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A Joe in the Bush

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Everything posted by A Joe in the Bush

  1. Jeo looked down at the Boar Carcass and Sighed. How was he supposed to move this? How did Rowan even Carry it? "Fron, if you help me carry this to the Kitchen, you can Have that meal for Free." Fron grinned and Jumped up, Grabbing one end of the Carcass, and Together they Carried it to Aili, who looked on their Struggles with Amusement. She liked to watch Joe being Weak. But he only pretended to be Weak, He had 7 pewter Spikes. "Where does he get all these Boars From? I don't think they live in Jungles." Joe dropped the Boar with a Groan, "I don't care where he gets them from, They're good eating, and he 's very dependable in Providing them. Though I need toask him not to leave them on the Floor, Now I have to go clean up Blood spills. Oh, Fron's Meals are free today."
  2. UnOfficial Write Up Joe sat at his table, Swirling his Soda. His attack on Dane hadn’t worked, He’d been sure he was the Coinshot, but it was Meta Apparently. He looked around the Room, there was still significant Suspicion on Mabi, and he could probably get her Lynched, thus removing that Problem. Though Gamma would also have to be dealt with soon. Where is he anyway? There he was, talking to Lents? What did he want with the Psychopath? Did he Suspect him? Maybe, Lents was Suspicious, Somehow being Here by Proxy when his body wasn’t here, but somewhere else. Gamma Stood up, shaking hands with Lents, then Strode over to the Corner Table where Joe Sat. “Mind if I sit down?” Gamma didn’t seem to be at ease today. he seemed Angry, but Resolute. “Sure, Do you want a Drink? I’, sure I could get one of the others to be Helpful enough to bring one over.” Joe was very good at Soothing, too good. “No, I’m here on Buisness.” Gamma looked down at the table Bitterly. “Well, crap. Seeking results are in. I didn't expect that one. Good Job, Joe. I really didn't suspect you at all.” Joe froze, “Why did they Seek me? They Trusted me, Now what, I can’t kill him in plain Sight!” Suddenly, Joe realized that he was talking out Loud. He stared at Gamma, who was staring back in Surprise. “Wait, you are Spiked? The Plan worked? Huh, we never even suspected you, but you hadn’t been seeked. Well, Sorry Joe, but it hast to be this way.” Gamma stood up, and strode to the Center of the room. “Everyone! Listen Up! With unsuccessful results from last nights actions, we were left with only Joe, Mabi, and Lents as possible suspects. So, I talked to all three of you letting you know we successfully Seeked you as the Spiked last night. This was a lie. But we knew at least one of you would either straight up confess, or make it easier to determine who it was. Thank you, Joe, for confessing. You did have most of us convinced in the Trust you were clean, so good job on that. I apologize for all the innocents that were taken out by the Trusts actions, but Coinshooting suspects was another way we had to 'verify' peoples roles... just in a more permanent way. Your sacrifices were not in vain, and with everyone's help we were able to finally Find the Last Spiked.” The Room silenced, then Everyone turned to Joe, who sat Scowling in the Corner. Then Chidden stood up. “Joe, I never suspected you to be the Last Spiked, But I am a Hero! I’m the Seeker of Blackwater, and I vote Gamma for Mayor!” The Crowd cheered this last bit, and Gamma stood up again. “I, Gamma, first of my name, Ironborn Lurcher and Mayor Candidate of the Village of Blackwater, do sentence Joe the Soother to be keelhauled until death, as is the only punishment for a traitor so heinous." Joe rose to his feet among the Throng. “Chidden, you little Runt, We knew you were a Seeker from Day one. Why did you think I made yo my Apprentice? If you hadn’t had your Friends to help you, I would have killed you after Dyrii died. And Now, I’m going to Kill you all.” With that, Joe Flared Brass, letting loose a massive sooth, targeting the whole area. The cheers stopped in their throats; No emotion meant no motivation to do anything, including protecting yourself. “You thought you could kill me?” He Ripped open his Shirt, revealing not one, but four Spikes. “I was born a Soother, and was given the power of four more. I can Sooth greater the the Lord Ruler himself! I can make it so no one in this room does anything. I have you in my Mercy, but I have none.” Joe walked slowly towards the Men. “So now what? Oh wait, no emotion means no Talking. I Think I’ll start with Gamma first, once the Lurcher’s unable to Interfere, I’ll finish off my Apprentice.” Joe pulled an Obsidian Dagger from his Boot, and Thrust it into Gamma’s Throat. “I should have done this Days ago. “ Joe’s Eyes burned with Rage and Madness. A pewter mug flew across