had made it out to be. And, of course, Surtile protested anything that I wanted. Nice and tidy, you getting rid of him for me."

"What do you mean?" Swift asked. Ari, Swift's mercenary, walked out of the shadows.

"If you are harassing my client, I'm afraid I will have to-" The Wanderer didn't even let Ari finish. He walked around the wall and shot Ari in the head. 

"Tidy, like you were saying." The Wanderer smirked. 

"Yes. Should we retire for a cup of coffee? Oh, but first we must apprehend these miscreants." Nifergo gestured towards a crowd of people who had gathered around. They all whipped out guns and ropes. They had arrived in town the other day. They'd disguised themselves as more miners, but they were all Corporates.

"Hey!" Joel shouted and attempted to resist. Swift remained still, staring at his loyal mercenary's corpse. 

The Corporates arrested the Miners and put them in jail. If they'd done that earlier. Still, Surtile had insisted. And Lami had wanted to mess with their heads. 

Surtile was probably actually dead.


When they were back at the headquarters, sipping coffee, they saw that the HQ had been spraypainted. 

With a smiley face.

Corporates win! 

Dead Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q91uga5kLkhcTwSFgtxsKvjTFf0WhU-HEZUd18HxjqU/edit
Reporters: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k_ylJCOMkjk76XN4TT94is7T8uINK_3vv5AjRkCOk_4/edit
HeadQuarters: https://docs.google.com/document/d/194PU2wZSlxN4_hLkgqzmsXZQXzYJTyJjq95Jdhf3FgQ/edit# 
Master Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Q9rDNZpgOAyYYIfdxxa9Cx0w-CTS5vfGy2DLhBTD5xM/edit#gid=0

Edited by Alvron
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"What do you mean?" Swift asked. Ari, Swift's mercenary, walked out of the shadows.


"If you are harassing my client, I'm afraid I will have to-" The Wanderer didn't even let Ari finish. He walked around the wall and shot Ari in the head. 

Ari!!!!  Noooooo!!!!

Storm you Wanderer.  I wasn't going to add anyone to my lists but now....


Edit:  Who had the most atium at the end of the game?  I had 11.

Edited by Alvron
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  • 3 weeks later...

It's beyond time this game was locked, IMO. 


Congrats to the Corps! It was a close call. It really came down to the wire and it could've gone either way. It's not often that it comes down to 2v2 for the win after all! 


Now, as always, if anyone would like to try your hand at running a game, please get a hold of GammaWilson or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but I'm sure we'd be more than willing to help out in any way we can as well!


You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about!


Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to seeing you in future games! 

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