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Quick Fix Game 2: Crushthroat's Beginnings

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From the nature of the Quick Fixes being condensed into the one Cycle, the particular Items and Actions in this game, I imagine it will all happen at once.

Also, for double posts you can just edit the previous post you made instead of adding a new one.


Edit: Also, will officially be letting everybody know that I will be sitting this game out, as the impartial-Mod. So if you have any issues or if anything comes up in the game, feel free to contact me with any worries or problems.


Good luck and have a great game, everybody!

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Ratel boarded the pirate galley anchored in the harbour.  Ah, the open sea.  I could do with some sun after being trapped in that outpost in the mountians.


After stashing his sea bag and climbing up to the crows nest, he ran a discerning eye over the rest of the crew that had arrived.

I hereby claim the job of lookout.  The crows nest is all mine :)



(The Only Joe) Jeno

(Mailliw73) Mai

(Jasonpenguin) Jene

(Wyrmhero) Wyrm

(Kasimir) Kai

(Jaelre) Jatae

(Renegade) Riingar

(a smart guy) Saor

(Lightsworn Panda) Jain

(Alvron) Ratel

(Herowannabe) Hreo

(New One) Riitiidiikiiiir

(Theorymaker) Matim

(Luckat) Luka

(Kal Dell) Kai FangShi

(AonarFaileas) Aonar


Without a seeker and no PMs this will mostly be a game of chance until we get our first mutineer.


Edit: Updated list

Edited by Alvron
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Hreo, the unlikely son of a Ffjordel father and an Arelonic mother, was always picked on and bullied growing up. So when he got old enough he decided that he'd show them a thing or two. He ran off to become a pirate and loot and plunder to his hearts content. But, much to Hreo's dismay, nothing has really changed. As a lowly deckhand he spends all his days swabbing decks and enduring the jeers and ridicule of his shipmates.

And yes, by all means, PLEASE feel free to pick on or make fun of poor Hreo. It would be lame coming up with the backstory if nobody helped me follow through with it. And I promise not to take any of it personally. ;)

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Without a seeker and no PMs this will mostly be a game of chance until we get our first mutineer.


I have to disagree. I listened to the complaints people made about the randomness of other games and decided to make my QF something where that randomness no longer plays a factor. The only randomness is in the Gambling and if you're gambling, well then you already know that randomness is a factor! :P


This game is entirely based on the player's ability to find and locate the Mutineers without the help of any roles. You have to rely on your skills at analyzing the actions of others and detecting lies. Which, to me, is the exact opposite of chance.


Is that person trying to manipulate you or are they telling the truth? What information can be gained off of what has happened before? Is that person suspicious because of their actions or did someone lead me to that conclusion?


People seem to have become reliant on the seekers, in my opinion. Honestly, it's more random to wait for a seeker role to give you confirmation than it is to use your skills of deduction. After all, the seeker has a random chance of hitting someone as much as anyone else. The seeker just still gets rewarded (by knowing that someone is good), even if they guess wrong. 


That's why I made sure that the one role that I have multiple of in this game is the Gunner/Thug. This allows for mistakes to be made, but still makes it so that you're still relying on your own skills. 


I don't think that this relies on chance at all, but that's just me. True, it will likely get much easier after you hit your first Mutineer, but that doesn't mean that your ability to find Mutineers is based on chance, in my opinion. :)

Edited by Metacognition
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Hreo, the unlikely son of a Ffjordel father and an Arelonic mother...


I almost went for Hreo myself :P


Also, good to see some crew diversity here. Truly Dreok is a man who embraces equal opportunity employment schemes. With Jain, Hreo and myself, that's a Jindo-blooded, two a Fjordel-blooded, and an Elantrian- and Dula-blooded amongst the crew. We are the most ethnically diverse crew ever, and thus we are a shoe-in for the annual pirate awards!


