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Posts posted by Haelbarde

  1. 3 hours ago, randuir said:

    Anyway, I had one question: Does the game end when the parole officer gets his win-condition? And if it doesn't, does he need to survive till the end of the game to win if he managed to lynch his target?

    The game doesn't end. It just means he has achieved his goal, and gets a win from the game regardless of which team wins and if he survives or not.

  2. 13 hours ago, Straw said:

    Darn it Flash! I wanted to be first! Whatever, I'll play as Name Name.

    He is the fastest man alive, so I'm not sure what you were expecting to happen... :P

    12 hours ago, Bridge Boy said:

    And out of curiosity, how long did you wait to start this game just so you could get the L35?

    I forget when exactly I put my name on the list, but I think it was about a year.

    12 hours ago, Bridge Boy said:

    I've heard it's amazing and I'm sure it is, but the book is a giant brick. As in, bigger than WoK or WoR sized brick.

    Also I've heard the first 15 chapters are description for a priest and his house.

    So definitely on my reading list as I have the book, but it'll take a while for me to really get to it.

    On a side note, PK read the whole thing in about a week.


    12 hours ago, The Flash said:

    So have I. It took me about 5 days of inconsistent reading. Marvel at my amazing talent for reading. I've read WoK in a day or so. Mind you that's pretty much the only talent I've been developing all my life so lol. 

    You guys are doing better than me - I found it hard to engage with the 15 chapters of priest description stuff. I'm more familiar with just the musical (mostly the Original London Cast recording, though I got to see it in London in January, which was really cool!). I should probably get to the book at some point....

    2 hours ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

    Quick question before I read the rules...are there spoilers for Mistborn in here? I'm only on the well of ascension.

    Probably, at least partially anyway. It's set during Shadows of Self (Mistborn 5), though I wouldn't say we're dealing with any major plot stuff from any of the books. Stuff from the end of Book 3 might get indirectly spoiled I guess, and some of the general setting stuff for the Era 2 stuff. But the important plot details from Books 4 and 5 shouldn't be touched on at all. Edit: This is in general. As far as the rules themselves, the only bit that would spoil anything is the opening two paragraphs of RP, which give the setting info from Books 4 and 5. The rules otherwise don't spoil Mistborn. They may potentially spoil bits of Les Mis though.

  3. Player List

    1. Jay (The Flash) - has at least two steelminds - a ring, and a helmet
    2. Name Name (Straw) - has a name
    3. Albin Brodeur (Jondesu) - Skaa Crew Member
    4. Siv (Cloudjumper) - has unrealistic expectations
    5. Luigi (Shqueeves) - roots for the underdog
    6. Edmond Dantès (asterion137) - is seeking revenge for a wrongful imprisonment
    7. Carcer (Paranoid King) - is all for rebelion
    8. Dariend Castel (StrikerEZ) - walks a dark path
    9. Roger Elariel (Elenion) - is not the Pauper Noble
    10. Alonine (BrightnessRadiant) - is probably not the real Eponine
    11. Alrin (Arinian)
    12. Aimes (Araris Valerian) - in above his head, wants to fade away
    13. Bartolomeus Teki (randuir) - is slightly suspici...
    14. Darius Castel (Ecthelion III) - is self-centered, with a brother
    15. Keera Wilde (little Wilson) - fights for the right to be free!
    16. Siena Mattel (Seonid) - is running away from love
    17. Lukas Fehrweight (Drake Marshall)
    18. Altea Meza (Crimsn-Wolf) - here because she was told to
    19. Jack (A Joe in the Bush)
    20. Dandi (_Stick_)
    21. Kliff (TheMightyLopen) - roped into manning the barricade, possibly by a cousin?
    22. Garshin (Yitzi2) - thinks he's in Elendel when he really isn't...
    23. Rorik (Dalinar Kholin)
    24. Mykal (Amanuensis) - is a missionary of the path
    25. Phil (STINK) - is simply Phil
    26. Julie (Arraenae)
    27. Locke Tekiel (OrlokTsubodai)
    28. Suterna (Elbereth)


