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A Joe in the Bush

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Everything posted by A Joe in the Bush

  1. So I've heard rumors that there are drawings in the books, Is this True? I listened to the Books, so I don't know. If it is true, Could someone post them here? Thanks!
  2. If you were at the 8th Height as Shashara was, and you Awakened a Lifeless using 10,000 breath, Like Nightblood was, Could you make a new Person?
  3. Can you Take back a Divine breath After awakining with it, if you still had more breaths?
  4. I think the Person Hoid is referring to is Khriss, the Main Character of White sand. Brandon has said that she's More Cosmere aware than Hoid. And White Sand was the First Book in the Cosmere, (Though it's not yet published) So she would be pretty old. Refrences: Go Here, and look at Post 9 and 10.
  5. @Nepene Yes @Chid You're the only person who hasn't posted this cycle. @Clan, I mean, what if all the Idrians die, then the Hallandren team kills the Pahn Kahl?
  6. What if the Pahn Kahl are defeated and there's the same number of people on both sides? Or what if all of the Hallandren/Idrian Team Dies before the Pahn Kahl?
  7. Now that Smart Guy has posted, the only Players we haven't heard from this Cycle are Chid and Nepene.
  8. With so much Breath lost, will there be more breath in the Lottery?
  9. TLR Has enough Skill and Power with Allomantic steel and Allomantic iron, that he can tell weather a Metal is in flesh or not, and What type of metal it is. So whenever he see's a chunk of Calcium stop being Inside somone, he knows that their tooth has fallen out, so at night he takes his sleigh, rides to the person, and takes their tooth, leaing a Boxing in it's stead. He's da Tooth Fairyas well! Also, sorry for Thread Necroizing. I couldn't resist.
  10. Jeo watched everyone Scuttle about, first accusing this person, than that person, Currently it was looking like Swimim would be Hung. What do I know about Swimim? A Poet, rarely seen and he's a Fish. That's not all that Suspicious. What was suspicious was how fast everyone was piling on him. Until he knew a bit more, Jeo wouldn't participate in anymore bloodbaths. "I don't know who could be a Pahn Kahl, you all seem like good people. I don't know what to do. So I Won't Vote Today." Unless something happens, like a slip of the Tonuge, or a Spy saying, Chaos is Spiked!
  11. You know, Hippies would hate awakeners, always draining their Tye die Shirts. EDIT: @ Bart, you voted for Meta, then for Aodan, but you never Formorlly retracted your First vote, so I don't know if Clan will count it.
  12. Aodan faked being a Agent to freak out the Hallandren. I'll vouch for that. That being said, he could be a Pahn Kahl attempting to Worm his way into the trust of two groups. But I doubt it. Cog is still more Suspicious, But I'm not going to Vote untill tomorrow when there's more information. I Love that new reply Button. Good catch Hero.
  13. This was definately the Right Hotel, but Jeo checked the adress a third time. This was where the Hallandred Priest lived, the man Jeo had nearly gotten killed. Well, he had been wrong about that, and had decided that the best way to find a lasting peace between their nations was to first root out the False Idrians. So he would Apologize to Ben, then ask him for help. So Jeo scrunched up the note, and headed up to the second Floor. and promply got lost. 5 minutes later, after asking directions from a cleaning woman, Jeo was at the right door. He hesitated, then Knocked on the door. After about a minute, a priest, not Ben, opend the Dor. "Yes, What do you want?" Yes, I spelt Dor that way on Purpose. "Oh, um, Hello Holy one, I've come to apologize to Ben, and ask for his aid. I Acted rashly, seeing one of my Countrymen Murdered, So I Lashed out, and one of my Employee's claimed that Ben was Suspicious, So I supported her, but now I've calmed down, and see that we shouldn't pursue this Multi Country Brawl, untill the PK are dead." Or untill most of them were dead. "Could you just tell him that?" "The Preiset thought for a Moment, then Nodded, "One minute sir, I will let him know." The Door closed behind him, and Jeo sat down to wait for a Reply. Truce? Currently, I don't know who to Vote for, But I'm going to Ignore the Whole Subplot, For Now, And Focus on PK. Also, I actually Am a drab, so I'll enter the Lottery tonight. Unless someone want to give me Breath?
  14. Yup, I just turned Argent into a Cryptic. Now can you guys turn me into a Houselord? (100 Rep)
  15. Oh, oops, I'll apologize for my Errors by upvoting your post.
  16. Jeo Woke with the Sun, and looked around his Kitchen. Everything was in order, he hadn't been attacked last night. That was good. So he rose up and left the Restraunt. And in the Middle of the Street, was a corpse. Jeo Gasped in Shock "Murder!" before scrambling over, and rolled the Body over, Vard. The smith was dead. One of his Countrymen was dead. Dang, He's the Hallandredn Agent? That explains why he started a Mini PM group among us. I'm not sure how to RP finding out his Role.