On the note of the 'randomness' of lynchings, it will be difficult at first. But since everything's done in-thread, it should become a lot easier when we hit our first Mutineer (as it always does, in these games). We will simply need to look carefully at the rest of the crew - I suspect our paranoia will reach new levels here, as any group of people voting the same way will be suspect. On the other hand, the Mutineers can't advise each other or contact each other except through that PM, so we might be able to find a mistake or two to capitalise on.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Wyrmhero, on 28 Jun 2014 - 4:37 PM, said:

I almost went for Hreo myself :P

Also, good to see some crew diversity here. Truly Dreok is a man who embraces equal opportunity employment schemes. With Jain, Hreo and myself, that's a Jindo-blooded, two a Fjordel-blooded, and an Elantrian- and Dula-blooded amongst the crew. We are the most ethnically diverse crew ever, and thus we are a shoe-in for the annual pirate awards!

On the note of the 'randomness' of lynchings, it will be difficult at first. But since everything's done in-thread, it should become a lot easier when we hit our first Mutineer (as it always does, in these games). We will simply need to look carefully at the rest of the crew - I suspect our paranoia levels will reach new levels here, as any group of people voting the same way will be suspect. On the other hand, the Mutineers can't advise each other or contact each other except through that PM, so we might be able to find a mistake or two to capitalise on.

I semi-agree that it might be more luck that gives us our first mutineer, but I have to admit, I kind of like the no-reliance on Seeker-type roles that goes on. It makes the game more fun and challenging, in a sense, because really, there's a lot to do, even without having to wait for a Seeker. We'll definitely have to really be on the ball for this one!

And possibly a second Elantrian-blooded, although it is all lies. Blatant lies. He just won't tell you where he's from :P

And Meta: Thank you! Yes, I was referring to gambled coins. Sorry for my bad phrasing!

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A Smart Guy- I was going to give it a week from when I started this for sign ups, so around Thursday of next week. :( I'll remind you that you only die if you haven't posted for 3 consecutive cycles, but I completely understand. It would be a lot to catch up on. Let me know if that means you won't be playing. We'll miss you, but we'll get the chance to kill you again some other time, I'm sure. ;)


So this is starting July 3rd? While I'm still tempted to sign up, I don't think that's going to work for me. :( I won't be back home until July 6th. Ah well, have fun guys.

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When Riitiidiikiiiir found out that his name meant "Wealthy green woods of justice and strength," he left his parents' orchard for a life a piracy.
I think it's pronounced "rye-ih-tye-ih-dye-ih-kye-ih-eye-ir"


Edit: Am I allowed to join this game while still playing the other game? 

Also, Riitiidiikiiiir is a difficult name, so if you want to refer to me, you can just write any number of consonants with a bunch of "i"s in between.  Fiiiijiiidiiisiiiriiiq? Yep that's me.

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Edit: Am I allowed to join this game while still playing the other game? 


If you feel comfortable playing in multiple games, you're more than willing to sign up for as many as you like. If we had 5 games running at once, you could play in all of them if you think you could keep them all straight! O.o

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Whenever a new topic gets posted in Sanderson Elimination, I get a text. also, First!


How do you get a text? 


  1. Go to your Profile, Go to Edit, go to Notification Options.
  2. Check the Email Box for "Notification method to use for topics in followed Forums."
  3. Follow the Sub-forum "Sanderson Elimination"
  4. Go to your Email, and do the thingine where you declare emails from 17th Shard Important (Hit the Star)
  5. Change your settings to have Gmail text you whenever you get an Important Email.

Of course, I can't check 17th Shard on my phone, so I just know when a Game starts. I don't always get to sign up first.

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Oh. Interesting. I just get emails. I follow too many topics to get texts for them. :P

Hero(wannabe, that is), you're back in a game again!

(No offense, Wyrmhero, but you're in lots of games, so it's not surprising.)