    Sign ups close in:


  4. It’s the year 342, and the discontentment of the people at the injustice of Elendel is barely seething below the surface. As chaos errupts around the Basin, with the growing food shortages in the outer areas of the basin going unanswered by the government, now is the time to act!
    In Bilming, the largest port city, and home to many a university, you have made your home, and now you are fighting to keep it that way. Led by students inspired by Lord Elend and his fellows, supplies have been stockpiled, with plenty of guns and ammunition to go around. When the signal came, you rushed to do your part in setting up a barricade in a carefully chosen location. Now you make a stand as you wait for the people to rise up with you and overthrow the upper crust that doesn’t care at all for the working class.

    Welcome to L35: Miserables. Being unwilling to miss the opportunity to make that pun, here we have a game inspired by Les Miserables, set on Scadrial, in the Elendel Basin, around the time of the riots and chaos of Shadows of Self. But before you go any further, there's something from Doc, my Co-GM, to read. Be sure to check it out. There'll be a quiz later. It's also the shape of things to come.


    Look down, and see, this miserable game
    Look down, and show, some mercy if you can 
    Look down, look down, on all those who might play
    Look down, look down, upon the poor GMs

    How do you do, my name’s Haelbarde, 
    Here's my epic game of songs!
    Doc's my co-GM, he wrote this 
    Privately? It’s not up to scratch  (DOC: hey!)
    So here are the grounds, your new arena- 
    Do you hear the people sing?
    Singing of love, of lies, of tragedy
    This won’t end well, but what the hell
    Feeling lucky? Feeling bored?
    Play this game, play this game!!

    Look down, and show, some mercy if you can
    Look down, look down, upon your poor GMs

    When’s it gonna end? Who’s gonna survive?
    Players will come pouring in
    Most of them will die
    You will die, you will die, you will die
    You will sing, you will sing, you will sing

    Where are the players in the game? 
    Our entertainment for this show?

    Only sign up, and it’ll be you!
    Join in our chorus here below!

    See our enemies dead
    Help us win this game
    They’re giving us free parodies!
    Join our chorus now
    We will play, we will play, we will play, we will play!

    Signups go well, they’ll fill up fast.
    A week’s enough, so I say

    With all the singing in the land
    It’s not too long before judgement day 
    Before our taste for blood is sated
    Before the songs of grief arise!

    Watch out for RP, it’ll be great
    It’s a bit whimsical, this request
    Try to sing ‘least once a cycle
    It’ll be fun and no mistake!
    It’s not something that’s compulsory
    But let’s all each do our share
    Other than that, you know your way about
    All we need, is you to join 
    Don’t have time? We don’t care
    Play this game

    Look down, and see, this game of blood and song
    Look down, look down, upon your fellow man…

    The Rules:
    The Friends of the ABC are manning the barricade to oppose a corrupt government. It’s the job of the Constabulary to end this riot by any means necessary. While they are able to keep the Friends pinned down, they don’t have the numbers to overwhelm them. So instead they have to rely on Infiltrators who have joined the ranks of the Friends to sabotage their efforts from the inside. As long as there are infiltrators in their midst, the Friends cannot hope to hold the barricade.
    Each cycle will be 96 hours, broken up into 48 hour ‘day/night’ turns. Note that flavour wise, this will be more like 6 hour blocks of time so that 4 full cycles will be a day of in game time. 
    During ‘day’ turns, everyone may place a single vote on someone to lynch. The player with the most votes is killed. In the case of a tie, one of the tied players will be chosen at random. Votes are placed in red, and retracted in green. If you place multiple votes, only the earliest vote will be counted. Don't go back to older posts and edit in retractions - if you need to vote then retract, do so in the same post, otherwise post the retraction in a new post.
    During ‘night’ turns, the Infiltrators get to attempt a kill on one player.
    The game will be starting on a day turn.


