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A Joe in the Bush

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Everything posted by A Joe in the Bush

  1. In Alloy of Law, Northern Scadrial didn't have what we would call an Army. They Had Police, and some Militia to fight off Koloss, but other than That, no Warriors. So in Order for World War to happen, Either Northern Scadrial (NS) has to see Southern Scadrial (SS) and decide to Conquer them (Though they seem more peaceful) Or they would have to be attacked by large numbers of Koloss, till they make an Army to Exterminate them. Moash is a Bridgeman! (Previous Post by Moash)
  2. Well, when you sooth or Riot someone, you're Convincing their Spiritweb to change it Subtle ways. You're kind of investing in them. When you burn Aluminum, the Investiture in Metals disappear, I think this might include the Investiture that others have invested in you.
  3. Jeo bustled around the Lunch Crowd, asking how meals were, learning names and Faces. There were so many new people. he really hoped that there was a peace. If there was, More people would be coming through town, eating at his Restaurant. He could make a Fortune! Chid, what's your Job, I just have you down as a Person?
  4. You have to Remember, Elantris took place before Mistborn, By the Time of Mistborn: FTL, Elantris will be in Star trek Eras, without Light speed. So they wouldn't be that much of a Push over.
  5. If someone were to use powerful soothing and or Rioting to take control of an Inquisitor, but the Inqusitor burned Aluminum, would that Aluminum cancel out the Riot/Sooth? Let's Ignore the whole, If heruns out of Metals, he goes blind, he dies, ect. EDIT: Above sentance made no sense.
  6. Don't Worry, I'm sure I'm not addict- Wait, I'f I'm addicted, That means I'm a Sanderson Savant!!!
  7. 142 of my 186 Posts are in Sanderson Elimination. 76.344% 9 of my 10 PM Conversations are about this game. My rep was at 30 Before the Third game. I play this game too much.
  8. So how many people survived the Carnage? We should let the Survivors Worldhop to the Next game, keeping their abilities, plus gaining new Roles. Mostly Ghostly
  9. @Meta, On the Purchasing Breaths Bit, You say you want to, Clan roles a D6, if you have 1 breath, You automaticcly get a Breath, because the Die has to be equal to or higher than your breaths, so if you have 6 breaths, you have to roll a 6 to get a breath. That way, people of the 7th hightening and Higher can't buy Breaths. EDIT: I'm assuming Hero acidently hit post befor finishing his Post.
  10. Maw, I Said that the White text was Encoded. You have to find the White text, than decode it. And as soon As I think someone has broken the Code, I'll receive a letter giving me a New code to use. Also, If we could start somewhere between 1:00 am and 11:00 pm GMT than i'll be happy.
  11. HA! I finished WoR, Now i'm going to go read all the Spoilers. And Delightful, I took your Advice.
  12. I said I'm pretty Sure I made that up, But it just makes sense to me. The one place where the Tears Grow, is where the First returned, Happened? Returned? It's where Awakening was discovered, it's where the 5 scholars studied, It just makes sense in my Delusional mind. Though I do get your point Argent
  13. Is this list in Order? I mean, is Logan doing game 5, and So on? And does the GM have to do a Game he's made, or can he use someone else's Game? EDIT: Sorry for the Double Post, I wanted this post to read as Unread.
  14. The big cauldron of Soup hissed as it heated, being stirred constantly by Jeo. This soup will be perfect for Tonight's Dinner. Maybe with some bread? Dinner tonight was going to be a Lovely thing, There were so many New people! "Message for you Sir" Jeo roared in anger at being interupted. Some might say it was a Shriek of unmanly fear, but they weren't there to hear it. So it was a Roar. Summon stood in the door way of the Kitchen, holding a blue Envelope, and grinning at the reaction he had caused. "It's from a Local Brewery sir, you're cook said you needed drinks?" "Ah, yes. Thank you, did she pay you already?"Jeo took the Letter, still recovering from his fea- Anger. "Yes sir, now I have to go sir, needed elsewhere." Summon turned and Strode out the Door. Jeo called after him, "Summon, don't forget to buy a Meal!" Then He open up the envelope. inside was a letter from Sipha. To Jeo, chef at the Red Salmon My master received your offer. for the Liquor, and Will start sending Packages of the Stuff soon, please Xnt bam It went on and on about proper care of the Drinks, and Payment protocol before ending. Thank you for your Purchase Qrtsq lc ~Sipha, Apprentice at the Local Brewery. Hmm... It had been a while since he'd gotten an encoded message, He had better start decoding. Right after he dealt with his Soup.
  15. Hi! Welcome to the 17th Shard. I Notice you're also into Roleplaying, as that's your other Post.
  16. Where do you want to go on your Mission? My brother is in Mexico.
  17. What happens if you Drink some of the Shardpool? Would you gain Breaths? And the Tears of Edgli Enhance Breaths I think. I'm Pretty Sure that I made that up, but it makes sense to me. In Hallandren, where the Tears Grow Awakeners Flourish, the tears act as amplifiers.
  18. Good Catch, The only thing I can think of Off hand is that there wasn't a Spirtual Part in the Cosmere untill Aldonasium Shattered. That would explain why Hoid is Spiritually Blind. So he wouldn't be able to use Connection Surges or Feruchemy Powers.
  19. Dang, I've been reading the Trust Doc, and Chidden was really out for me. Also, Chid, You're Mormon? That makes an Absurd amount of Sense! So am I.
  20. WooOooh It's Hard to see me, Because Kelsier doesn't want me here. And Don't tell Gamma I'm here. WooWooh!
  21. "Well Aili, Can you find Summon and ask him to Send a messeage to the Nearest Brewery. I can't figure out where people are getting Alcohol from, So I'm just going to Sell it. But if People get Drunk, I'll just throw them in (Do we have a Harbor in Town?) the Harbor. Or the Sewer. And Apparently the Green Potato has an Inn, so you can all sleep there. Grim, How much are you Payed? Seeing as no one knows who runs the Potato, I'll Hire you." What's the Name of the Town? and When do we Start? I died in Game 3, so that's Over. Though there is one other person signing up.
  22. @Peng, Sorry for Ending it for you, But I wanted to Post my Write up. Cool ending Though. I just Realized that Gamma's Name was Gamut, Not Gamma.
  23. Just to be Clear, Mr. Smart Guy, Are you Signing up for the Game? Jeo waded through the Sea of wadded up Paper to Sart's Table. "Ah my good Artist, you don't have to be a good Artist in this town, If you can afford this much Paper, Surely you can afford to Commission a Painting from a Professional Yes? And Why are you painting any way? A gift to one of the Returned in T'Telir? Anyway, Do you want something to Eat or Drink while you Practice? So I just Realized, RP Wise, there's no where for all the Visitors to Sleep, there's two Restaurants, but no Inn's or Hotels. If anyone else signs up, could you be a Motel Owner or Something? And When does the Game Start?
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