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EVERYTHING WILL BE DONE IN THREAD*. This includes the Mutineers. They do not get a Doc to conspire in. The Mutineers group kill will be passed around each cycle. The Mutineers that are not making the kill will be allowed to send one PM to the person making the kill (I need to be included in those PMs), so they had better make them count! They don't even get to see the PMs being sent to the person making the kill from their other members. 


The kill goes around in a cycle.

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So here's the list I have so far: 


  • The Only Joe- Jeno (No Description)
  • Mailliw73- Mai (No Description)
  • JasonPenguin- Jene (No Description)
  • Wyrmhero- Wyrm (Definitely not a Fjordan)
  • Kasimir- Kai (Maybe Wyrm's half brother... perhaps)
  • Jaelre- Jatae (No Description)
  • Renegade- Riingar (Former Captain)
  • Lightsworn Panda- Jain (Jindonese Sailor)
  • Alvron- Ratel (Gold Miner turned Pirate)
  • Herowannabe- Hreo (Runaway)
  • New One- Riitiidiikiir (Wealthy Runaway)


I have absolutely no problems running with this count, but if anyone else wants in, there's only a day or so more to sign up! 


That said, if people would like me to start after the 4th and (this is the deciding factor) it would allow a few more people to sign up, I will extend it until after, but only for the following day (the 5th) and sign ups will end once I get online and can post the first write up. So there would be no defined time to get in. 

I leave it up to you, the players, to decide. While I run this game, it's you who write the story. I just scribe it down for the records.  

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If you guys are delaying the game I'll join. (I won't be able to post until either Sunday or Monday which would have killed me by starting on the 4th).


Anyways my character's name is Matim and he is the ship's doctor. He joined the ship because he's running from the Fjorden government, and therefore doesn't trust any Fjorden people, so sorry Hreo and Wyrm.

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Oh, right, a description. Um, I'm a formor bargeman from Arelon, accidently killed a man while drunk, followed the river to the sea, and joined the crew to escape from the, Cops? What are they called in Elantris? I can only hink of the Legion and the Guards at the palace.


Also, we should delay a while. With only 12 people, the game could easily end in 2/3 days, depending on the number of Muntineers.

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If the game’s not starting until the 5th, then I’ll join. It’s not very likely that I’ll be on again until Sunday or Monday. It would be too hard to catch up with the original start date even if I managed to not get kicked out due to inactivity, but if it’s pushed back to the 5th, then there probably won’t be too much to catch up on once I have time.

Luka left Duladel in hopes of a grand adventure, after years of being not quite content with how little anyone else around her wanted to do beyond farming. Sure, raising plants was important and all, but it wasn’t what anyone would consider exciting. Kolo?

Adventures turned out to be not quite what Luka had bargained for. She enjoyed them well enough, but she rarely got got far in doing one thing before deciding that maybe something else would be more fun. A long series of trying new things eventually landed her as a member of the crew of AonTeo. The life of a pirate seemed a great adventure, and hopefully it would be an easy way to get some gold. All of her adventuring hadn’t exactly been kind to her pockets. Kolo?

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I'll join, if it's still open.

I am Kal FangShi (Fang for short), a young man seeking adventure from the sub-state of MaiPon. No. I'm not Jindoeese. *grumble grumble grumble* There's a difference.

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Aonar is a recent graduate of the Svordish University, and he really has no idea why he's on a pirate ship.


All he knows is that on the night of his graduation, he imbibed rather a bit too much wine in a dockside tavern. The next morning, Aonar found himself sleeping in a hammock on a pirate vessel bound for Teod, with a blinding headache, no memory of how he got there, and no possessions save his rapier and a few books. As he understands it, the events in between somehow involved a woman, a Derethi Priest, two dogs, a stuffed swordfish, and an impromptu, drunken fencing match. 


After hearing a rough description of the misadventure from one of the crew members, he decided that some things were most definitely not worth remembering, and that he would never consume that much alcohol again.


Whatever had happened, Aonar now seemed to be a part of Dreok's crew, so he figured he may as well make the best of it.



One way or another, the current game is going to be over soon, so why not? 

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