    There are two types of roles in this game - standard and thematic.
    Standard roles can be had by either team, whereas thematic roles are specific roles that work with each other, and make reference to characters from the Les Miserables musical.
    Standard Roles:
    The following roles all start the game with a randomized number of charges.
    Tineye (Day) - You may spend a charge of Tin to allow all players to PM during the night cycle.
    Soother (Day) - You may spend a charge of Brass to cancel a vote.
    Rioter (Day) - You may spend a charge of Zinc to change a vote. 
    Smoker (Both) - You may spend a charge of Copper to protect yourself from Rioters or Soothers, and yourself and one other from detection by Seekers.
    Seeker (Both) - You may spend a charge to Bronze to find out what metal a player is burning. If your target was protected by Copper, they appear as if they didn’t burn a metal.
    Thug (Both) - You may spend a charge of Pewter to survive an attack this cycle. By default, all charges will be used to protect from a lynch (this can optionally be turned off at the request of the player).
    Thematic Roles:
    Pauper Noble (Village) - Part of a smaller noble family, you’ve broken contact with your family over political differences. Refusing to receive any gifts of money from your family, you’ve put yourself through your education with what money you can scrounge up, or with the help of the friends you made in the Friends of the ABC. Now you fight as one of the leaders in this uprising, willing to die for your cause.

    • Has one of the standard roles.
    • If found by the Convict’s Ward, or if targets them, changes to Pauper Noble (Neutral).
    • If survives an attack due to the Thief's Child, becomes Lovers with them (you die if they die, and get a permanent PM with them).

    Scavenger - Having lived on the streets for all your life, you’ve got well accustomed to avoiding sight when necessary, and finding things. Having joined this fight for the rights of the lower class, you risk your life to scrounge up some extra resources for the fight.

    • During the ‘night’ turn you can attempt to recover some Steel for the Ringleader. This comes with a chance of dying. The success rate starts at 100%, and drops by 33% each time (so at most 3 charges may be recovered over the game). If you die, no Steel is recovered on that turn. If the Ringleader has not used a charge, the recovered Steel is wasted.

    Ringleader - One of the leaders of the Friends of the ABC, you happen to be the only Coinshot at the barricade for the time being, and you’ve already burnt through your reserves. If you can get some, you might just use it to mete out some justice if you happen to find someone sabotaging your barricade. 

    • Whenever Steel is recovered by the Scavenger, you may use it to make a kill during the ‘night’ turn. You can only hold one charge at a time.

    Parole Officer - 14 years ago, a prisoner who was out on parole from the labour gangs failed to check in at the appointed time, and has been running ever since. You almost caught them 8 years ago, but they slipped your grasp. You had just found their trail again when riots broke out, and they decided to fight at the barricade. You’ve infiltrated the barricade to try and finally catch this criminal.

    • You win if your target is lynched and you took part. If your target is killed instead, you instead win if you get lynched - you get to kill one of the players that votes on you. You know the identity of your target.

    Escaped Convict - 8 years ago you made a promise to protect someone. That someone has run into the middle of a dangerous riot, blinded by love. You’ve followed them so that you can make sure they make it out alive, at the expense of your own life, if need be.

    • You win if you survive or if your Ward survives.
    • You know the identity of your Ward. If they are attacked, you stop the attack but are injured as a result - you cannot vote for the next two cycles. This is ability is passive, and can only happen once. If your Ward becomes Lovers with the Pauper Noble, this ability is automatically extended to protect them as well.
    • You are the target of the Parole Officer. Your votes don’t work on them. You do not know their identity.

    Convict’s Ward - You saw them once, then they were gone. Can people really fall in love so soon? Could they have known that moment was your destiny? You have come to the barricade searching for this phantom you passed in the street. You’d never forgive yourself if you didn’t even try to find them.

    • Your win condition is to find the Pauper Noble. Each turn you may scan a player searching for the Pauper Noble. If you find the Pauper Noble (scan them, be targeted by them, or they die), your win condition become to survive the game.
      • If you find the Pauper Noble before they die, you become lovers with them (you die if they die, and get a permanent PM with them).