the Room, Directly into Joe’s Throat. “Gah! Wha-” He fell to his knees, unable to breath or Talk. Meta Walked out of the Crowd, and knelt next to Gamma’s Corpse. ”I’m sorry old Friend. Now Joe, you might be wondering How I escaped your Soothing, It’s Simple! I’ve been wearing an Aluminum Hat to keep Bad Ideas from entering My Brain! And getting killed by you Was a Bad Idea.” Joe glared at him, but then fell backwards, dead from lack of Air. Chidden stared at the Corpses in Shock, now that the soothing had Worn off. “But, what do we do now? Gamma’s Dead, and so is most of everybody Else.” Meta shook his head “We Mourn for the Dead, and Celebrate the Living. Come on, this Inn hast to have some drinks left somewhere.” The village murmured in agreement and carried the Bodies to the Grave yard. Baldrick sat in the Middle of the Now empty Inn, staring Morosely at the Door, while two Ghosts argued above Him. “Da’ it Joe! I told ye te Sooth tha dog of ahl emo'shuns bu' ret'urn'in' 'ome. He know's tha way.” “And I told you, I didn’t know where his Home was, and He won’t Stop following me!” ======================================================================= Gamma Fiend was the Village Lurcher! The Only Joe was the Spiked Soother! Congratulations on the Win Village! Joe was the Last Spiked! And Here’s Joe Coinshot Death Scene: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EbWTMj6RaO7as3EAXUX7iceAgQc2hQrNSzXACercg4o/edit?usp=drive_web EDIT: Wait what? I let Gamma read it, and He Posts it While I'm reading an Email? And I changed it To meta, not Mabi.
  3. We never attacked Raubber, And we didn't attack Gamma because we believed the Fake 2nd Lurcher would Protect him. EDIT: YOu guys thought we were so good, killing a seeker and A Mistborn. We were just killing Experianced players.
  4. I noticed Maw's Sig early Last night. What happened was that we decided to Kill Dane, then Saw Maw's Sig, and knew we had to kill him to end your plotting, so we switched to Maw, but Peng didn't realise. And Chidden, all those Lurched spike attacks? We were attacking you, desprately Attempting to kill the Last seeker. I'd like to Formally apologizer to all the People I've decieved. Peng, Withyour Ok, I'd like to Edit my Death scene, and Post it as the Write up for the Day, Since I'm obvoiusly Going to die. by the Way, I'm the one who stabbed Cyrus in the Chest. Wark, Baldrick won't stop following me, you're going to have to guide him to your Daughter's House as a Ghost. Brother, I leave the Rest in your Bloody Hands.
  5. Hm... So there's one high storm, and one Everstorm. Was anything about the weeping mentioned after the Final battle happened? If it Ended, then my theory is still Correct, the Stormfather accelerated the storm by Manually gathering in the Weeping and sending it off. If the weeping is still happening, then were does the single high storm go for 4 weeks straight? Thanks for the Feedback.
  6. Wark, what? Sooth him, then return him home? is that what you said?
  7. Wait, you Tricked me! Gosh Dang it! I'm going to take you with me Gamma! And by the way, thank you for confiming everyone's Role. There were 6 Spiked. I am number 5. EDIT: Maw and Selvar, you put your roles in your Signatures. May I ask Why?
  8. So no spoiler tags, as this is in the WoR Page. And I apologize for Misspellings, I listened to these books. So in the finale of WoR, we learn that the Stormwarden believe there to be only one Hihg storm that Circles the Globe, and they can predict it mathmaticly. However, by the Time it reaches Shinovar, it's depleted toa Normal Storm. so there must be an area between Shinovar and the Shattered Plains where the Storms reform, due to either Strong Winds or Invesiture. Then, at the end of the 500 year cycle, the storm slowly disperses, so it's weakly over the whole globe. This causes the Weeping. On light day, the Storm starts to Reform, and begins the Cycle anew. But now, because the Stormfather made a high storm on light day, the Stormwardens won't be able to predict their dates, Because not only will the regular weeping storm reform, and sweep the globe normally, but the Storm Father's Storm will also be going around the globe. If it were just these 2 storms, the Wardens could make new calculations to Predict the Stormwalls, but the Everstorm is also going the Wrong way, eventually, it will collide with one of these storms, and Grow, and then it will hit the next, and grow, but those two storms will keep going. So now, Roshar has to deal with 3 Continent sized Hurricanes, only two of which they're prepared to withstand. Even if we assume Taravangian's Diagram knew of this, and he's prepared Karbrunth and Jah Kaved, most of the World is going to be wiped out in a year. Only the Warcamps (Hiding in Urithiru) might Survive. Does this make sense to any one? Or am I just crazy.