  17. You Mistake us Sir. I am being Honest, but Others might not be. If you say you're giving your Breath to Someone Publiccly, but then Don't, then the PK will still think you're a drab and not Target you.
  18. So I've been trying to figure out the other 8 shard names. I can't find a lot of my refrences, and All the Topics I found discussing this were dead. But I think I found One. First off, all the shard intents deal with Humanity. Odium hates, and is hated by H. Preservation Preserves H. So on, Secondly, I believe the that all the shards are paired, but not always with a shard from their planet. So Ruin and Presevation. Odium and Devotion. Dominion and Honor. Endowenment and ???. Cultivation and ???. So I was thinking, and decided to just ask my dad for Help. I asked "What's the opposite of To Cultivate?" And he replied, "To Neglect". Neglect. This works perfectly. To Cultivate is to Enhance, to make better. To Neglect is to Ignore. Brandon Sanderson has said before that there is a Shard that just wants to Survive. Neglect doesn't care about Humanity, it neglects them to survive. I don't think Neglect is the Right term, But I think it's close to the Intent. Side note: I aksed my dad what the Opposite of to Endow was, and he said "To Not Endow."
  19. "But, It's Blasphemy. Awakening goes against my very religion. How can I give you my Breath when Austre Himself is against it? I've heard your arguments, I believe them. Very well. If the King of Idris can use awakening to save his Kingdom, So can I. I will give you my breath Returned, but only to be used against those who fight the Treaty. Not my People. I give you my breath. Well then what are the Words? Oh, Ok, My breath to yours, my life become yours." Nothing happened. "Did anything Happen?" The figure, frowned out their clasped hands. "Those were the right words, why don't I have your Breaths? Wait, Jeo, what is your Birth Language? You need to say the words in your Birth Language." "Oh. OK then." Jeo made the switch. "My Breath to Yours, My Life becomes Yours." This time, he saw a stream of Colorful Air leave his body, and enter into The Man's. Drab, Jeo was a Drab now. Breathless. "Once the Pahn Kahl are defeated, I want my Breath back, you hear? And If I find out that you are a Pahn Kahl, well I'll hunt, no, I don't know how to Hunt. I'll send Rowan to hunt you down!" "Thank you for your Breath Jeo. I will put it to good use. Try not to vote for anyone else till we have more Info." With that, the Figure left the Kitchen into the Night. I barely understand the rules of awakening, so I decided to give my Breath to Someone I could Trust. Hopefully.
  20. I did say in my first post, Let's Ignore the Whole, if he runs out of metal he goes blind, he dies, Ect. In the Story i'm writing, What Porridge said happens, so I wanted to know if it would work.
  21. According to Gleeman (Thomas)'s Member title, he knows he's an Idrian, so it seems that he's been watching the Game without posting. For reference, his Title is: Master Storyteller and Meddling Idrian Explorer
  22. What are the Words we need to Say to enter the Lottery? Is it Just "Game 4 : the Only Joe; I'm entering the Lottery" in a PM? i find it funny that everyone who works at my Restauraunt voted for Ben. Sorry man, I'm glad ou Sruvived. An Night fell, and the People went to their homes or rooms, Jeo sat alone in the Kitchen, Thinking. Why had he voted for Ben? because Aili had? Dainard had been more Suspicious, But no one else believed him. But they needed to kil someone, if just to prove their Innocence. He hated decided which of his Friends and Customers weren't What they seemed. And Thomas still hadn't shown up. Where was that man?
  23. I'm to Tired to RP right now, but I was voting for a Hallandren Person because The Hallandren can't be the Spy, who we need to Find the Kahn Pahl. We should Lynch someone for Information, But we need 2 votes. Thomas night be the Spy because he's Idrian, so not him. I was voting Nard because he was Inactive, but now he's posted. If Meta is Good, then he'll be a Huge help to the Village, So I'll Retract my Vote for Nard1993 (Dainard) and vote for Ben (EdgeDancer). Sorry Eddy.
  24. Can we make a Game where Literally Everyone has a Power? That would be a Fun game. And Gamma, Nicroburst 3+ Vials, Target burns off all their Metals Publicly. Basically reveals their Role.
  25. (Nard1993) Dainard Thomas or Dainard? On one hand, Dainard had lived here his whole life, and was Young, But on the Other hand, he was a Hallandren, and There were few Idrian Awakeners. Thomas, though Idrian Had recently arrived, right before the killings, and he had wandered in from the Direction of T'Telir, where the other Ambassador was supposed to be. Both of them were missing. But Jeo couldn't stand to vote for a Countryman, maybe tomorrow, if he didn't show up. "I think, we might want to Consider that Dainard is the Killer." 8 Hours left. Tick Tock People.
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