    Pauper Noble (Neutral) - Struck to the bone in a moment of breathless delight, your world changed in just one burst of light. What was right seems wrong, and was wrong seems right. You’ve found the love of your life, and you would die if anything were to happen to them.

    • You win if you survive.
    • You become Lovers with the Convict's Ward (you die if they die, and get a permanent PM with them).
    • You lose your previous ability and alignment.

    Thief's Child - At night, as you live inside your head, you walk with them till morning, happy with the company you're keeping. But they've never seen you there. As they go to fight at the barricade, you follow along, hoping to win their affection, or die trying.

    • You win if you survive or if the Pauper Noble survives
    • You are a Lurcher. Each night, you may spend a charge of Iron to block an attack on your target.
    • If you save the Pauper Noble from an attack, you become Lovers with them you die if they die, and get a permanent PM with them).

    Thief - You never know your luck when there's a free-for-all. Here a little tip, there a little touch. Most of them are goners, so they won't miss much! You've not come to the barricade for glory. It's a world where the dogs eat the dogs, you're out to get a profit, and it's easy to steal from a corpse.

    • You win if you survive and stole at least 4 unique metals over the course of the game.
    • Each night cycle, you may target a player and attempt to steal something from them. If they have an allomantic metal, you will steal one charge from them. You can only steal from a player once.

    The game will start in a week. Once I've worked out what will work best to start the game (next Saturday is a bit messy for me), and the best times for my Co-GM, I'll edit in a countdown, and give a final rollover time.

    One last thing to note - I have a couple more ideas for thematic roles that I may also include in the game. I will make a further post about these later if I decided to include them.

    Quick Links:


  5. 4 hours ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

    2. @Haelbarde you said that we could RP to get a tuition reduction rather than voting but there are more reasons than tuition fees to vote for people...I feel like with all that's been said and done in the thread now is as good a time as any to start voting on our suspicions...If I was an Elim I would want the villagers to hold off on voting for as many turns as possible while I silently sabotaged them one cycle at a time...just thought I should mention that thought to everyone...we should probably take the votes more seriously now. It shouldn't just be about tuition reductions anymore.

    People still care about tuition reductions, even if you don't.  And most people probably aren't suspicious of anyone and won't be for a few more cycles either.  But I agree votes should be more serious,  so RP for tuition reduction is preferable to random / bandwagon votes.


    4 hours ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

    5. @OrlokTsubodai I totally agree with your post about how we will eventually get info from going back through the thread once we actually do find a skindancer...I think we should focus more on discussing and voting our suspicions now because of this. Also you made a good point that the expulsions would inconvenience the elims more than the village because of the synergy they could have through their different talents on their teams. I would also like to point out that one of the win conditions for the skindancers is that they can win by bringing down all of the fields by becoming masters in them.. so shouldn't we be trying to get them expelled to keep them from being able to become masters? 

    As a skindancer last game,  we found the destruction of all 9 schools to be an impossible task. Concern yourself more about them removing everyone. Preventing them from becoming Masters is still important,  but to prevent them having control of DP,  elevations,  and having more skills.


    @Cluny the Scourge

    Please edit the quote from your GM PM immediately,  as that's a violation of the rules of these games. (Edit 3: Thanks.)

    Edit 2:

    And as the others have said,  saying your field lets people barrow down what everyone else is. For instance, there are only 7 people who could have been elevated in Naming, making it even easier for them to work out who,  for example.

    Edit 3:

    I did say 9 hours ago that Aturan nobles could get a gram last cycle with a loan…

    I'm also not really feeling the Burnt lynch. I think I would have bought the gram as there's only one,  and it's not necessarily going to be replenished in the near future,  whereas the bodyguards are always available,  although can get expensive.  But that's not really a concern for a Vintish.

  6. I checked through the elim doc from lg18, and when I went to the imre in that game,  I got my talent pipes, a loan from Devi,  a gram and 2 nahlrout all in one turn. So any of our five Aturans could also have purchased the gram, by getting a loan.

