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A Joe in the Bush

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Everything posted by A Joe in the Bush

  1. Exactly, they aren't worshipped in Idris, and Giving Breath is Profane. Viveena mentions Idrian returned olny last aweek before consuming their Divine breath. And thanks for Staying on. "Well if you're willing to Stay on, I'll be glad to let you. Take how ever much Time off as you need. I Kept the Kitchen running for a year before you showed up."
  2. When you read this, than start changing your Monopoly School Project to Cosmere Monopoly. (Yes I am Actually doing this.) EDIT: THough I switched, and am now using Photoshop.
  3. As Everyone stared in shock at Aili, crazy old Aili, Jeo was the most surprised. Her? a Returned? A Pagan god had been working under him? That, that wasn't blasphemy was it? Hopefully if it is, Austre will forgive him. But why would she reveal herself now? And would Jeo need to find a new Assistant? But who could repleace dear old Aili? Maybe Chide? He didn't even do anything except be paranoid. Lore-Wise, the Iradecent Tones are supposed to name you if you want to become a god. And since you returned in Idris, you wouldn't have been able to survive.
  4. It's a good Idea Maw, And as for the Thief, He has to guess what level of Item. As in, attack 1, defemse 1, misc 2. This seems a lot like my game. . .
  5. I think he did it to Demonstrate his Power. Can you Imagine Vin Duralumin Pushing in Newcage? Allomancy Nuke!
  6. When you're disappointed by being sick because it doesn't give you magic powers.
  7. Not Emotional Stability, Mind Control Blockage. Inquisitors, and people with spikes could still soothed and Rioted, because they're just one human. A Koloss is 5 humans, and a Kandra is a Mistwraith, so they can't be soothed for some reason. And I beleive Lerasium can be used in Hemalurgy, because Atium can be used in Allomancy.
  8. I'd just like to point out that a vote for both Chid and Dyrri were blocked by either Ropes or drabness. And ****** told me that he would ask Aspren and ******** to change their vote to Dyrri. Aodan, Do you know who I'm talking about? I Mean, I assumed that ******* was working for you. Was he playing us all? Edit: This was Ooc, so changed to blue
  9. I Lived! Oh Goodness that was tense. Thank you everyone one who Helped me. And Yeah, We Should lengthen the day.
  10. Jeo Reeled back from Alan's Slap. he listened in Horror at what Alan was saying. Him? Stirring people up? He had devoted His Lief to this Town, he hadleft Idris to Live here to Foster good relations with the Hallandren. He was trying to save his own Life now! Of Course he was Desprate. 7 people wanted him Dead! Jeo picked himself up off the ground and looked Alan in the Eye. "You have a good Slap Sir. I'll not Argue with you, You're doing what you Think is best for the town, Well So am I. And how were my 'Rantings' Insane? I Just want to Survive, and with the blessings of the Survivor, I Will Sir!" With that, Jeo strode back into his Restaunt. He had done what he could, and the dinner Crowd was in, and there was food that needed cooking.
  11. I Never saidSlytherin was Evil, Just that Hero's don't come from it.
  12. "I Can't stand it, I Don't want to die, But How can I possibly Justify Killing someone else to Protect my self? Chid, I Doubt your Evil, so I won't vote for you, But Dyrri, You're voting for people based on what Harry's Hat tells You? The thing tried to put a Hero in Slytherin for Dobby's Sake! How smart can it be?"
  13. @ Mawiliw Dyrri isn't likely to get enough votes to die anyway, but If you Vote Chid, there will be a deadlock, and we'll both live! If that happens I'll make you a Full partner and Co-Owner of the Red Salmon. Come on Guys, Aodan himself doens't think I'm a Pahn Kahl!
  14. "Yes, If I'm allowed, My Ghost will aid you in any way it can."