  9. Joe sat on a Pile of Dirt in the Graveyard. Rauuber had died. Now it was Joe's Responsibility to dig the Graves. so Joe got to work, melting aluminum, digging the Grave, preparing the body. It said something that Raubber had run out of Coffins. He, like everyone else, hadn't expected the Killings to go on this Long. Why hadn't they gotten the spiked by now. they had a seeker, twolurchers and a coinshot, against one shadow man. Or was it 2? and Who were they going to Lynch today? Probably Mabi, unless Gamma's Informant had figured out who the last spiked was. Baldrick Trotted up beside him, and stuck his head under neath Joe's Hand. He never had figyred out where Wark's Girls were living. and now Baldrick just stayed with him. so Joe scrathed his head, then Baldrick's. What kind of name is baldrick anywhay?
  10. So, can we assume that Dane is the Bloodmaker? And why did the Coinshot attack Raubber twice? Is gamma ordering these hits?
  11. Jeo sat in front of the Salmon, Basking in the morning Air. They didn't open until lunch, and Aili was setting up right now. So Jeo came out to view the new Customers. There were so many people about today, Young People and Old People, Intelligent and Insane, Gaudy and Drab. Every type of People. There was even someone who knew the truth of the World. I vote we post everything in White. "Ah Rick, good to see you, come over here and tell me more about when the Great Stick will come, and all these Weeds will be cleansed. I do Hope it will happen soon." Rick just looked at him. Than the man who knew the truth walked by, and Rick followed after him. Then a green cloaked figure appeared out of the Crowd, and sat down next to Jeo. "How is your Family, Jeo?" Jeo thought carefully before answering. "They are doing very Well" Code given, code answered, it was safe to talk. The man looked at the crowd going back and forth on the street. "There's a lot of new faces in Town. very few are ours. Try to Figure out who serves who. And make, Wait." Green stood up, and looked over the crowd, till he saw a what he was looking for. With a sigh, he sat back down. "Did you realize that Ver is here?" "Jeo blinked in surprise, the Storyteller, that was Ver! "Oh dear, I hadn't. Do you think he's Recognized me?" Inwardly Jeo went through his memories of the previous day, when the 'master' storyteller had arrived. "We haven't been very near each other, he's been eating at the Green Potato down the Street, but I'll try to Avoid him." "Good, keep an Eye on him, don't let him get killed. And have you infiltrated the, err, ambassadors yet?" "Yes Sir, don't worry, I'm completely trusted. Is this anything Else? Could I offer you a Meal perhaps?" Jeo stood up, and offered his hand to the cloaked man. "No no, I already ate, how do you stand this Seafood? Nevermind, I have to go. I'll send someone in a week or two." With that, and a flourish of his cloak, the man Disappeared into the crowd. Green himself visited? These negotiations must be more important than he thought. And why was Ver here? Jeo sighed, and went back inside. They would be opening for the day soon.