  7. I'm not a 100% on the rules for the Imre,  but can one go to Devi's and purchase something from the black market /the apocathery on the same turn? Because if so,  then an Aturan Nobleperson could also purchase a gram. Commoners still wouldn't.

  8. 7 hours ago, randuir said:

    The risk with your plan is that the masters don't regard the amount of votes when spreading their DP around. So one guy with 40 votes, and one guy with 1 will on average each get 20 DP from the masters. If the votes get spread out a bit more, this sin't as big of a risk, but then you need to really stack on the votes to get someone expulsed. Having only 1-2 people with votes on them also opens up possibilities for elim manipulation, which isn't necessarily easy to tell. For example, STINKs gut-vote could be an elim-plot to get Jondesu lashed or expelled if we follow your advice to not spread the votes too much. it could also just be a gut-vote, as I can't really tell with stink.

    Regarding Queensteph, I'll get around to that once I've had time to properly go through her posts.

    If you put 40 votes on someone, then they will be expelled regardless of where masters put ep (2 complaints = 1 DP). You can probably expell someone with less too. If you then want to make it non-lethal for other candidates then you spread votes around over the rest of the players.

  9. All good.  A jot and an EP isn't a big deal,  and to be clear,  I don't want to discourage discussion or votes based on suspicion,  so if you're suspicious,  go right ahead!  Though earlier in the cycle would be preferable,  so I can respond (end of cycle is 4-6am or something for me)

  10. If this ever gets rerun,  you should make the Edema performance bonus a fixed minimum,  rather than a small bonus.  It makes no sense for Edema,  who get a lodging discount due to their performing ability to be useless performers,  and presumably below average.

  11. Interesting. All nine fields raised someone. Unfortunately, one was not me... D:

    Seeing as I have it prepared, I shall post this now...

    @Arinian (and @Jondesu and @randuir, though it's unclear exactly what your thoughts had been)


    I think he meant that Hael done good amount of RP so 2 talents not big damage for him.









    Let's stop and consider the financial status for each of the different classes, shall we?

    The first thing is that everyone can reasonably expect to accrue 3 talents worth of tuition reductions. This is done by posting, sending a PM, filing a complaint, and impressing a master (putting EP into a field) at least once per cycle.

    Now, let's start from the top.

    Vintish Noblepeople get an obscene 30 talent stipend. Even staying at the Horse and Four, in addition to not doing anything, on top of their 33% tuition increase, they still gain 5 talents per term. Oh and they have a 20 talent buffer in case they need it.

    Aturan Noblepeople 'only' get 20 talents per term. But if they get the aforementioned 3 talent reduction, they are also able to stay in the Horse and Four and still gain 1 talent per cycle to add to their 13 talent stockpile.

    Yillish Commoners get a stipend of 11 talents. With 3 talents of reductions, they can stay at the Ankers without losing anything, or could stay at the Mews to get an easy profit. If they were keen, 5 RP posts per cycle would allow them to break even while staying at the Golden Pony. They also have a buffer of 7 talents.

    Cealdish Commoners get a stipend of 9.8 talents. They can stay at the Mews for a 2 talent gain, or the Ankers and break even by making 1 RP post per cycle, and posting a few times about game stuff. 6 RP posts per cycle would get them to the Golden Pony. They also have 6.5 talents of wiggle room with fees.

    Edema Ruh get 4.5 talents per term. 4.5.

    So staying at the Mews (half price) and getting that 3 talents of reductions brings the term fees to 7.5 talents. That means, to just breakeven, I, as an Edema Ruh, must make a minimum of 6 RP posts that are at least 200 words per term (3 per cycle).

    I made 3 total.

    I also did not file a complaint on the first cycle.

    So I was going to be losing money this term. But it was only going to be 1.5 talents, and so with my starting 3 talents, dropping to 1.5 talents was ok. Taking a complaint isn't that bad either. 1.4 isn't all that different. But getting put on the horns? Being put on the horns gets me kicked out of the uni, or onto the streets (which can well be a death sentence, given the Bloodthirsty God Dice that preside over this game).

