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Everything posted by EHyde

  1. Sort of like how someone who knows what they're doing can keep a hula hoop going? I had visions of epic allomantic poi-spinning until I realized that having to pull towards your center of mass would keep that from working. However--if the allomancer was standing on a platform or otherwise suspended midair, would she be able to keep an object in orbit beneath her?
  2. Yup! Because this is battery-powered, multiple gems are slightly more of a challenge, because it has to be a working circuit (and I think the gems have to be connected in parallel if I want to keep the battery small, but correct me if I'm wrong on that) but I have some designs sketched out. I still need to order some white LEDs -- the gems are colored, but right now the only LEDs I have are green.
  3. I wonder if this would lead to live performances being much more popular than film/television (once they develop that technology) as opposed to in our world where for most people seeing a live show is a pretty rare occurrence.
  4. I would like to announce that I went in to JoAnn fabrics looking for yarn and I came out with awesome mistcloak fabric. Also yarn.
  5. EHyde

    mistborn pie

    It was probably as delicious as could be expected given the not-particularly-crisp apples we used.
  6. The gem has an LED inside it; it is connected by the copper chain to a battery on the underside of the wrist. I found some cut glass beads at the craft store with holes big enough for LEDs inside so I started experimenting a bit. I'd rather use a skinnier gauge of wire but this is what I had on hand; now I know the method works I will get some better materials.
  7. EHyde


    I took calculus in high school and passed the AP test ... which meant I didn't have to take any math at all in college so I have forgotten a lot of what I once knew.
  8. They are? Hey, I think potentially making these just got a whole lot easier.
  9. I am not a physicist or a scientist of any sort; I studied fashion in college. I come from a family of engineers and married into a family of physicists, so when reading all the physics-related discussions on the Mistborn topic, I see an awful lot of phrases that I've heard before ... but I still don't have a particularly great grasp of what's being talked about. I am interested in learning more. I'm not the type who can learn well just from reading wikipedia or textbooks, so I think I'm going to go with MIT's open course but ... basically Brandon Sanderson has inspired me to study a subject that all of the "science is cool" programs in high school failed to spark an interest in.
  10. Sorry -- I figured it was a joke, but hey, over-analysis is what tends to happen here
  11. It seemed pretty clear that it was always the left hand (otherwise you'd get a lot of misunderstandings, someone looking at a woman and thinking she was immodest when really she was just left-handed). And judging by the rest of their tech level we've seen, people aren't going to be buying mass-produced clothing. Custom-fitted clothing is much easier to come by when you're making everything yourself, or having it made for you, to begin with
  12. I read this post, including the "12 days of Christmas" comment, at 4am last night and for some odd reason was inspired to do this instead of keep working on NaNoWriMo. A Survivorist Hymn (to "In the Bleak Midwinter") In the Final Empire, under stars unshone, Scadrial stood barren, blackened world of stone. Ash had fallen, ash on ash, ash on ash, In the Final Empire, long long past. Hathsin could not hold him, nor the world contain; Yet his mists surround us, leave us not in vain In the Final Empire, strong against its might Lord of Mists, Survivor, lead us to the fight. Heirs in spirit, all, if freedom we have sought Lady Heir to guide us, leading as he taught. Righteous war knows of no greater strength than this Warrior Ascendant, borne by the mists. What have I to offer, to compare with those? What is strength, but keeping to the path you chose? In our world’s new dawning, all may do their part, Stand for life and freedom, with a mighty heart.
  13. Is the hand drawn in Navani's notebook meant to be her own? Because that's a left hand ... scandalous! Though I'm sure she never intended millions of readers worldwide to be seeing her private notebook ;-)
  14. Season 4 was my least favorite of Buffy (yes, I even liked season 7 better, though this is an uncommon opinion I think) but it does contain one of the best episodes IMO, Hush. But you have season 5 up next which is awesome. I think seasons 2 and 5 may be tied for my favorite. I like the story arc of 2 better, and 2 definitely has the best villain, but 2 also had an awful lot of filler episodes. Season 5 has almost no filler and it feels a lot more like the whole season is a single well-plotted story.
  15. Silus, I don't know if you'll read this before you head out, but safe travels and I hope it goes well!
  16. I'm not sure I really see this, but on the other hand, it would certainly guarantee that my sister would watch the movie.
  17. That is gorgeous. I like Jasnah's and Navani's dresses especially.
  18. Happy birthday, Peter! Dangit, somehow I got confused and thought it was a one-day thing, not a whole week! And it tells me I can only change my name three times in 30 days so if I change it back I'm Ookla'd for a month!
  19. EHyde

    mistborn pie

    We now know they have waffles ... but what about apple pie? This year we only made one pie with a top crust so the fork-stabby-picture had to be impressive. No standard pi or star for me! I chose cadmium based on someone here's misreading of cardamom as cadmium ... this pie contains neither but a cardamom-apple pie would probably be delicious.
  20. I would like to announce that my first Thanksgiving dinner (by which I mean the first one I have been in charge of preparing, instead of being a guest at someone else's) was a success! It was just the two of us, but we had a proper feast regardless. Good practice for if we have guests over next year.
  21. Nah, I am keeping Nathan Fillion in reserve to play Lightsong in Warbreaker. I like the suggestion of Hailee Steinfeld as Vin. She was amazing in True Grit. Jennifer Lawrence, who's playing Katniss in the Hunger Games, might also be good in the role. I thought she did a good job in X-Men.
  22. She wasn't my introduction to the genre but she was one of my first favorite sci-fi authors. I loved Pern as well as the Talents series. In fact, I think the first internet forum I ever joined was an Anne McCaffrey fansite. She will definitely be missed but she has left a great legacy.
  23. I've read 41 from that list. A couple more I started but didn't finish. I don't think this has changed at all since voting on the poll... I like the flowchart. Pretty clever.
  24. I saw something similar, also probably reading too much into it, but I saw them as representing the three magic systems, the spikes for hemalurgy, the crescents as cuffs/bracelets for feruchemy, and the dots as beads for allomancy.
  25. I voted for Final Empire, because I think for Alloy of Law to work on its own apart from the previous trilogy, you'd have to cut out or gloss over a lot of the stuff that made it particularly awesome, and it would end up coming across just as a fairly standard mystery in an unusual setting. Though Final Empire and the rest of the original trilogy would lose an awful lot if made into movies. What I'd really like to see is the trilogy as a tv series, followed by AoL as a movie or special.
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