  15. This is the second time that People Have just voted for whoever Voted first. Yesterday Bart nearly went to the Gallows because he voted first. The Only Suspicions against me are that I'm too focused on Killing Hallandrens, But as I've said, Losing Breath is better than losing the Merc! We Don't even have to Kill Chid if you don't want, We can force a deadlock, but Please don't kill me! "Aili, If I do go to the Gallows, don't let anyone who voted for me eat at the Red Salmon for a Cylce." If you guys can use Children and Puppies to prove your Innocence, I can Blackmail people with Delicious Food.
  16. Because Hemalurgy is of Ruin, All hemalurgic creatures posses the Flaw, which lets strong Emotional Alomancers take control of them. We Also know that Lerasium is pure Preservation, but can be used in Hemalurgy. But because Lerasium is of Preservation, I think it would block Ruins Control. So I think a Lerasium Hemalurgic Spike would steal Spiritual Platelets, (The things that heal cuts in the Skin) which Fix up the Flaw around other spikes, making them Immune to the Flaw, though they might be suseptible to Emotional Allomancy now. Thoughts?
  17. Jeo Walked out of his Kitchen after finishing up with tonight's Dinner. "Everyone, I Know I seem Suspicious for voting for a Hallandren, But it just makes more sense. If My Vote did get Ver Lynched, he could have given his breath to someone he trusted first. But If my Vote had gotten a Spy Lynched, he wouldn't be able to help us. So I Decided that It would be Better to Vote for a Hallandren. And Ben, I'm not taking Sides, I just want to Get rid of the Pahn Kahl before they kill us all. And besides, if we kill a Pahn Kahl who's Impersonationg a Hallandren, then the Pahn Kahl lose breath. And to allof those whoVoted for someone other than me, You all get free Drinks if I survive the Day! And Just in Case I do Die, I'm Naming Aili as my Sole Heir. My Restraunt and all My Possesions shall go to her. Also, Wil'Son, I Voted for Ben on day one because we needed at least some Information, I'm glad he's still alive, we got Information without death. And Until you Retract your Vote for me, You're not Eating at my Restraunt."
  18. Look, I chosse to accuse an Inactive hallandren, because yes, we could lose breaths, but we wouldn't lose the Merc or Spy. We can get new breath, we can't ge new spies and Mercs. But I'll retract my vote for Ver (Quiver). But unless Aodan says he'll protect the spy/Merc if we start to vote for them, I wn't vote for an Idrian. I'd be doing the Same thing if I was Hallandren. WyrmHero is right I suppose. So I'll vote Chid to save my Skin.
  19. I think we should vote today, we need to keep trying to kill Pahn Kahl. But I don't have many Suspicions at this point. I think we really should aim for Hallandrens more than Idrians, simply so we don't accidently kill the Spy or Merc (Though Aodan should defend them if he knows who they are) But on the Hallandren side, Only Gamma and Bart are even Kind of Suspicious. So I Think we should Vote, But since I have no Suspicions, I'm going to start off by voting for an Inactive: Quiver (Ver) You haven't posted at all. OhCrapOhCrapOhCrapOhCrapOhCrapOhCrapOhCrapOhCrap Pleasedon'tkillme
  20. I agree with WyrmHero, even though I'm still drab. I didn't win the Lottery. @Clan Now that Bart gave his Breath to Aodan, Is he allowed to Retract that later to vote? Or is he locked in for the day?
  21. Kurk is at 1120. Still a waffle cook.
  22. Wow. Thank you Peter. The Illustrations are awesome. Also, I found several Interviews from back when you were one of us. A confused wonderfilled Fan. But then you Got power and used it to Troll your old Comrades.
  23. A Scream Pierced the Air, and Jeo sat bolt upright in his bed. What had that been? He leaped out of bed and ran to the door of the Building, then stopped and ran back to the Kitchen, where he grabbed two knives meant for cutting open Boars, but would hopefully intimidate a Man. Unless one of the Colourless Lifeless were attacking someone. Jeo ran out into the dawn, but the scream had ended. Where had it come from?
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