    Now, you might say "But what about Talent Pipes? Get your Talent Pipes and your money problems are solved!"

    I will not be trying to get my Talent Pipes. Even though I submitted a song and Edema get a secret bonus to their performing stat, my stat is still so bad that it basically says I have no skill or ability at all.

    So yeah. Don't think, even for one moment that I, or any other Edema for that matter, is capable of absorbing being brought onto the Horns just because they've RP'd lots.


  12. @Ornstein That's not the point, I don't think. At this stage it's about spreading votes to prevent anyone being taken to the horns. And here's one I just prepared.

    Vote Tally:

    Wilson(1): Aonar{1}
    HH(1): Drake{1}, Drake{3.1}
    Burnt(1): Alv{1}
    Drake{0}: Rand{1}
    DA{5}: Burnt{1.1}, Joe{1.1}, Eol{1}, Drake{2.1}, Stick{1.1}, Arinian{1}
    Aman{4}: Burnt{1.2}, Joe{1.2}, PK{1.1}, PK{1.2}, Drake{2.3}
    Mage{1}: Wilson{1}
    Steph(1): Mage{1.1}
    Alv(1): Mage{1.2}
    Arinian(1): Drake{3.2}
    Ornstein(1): Rand{2.1}
    Cluny(1): Rand{2.2}
    stick(1): Arinian{2.1}
    Brightness(1): Arinian{2.2}
    Burgundy(1): Hael{1}

    @Arinian Have you removed your vote on DA? I haven't checked, but if you haven't, you'll need to do so.

    Think I'm going to put a vote on Burgundy both as a reminder to post more, and to spread the DP. (Edit: And to get a tuition reduction while I'm at it)

  13. The Masters have their 10(?) DP to throw around,  which is randomly distributed over those who have complaints on them (and I'm pretty sure it's just over the number of different players,  not weighted by the number of complaints) . Every two complaints then adds 1 additional DP on top of the randomly distributed stuff from the NPC masters.

  14. 2 hours ago, randuir said:

    Edit: Also, @Elbereth, the four elevation ranks are E'lir>Re'lar>el'the> master. However, can you get more than 4 elevations (for example, 2 elevations in 1 field, and 3 in another)?

    Edit2: also, since the masters got the lists of EP from the end of last turn, and make a decision this turn, does it only affect last turns EP? Say I've put 2 EP in a field, and put 5 more this turn, and I also get elevated in that field this turn, will I have 5 EP left in that field, or 2?

    Bah, don't have the energy to do every post.  I'm not El but I can answer those questions.  Ranks are uni wide,  not subject specific.  Doesn't matter if the Naming master raises you then Rhetoric master.  You've been raised twice,  so you're a Re'lar. Only way of getting more elevations is to become a master,  and then lose your rank,  and then be raised again (doesn't have to be the same field).

    As far as your second question, pretty sure that's correct.

  15. The assessment done,  he now had time to consider the report further. It was slightly worrying how many complaints had been thrown around last time,  and the tuition inflation associated with having a complaint filed against you had caused at least one Edema to be kicked out of the uni for a term due to the unexpected price hike. The complaint had been random and baseless too.

    He knew also that a single complaint in a given month could guarantee expulsion,  so were there any complaints,  there needed to be many complaints so the load was shared and no one was expelled without cause.  He mused that not complaining also left the skindancers an opportunity to potentially expell a student or even two,  of their choice.  Preventing that from happening would seem prudent.

    He checked the time and sighed.  It was time for his next class,  and he'd barely been able to finish the work. He was going to need help if he was to keep this up.

  16. Needing a break from the assessment he was working on,  Glavion returned to looking at the skindancer report for more details. One of the poorest skindancers, Pyra, had invoked Sympathy on Marcos Wayweather, who made a gift of his talent pipes shortly before dying under suspicious circumstances. An unfortunate series of events for sure,  but an interesting idea.  Maybe he too could find a sponsor for whom he could offer assistance too.  Maybe he would have to post an advert on a noticeboard or something. He made a note in his journal. 

