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A Joe in the Bush

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Everything posted by A Joe in the Bush

  1. The crowd seemed content to just wait around until night, when the Evil people would Strike again, Well Jeo wouldn't stand for it. Jeo exited the Kitchen to talk to the crowd, just in time to see Aili, confused Aili accuse Ben? Why had she done that? Personally, Jeo had been suspicious of that Stable boy Dainard. He was a Hallandren and no one had seen him since the Murder. Though Thomas the Wanderer hadn't shown up either, but an Idrian wouldn't sabotage the Peace effort! they needed this much more than the Hallandren did. And now he was hearing rumors that the Hallandren were organizing secretly? that was dangerous. What were they Planning? I'm accusing, not voting for, The Gleeman and Nard1993, because they still haven't posted. If in 5 hours they still haven't posted, I'll vote for one of them to Gain Information. About 11 hours left.
  2. No votes yet, and I beleive we have 18 hours left. @Clan. In the General Rules page, it states you have to have at least 2 votes on someone for that person to Die. Is this True?
  3. So we haven't heard from Alvron, Gleeman, Peng, or Nard1993. The Lunch crowd was in, and Jeo made careful note of who was where, if another Murderhappened, he wanted to know who it wasn't. He could see most of the group, though some, Like Grim, were over at the Murder scene. But no seemed to know where Fron and Thomas were. As fellow Idrians, Jeo wanted to know they were safe. There were also two Hallandrens missing, Dainard and Peng, but they Were hallandred, and could probably protect themselves with Awakeining. EDIT: Alvron has been online and Viewing for an hour now. But not Posting.
  4. You get an Upvote for the Sheer amount of Confusion you gave me. You'll never find all my White Text There are 5 lines of it! HasheveryoneePosted?lOrldoowe havetsomehpeopleewhorareeInactive? MUAH HAHAHAHA Here's the Last. Will you give me Breaths?
  5. I just Upvoted Brandon Sanderson 61 times (All of his Posts) but he didn't change from a Steel Inquisitor.
  6. I'm not sure what OOC means, But I think you're referring to the Blue text. I'm just using that for non-RP purposes. I want to try to RP more this game, so all my Votes and Actions will be In the Black RP text. The Town was growing Restless, with one Ambassador dead, and the Other missing, it would be safe to assume that there was foul play afoot. And things had gone so Well since the Idrian Queen had Married the God King. There had been rumors that Pahn Khal had attempted to Sabotage the Wedding in Hallandren, could they have targeted the Peace Negotiations as well? it all seemed so maddening. Now people were saying that they should kill someone, even though they had no evidence to anyone's Guilt. Holy Austre Please, send us Guidance. I know I haven't always kept the Faith, I use bright Colors, and am Wealthy, But I have always cared for you and Yours. Your people need this Peace! They needed Guidance, and a Leader. soon.
  7. Can we do what Meta did, where there's a Topic for each Day\Night Cycle? And I too, only have one breath, But I'd rather not die. EDIT: And do we want to vote for an Inactive today? or Skip lynching for the Day? Right now all my Suspicions are RP suspicions, so, I'll hold off voting.
  8. So 1 breath per Idrian plus any Returned among them, So about 13 breaths (Divine breaths can't be given right?), the Hallandren have random number, but I think it's safe to Assume they have on average 3 breaths each, so lets say 45 breaths? So about 60 breaths in the Game. I'd ask Claincy to do his Statistics, but he's a Sliver now. And Yes, there are PM's unless Hallandren was unlucky enough to all start with one breath. with 30 of us total, assuming that there are between a Sixth (1/6) and a Quarter(25 cents) of us are Evil, we can assume there are 5-7.5 Pahn Khal. I only have one breath : (
  9. Jeo stared at the Message. the Ambassador, dead? Well that was, that was very Bad. Jeo was a Patriot, he had been born in Idris, but had also lived in Hallandren. He wanted them to be at peace for the Good of them Both. That was why he had moved here 5 years earlier, to prove to the Hallandren People that Idrians were good as well.