  12. So we have quite a Crowd so Far, 30 people, all of whom will be supping in my Restraunt yes? (The Only Joe) Jeo ~ Local Chef (Gamma Fiend) Gammer ~ Old Woman (Alvron) Fron ~ Dye Worker (Bartbug) Bartholomew ~ Chedesh Remnant (Metacognition) Cog ~ Local Craftsman KILL HIM!!! (AonarFaileas) Aodan ~ Scholar (SirVarrock) Vard ~ Local Smith (Mailliw73) Aili ~ Minor cook at the Red Salmon (el_warko) Elo ~ Short Bard (Swimmingly) Swimim ~ Crazy Poet (Awesomeness Summoned) Summon ~ Messenger (GreyPilgrim) Grim ~ a Guard (Wyrmhero) Wyrm ~ Scholar (PorridgeBrick) Rick ~ A Stick (Nepene) Alan ~ Librarian (little wilson) Wil’son ~ Fabric Merchant (Aspren) Asgren ~ Traveling Historian (Quiver) Ver ~ Inept World Hopper (Dyring) Dyrii ~ The Mad Hatter (Edgedancer) Ben ~ Non-denominational Priest guy. (Tril) Tril ~ A Wanderer (Herowannabe) Rowan ~ Silent Hunter (a smart guy) Sart ~ an 'Artist' (Macen) Cen ~ Lore-craftsman (Adolin_Dustbringer) Jim Bob Dirt ~ Dirt Salesman (Nard1993) Dainard ~ Stable Boy (JasonPenguin) Peng ~ a Thief KILL HIM!!! (Sphinx) Sifa ~ a Brewer (Chid) Chide ~ The Paranoid Also a Stick (the Gleeman) Thomas ~ Meddling Wanderer EDIT: Tell me if I Missed someone, and I'll update the List.
  13. "Oh Dear, Competition? Hmm. . . This Might be fun, Does Any one know who the Owner of this, Green Potato is? I should very much like to, (Dramatic Pause) Negotiate with Him. Just about What he sells and so Forth. I'm Fine if he's just selling Alcohol and Pahn Kahl Food, Because I don't sell that, but if he sells anything else, I'll have to have Words(oR) with Him. Why, I do Believe I'll Have to Leech away his Reserves, until he no longer feels the Thrill of attempting to Ruin me." Bad Puns for Everyone!
  14. The Grands were a Race that lived on Sel, Like the Jindo's or Dula's. They Were Extremely Corrupt, Getting jobs based on who spent the most Bribe Money. As an Idrian Monk, I'm above such Things.
  15. So Sir Selvar, the Nobleman. As one of The Lord Ruler's Obligators. I demand that you Serve me some of these, Chicken Feet. I have not heard of them. Did Scadrial have Chicken? and We should end the Night. EDIT: oh, SirVarrock isn't a Nobleman any more. My post makes no sense now.
  16. Let's all Assume he did, and Upvote both of us a hundred times Each. ;~) EDIT: Hey! I'm an Obligator!
  17. Spoiler tags don't work in Email Notifications. I leanred all this Before I finished WoR. :{
  18. Joe sighed in Satisfaction, and put down the massive Tome. It had taken forever and a Day to read that, but it was Worth it. He knew so much more. He smiled, he needed to get back home one of these days, and test out this new Knowledge. I Finished Words of Radiance, Finally. Most of my Theroies have been disproven though.
  19. "Spiked or not, try to Return Baldrick to the Girls, I don't even know where his Girls are! Come on Boy, Point to them" Baldrick just looks at Joe Gloomily. "Why Am I even Talking to you? You can't lead me to them. This whole Idea Was Dumb. Oy! Wark Ghost, Come Direct me!"
  20. I've been going through all the Posts looking for White Words, It's Surprising who uses them. Potato? Really? What does that even Mean? Peng, Can you Use the Last post as the Official Right up? It's Great. EDIT: Ninja'd by the Right Up
  21. Not Sure if I'm Supposed to do this, But I'm Soothing ******, Because s/he's Voting For Mabi. Gamma Ordered me to Do So. So the Votes Currently are (2)Mabi - Maw, Chid and Wark (I'm soothing one of them) (4)Wark - Dane, Me, Meta and Gamma
  22. 6th Heightening, you know how many Awakened objects Exist. Holy Austere, this game will be awesome.
  23. I'm In First! I'm Jeo, chef at your Local Restruant, The Red Salmon. I sell all sorts of Food, including Potatoes. And I'm a Generally Likeable Person. I'm more than Willing to let Everyone Meet here. Yes, I'm attempting to Replace the Inn. EDIT: Spelling
  24. Huh, it looks like Holy Symbols and Molten Aluminum don't Stop[ Ghosts. Maybe if we built Shrines, and Left Offerings to the Ghosts, that would Stop them? How Big do you want your Shrine? I'll build it out of Lead if you Want.
  25. Alethi High Court Vs. Diagram Game. Minor WoR spoilers in this Game. Claw your way up the Political Ladder, killing people who trust you, take their Jobs, And Kill the Diagram. Any Thoughts? EDIT1: Good Idea Aonar, I Put it in.
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