    Another thing to catch his eye was a few of the notes the author of the report had made on the factors leading to the skindancers defeat.  To have destroyed the uni,  they would have been required to master each school in turn, and destroy it from within. But with four individuals and nine schools,  at least one would have been required to master three schools.  As destroying a school would have revealed their identity, achieving this would have been unfeasible. Had they have had more agents,  more schools would have been able to targetted simultaneously, and with six agents,  only three would be required to master a second field.  Further yet, were six skindancers to achieve mastery,  their sheer power would be truly overpowering. It seemed to him that were there six infiltrators,  then the University was already doomed.

    With a shake of his head,  he put the report aside.  He needed focus presently,  and report had the potential to stress him out further.  Turning back to his work, he attempted to clear his mind of fears of skindancers.

  17. Getting to his favorite spot in the library,  he was glad to see it was free. It appeared it had been used recently though,  as there were a few reports left on the table.  He tidied them up into a pile to place on the corner of the table so that he had space.  Most seemed fairly boring,  but one caught his eye.  It was a report written about the last series of skindancer attacks on the university. He had a flick through. There had been 24 individuals involved last time,  4 of which had secretly been skindancers.  All of them had been brought to justice, though not without cost. They had possessed a range of students,  from a Aturan Nobleman to an Edema Ruh,  with a pair of commoners. It would seem reasonable to expect a similar approach this time,  though maybe they'd have less extremes. This years intake also seemed to be a bit larger than during the last attack, and given their defeat last time he suspected they would send more this time.  There certainly wouldn't be less. 5 seemed a safe estimate, though 6 didn't seem unreasonable. 

    Checng the time, he'd already spent enough time looking at the report.  Further study would have to come later.

  18. Glavion left the hall,  bag over his shoulder and violin case in hand, which constituted the extent of his worldly possessions. Skindancers? Again? He had enough trouble getting through his studies and finding time to pay his way.  As it stood, he feared he'd be out of the uni by the end of the year,  unless he could find more money.  He didn't have the time to worry about skindancers too! He had assignments to work on,  with one due this afternoon.  So he found his way to the library to try get some work done.

  19. Alright,  I'll sign up.  Glavion will be attending the university.

    Something I want to say now is that I will be refusing to play along with any schemes that use linguistics to directly scan for skindancers (for example,  forcing everyone to include the phrase "I am not a skindancer" in a post,  and then not lie in posts). There is an entire faculty for finding skindancers.  Use that,  not linguistics.  Plus strats that encourage village trust groups to try force people to play a certain way is something I'd rather avoid. It was something that bothered me about the last game but as a skindancer I wasn't really in a position to effectively complain about it.

    Edit:  I'll try workout a background and maybe a cosmetic role tomorrow.

    Edit 2: @Elbereth

    Is the d10 1-10 or 0-9 like the actual numbers on a d10?

    Edit 3: Tag request - "Fun with tags! "

  20. The few times I've read some sections of the Qu'ran I've found it a bit vague and confusing as compared to what I'm used to with the bible.  Maybe it was just the bits I looked at.

    Re: the Jews and Israel, my faith is firmly with the Israel was always expected to be restored to the land, and that God has a plan for the Jews,  although more related to Christ returning to set up a worldwide kingdom, with a temple on Zion as the capital.

  21. 14 hours ago, Magestar said:

    If I want to know how many times one person has posted in the thread, I go to their profile an check the number of posts under the title of the cycle.  This only works for cycle by cycle stuff, and I'm not sure if there is an easier way.  I think if I wanted a post tally and wanted to know how many times people had posted I would just go through the thread adding ticks to a player list.

    I said an easy way :P

    Pre-update, you could click on where it says the number of posts in the thread, and it would display a breakdown of who had posted in the thread, and how many times they'd posted. Don't think that works any more :'(

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