  10. So Idrians and Hallandrians both win if the Pahn Khal Die correct? Or do they also have to kill each other?
  11. I Know. That's why I said that. Because of that Goal, I have a Reason to never stop Playing.
  12. I would play a Max of 3 games at a time. And I won't stop playing until I've played more games than anyone else.
  13. I Suppose I could if need be, be a GM for my Diagram Game. Actually yeah, Sign me up. Though I would only be able to do it in Northern Summer. EDIT: Clan, are you going to Update your Game rules with the new Additions?
  14. As the Sun set, Jeo wandered around the Restaurant. Tomorrow, the negotiations would begin. much more would be happening, either for good or for Ill. It seemed sad that there were so many people involved. Did the two countries distrust each other enough to each send 15 people? It seemed like it would only take an Ambassador and several bodyguards. So who was everyone else? A loud knock came from the Main Doors. Jeo had closed down for the Night and sent Aili Home, so who could this be? Another knock came, but a voice accompanied it this time. "Jeo? It's important. I have a Package for you. Can I come in?" Jeo frowned inwardly. Who was 'Important' and why was he working so late at Night? And most Importantly, what color was his Cloak? But he was a visitor, so Jeo went and unlocked the Locks, and Opened the Door. "Come in, Come in. Can I get you something to Eat? Or to Drink? It's Chilly Outside and I wouldn't want you catching a Chill for My Sake." The Man wore a Strange clock, of many stripes and Dark colors, and Jeo had never seen him before. But he did have a Package under his Arm, so he was probably telling the Truth. The ash Cloaked man sat down heavily, and put a Package on the Table. "No, no, don't worry about me. I Just need to deliver this Package." "Very Well, What is it?" "Don't Know, and I'm not allowed to Either. I was told to Deliver the Package, then Leave before you opened it. It was for your eyes only. Who are you anyway? I was only told your Name and where to find you." Jeo Studied the Package in confusion. It was obviously from his Superiors, but What was it, and why was this man not allowed to know what it Was? "I'm nobody important enough to warrant a Midnight Delivery of a Confidential Package. Well, you can see yourself Out I suppose, I want to Open this." Jeo left the man without looking back to see if he had left,and Entered the Kitchen. He took a Knife from the Rack and opened up the Package. Inside, were four Bloody Spikes, and another Message. "Xntr Okam gm ZkabjVaqcr eagkcd" If my Roleplaying is Bothering anyone, Just tell me and I'll start putting it in Spoiler Tags. I'm the Last Poster in Game 3!
  15. Cusicesh is obviously a Splinter of a Sliver of a Shard of Aldonasium. Earlier people were saying that the Spren of the Old Knight became Shardblades, but we do know that a Significant Number of Shardblades are Missing, if this were true. I can't remember where, but Dalinar says that he could account for nearly 100 Blades, but Mathamaticians have decided there should be at least 1600. Some of the Spren might have formed Cusicesh
  16. You're Welcome Peng. Are you going to GM another game eventually? I will be the Last Poster
  17. The Series is going to be 10 Books long, with a break after the 5th, so If you stay healthy you'll be able to finish at least the First Story Arc. Good Luck and Welcome to the Forum.
  18. Welcome to the Forums Wren. You say you've read all of Sanderson's Work, but there are several Short stories on His Web Site, and White sand is Unpublished, so you have to Email him to read it. Nearly all of us fall into at least 3 of those Categories, So you'll fit in just Fine.
  19. Warbreaker is his best Work. Anyway, Welcome to the Forums Raven. On the Subject of Poetry, try writing us a few Keteks from tWoK or WoR once you read them.
  20. We now have 30 people signed up. How many do we need to have 2 games running at Once?
  21. Or I'll be the Final Post. JasonPenguin. You ran an Excellent Game, though 17S Died a lot during it. Thank you for weeks of Entertainment.
  22. You obviously exist if you have an introduction post I post there fore I am.
  23. Sorry for Quoting Something from a Long time ago, but some of us are dismissing Kaladin because he's the Obvious Choice, and The Sanderson never goes with the Obvious Choice. But Brandon knows this, and knows that because Kaladin is the Obvious Choice, He isn't the Obvious Choice. So He could get chosen. But Personally, I Agree with Quiver. Elhokar Seems to be the best choice.
  24. Oops, I've gooten used to Peng being the Strange God thing that blesses or kills us. Sorry Meta. What Sacrifice to I need to make to gain your Forgiveness?
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